
Understanding Others Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"How well do you know yourself, how well do you know other people?"
"But it starts with knowing you and knowing others."
"The pursuit of justice and equity, further self-understanding, developing a better understanding of others."
"I kind of suspect that education maybe is less about knowing more than someone and maybe more about knowing someone, really knowing them, who is not like you."
"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand how foolish it is to think you can change somebody else."
"We can never attempt to understand someone else's story."
"To understand people, we need more than a clear head. We need a sympathetic heart."
"It's tough to reconcile our inherent sociability with the fact that sometimes people do things that we don't like or can't understand."
"Sometimes when you see someone being cynical or harsh or seeming judgy sometimes it's actually that there's much more beneath those layers than just that cynical that they might actually be really soft and mushy on the inside."
"Talking to people helps you understand their experience when you can't have it yourself."
"Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in somebody else's shoes."
"If you knew about other person, you would be acting in exactly the same way as they do."
"At the end of the day, you know, don't just monitor yourself like 'Oh I feel this way but don't post it on the Internet.' Learn about people, love people for who they are."
"In order to understand a person, you have to really understand their context."
"People matter, and you need to understand people."
"He's essentially says stereotypes come from somewhere and we have to understand them if we want to understand these people and perhaps even change Behavior."
"You shouldn't judge people until you've walked in their shoes."
"You helped me understand my own wife better and taught me to be a better person."
"Life is a lot easier when you're able to understand why people behave a certain way."
"It'd be much more effective to try and understand why people do the things that they do."
"It's always important to understand the motivation of people so that you can understand their priorities."
"It's important to see why they are the way that they are, so you can find the root of the problem and then you can fix it."
"It's better to seek to understand rather than to be understood."
"You certainly cannot befriend them or reach them or help them if you don't understand where they're coming from."
"There's no one who you wouldn't love if you knew their story."
"Building understanding, building bridges with each other, and think maybe not rushing myself to condemn other people to understand why they did things, that we have the best hope for humanity."
"I appreciate that about Brandon and other people. It's like, hey, I know you're convinced, I want to know why you're convinced."
"I think it's so important for people to understand how people like Josh exist in a world like this."
"You can't change people you can understand them if you want to if you care enough."
"You got to be understanding of people's emotions. You never know what someone's going through."
"Knowing that person, knowing as much about them as possible."
"Being able to put yourself in somebody else's perspective and somebody else's shoes."
"Their intent and their emotion, even if you don't get it."
"At least try to understand, even if I'm never going to agree."
"No, you are not. There are forces beyond your understanding... other people with other emotional internal worlds that you do not fully comprehend."
"I don't want to just get caught up in words, he also seems to know what's going on. Thomas seemed to be pretty intense."
"People are pretty complex, haven't you noticed?"
"The things that actually make you get along with people the best is not the very best things about them. It's the things that actually make you human."
"Understanding his mindset is not impossible. You can pretend it is, but it's not."
"Read more to understand the perspectives of others."
"In order to understand women, you must watch them. You must watch them if there's a girl you really like, you don't listen to her, you just take your time, just take your time, watch her."
"You have to go back to this kid who thinks he's smarter than everybody."
"It really is so cool just to get into someone's head."
"If I were that other person with their childhood experiences, with their parents, with the bullying they received at school, with the boss that they had, if I were them, I would absolutely be making the same decisions as them."
"You can't judge someone without knowing their whole story."
"You gotta be willing to accept who they are."
"I wanted to know what her weakness was... when you understand what breaks a person, you understand that person."
"If you can start these conversations you can actually understand where that common ground is where it starts and maybe where it ends."
"There's both sides to every story, you know?"
"You may have been trying to get to know someone deeply."
"Realize that this person is probably acting out of their own trauma."
"The way to curb... senseless violence is to understand people as they are."
"It's important to have a good grounding of reality, but you have to be able to meet people at where they are to make them understand why things are the way they are."
"If you let people talk, that is the most illuminating thing because you get a real insight into their thinking."
"The men who understand women do the best with women."
"Everyone out there is always telling everyone you need to be focused on listening or you need to be focused on understanding your fellow man."
"If she was in your shoes, she would understand."
"The more you grow, the more you're able to see through the other nation's lives."
"It is hard to actually know someone until they show parts of themselves."
"In my experience, unfriendly people are usually dealing with some stuff."
"You are sensitive, naturally empathetic, and understanding of the feelings of others."
"Listen to their perspective and listen respectfully and try to understand."
"Learning about that distinction that you make for other people and trying to work out why you apply it and how to apply it, I wish it was something more of us could do."
"And until we get there, we need to understand what's going on in their mind."
"We want to be patient with what we perceive as their faults."
"Seek to understand, then to be understood."
"Learning to accept people for who they are and the flaws that they come with."
"Once you become secure within yourself, you really start to understand people differently."
"We form opinions about others so quickly, so hastily, so impulsively, so superficially, without knowing much about them or their situations."
"Do we really forgive each other? Do we really get to a place where we want to know how somebody is feeling, where we want to know what somebody is going through?"
"Remind them to take space and that not everybody is a mind reader like them."
"I felt as though I could understand how isolated she must have felt."
"You don't know what is going on in somebody's day when they just pissed you off."
"Make it about them. It's about understanding what's going on in their world."
"Let those who aim at the right life, who believe that they love truth, cease to passionately oppose themselves to others, and let them strive to calmly and wisely understand them."
"Few things will pay you bigger dividends than the time and trouble you take to understand people."
"It's really not about tactics or tricks, it really is more about trying to understand what the other person thinks, then critiquing what they think in a good-faith way."
"The more that she gets involved in other people's lives, the more that she begins to grow and understand."
"You have to know people, and how do you know people? This is how you make it about the other person."
"Just always remember to have empathy on people and be kind to people because you just never know what somebody's going through."
"When you build friendships with people and you build intimacies with people, you get to see the entire person."
"Once you see this in yourself, it will be easier to see it in others."