
Positive Expectation Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"I live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and invariably the best comes to me."
"I have a good feeling, I think today is going to go well."
"I just have a feeling that something good is gonna happen in Victoria."
"Clearly this card says you are poised... you are ready for something too good to come into your life."
"Extraordinary outlandish favor is coming to you."
"I think you need to be patient... I would say yes but I think you need to be patient here."
"Your persistence is paying off, trust the process and expect to receive very soon."
"I knew without a doubt that she would be a great mother."
"You guys are guaranteed something happy to come out of this."
"Believe in yourself and expect the best; it's the greatest blessing."
"I think Sealy will be good, she looks awesome."
"The world is abundant and I know that wonderful things are coming my way."
"I have a gut feeling something good is about to happen."
"I'm never going to walk into a game expecting to lose. I walk into every game expecting to win."
"And when you have hope, you do anticipate; you expect; you look forward to something."
"You know I think that thing is going to do some really incredible things for your brand so I’m really excited about it."
"I thank you Lord for all the many blessings in my life and I thank you in advance for all the blessings I'm about to receive."
"Expect an affirming guest from the universe."
"I think we're headed towards a light at the end of the tunnel."
"We're getting closer, guys. We're definitely gonna be able to pull it off."
"Expect the unexpected but in a really good way for you."
"I believe this year is going to be the best year for us."
"You instinctively know you have good things coming for you."
"Let's hope for the best in the future." - "Let's hope for the best in the future."
"Some of you may definitely come into some luck."
"Long story short, I think he's gonna have some use."
"He's gonna do something brilliant any moment now."
"This blessing is meant for you. It's coming without a doubt."
"Great Fortune, good Lord, okay, great Fortune."
"Payments are actually very similar to information; packets of money can go through routers between Payment Systems just as packets of information can go through routers between information networks."
"Expect something good to happen, stay open and aware."
"Feels like we're right on the cusp of something good."
"You're getting something really awesome coming back towards you because of your generosity of spirit."
"Everything I'm hearing about this Halloween movie is a buy for me so far."
"Things are only going to get better from here."
"Expect something like that to go poof this week and for you to feel a sense of relief as a result."
"I absolutely love it. I think it's probably going to be the best game that comes out this year."
"Shift your feeling state...pleasantly expect your outcome."
"Expect greatly and you will receive greatly."
"Every single day you have the ability to teach yourself how to wake up and ground yourself in faith and belief that something amazing is going to happen to you today."
"It's gonna be successful, guys, it's just obvious."
"It's okay to have fun, it's okay to goof off, it's okay to enjoy your life. Something that you've been wishing for is coming to pass." - Foreign
"Faith is acting as though you know God is thinking good stuff for you."
"Chances are a lot will be changing in a way that you love."
"Something magnificent is going to take place in your life, my dear Aquarius, some sort of abundance in a big way."
"Divine information coming in to let you know what you've asked for is happening."
"Every time I check my bank account, it is growing."
"She remained calm as if she knew that somehow the day was just going to turn out perfect anyway."
"I'm expecting good things like I have had a really good feeling from sword and shield from everything I've seen."
"I feel like you'll be very successful, no doubt about it."
"I think both systems are going to be very cool."
"This is getting me a little more excited about going back to this universe."
"I feel like you're about to get some sort of a token of appreciation."
"All I'm asking is just like one opportunity with a decent team and I know it's gonna work out."
"I decree and declare that I will walk in God's abundant favor henceforth."
"Before this month is over, you will see great wealth coming into your life."
"I think this could be a really good time for Overwatch."
"Borderlands the film is gonna be absolutely incredible"
"I'm gonna go for it, it's gonna be amazing, it's gonna be fantastic, beautiful!"
"When you pray, you should believe that you're going to receive it."
"Your happiness is just on the horizon, but you have to be flexible because it's slightly in delay."
"Tomorrow is a new day. Maybe something wonderful will happen tomorrow."
"Snow White saw what happened she remembered that her necklace was made of stardust so she opened the lid of the necklace and blew the star dust towards Prince Antoine and then Prince was freed from the spell."
"You're about to get something that you want."
"Something supernaturally good is going to happen to you today."
"Expect your blessings today. God is about to bless somebody and you need to believe that it's you."
"Success is coming, just allow it to be. You've been waiting for this, it's finally here."
"Just expect the best because positive outcomes always come."
"Success, I think you're gonna have a lot of fun with the fruit splats."
"Your life is about to change. Oh congratulations, gang, congratulations. The best thing you ever did."
"Deep down, you do know that you will see your person again."
"Good things are about to enter into your life."
"Something that you've been wishing for is coming your way."
"Believing that something good is going to happen in their lives."
"I know I've definitely planned for the worst, but I'm expecting the best."
"I feel like I'm gonna really love it."
"I do know that there will be a breakthrough. I just know that."
"You're going to love it if you ever give it a try."
"I think something wonderful can happen."
"I think this is going to be the best thing of the day. I'm excited!"
"Are you hopeful that Corey can initiate change? Yes I am hopeful in that."
"This is actually going to taste great."
"Expect good money flow, a raise, or a new job offer."
"It's gonna be the best night ever now."
"I felt irresistibly impressed with a presentiment of some vast good fortune impending."
"I've been super super excited to see it, I've heard really good things."
"I think poor things is going to do well here."
"I think everybody's gonna really enjoy this."
"Life is good, and you just know you're stable and you just expect it to be good."
"There's no better feeling than knowing when you wake up in the morning to go play golf, that you're going to play well."
"Yup, it's delicious, just as I expected."
"Prosperity, supernatural increase is coming my way."
"Something good is about to happen to every one of us today."
"She was expecting something good to happen."
"You're gonna love it in a few moments."
"I feel lucky, I feel good about this."
"This is charitable listening, that's what you do, you expect the best out of the other person."
"I have a good feeling about what's over there, I hope it's good, I think it is."
"I have a good feeling about Multiverses; I think it's gonna have a big lifespan."
"Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings."
"It's going to drive good, it's going to feel good."
"I'm expecting something good to happen to you."
"It's going to be absolutely great."
"I think they'll really like that."
"It's going to be a great day of action."
"This is going to be a treat, no question."
"Ash says he's sure that anything Serena came up with will be great."
"Some wonderful things will happen to me today."
"Great advantages and favors are on their way to you."
"I'm sure the images will still turn out amazing."
"Let's pray that we find some good stuff today in B Village."
"Expect things to go your way and love it."
"You create voids, you have faith that the universe will fill that void with something great."
"Expect a happy outcome around your finances, especially if you say yes to moving forward and making a plan."
"It's going to sound absolutely fantastic."
"Step into the unknown with total faith and trust, and expect amazing things to happen."
"Something good is gonna happen to me today."