
Reality Vs. Perception Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"If you can look past the airbrush marketing and Hollywood magic, eating and exercise disorders among celebrities are everywhere."
"Fear is not real; danger is a real thing, fear is not real."
"What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it."
"I could probably trick a few people into thinking I'm really lean but in actuality, I'm probably between twelve and fifteen percent body fat."
"Social media is not real. It's not real. The things you see, the things you hear, sometimes it's an illusion."
"We suffer more in imagination than in reality."
"Don't compare yourself to people online. You know, you don't know what they're doing behind the scenes, or what surgery they've had or hadn't."
"Do you want truth or lies? I can paint you this beautiful fake picture of why I'm doing what I'm doing, or I can tell you the truth."
"Instagram and Facebook only show everyone highlights, but beneath the facade, there are always lows."
"The belief in it is the issue, it doesn't matter whether it's real or not."
"Facts don't care about your feelings; feelings don't care about your facts."
"I got so many success stories like listen everybody on Instagram is capping."
"It doesn't matter what is true in YouTube, it matters what people think."
"There are many Instagrammers with massive followings who constantly get comments about how their goals, their life is goals, their body is goals, when that is not their real face, that is not their real body, that is not their real life."
"The real world isn't as horrible as the social media world can be."
"There's a big gap in what people talk about and what reality actually is."
"Understanding media and grounding yourself back into reality is crucial as we move deeper into hyper reality."
"Looking back at her photos on her Instagram account, she just doesn't look real."
"The camera doesn't lie, everyone was acting strangely back at the office, Hollywood can have a very strange effect on people."
"Stripped of CGI, this scene is just Tom Holland and John Favreau standing in some grass."
"Just know everything on there is fake; it's all edited. No one looks like that. Don't compete yourself. In general, you're perfect the way you are, girl!"
"People don't need the truth; they just need a trending topic."
"Social media isn't real; it's a highlight reel."
"People need to stop acting like face tuning and photoshopping is normal."
"Some experiences will stay with you forever, even if they never actually happened."
"Why does it work at all? Is there an inherent mathematical nature to reality, or is mathematics all in our heads?"
"Life has its ups and downs, but on social media, all we see are the ups."
"Separating the knee-jerk reaction of doom and gloom from the reality."
"Remember that nobody walks around with an Instagram filter."
"Knowledge really is power... the real thing versus this Memorex pseudo thing."
"If it looks like everyone they're you know they're posting it's only perfect and happy that's not the case they're just lacking posting you know the times that they're crying or the times that they're in a fight with their significant other."
"The reality doesn't match up with what's in our minds."
"We all want to believe that things have real value, not just perceived value."
"Social media, that stuff isn't real, it's all... I want to learn the valuable lesson of being content with my own life from David Bowie."
"The vast majority of the drama you see is manufactured."
"The contrast between the reality of this country and the image it tries to portray being so glaringly obvious."
"Social media is as [__] as people live in a fake life. The more followers you have, I can guarantee the more depressed those people will be lonely."
"All of this is smoke and mirrors and not real like social media girls are like Santa Claus they're not real and the older you get just like Santa Claus you realize all of this junk isn't real."
"Failure just needs to be normalized because it's so everything nowadays on social media is just all the successes and the wins."
"Social media is just what people want you to see. It's not everything, ain't as good as it seems."
"Life is the highlight reel. What you see is usually not what you get."
"Don't let the internet rush you, no one posts their failures."
"It's not real. Harry and Meghan think they are these very much these international movers and shakers, but it's not real."
"Social media is a highlight reel, not as it seems."
"I think it was both perception and the truth."
"A harsh contour line on camera looks bomb, but in real life, it's just a line on your face."
"To me, there are three things: the laws, the culture, and then there's the reality on the ground."
"When you see an influencer behind that beautiful turquoise water you might know that their skin is sloughing off."
"It blew my mind to see her behind the scenes. It would look like a picture-perfect life."
"We all go through bad times, even the influencers who look like their life is perfect."
"The thing with the Kardashians promoting all these fit tees and gummies and waist trainers is that they are promoting this on their social media and saying this helped me achieve X when in reality these people have a team."
"Everybody think it's all glam, it's all peaches and cream, you know what I'm saying? They see the highlight reel but don't see the movie."
"I want to show people that this is real and it is worth prosecuting."
"This was in real life by the way, he thought he wasn't as good as he was previously and it was true."
"...we wanted to show people the real realization, the reality of what does it take to become a cloud engineer."
"Social media is about the highlights, not about the miseries."
"Looking at this scale right here, I am a five. In reality, I'm probably a four."
"People are only gonna show themselves and post pictures of themselves when they're winning, not when they're losing in life."
"Daily reminder: this is filtered, this is no filter."
"It's hard to get the true color to show on camera, it still looks amazing on camera, but just wait until you see this thing in person."
"Your self-perception does not determine the reality or how other people see you in the world."
"People no matter what you see in social media are depressed, it's fake, it's an illusion."
"So the next time you see perfect photos on Instagram, just remember that often not all is as it appears."
"Instagram is fake; people only post the highs of their life."
"Pictures don't always represent what is happening in reality."
"The point of this social experiment is social media is fake."
"It would be wrong to conclude that the Orient was essentially an idea or a creation with no corresponding reality."
"It's not everything that you see in videos... it's about what goes on in here."
"We're not perfect, it may look that way, but no YouTube couple or Instagram couple you see is perfect."
"Image is not everything; a lot of people are living a false image on social media."
"Looking at a picture and comparing yourself to what they look like when they're posing... that's not an accurate representation of what everybody looks like day to day."
"Social media is a highlight reel; people often only show the ups and not the downs."
"The camera does not do justice at all; the vibrancy doesn't translate on camera whatsoever. It's something that you really need to come and just absorb through yourself."