
Cultural Diversity Quotes

There are 1051 quotes

"The United States is a melting pot ever since the first Native Americans saw a sailing ship on the horizon and thought to themselves, 'Oh look, visitors! We should have them over for dinner.'"
"The school I was working in was one of the most diverse culturally in the nation at that time."
"Our cultures are far too vast and varied to be represented by a single theme."
"Every relationship is a cross-cultural experience."
"People don't understand that we're all from different cultures, and what's normal in one place might be completely alien somewhere else."
"Mauritius is an ideal destination featuring idyllic landscapes, fascinating cultural diversity, and an enviable climate."
"Being a land of contrasts and cultural diversity, with modern infrastructures but still preserving authenticity and traditions, Morocco is a popular destination among expatriates."
"Ghana offers a pleasant way of life in a dynamic environment evolving at a fast pace and preserving its cultural diversity."
"Let's recognize the beauty and the diversity of human culture... but let's not set ourselves up against one another."
"I think the more that you can bring different cultures together and learn from each other, the richer the art and culture become."
"What 'makes a man' is culturally diverse and what it means to 'be a man' is not easily pinned down, as masculinity is comprised of a multitude of factors."
"The reason we're the country we are is we've been able to cherry-pick from the best of every culture."
"Music theory encompasses more than just European harmonization; it can describe non-tempered systems and totally different tunings."
"The good thing about it is that a lot of the people in Brazil are black, and they look like me."
"Embrace other ideas and cultures, not assume or force people to take on what's already there."
"I am not this side or that side of the streets that raised me. I am the corner of two flags, two cultures, two languages."
"I often say, so I don't need to worry about people like me. The reason I'm so loud about this is because I'm worried about the massive collapse in cultural and ethnic diversity the world is about to see."
"Christianity has encompassed tons of different cultures with wildly divergent values. If you're gonna say you advocate for Christian culture, then you need to be more specific."
"The Elder Scrolls lore is not simply a collection of hyperbole cultures and subversions; it also introduces new races and their subsequent cultures."
"Nobody is free from out-of-control beauty standards, but what's interesting is that they're different all around the world."
"This bustling market lures locals and visitors with a kaleidoscope of offerings... but what truly sets this place apart is the daring selection of meat."
"There are thousands of different cultures around the world, each one with its own beautiful, fascinating, unique expression of what it means to be human."
"If America has no culture, that would only make the country better – it means that the best aspects of every culture in the world rise to the top, creating a super culture."
"We favor strengthening our common American identity, which includes the contribution and assimilation of diverse racial and ethnic groups."
"Cultural diversity doesn't create crime, income inequality is the one that's the overwhelming factor."
"America is special; multiculturalism is our mainstream culture."
"The right to be free to live where you want gives people more lived experience and increases cultural diversity."
"Our culture is enriched, not diminished, by diversity. It's the blend of different cultures that has made us who we are."
"We've got an Italian population that's unreal. We've got Lebanese in here. We've got the Jewish community in here, and it's all a melting pot."
"We both have a different culture, different backgrounds, different perspectives in life. I genuinely love her."
"Recognize other people have other values, other times have other values, other places have other values."
"When you love someone, if they're a different culture, it just opens more possibilities."
"Anthropology can enlighten us on human nature by documenting human universals, ways in which people in all cultures have similar emotions and thoughts and patterns of behavior, as well as ways in which cultures can vary."
"Europe is comprised of many different countries; people in Germany, the United Kingdom, people in France and Spain are all very different."
"Each country is so different and unique, and that's so beautiful."
"We can be so proud of what our species, with its different cultures, has produced, and we can have a tremendous loyalty to it."
"America has never been a homogenous country, and each of the various cultures that have entered into it have brought their own histories and perspectives."
"It's one of the great things about the UK, it's a very rich ethnically mixed society."
"Africa handles diversity better than Europe does."
"Cultural diversity tends to facilitate progressivism, and it is the ideology of progressivism which leads to economic liberation for the workers."
"We find that many populations that are in South America, Central America, even in Mexico, are combinations of Europeans, Tainos or indigenous peoples, and Africans."
"This country has always been considered a melting pot."
"You really think that like Nashville doesn't have any Symphony Orchestra? You think there's no theatre in Dallas?"
"I love the diversity, I love the concept about life and death, and like what is it like in the real world, and woman empowerment."
"Indeed, in spite of the laziness of many a scifi author, where entire colonized planets seem to have a universal language and culture, Earth has never had that and quite possibly never will."
"Racism robs white children of the ability to learn that other people are equal."
"It's imperative that we partner with, learn, and befriend people who are not culturally or look like us."
"If you ever have the experience in life to surround yourself with a culture that's not yours, take that opportunity."
"In 1491, the New World is estimated to have had between 50 and 100 million people in it with uncountable distinct cultures and languages."
"Different cultural attitudes and practices can lead to different outcomes."
"I think cultural representation in the Sims 4 is really important so seeing this pack was honestly really refreshing."
"The food here is just so good, because... you're able to try so many different foods from so many different cultures."
"When it comes to food, India is one of the most wide-ranging countries in the world."
"Are there any good things about living in New Mexico? Sure, the culture is dynamic, the food's great, and the land some of the prettiest of all."
"We are a place of immigrants and it's what makes this country beautiful and wonderful."
"There is no pure ethnicity, national culture, and the ethical choices we have today are far wider than being forced to choose between racist right and religious right visions."
"My dad's shorter than my mom, my dad's Asian, it's cool."
"Mexico is truly one of the most diverse and forward-thinking countries."
"Parents get a divorce I'm at a refugee camp we got people from Czech Afghanistan Pakistan Yugoslavia you know you know Poland and you're all in the community you're learning what it's like to get along with you to get along with this person."
"The beautiful diversity of human populations should be celebrated."
"Each people group often has a totally unique history with the dynasty whether it's Manchu or Han or the Ching Dynasty."
"There's obviously going to be some personal, cultural, and religious differences in the weddings."
"At the time of contact, North America was filled with a dizzying array of language groups and people groups."
"Language, culture, and diversity... that is part of America the Beautiful." - Colin Denny
"A recognizable patchwork of tribes had emerged across both Britain and Ireland."
"It's interesting. Issylra and Vasselheim, you think oh, it's the god continent. No, it's the continent of extremes."
"You can't pretend that a Muslim from Sudan has more in common with your average Pole than a Ukrainian does."
"Coffee shops in Holland: a multi-racial space where we all respect each other."
"I love going to my black friend's house because I was exposed exposed to food I love going to my Mexican friend's house because I was exposed to food oh dude and they love it when you just eat yes sir right."
"We as humans have created many different languages... a legitimate human superpower."
"The biracial aspect I thought was really interesting that's not something I personally have seen explored a lot and it's something that really resonated with me."
"Every society on Earth has difficulty integrating people from a very different background."
"Islamic civilization is diverse and has the this dynamic potential which allows us to uh uh observe the richness uh the reach like I call like a cultural manifestation."
"Different cultures, different practices, and even in Seattle and across the world, we have a thing called polyamory when it's consensual."
"What I appreciate most about LA is this place is just so different in the sense of like everyone has really young energy."
"I wanted to bring a different image of black women, basically showing black women doing something other than just fighting."
"You see how successful it was? That was incredibly successful."
"There is so much culture to respect, understand, and appreciate."
"Hip-hop is black music, but it is consumed by a wide variety of people."
"Los Angeles, a city with the most cultural substance in the United States."
"The UFO phenomenon is worldwide. It doesn't matter the religion, the ethnic origin, the language, the culture."
"Everyone deserves to be here. It's Palestine. It welcomes any person from any culture."
"Just about every ancient culture had its own creation myth."
"Black people are not a monolith and we never have been."
"Africa's diversity should be a source of strength, not a cause for division."
"Iran has a history of being hospitable to Christians and Jews."
"Different views and beliefs, the melting pot. Whenever you get a chance to go home into those people's cookouts or go to those the galas, you see why they believe what they believe and why they feel the way they feel."
"I do like talking about immigration though because it is the constant reinvigoration of America."
"There is no American literature, there are American literatures."
"I really love this country and everywhere has their own flavor."
"Every race has their own peculiar way of sailing through the Stars."
"South Africa: often referred to as the rainbow nation."
"I think moving somewhere where there's a massive diversity of people... opens your eyes to just being a decent human being."
"I think we should normalize the fact that there are people from all around this planet, not just Americans or Russians or whatever."
"How freaking cool was it to have so many people from all over the world?"
"Our patchwork heritage is an enormous strength."
"I will forever defend people's rights to have like different opinions on movies."
"There's limits right I'm not literally sang-taek you know people from all over the world put them in a room together shake it up and see what happens I'm saying no we have a constitution we have."
"Star Trek: a show of people from all over the globe bouncing around the galaxy and learning a simple lesson over and over: life comes in many forms."
"New Jersey: A state of diversity, with rich ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds."
"Growing up in Queens, it's like the number one melting pot in the world, right? That's what shaped my childhood and influenced me to become who I am."
"There is no such thing as one static culture tied to one particular nation."
"I think it's really good to incorporate other aspects of theory from other cultures into our understanding of music theory."
"A culture is made up of many voices, and all the voices without exception are called to join in a conversation."
"White people have a lot of room to let their hair grow out."
"I hope hopefully we can change that, we've seen a lot of different people like Donald Glover, Jordan Peele, Issa Rae."
"Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse republic."
"It seems all about confluence, various streams coming together, it seems more and more that I run into fewer people who only read one thing or only watch one thing."
"Witchcraft is a blend of many cultures, beliefs, and mystical beliefs."
"As much as we've seen the brutal side of England, it's nice to see the joyous side of it as well."
"And it was mind-boggling, I thought that I would be the only Latino Muslim in the world, but it's not the case, Alhamdulillah."
"American Muslims add beauty to the already beautiful and diversified American social fabric."
"I feel a responsibility to be a voice for the beautiful shades my people come in."
"Come out and support black Asians, get this knowledge, come see me, come see us, and come have fun."
"Hip-hop from a diversity standpoint has never been in a better place."
"Why do shields throughout history in different places at different times come in so many different shapes and so many different sizes?"
"The music industry in the 90s undeniably showcased greatness from across various genres."
"Our culture is built from diversity, and that's not some cookie thing to say."
"The diversity is strength and religion is peace ones seem most appropriate when dealing with orcs."
"Diversity of this community as distinct as the bogotas of the Bronx as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio."
"Miami is culture, an amalgamation of the Caribbean and Latin America."
"I think the United States is the best country in the world for mixing people especially immigrants."
"Nigeria is yours. Nigeria is remarkable in its formation, an essential character. We are a dynamic blend of ethnic groups, religious tradition, and cultures, yet our bones are yet intangible."
"The series X image quality is very sharp, stable, and clean."
"Diversity means all kinds of different people can serve you all kinds of amazing dishes."
"This thing is going to be my best friend, probably my only friend. I will name him Simba."
"Cultural differences are not just about color, but about customs and experiences."
"Diversity, multiculturalism, it's pretty special and very unique."
"A melting pot and mosaic of the cultures and religions."
"I think Hollywood is starting to recognize it but we're just in the beginning... history has just been made she's the first Asian actress to win best actress."
"There are people who are studying what makes Black English different all the time."
"There are as many saints and sinners in Judaism as in Christianity."
"Comedy exists around the world. Its sense of humor is human and not national."
"We've decided to throw some Nordic flavor into the mix today because why not?"
"I feel that in Pakistan this country has tremendous potential people are immensely talented they're quite diverse."
"Yasuke: The African man who would come to be remembered as the only ever black samurai."
"The first and only African man who became a samurai during Japan's most iconic age."
"The best part of America is our diversity and our different perspectives."
"Latin America is one of the world's most ethnically diverse regions."
"At the core of America is not an economy, it's a belief system. It's a diverse belief system but across religious affiliations and racial groups Americans have always had basically the same views on the basic things."
"The Ainu possess their own culture that is quite different than what we would consider traditional Japanese culture."
"Tanzania, where every tribe has its own story."
"If we had an elven History Month, would elves suddenly pop into existence?"
"What if I told you that Western music does not use all the notes that exist?"
"My country has embraced the past present and future through its coexistence of palisades skyscrapers and other technological advancements." - Korea
"Auna bushi about sugar shanty Tutera songs are good too heavy into a platonic they're gonna cost should Joe Panora matter ticket Akbar Corona - a solid."
"I think this world is going to be a better place when more cultures are given a chance to be put at the table."
"Living in LA, you'd see Mexican food restaurants struggling, mom and pop shops."
"I think it's weird when you're like it bothers you that people have accents."
"Nothing is cut and dry, and even within the Dunmer houses that want to resist the empire, there exist cultural differences and ancient rivalries."
"Here's one that's blown us away lately, the Indian music industry. That Indian classical music, my god, dude."
"America is a country where my child can play with children of all different races."
"All my friends, they can cook all this great Asian food, but at the end of the day, one of their best sellers is a burger."
"It's a holiday for me and I feel like a lot of holidays around the world."
"Islam is such a beautiful religion. It stretches from the Middle East to China to Sweden."
"Instead of introducing the Spanish language announcers, they introduced the Arabic announcers."
"His research examines the intuitive foundations of morality and how morality varies across cultural and political divisions."
"We've experienced so many things seen so many different cultures and met so many different people each of those people have come from a specific history grown up in a unique culture and taken a distinct journey in life."
"The music of the UAE is extremely diverse... I hope that you enjoyed this segment and thank you very much."
"Each region of Morocco has its own designs and motifs."
"Intelligence is about to be pushed out to the edge so every person country country and culture has their own models that are constantly updated."
"Canadian pluralism... people from all around the world... can come to Canada... freedom of speech... freedom of belief... build the cultural and economic fabric of our country."
"Reggaeton is now a popular genre in and produces artists from countries including Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, and the Dominican Republic."
"This kind of brought out an international element in music."
"On the island of Bali, cremation can be a dramatic, all-day affair."
"Given how many similarities and moral actions exist across vastly different species and cultural groups there is a possibility that Evolution has a part to play in shaping our moral reasoning and action."
"What makes a world beautiful is sharing our cultural differences."
"It is a secular celebration. You can be Buddhist, you can be anything along the spectrum, including atheist and agnostic, and still celebrate Kwanzaa."
"The people make New York the greatest city in the world."
"Every couple blocks feels like you're in a different country."
"From Manila's Chinatown to the global stage, Filipino-Chinese culture thrives."
"Each borough has their own unique flavor that makes them special, and that's really why you should explore them all."
"Queens: the world's borough, culturally diverse, and family-friendly."
"Out of many, one... So, there's a little piece of you in everything we do because we are out of many."
"Diversity is something to be celebrated and embraced."
"No country in the world is more colorful than India."
"I love that we're seeing people all over the world."
"If you have a Mexican friend that's like, 'I'm gonna make you an authentic Mexican meal,' dude, this is my mom used to make me, that family might cook their Mexican food differently from 20 other Mexican families that you will meet."
"The Cape Verdean American community is such a vibrant piece of the American cultural puzzle"
"White people food is not good if you want to have good food you go and get some Asian food or Mexican food or some African food."
"I will always fight for a future like Star Trek where we take Delight in the differences of others."
"They avoided European colonization and have a unique vibrant, diverse background found nowhere else."
"Some of you, your soulmate may differ from what you're expecting... Look out for somebody of a different culture."
"It's amazing, I mean it literally is like I'm walking into India here in New York."
"Asians tend to get clumped together, but it's not like every Asian person is the same."
"Regardless of race regardless of background you can have sneaker heads of all over the world."
"The fact that despite having a slight accent, she's still able to be in a really famous K-pop group as a non-native speaker is really amazing."
"There's something free about Curry, and each family adds different ingredients."
"Music is a universal language, so when I go around the world and I see different people, you know, I'm sure I could talk to a nigga that's in Carver Ranches, you know what I'm saying? Like, from nothing, nigga."
"Multiculturalism has worked pretty well in America. We are the melting pot."
"Everyone comes here from all over the earth. They bring their traditions, but you become part of the greater tradition of America."
"Howard wanted players to be able to explore eight distinct and unique cultures."
"Growing up with such a unique background and being different from everyone else around me was hard but it ended up being a gift."
"Food is so Central to everybody's identity especially in a tropical country like India you know every 100 kilometers the food the you know the palate is changing completely."
"I have never had an incident where I felt like their nationality was an issue."
"There will always be a counter culture to the mainstream."
"What it says is really the cultural ignorance of not understanding how we are a diverse society."
"I grew up in a multi-racial, multiethnic town... I didn't think of them as belonging to a race."
"In short, tribes are fascinating because there's no direction you can't take them."