
Relocation Quotes

There are 2923 quotes

"Moving to Colombia has definitely been one of the best choices that I've made in my life so far."
"Four months ago, I bought this abandoned auto repair shop and moved the family from Utah to Colorado."
"I feel like I have outgrown my space here... outgrown Atlanta."
"After a lovely chat, Leo agreed to make the move to Stardew Valley."
"It's not about personal fear, I'm rich, I can move to any country on earth."
"Once people get here, they fall in love with the place and decide they want to stay."
"Don't try to make it like where you came from. If you're fleeing Chicago, LA, San Fran, or Miami, make sure you don't turn it into what you fled."
"Don't be afraid to relocate if you see there's no opportunity where you are."
"If you want to bring your housing costs down further, research low-cost areas outside of your hometown."
"There's a move coming up for you. Also get travels or talks of travels or moved at some point."
"Despite promising he would never move the Cleveland Browns, owner Art Modell did just that."
"Some of you guys might already know, but I recently left the great state of Washington and moved back to my home state of Texas."
"My parents waited like a week or two still... 'where are we going to go live?'"
"In 586 the Babylonians pull a Godzilla and wreck Jerusalem and the temple and then they pull a Patrick Star and 'Push it somewhere else!'"
"The WWE Universal Champion has been drafted to SmackDown effective immediately. Get out of the ring and grab your bags, it's time to go to your new home!"
"I've never felt more at peace with myself, and with life, than when I moved here."
"When you move somewhere and you start over, it allows you to redefine the person you want to be."
"It's a nice story to hear about, moving and releasing back into their native range."
"Are you looking to move and need advice? I do consulting. Let's find you a new home that's safe and checks all your boxes."
"There's just a lot of rich and rewarding reasons to move to Arkansas, or at least come and try it out for a visit."
"It feels totally like where I am now in Santorini on the hill, there feels like home."
"Willingness to move is a good sign that you are willing to make your life better."
"I love this community, and I never ever in a million years thought that I was going to go from Ohio to Oahu."
"But, wow, I mean, how do you get that many people to get up and leave their home and move into the middle of nowhere? What persuasive powers that must have required."
"I wouldn't say I'm high-maintenance I have high standards I'm a businesswoman I made a big sacrifice like I moved across the city."
"You can come down to visit if you really like it here. But the important thing is to build your own community."
"Wyoming offers him a new chapter, one of creativity and peace. Dive deeper, tap the link on our channel."
"I follow my own advice. I moved from Oregon... to Utah because this is that state that is the farthest away from all of these population threats."
"I feel like at some point down the line, some of you will have to relocate for a job or move for a job. I see you living in a different location at some point."
"Following China cracking down on many crypto mining operations, some miners have set up shop in Texas."
"Sometimes the best way to even find out information about the city that you're thinking about moving to is just go online and read some of the forum posts from people who live there now."
"A record number of home buyers are now looking to relocate."
"When you're in a relationship with a Nazi and they're the one that breaks it, you know you've got problems."
"What do you think is the best place to live and set up a business?"
"I'm feeling a little adrift, smack dab in New York City with no place to live, no prospects." - Patrick
"My quality of life changed a lot when I moved to Port Arthur."
"If you think America is so wrong and so bad, then why don't you go somewhere where you think it's so good and so wonderful?"
"Let's all move to Colorado guys... I mean I can't do Colorado full time."
"I'm generally happy to pay my taxes... and if I'm not willing to record my mileage to minimize taxes, I'm definitely not willing to move to a totally different place to minimize my taxes."
"People should start setting up industry in red states."
"Everybody should move to West Virginia, everybody. The world. No, no, no, no, I'm talking about like people who are, who are paying attention."
"I'm entering this new phase. I'm opening my horizons. I'm living in a new city, which I never thought I would do."
"One of the biggest risks that I've taken was making the move to Los Angeles."
"I finally moved to New York City in September of 2021."
"To be honest, Cody is really looking to relocate back to Vegas."
"England does feel like home now... I feel at peace."
"Get out of New York get out of New York get out of Connie fornia get out of New York get out of shy town get out of these states these states are politically weaponizing every tool available to go after their political dissidents."
"I was excited, you know, and it was definitely uh, it was a different buzz when we moved to Brooklyn."
"This stuff is somewhat apolitical... people trying to figure out where they want to live that's more in line with their values."
"If you took the drugs out of Kensington, where would the addicts leave? Yeah, they would have to go somewhere else to get them."
"I kind of picture myself living in LA in these next few years."
"But if they have toast like this all over Texas, I'm moving to Texas."
"I'm from Chicago originally so coming here was like coming home."
"I chose Tanzania as my home... it's the best move of my life hands down."
"Where did Darren BG go? Nobody knew for sure until he resurfaced in Portland, OR, and started up an advertising business."
"Talk about getting on your feet and learning and like really going back home and learning culture and perhaps even relocating that personally."
"The best way to avoid purge night? Just leave the country altogether."
"She's given up her home, she's given up her career, she's given up everything really to move to the UK to become a member of the royal family."
"There's movement forward, so I feel like definitely relocating into something else."
"By moving our capital to Torino, it will move our primary trade location and trade port."
"Atlanta's a good move, but you gotta compete."
"One thing I was sure of: I was moving to Hawaii."
"He needs to take the 10 million and move to Atlanta, start working with Tyler Perry and just live like a damn King."
"Forced to move to LA or get laid off on Sally that happens a lot of people."
"If you want to save some money move out of London."
"We moved to Atlanta to continue chasing our dreams."
"Change the context. What's your strength right now could become your greatest weakness if you just move to a different city or country."
"Kate Billington moved to Taiwan, she just decided to move to the other side of the world and then she did it."
"I just removed a few of their bits and put favorites from my old place."
"Here are 10 key points every California progressive or liberal should consider before relocating."
"Tennessee is the number one place where people are bringing U-Hauls and moving."
"She's buying a million-dollar home, she's moving to Austin, she's acting like nothing ever happened."
"Jersey is very homey, it's very small town where I'm from. Here in the city, my dreams are made into reality. I don't really have much there for me anymore. I do miss the energy of New York being right there."
"I'm so thrilled. Hopefully I'll be moving soon."
"I'm not open to new friends...but now in L.A., [expletive] is open to new friends."
"Starting a new future in Austin, a new life in Austin."
"It was always Desiree's plan to eventually move back to Portland."
"I think a Nordic country would be sweet to live in, not just because of their robust social safety net."
"Now I'm thinking that Sardinia will be a good base for us to start."
"Had I not moved to Charlotte when I moved to Charlotte, everything exploded for the good."
"There's a big exodus outside of New York City."
"It was no longer safe for me to be in Delaware."
"America sucks what you don't leave when Trump gets elected y'all are complaining I'm gonna move to Canada if Trump gets elected and then you don't."
"Going to Houston was like a godsend. It's like a breath of fresh air."
"I said I'm going to London. I'm gonna follow that dream I had as an eight-year-old kid."
"Relocating will either make or break your marriage."
"If you're in the wealthiest country in the history of the world it should not be that you have to uproot yourself and your family to live a decent life."
"He had grown up in a small town in the midwest, but his passion for exploration and the outdoors and Adventure had led him to move out west."
"Spacex moving actually makes sense at this time."
"I moved my farm over but I kept the same design."
"Cities all over the world will pay you to move there and live there."
"Remote Shoals: offering remote workers a $10,000 bribe to move there."
"I felt so isolated and depressed that I was like I cannot stay here even just for the sake of my mental health."
"I moved to Florida away from California... Rhonda Sanchez's Florida is red as blood at this point."
"By the time I got down to the south I stayed in San Diego for a while... I felt like I could do anything."
"Leaving L.A. was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"You may just decide to move things around or move somewhere else. A new start can be really powerful."
"Bug out is just moving from where things are bad to where things are less bad."
"it's disappointing that sony's letting a lot of this talent go and not finding some way or at least offering a relocation package of some kind to work at another sony team or department"
"I'm tired of large profitable corporations shutting down here and moving abroad. I am sick and tired of corporate greed."
"If you feel like where you live... you're not in the best position to find a spouse... then in my opinion, you go do that. You move."
"I allowed myself ten-year-old sister to move in with me to New York. Dad is threatening me with kidnapping charges."
"It's a positive time for career changes and possible relocation related to your career."
"Moving was tiring, but I was so happy that we did it."
"Coming to LA has been like, the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"A lot of people might be moving... to get away from toxic family or situations."
"America's seemingly bottomless supply of natural gas...has become another primary factor in encouraging manufacturing to relocate back to the United States."
"If you don't mind negative 40 in the winter I don't know why you haven't moved to Minnesota yet"
"Moving can be really stressful and it may not seem like it now, but eventually all the boxes will be gone."
"You're willing to do what it takes to make things happen with this person, even willing to move location."
"He kind of didn't have a choice, the cities were overrun with zombies so he came out here to escape that whole mess."
"So yeah, I had 30 days to leave my condo, and you know, the excitement of moving into it, I wasn't about to sleep on the floor for the next 30 days."
"That's why I'm here in Nashville, Tennessee with a whole different mentality."
"I'm probably gonna end up moving to Dubai. I'm gonna fight from Higher Ground."
"The most exciting thing about moving to the U.S. is the food."
"You got to get back to New York... what makes me want to stay here?"
"There's literally no reason for me to live in Clearwater... Montana's looking pretty good."
"She had just moved out to Los Angeles from Arizona to pursue an acting career."
"Do us all a favor in texas pack your stores up and move to liberal fairyland because we have enough liberals as it is moving here trying to turn this state blue then we can handle right now."
"I packed up and took a massive risk, and moved to London on my own, and it was the best decision I ever made."
"London was just an easy choice because everybody speaks English, the weather is nice and mild."
"For me, to move to Manchester next to Manchester United was just unbelievable."
"You got to go look in another state, another city, or another country. Go. The real estate game's real."
"I ran away to New York City with the dream of being more than my small rural town in North Carolina would allow."
"Week's reputation was in tatters and he ended up moving down the Mississippi where he started a large family and ultimately passed away at the age of 43."
"The beginning is always kind of slow so anyway we are in a different town."
"Give yourself a chance to develop somewhere else."
"I'm all about proving myself. I'll prove myself over here like I've done back home."
"I am moving to Japan, only for a short period of time, but long enough to where it's kind of a long time."
"This is my first full day here, living in Toronto."
"If you can afford to, if it's something you're capable of doing, absolutely yeah, leave far-right areas to go as far left as possible because these people are [__] unsustainable on their own."
"At least 13,000 migrants are at Turkey's border with Greece after Turkey declared its border open to those hoping to reach the European Union."
"One of the realistic chances that you will ever fly back to Australia and resume your life back there? Probably zero."
"Dreams can tell you what city you're moving to, where you're going."
"I'm not sure if they're gonna be in the same town here or if they're gonna pull a... what some Pokemon games do."
"This is more kind of in my old neighborhood but it is a lot more peaceful a lot more spacious address and then still like an easy drive to everything that I'd want to do."
"I moved to LA at 23 years old, didn't know anyone, didn't know anything. I was full life and I was gonna go make it big and start my career in real estate."
"We moved out here to be a family and I have had such a lovely time with my family but we're realizing that our jobs YouTube it is helpful to have other YouTubers around us so we're considering other places."
"Oh man, oh man, I have to move. I was so scared."
"That's when I knew it was time to leave Midland. I gotta go."
"He sorted out the best basketball program for me and wanted me to get out of the city."
"If it wasn't for overnight, I 100 would have moved back to Florida with my family and just straight up stopped doing social media."
"Union City was no place for me, I wanted to be where I could do most good, helping the scattered people of the gap."
"There's more. You know, property taxes are going to go up in those places. All taxes will go up in those places because their tax base is fleeing."
"LA has given me all the peace and zen that I need in my life as an artist."
"Just because we've been here for seven months does not mean that we are settled yet."
"I'm so happy for our family because we really, we just love it here."
"I moved halfway across the world to be the best version of me possible."
"It's factual that the bodies have been found, but those bodies have been brought in from another location."
"I think it's okay for people to say I don't want to have to move to Cincinnati to be able to afford a home. I think that's okay."
"Belmonte wins again, I know he loves his native Australia but maybe he wanna think about getting a place around Reno in Tahoe."
"People can change overnight when I gone right to work but she just couldn't feel it that things were going to change and that we were making the right move to Music City."
"This is the second last time ever at least if you're watching this channel that you will ever see me in this location or in Toronto."
"Lisa's move to Australia marked a turning point in her life, driven by a desire for personal growth and self-sufficiency."
"My family doesn't understand why I'm here in Puerto Rico... but they don't understand until they visit."
"I'm supposed to leave the royal family and go back to LA."
"Relocation is something that's coming through here."
"I can definitely see myself living in Denver."
"Seven years ago, I moved to Florida with everything I owned, with one hundred and fifty dollars to my name."
"Some of you may be thinking about relocating, seeking more from life."
"The Finn had since long set his sights on moving to the States, but the status of his visa did not allow him to step off the boat onto dry land."
"Those who dodged the indictment moved to hidden areas."
"The fact that California has a state income tax and nine other states don't is a real reason and a really kind of no-brainer reason as to why somebody would want to move out of California, especially if they're a high enough earner."
"They can't listen, they can't do it, move to New York bro, that's actually in the agenda man."
"I think I might really love it there, Peter. Isn't that the whole point?"
"You may have actually relocated, now the funny thing is, is I'm almost wondering if this person has relocated near you."
"Don't move here. I may not be here long term, but I'm gonna move and Florida is no, I'm here."
"We've made it, we're safe, we're starting a new life in Zágráb."
"If you're making $70,000, $60,000 working from home, why not move to a more affordable city?"
"And now you've been in Phoenix a year and a half."
"I am so ready to move to Vegas, dig my heels in and get to work."
"What's the greatest risk you've ever taken? Moving to LA with nothing and somehow making it work."
"I might never leave, they set me up in the village."
"I'm moving across the country, new place, New Start."
"Ultimately, you gotta say, is that you gotta go where you want to live."
"Some of you are going to be moving or relocating or asked to travel for the job, that is going to be a monetary significant increase."
"You might even move abroad or go to foreign residents or relocate to a place that's far away from your birthplace."
"We just moved the Mason-Dixon line clear up to Canada."
"You don't have to live in New York; move anywhere you want if you can work from anywhere."
"If you don't like it and you live in California, it's time to leave."
"If someone's life is in danger, then they'll relocate them."
"The BBC said on Wednesday its Beijing correspondent had relocated to Taiwan amid pressure from the Chinese regime."
"A lot of people thought we moved to Puerto Rico to start a cult, but I promise you there's nothing weird going on down here."
"Permanent observatory up in dark skies, and yesterday we found out that we are probably going to be getting the house that we wanted in Georgia."
"It's time to renovate or change something in your home environment or move home."
"I moved to LA for nicer weather most of the time, but what's going on here? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's [__] rain."
"It's funny how your own merch can just go missing. I'm out of that. I left. I took a big box up to Toronto once last year and left them there."
"You might want to think to go to a state where people are more like you and there's more of the rule of law and they don't hate you for who you are."
"That's pretty much the reasons why I am moving to Hawaii. It's always been a dream of mine."
"Some of you may be thinking about moving because the World card is a card of changing cycles."
"I think it's time for me to move, possibly to a new state or just to a new location. I just wanna, I don't know, I just need something new."
"But it's at the very least you can get away from places like New York California... where the lockdowns have become psychotically draconian and where they're now proposing to detain you if you... may be a threat due to contact."
"You can live in the city and pay $5000 a month for a micro apartment or you can move 100 miles away and pay half of that."
"Big city dwellers are no longer captive audiences. We have power, and we're moving away."
"My mom and I would go on snake hunting adventures all through the swamp almost every day."
"What a perfect day to move out of your house forever."
"Curious about moving here? Las Terrenas might just steal your heart."
"Shapiro is moving to Boca Raton by the way, there's a rabbi that's a perfect fit over there."
"If you lived in Paradise for most of your life, then suddenly had to move to the middle of the Midwest, how well do you think you'd fare?"
"Somebody could be relocating because I did see the temperance with the 81 somebody can be relocating this could be at a distance but with the move in balance."