
Disorders Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"If you can look past the airbrush marketing and Hollywood magic, eating and exercise disorders among celebrities are everywhere."
"This case reminds us of the importance of addressing the dilemma of these types of disorders."
"All this seems to lead to a massive increase in mental illness, especially anxiety disorders, depressive illnesses, and substance abuse."
"A common characteristic of people with eating disorders is that they're so hard on themselves."
"It's not his fault or anyone else's, it's just an untreated mental disorder that he's learned to cope with."
"Autism or any other form of Behavioral disorder is not an excuse for toxic or harmful behavior."
"We will discuss major disorders like depression and anxiety because of their profound social importance."
"Problems with glucose processing are not just about dementia; they really have a fundamental role to play in many mental health disorders."
"The answer is actually not to see these as separate disorders but rather different expressions of"
"Neurological disorders are increasingly recognized as a major cause of death and disability worldwide."
"Metabolic strategies offer hope for people with a lot of really difficult disorders."
"Mental disorders are in fact metabolic disorders of the brain."
"98% of the decision making for managing disorders is outside the care of a clinical team, so it's really up to you."
"Methylene blue likely has the best promise for disorders of complex four."
"Once nutritional deficiencies are ruled out and specific disordered complexes identified, methylene blue titrated up slowly... can be tried."
"The brain's on fire, and it's also on fire in autism, in Alzheimer's, in schizophrenia."
"But what if we could prevent, slow down or reverse the growth and diagnosis of these disorders by choosing to live a better lifestyle in a healthier environment."
"...there's a lot of people who have schizoaffective disorder and a personality disorder, and I'm sure Daniel's had a good diagnostic work up and a history of those symptoms."
"Insulin resistance is either the cause or making every one of these disorders worse."
"Anxiety and depressive disorders are really the most treatable disorders."
"Winnie the Pooh characters represent different neurological disorders... piglet has generalized anxiety disorder... Eeyore has chronic dysthymia... Tigger's behaviors are hyperactive and impulsive."
"She suffered with PTSD, depression, and anxiety."
"Between disorders and stress, there's a big place for Psychotherapy."
"Eating disorders devastate lives. They have the highest mortality of all mental illnesses."
"Schizoid phenomena and personality are fascinating because they constitute the bridge between psychotic disorders and personality disorders."
"Transitioning didn't cure any of my disorders but it made everything so much easier."
"I'm talking particularly about a category called personality disorders."
"The fact that 75% of all psychiatric disorders occur before the age of 24 and 50% before the age of 14. So these are really youth disorders, right?"
"Personality disorders don't define individuals, but its features are quite common prototypes for personalities that exist out there."
"You cannot be a specialist anymore. If you're a genomicist, you have to be a specialist in every single disorder."
"Help people kind of name and describe certain disorders."
"What we're learning in Alzheimer's disease looks like it's going to help us with other disorders."
"Differences in the hippocampus have also not been seen in other disorders such as bipolar disorder."
"For people that have bad disorders whether it's benzo we would like an anxiety or antidepressants someplace where they say if there's life's people with chronic pain so they couldn't live without them I I think that that's wonderful."
"Eating disorders are coping skills."
"I've never seen as many eating disorders and body dysmorphia than I've seen in the fitness industry at large, the fitness influencer industry is even worse."
"Personality disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders—they can be amply described as clusters of unsuccessful defenses."
"I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder."
"The importance of this work is to understand Alzheimer's, autism, schizophrenia, and many other disorders of the cortex of our brain."
"Personality disorders that some might say it just makes your personality different it does it makes your personality quote different but to a point that it disorders and disrupts and is deviant from social norms right it disrupts and dysfunctions your daily life."
"I'm really starting to wonder if some of the things that we call disorders are only disorders because we've pushed kids into a particular model of education and learning."
"You are a unicorn if you just have one disorder."
"We know that age is the greatest risk factor for these disorders."
"Fear is real. Attention deficit disorder is real. Anxiety is real."
"Is there a treatment for Oppositional Defiant Disorder? Yes. Does it involve locking a child in a room? No."
"Abnormal brain development regardless of its origin can lead to a spectrum of intellectual disability that is often accompanied by specific identifiable disorders: language disorders, learning delays, emotional control difficulties, etc."
"Unhealthy microbiomes have been linked to obesity, diabetes, depression, and other mental disorders."
"A lot of doctors believe that recurrent miscarriages can happen due to blood clotting disorders."
"We see brain immune cells turned on in people with depression, anxiety, OCD, and bipolar."
"Although personality disorders can cause strange or even hurtful behavior, always try to be empathetic and understanding with people who have disorders."
"It's FDA approved for depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder."
"Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality can be comorbid."
"Focus yourself on the mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and anxiety disorders."
"There's nothing funny about eating disorders; there's just no punchline."
"As home health aides, we need to be knowledgeable about the different disorders of the body systems."
"Unlike almost every other movement disorder, Tourette's can be suppressed."
"Language disorder is now an umbrella disorder that combines the expressive and mixed receptive expressive language disorders."
"Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms, etiology, and treatment."
"Eating Disorders do not discriminate between age, gender, race, class, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, ability, and body shape and size."
"I've never had an eating disorder. I've never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder."