
Social Stigma Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Detransitioning is relatively rare, and when it happens, it's usually because of social stigma or medical barriers."
"The purpose of shame, in a macro sense, in making something a stigma, is very valuable."
"A necessary byproduct of fighting bigotry is to stigmatize and ostracize those who propagate it."
"If we are really interested in combating HIV, we also have to be combating HIV stigma."
"He was one of the ones who tried to end the stigma around leprosy."
"Normalizing discourse around other options of different types of therapy and just seeking help in general can really destigmatize the weird relationship influencers have with their audience."
"Peace is rarely spoken about and those who talk about it are even stigmatized."
"Don't vape, I feel bad vaping publicly, like I'm embarrassed by it but I'm addicted now."
"Rape seriously... being called a rapist is one of the worst things."
"The more you talk about it, the more the stigma decreases."
"Let's just call it abortion and that helps to begin to destigmatize it."
"People like me who have got convictions and went to prison are technically devoid of any character in law."
"I support the de-stigmatization of steroids."
"You know, I was recently part of a panel with the California Association of Food Banks... that idea of feeling shame every time you have to go get a free school lunch is just really terrible for children."
"The stigma has lasted too long. It's corrosive."
"There are certain labels that hurt. It's career-ending labels."
"Just because someone is battling the illness of addiction does not make them any less of a human or a person."
"That's what's awesome too is I think there's so much stigma around smokers versus there's all types of ways to consume it."
"I always would put up a mask and I would always hide my mental illnesses because I was so afraid of what people would think of me."
"Stand up for men like myself who did choose to go against the stigma knowing that they probably when it comes out things aren't going to go so well."
"I've not spoken to anybody about it not because I'm not proud of it but because I don't want the stigma."
"I think it's a step in the right direction to just start by removing the shame from being single even if you can't eradicate all of the fear of being single."
"Most people don't talk about it because they don't want to be made fun of."
"I think people just assume minivan, they're gonna be slow. There's a stigma, like a mom in there that's just annoying."
"You'll carry the stigma of this buffoonery with you for the rest of however long you want to keep doing this."
"Zamora's Legacy endures as a symbol of resilience, education, and the ongoing battle against the stigma surrounding HIV."
"For too long, atheism has been considered a dirty word in a largely religious world."
"You can't put it on yourself if you're one of those people who's in an MLM or you were out of an MLM and you're embarrassed about it."
"How sad that we as Christians who are to be the salt of the earth, we who are supposed to be able to love everyone, are afraid so badly of an AIDS patient that we will not go up and put our arm around them and tell them that we care."
"Big thanks to my therapist... mental health is stigmatized."
"OnlyFans is actually a pretty sex-positive place."
"If you can measure power, your power improves... if you can't measure how hot you're getting, people aren't going to implement interventions."
"There's such a stigma around like being nude cuz it's over sexualized and people are like oh I'm being accosted by someone's penis or boobs but it's like everyone has them."
"If you're struggling in any type of area, you kind of have to hide it and it festers up and it turns into something evil."
"It's like this is your reality... there's no one to talk about it... nobody needs to know... it's embarrassing."
"Pride is not about conforming. This is about being who we are and standing up against that stigma that revolves around who we are and our identities."
"Stigma is what kills, the silence, the shaming."
"One of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize therapy."
"People shouldn't feel bad about vocalizing their mental health issues in fear of getting judged."
"Even then, the damaging stigma of the workhouse remained dramatically affecting the lives of people who stayed there."
"People are so scared to ask for help because of their pride."
"It's just been demonized to an unbelievable point."
"I'm a felon. I feel like that's not talked about enough out there."
"Women want to only talk about women about this. There's still a big stigma around menopause and andropause. It's like a secret society that no one wants to talk about."
"You're a junkie [__] with PTSD... you get it because he is."
"I kind of want to stay on this track where I'm bringing awareness to mental health anxiety and depression. I feel like it's not talked about. I feel like there's bad stigmas."
"Remove the stigma behind sex work and the negativity that surrounds the words itself by bringing a mainstream face to it."
"Everybody needs help, everybody. You shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"Why the heck do you have to hide it? Why does someone need to be ashamed of themselves for using something the doctors gave them?"
"It's like a mark of Cain, a permanent badge of shame that you're bad and you can't ever come back."
"But if the parallels to CFS/ME and fibro hold, it could be that long COVID might finally help bring an end to the stigma around these diagnoses."
"Mary Kenna: Pioneered the first version of sanitary towels, despite facing stigma around menstruation."
"There shouldn't really be shame attached to having grown up in poverty."
"Sex work is work and working to not only destigmatize but decriminalize sex work."
"I am ashamed like I told Pete and he's like 'You're better than that.' You're not white trash. I'm like, 'I am white trash.'"
"The worst thing you could be called is a racist."
"She has nothing more to say so she leaves the castle to go on her walk of shame home."
"I demanded my right to be sick... Why stigmatize these things?"
"Back in the day, the worst thing you could be was a snitch, a hoe, a junkie, or a thief."
"Stigmatization: driving underground those who need help."
"Being poor in America isn't fun... the negative stigma that comes with taking a handout."
"Talking about your period should not be stigmatized. It's a period for heaven's sake, it's natural, it happens to so many of us."
"Singleness is not a disease, break this down man for the people who are watching right now who are single."
"You can't be woken broke. There's this real bad stigma in this community where people think like we're not supposed to have nice things or are you supposed to be like humble and meek? Just like no, we gotta kill that."
"Addiction is a prison, and when we can't talk to other people about it, there's a stigma around it, it feels even more isolating."
"Celebrities like Emma Watson and Gwyneth Paltrow are reframing traditionally negative relationship statuses and helping remove the stigma."
"Weight stigma is a known and serious health risk."
"I make a lot of money, but it is still something that you should deeply consider before getting into because it is something that has a lot of social stigma."
"This is the truth: nobody wants to be associated with a bunch of ugly [ __ ] losers."
"The more that we talk about it, the less taboo it becomes."
"Living in poverty means living with shame and stigma."
"In South Korea, having a child out of wedlock is frowned upon."
"There's such a bad stigma on going to rehab. Going to rehab should be something that we celebrate."
"I don't think I could go out to eat if you are accused of killing your pregnant wife because they're making food in the back."
"I really feel for them honestly because especially in this climate everything is so stigmatized."
"There is a negative stigma attached to claims of alien abductions."
"No one wants to be called a racist, and rightly so."
"The misrepresentation of the war on drugs and the stigmas."
"I think it's really important because we really want to eradicate that shame."
"Stigmatization leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy and dehumanization."
"If you got a kid, you already make it difficult, but if you choose to go have another child outside of wedlock, you basically write yourself off from the marriage market."
"There's no shame in menstruating, and that's on period."
"We were considered scum. If I went to a hotel and filled out a form to rent a room and I wrote the word 'automobile racer' in there, any hotel in the world would not have any room."
"There's a lot of shame around loneliness."
"I just want to be able to go in the store and not have to put my bag outside because I'm deemed homeless."
"Months and months I couldn't walk down the street without hearing remarks or seeing people whispering behind their hands about me. People I thought were my friends began to cross the street to avoid speaking to me."
"Don't let any social stigma get in your way."
"So reading comments and hearing what people got to say, it's like, this is exactly why people don't come out, and why people still on the low today."
"I'm scared of being a man, telling people that I'm upset. Now I'm scared of people saying, 'No, you're just doing it for [ __ ] likes.'"
"We gotta work on reducing that stigma, reducing that judgment."
"Isn't it a shame that you can't just openly talk about an experience like that with anyone that you want to without fear of being ridiculed?"
"Adults often feel embarrassed to talk about their anxiety, resorting to making up excuses instead. It's important to understand how anxiety works and to break the stigma surrounding it."
"If people thought about obesity as a disease, there wouldn't be nearly as much fat shaming."
"That's still something people say today, the stigma against these mental illnesses is still rife."
"Stigma is our real enemy here. Nobody wants to have a conversation about drugs out of fear of the stigmas associated with it."
"The stigma around periods is really first and foremost a deterrent against making cis men deal with that shit."
"I'm making these videos because I want to reduce the stigma around the topic, I want to normalize it."
"Our family is sort of like blacklisted."
"My goal is to eradicate some of the stigma and the negative narrative that surrounds plus-sized women, plus-sized women of color, obese women, fat women, especially when it comes to dating, working, earning money, healthcare."
"People living with cancer often feel stigmatized, alone, and overwhelmed with grief and stress."
"His only desire was to showcase the magnificence of the spear and alleviate the stigma of his birth as a concubine's son."
"The feminist movement was trying to combat and fight against the social stigma and the potential collapse of their status in society."
"It's so important that our generation makes the effort to break down the idea that there's something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about."
"She was pregnant with a married man's child; if you were a single mother in those days, some people thought you were mentally ill."
"It's meant to serve as a toilet shedding light on the very trivialized and misunderstood mental disability ADHD."
"To conceive, bear, and give birth to a child out of wedlock was heavily stigmatized."
"Why is there that stigma? Why do people get so mad that other people need help?"