
George Floyd Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"What happened with George Floyd...was [expletive] up. I don't give a [expletive]."
"When I saw the execution of George Floyd, all I could picture was my face in the ground asking for my mother as a grown man."
"The recent death of George Floyd and the nationwide protests that followed have once again put a spotlight on the perceptions of a racial divide and inequality."
"Crises such as the tragic murder of George Floyd and the coronavirus pandemic have thrown societal injustices into even sharper relief over the past few months."
"In an election year, in a country as divided as ever, it seems clear, that the killing of George Floyd, will remain a flashpoint, for a very long time."
"Protests broke out across the country following George Floyd's death in Minnesota, after a police officer there knelt on his neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds."
"It really helps to put something like the George Floyd incident in perspective... what you're seeing is a response not just to George Floyd; it's the culmination of their parents saw something like that happen when they were growing up and their grandparents saw many things like that happen."
"We must seek justice for George Floyd and vow to make equity and inclusion more than buzzwords."
"The visceral pain to watch George Floyd be murdered in front of the world made us dig deep on who we are."
"We need to create the space for people to be able to grieve, to come together, to mourn the loss of George Floyd."
"Fight fire with fire, you know, everything just burns." - George Floyd's girlfriend
"George Floyd died at the hands of four police officers. Defendant Derek Chauvin pressed his knees into Floyd's neck and back, another officer knelt on Floyd's back and held his handcuffed arms, a third restrained his legs, and a forth held back onlookers who begged the officers to stop."
"It was not the coronavirus pandemic that killed George Floyd. It was that other pandemic that we are far too familiar with in America, that pandemic of racism and discrimination that killed George Floyd."
"Painfully earned justice has arrived for George Floyd's family and the community here in Minneapolis."
"If everybody standing on that sidewalk could see that George Floyd was in severe distress, how is it that those other three officers could not see that as well?"
"This outcome represents our collective affirmation to uphold George Floyd's civil rights."
"George Floyd is now a symbol of hope for a better future."
"Think about it, all of this could have been solved if that officer either took his foot off Floyd's neck or was held accountable immediately."
"Seeing a uniformed Minneapolis Police officer's knee on George Floyd's neck pretty much tells you where the public is."
"There's no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, and justice will be served. But there's also no excuse for the rioting and looting that followed."
"George Floyd's death will not have been in vain."
"His death will not be in vain. What is his name? It was George Floyd."
"George Floyd is love. That is who George Floyd is."
"There is nothing within that call that should have resulted in the outcome that occurred with Mr. Floyd."
"It's clear from the evidence of our own eyes that Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd."
"The big story that's just breaking now is that amid the ongoing derek chauvin trial, minneapolis has agreed to settle with the family of george floyd for a historic 27 million dollars in a wrongful death suit."
"This isn't just about George Floyd, it's about what George Floyd represents across this country..."
"The media just say George Floyd's murder as though there is no issue under contention there factually speaking it."
"George Floyd's death... is not the consequence... it's years upon years, decades upon decades of systemic... power abuse."
"If you protested for George Floyd, the media celebrated you."
"George Floyd's death hopefully put another nail in the car for the racism...it led to a historic summer of protest."
"What happened to George Floyd wasn't okay... It was murder."
"George Floyd wasn't an angel but does that make what happened to him any less awful? No."
"Justice is George Floyd going home tonight to be with his family."
"We need to respect his humanity and had Mr. Chauvin shown some respect for George Floyd he would be here today."
"The whole reason there was a nationwide global George Floyd protest is because that thing happened."
"In the name of George Floyd, they take out their own pent-up microaggressions on society."
"A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died."
"That's what people are telling us here. They want to celebrate George Floyd's life and look ahead to reimaging what America will be and what changes he will bring."
"There's a reason why the settlement in the George Floyd case was one of the largest settlements ever."
"Even if George Floyd had been silent when he had his knee on Floyd's neck for nine minutes, it wouldn't change the fact that it was murder."
"It does seem like George Floyd's killing before our eyes really just stripped bare any illusions that many people had."
"The death of George Floyd sparks protests in cities across the US and many parts of the world."
"I feel like the whole world is looking at George Floyd's murder as an exclusively racial matter and I really don't think that that is an empirically valid way of looking at what happened to that man."
"It's called 8:46, and 8:46 was the amount of time that that officer's knee was on George Floyd's neck."
"What happened to George Floyd is horrific, and our family is just appalled."
"The death of George Floyd sparked outrage and condemnation across the U.S. and in many other countries."