
Viewpoints Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Viewpoint diversity is arguably the most important type of diversity, and political orientation is one of the most fundamental and significant ways in which people view things differently."
"The government does not get to pick what viewpoints are right, what issues we discuss, or what we believe."
"If you're unwilling to consider any view apart from your own, you're not prepared to have productive conversations."
"You don't need to know everything, but you need to be willing to discuss things and listen to different viewpoints."
"People have the right to their views and the freedom to express them."
"The most important kind of diversity is viewpoint diversity."
"Support free speech because banning someone else's viewpoint means yours can be banned too."
"He Illustrated his views in two of his published works."
"That's why I usually ask people before I do panels... if there's people that I like it's so that I know there's opposing points of view."
"You should always look for information that contradicts your current viewpoint."
"Why not champion true diversity which is diversity of thought diversity of opinion diversity of different viewpoints in life?"
"It's about rotating your viewpoints so you can see the world from other angles."
"Diversity includes how you look or how you were born or how you decide you want to be if you weren't born that way, but it doesn't include diversity of viewpoint."
"Encouraging diversity of viewpoints... is going to mean the literal difference between life or death as far as demographics go."
"It's interesting how different people's perceptions of what's important and how they look at things."
"Anyone's view on his morality or lack thereof will be brimming with subjective connotations."
"I actually don't know. I feel like, you ask someone at this conference, they go 'I'm not really right-wing' and then they say, 'I support the death penalty.'"
"Arguments can also be viewed as a support of someone's viewpoint."
"Gemini rising, they are wonderful debaters, always bringing amazing points of views to the table."
"Just remember, everything's got a point of view, everyone's right, but at the same time, everyone's wrong."
"Los Angeles: Griffith Observatory, Hollywood Boulevard, Getty Center - landmarks and viewpoints over the city."
"Every product has some point of view."
"The reason that free speech is important is because if we're talking about an issue that's worth discussing, there are inevitably going to be several legitimate viewpoints that need to be assessed."
"There are two inclines left... the Duquesne Incline might slightly have the better view being across the river from Point State Park."
"But by making an effort to stay informed and expose yourself to a variety of viewpoints, you take advantage of the very strength of diversity."
"Made it to the second overlook. I have to say it is better than the first. It's definitely worth coming up here."
"When you read them you are not only engaging with that thinker, you're engaging with that thinker's take on this thing or this thing or this thing or this thinker."
"Space construction offering numerous viewpoints to Construction Control."
"I support capital punishment in the same way I support abortion."
"Artist Point is the most iconic view of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone."
"The views from up here are pretty damn good."
"There is an abandoned fire tower here that you can climb to the top and get an amazing panoramic view of the mountains."
"The view from the top is totally worth it."
"It's the fact that for Ricky I understood his viewpoint you know I've been married I put everything into it it didn't work out I don't want to do it again but if that's the case why are you in a full-fledged relationship with a woman that wants marriage."
"It's really great to see opposing viewpoints like this presented respectfully and coherently."
"I love a good discussion with different viewpoints of how people go about collecting."
"Riding one level further on the cable car plus a hike will bring you to the wonderful Five Fingers Lookout."
"Lisbon is full of these beautiful viewpoints which are called 'miradouros'."
"Viewpoint diversity... it just doesn't work if you only show people one thing over and over again."
"It's always good to have a different perspective."
"The key is not forcing it to happen, or convincing anyone, rather allowing it to happen by remaining self-persuaded on specific viewpoints."
"It's all about a different point of view, and the point of view this movie has, I know I'm going to be watching a whole lot more in the future."
"What motivated all this is how do you recognize things from new viewpoints."
"Right on the edge of Castle Square is this tower, and you can climb up to get a view looking down on the old town."
"I really wish that when people talk about privilege, that's what they're talking about and not talking about more extreme viewpoints."
"The diversity of viewpoints is the liberal position and a diversity of identity is the social justice one."
"That is perhaps the most spectacular view of the entire visit."
"I think that this is another issue of perspective."
"We embrace different points of view."
"I think we all just have different viewpoints."
"It's really about perspectives, like different perspectives."
"Life is about perspective, you gotta see different perspectives in different angles."
"Can you not see the diametrically different views of the world that are at play here?"
"I agree with a lot of the points that you make."