
Intersectionality Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"The intersectional worldview is the latest progressive fad. It includes everyone, it allows us to map out a hierarchy of oppression and really protect the most marginalized."
"Intersectionality argues that there are multiple aspects to humanity including race, gender, class, sexual orientation, age, body type, and many more."
"Environmental justice, which means environmental issues are race issues, is using environmental protection for unrelated political purposes."
"Intersectionality isn't just more black people in college dean positions; it's a lens of analysis by which we recognize that we all have our advantages and disadvantages."
"Intersectionality informs the ways in which we think about the world. People aren't running around saying 'I'm a cisgender millennial,' but intersectionality informs the ways in which we think about the world."
"It's a better system and it's not like an SJW thing; it's also a really good way of addressing the problems experienced by non-marginalized communities."
"Intersectionality is about taking a look at all of those things holistically and saying you are affected by all of these systems, all of these conditions, all of these terms."
"The experiences of disabled women were different from able-bodied women, the experiences of Asian women different from Black women and so forth."
"Intersectionality, reusable plastic bags, gender pronouns, culture war is obsessed with inequality, sowing division among us as the issues become more and more niche."
"Now's the Time to also become truly intersectional in terms of age, race, sexuality, and economic status."
"You can fight for women's rights and trans rights at the same time, and sometimes these do overlap."
"Discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation manifest differently for different individuals, and it often overlaps with other forms of prohibited discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race or disability."
"Intersectional feminism and the analysis of female agency must include race, class, sexuality, in addition to gender."
"Do not dis intersectionality or intersectional analysis just because the terms associated with it get misused."
"What privilege is, is that you may not have to think that being a woman and being a black woman and being a black woman who has a disability, for example, impacts you further. You have more barriers, you have more friction."
"We're all intersectional because we all understand that things can have more than one cause."
"Intersectionality is basically the acknowledgment that no one thing defines any one person."
"Intersectionality is a form of identity politics."
"Our revolution must be intersectional, be chill... promote good vibes... advice gather often, be brave... principles over product."
"The Atlantic created a space for me to write about the intersection between sports, race, culture, and gender." - Jamel Hill
"By recognizing the complexity and intersectionality of the struggle for African-American rights and representation, we can better understand the challenges facing this community and work to address them more effectively."
"The radical left that has been sucked into intersectionality is failing with the American people."
"The major systems of oppression are interlocking."
"We're particularly committed to working on those struggles in which race sex and class are simultaneous factors in oppression."
"There are thousands upon thousands of young women saying enough of this twisting of what intersectionality means, this has to stop."
"Intersectionality promotes the biggest hoax of all: that we aren't individuals who are to be judged on the basis of how we act but are merely members of groups to be judged on the basis of our group identity."
"You cannot do this on class alone, you need an intersectional approach."
"Race and class are inextricably intertwined in this country."
"You can't avoid religion. You're not going to be able to think about politics or culture without coming to religious questions."
"Policy is intersectional, boss. You have to get your urban planning right."
"Intersectionality is defined as the interconnected nature of social categorization such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual."
"Every instance of misogyny, every instance of racism, our ability to interact with the world is impossible to fully grasp."
"What is intersectionality and how can it help businesses tackle diversity and inclusion?"
"Each one is at the intersection of a whole bunch of other inputs."
"Climate change is an intersectional issue, tied to many of the biggest issues that humans face."
"You got racism in my classism, you got classism in my racism."
"Climate justice means racial justice, disability justice, gender equality, and everything that comes under that."
"Intersectionality is correct... Each individual characteristic intersects to form a new identity."
"It is part of intersectional women's history."
"Grassroots organizing around this has been fascinating because I see it as this highly intersectional issue but it has really taken cultivating that experience for others."
"But beneath that, and I think motivating all of the outrage and excitement, was this unacknowledged intersectionality framework."
"I am a black woman minister who is queer and Christian and as I look back over my life I realized that my blackness and my queerness offered to me a secret cup of gladness."
"Intersex people are useful to trans people and like we talked about yesterday trans people the top of the of the victimhood pyramid"
"There is something inherent about black women's experiences with both racism and sexism."
"Steve's vision for Apple was always to stand at the intersection of the liberal arts and technology."
"The treatment of Black people in this country and the treatment of immigrants intersect to create vulnerable situations for Black immigrants in particular, often left out of both conversations in politics."
"Muslim pride will bring together those who face homophobic, transphobic, and Islamophobic abuse for being themselves."
"The Poor People's Campaign released a study called 'Mapping the Intersection of Poverty, Race, and COVID-19.'"
"Camp zero cleverly explores how the intersection of gender class and migration will impact who and what will survive in a warming world."
"It's about all these intersecting corrupt and oppressive power structures that make existence more difficult for some women than others."
"It's really important for professionals in whatever our respective field is to be vocal about intersectionality and to be vocal about fat positivity generally."
"Intersectionality in a nutshell: the idea that to the degree that you don't have those things you are oppressed."
"Intersectionality says that the level of oppression and the kind of oppression that you experience combines itself in these areas and layers itself in these areas."
"Intersectional analysis and praxis are instrumental to building unified class consciousness among workers."
"Intersectionalism is fundamental to negating all the divided identity quantities into a united working class."
"Intersectionality allows you to sort of think about who people are in a particular context and how they stand in relation to others."
"You can't decouple racism and Islamophobia from where we are right now."
"Black women asked to put our gender aside and movements about racism the same way we're asked to put our race aside and movements about sexism despite the fact that we cannot separate the two."
"I think that feminism that doesn't highlight intersectionality is basically white supremacy."
"Intersections of disability with things like gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity strongly affect how we interact with the public."
"You have to be an intersectional socialist to be a decent socialist."
"Far from being some scientific or medical development, fatphobia as it relates to black women did not originate with medical findings."
"Ultimately, if you're against racism, you're not also going to go, 'Yeah, but what about sexism?'"
"Body positivity is not a self-love movement, it's an intersectional civil rights movement."
"Fat liberation cannot exist without advocacy for the disabled."
"Intersectionality is a metaphor for understanding the ways that multiple forms of inequality or disadvantage sometimes compound themselves and create obstacles that often are not understood among conventional ways of thinking."
"Part of the problem with the intersectionality argument and the diversity argument is that we've allowed these people this man this is like understanding diesel."
"Intersectionality is basically saying there's more than one topic involved."
"Intersectionality was meant to draw attention to the many ways that black women were being excluded from employment in industrial plants and elsewhere that were segregated by both gender and race."
"All oppressions are linked, that's the whole point of intersectionality, that your oppression, your vulnerability, is situational, it is contextual."
"I am what's called an intersectional feminist."
"The overarching intersectional view of the world is that the white one percent control institutions and governments in order to uphold a global system of capitalist patriarchal white supremacy."
"Being sort of a leading voice at the intersection of poverty, mass incarceration, and gun violence in my city."
"Disability is often left out of these discussions and it is often the last thing that people think about when thinking about things like inclusion and intersectionality."
"Nobody chooses to be black and gay at the same time because who would choose to be, you know, oppressed twice over? That's the joke."
"Gender equality cannot be conceptualized without foregrounding racial and economic equality."
"Any feminism that will help us transform the world today must be capable of including perspectives that challenge white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, capitalism, the prison industrial complex, attacks on the environment, militarism, and war."
"Black women experience not only just misogyny but anti-blackness and colorism."
"The feminism of women of color... has always been very, very different."
"White feminism is very different from womanism. Womanism is often used in the context of women of color fighting for their rights because a lot of white feminism doesn't include certain people."
"Intersectionality helps us understand race through overlap with other identities like gender and class, revealing the extent of different forms of oppression."
"I just love how Chen really discusses the intersectionality of asexuality with feminism, disability, race, amongst other things as well."
"We need to think really critically about how we can best support and safeguard people with intersectional identities who might be at really high risk of abuse."
"Culture appropriation is intersectional."
"I set out to write a book about gender, and it turned into a book about gender and also very much a book about race."
"There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives."
"Intersectionality has become a placeholder to mark the connections between the class race and gender lines of domination."
"Intersectional feminism means taking away all things feminine, giving any woman a man's mission and a man's armor, making a woman a dude."
"Showing how this intersectional history is fundamentally a part of British history."
"I'm black and I am gay, I am of the black experience and I am of the queer experience."
"Being gay and being black, that's a tough one."
"It's hard being plus size, black, and a woman all at once."
"If you're into the intersection of video gaming and critical theory and visual art and science fiction, there you go."
"If we truly believe Black Lives Matter, we've got to put gender central to that."
"I'm offering you my perception, but my perception does account for real things. Intersectionality is a real thing that I'm accounting for. Women's perspective is a real thing that I'm accounting for. Sexism is a real thing that I'm accounting for."
"The White Lotus highlights character relationships and dynamics established by each of their intersecting identities: how class, race, gender create different mindsets and experiences."
"The idea that you can imagine an intersection like a road and that there are people in the road who can be hit from different directions based on their multiple identity groups."
"How do you bring that back to the church and talk about intersectionality that includes same-sex sexuality as a salient part of a person's experience?"
"The experiences of your average black woman will be very different than the experiences of your average white woman."
"We had to draw that big circle around intersectionality not to shut it down but to show people who were actually doing this work the scope of the project they were involved in."
"It's crucial to find intersectionality between different philosophies and allow conversations to expand."
"I think it's very clever for them. I think this is a smart choice because this is kind of at the intersection of girl bop which a lot of people want like a girly pop moment and also like party song which when you think about it the two don't often intersect."
"If we talk about gender on the Titanic, we have to talk about race and ethnicity. If we talk about race and ethnicity in 1912, we have to talk about colonialism."
"Spay neuter like with the conversation we're having right now is one of the ways that Animal Welfare is intersectional with like human issues."
"To consider Ireland in the Black Atlantic is therefore to peer into how the Irish diaspora's journey through the centuries crossed paths with that of the African diaspora."
"We started to talk about how race, gender, and sexuality intersect to create multiple layers of oppression."
"Intersectionality: the future just may hang on it."
"Proponents of intersectional theory take it a step further by classifying people according to various categories of oppression."
"looking at sustainable living from one angle or sustainability overall or things like climate change overall with one perspective and not taking an intersectional approach to it is definitely a mistake"
"Food intersects healthcare, climate, environment, and social justice."
"You can't explain this only right on the basis of class, and that's the point of the importance of intersectionality."
"We affirm that racism remains a problem in society and needs to be addressed, but then we deny that critical race theory and intersectionality provide the most useful tools to do so."
"Women should be equal to men, but also intersects with race."
"Honestly, if something is coming from a black Trans woman, you know that they have faced almost every marginalization that there could be."
"I was gay and I was black. The latter fact was irrevocable."
"We need to talk about race and class together and recognize them as intertwined but also see that they're distinct forms of oppression."
"Gender is an inequality within that cross-cuts all of these things and that's fundamental."
"Queer ecology and intersectional environmentalism evolved from eco-feminism."
"Class and race are completely intertwined."
"An intersectional feminism where class and race cannot be separated from the struggles being endured by women."
"This apocalypse is of the prophetic type, heaven and earth overlap, intersect, and on that hinge is a great deal of theology and relevance."
"My feminism is going to be intersectional or it's going to be [__]."
"The intersection of disability and race makes people even more vulnerable, and that is the point."
"It's not like there's race and gender and then there's economics; they're all intertwined."
"She's got a line that I love: 'I fully understood early on that you cannot easily separate being black and female as you might icing and cake.'"
"There's no such thing as a single issue struggle, as we don't live single issue lives."
"If we are to center intersectionality, if we are to rewrite the cultural DNA of how we do science... we can start to move towards a future that actually puts science technology to better good for all."
"Intersectionality is a key part of feminism, and if you want to fight for equality, you should fight for it on all aspects."
"Queering is continually and simultaneously considering all of our intersectionalities, and that includes our sexualities and our spiritualities."
"It's called intersectionality, all the different layers of identities."
"Intersectional feminism looks at how all power imbalances relate to one another."
"I'm not just black, I'm not just gay, I'm not just femme, I'm not just fat, I'm not just dark. All of these things are happening at once, and they cannot be isolated to this one thing."
"These are different parts of us that form our identity and intersect to form who we are as people and what our beliefs are."
"Intersectionality centers race and how that creates a more well-rounded understanding of the experience a person has."
"Your gender identity is a part, but there isn't a clean line; all of our identities bleed together."
"Pretty privilege fails to take into account the ways that our identities stack on top of each other and interrelate."
"Black people exist at every intersection of oppression. Black people are poor, black people are dark, black people are women, black people are queer, black people are femmes, black people exist in the disabled community with a variety of different disabilities."
"The personal is always political; the public and the private do interface."
"For each of us, our personal and professional lives intersect in ways that make our perspectives unique."
"The importance of gender in glacier-related knowledges and the ways in which systems of colonialism, imperialism, and patriarchy co-constituted gendered science."
"Steven creates ideas, technology, science, companies, and books at the intersection of so many different fields."
"Any feminist or queer or trans position has to be anti-colonial."
"We learned about intersectionality, and it starts with listening to each other."
"It was also a warning of what can result from the dangerous cocktail of racism, economic inequality, and climate change."
"It examines power relations and all the interconnections between them."
"Climate justice is the intersection between social justice and climate change."
"We work at the intersection of conservation and human health."
"My feminism will be intersectional or it will be."
"People who live at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities face a different kind of oppression."
"Intersectionality is not about the Oppression Olympics."
"...we can no longer go forward talking about these issues in anything but a deeply intersectional way."
"Transphobia and misogyny are intrinsically tied."
"It's like finding those three circles, leaning into that intersectionality, and having those true conversations."
"There's no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we don't live single-issue lives."
"If your activism isn't intersectional, it's not true activism."
"Third wave feminism is the more modern intersectional feminism that we see today."
"Misogynoir is where racism and sexism intersect to form a unique type of discrimination that only black women face."
"I really want to encourage people, especially therapists, to value the necessity for intersectionality when we talk about eating disorder recovery and healing."
"It's just very fascinating for me to see how we intersect."
"Our lives are illustrations of disability and intersectionality, and there is a wealth of knowledge there for us to learn from and use."
"Race and class... they really overlap."
"Intersectional feminism says we're going to look at multiple identities and how they impact how a person moves around in the world."
"You must think in the quadruple consciousness that we come to these places with a story and an experience that's political, that has an economic framework, that has a historical, social, and spiritual framework."
"Intersectionality is such an important piece not just in life, in relationships, in understanding the landscape of the world that you live in."
"The concept of intersectionality is when you are a part of two minority groups and it is the specific experience that you have when those two groups intersect."
"Another important part of this is to look at things intersectionally, combining things like gender and race at the same time and seeing how those error rates change and how they're different across different intersections."
"I'm going live to talk with Barrett about intersectionality; I'm very excited."
"Queer black people and queer Hispanic people are also at the intersection of so much marginalization."
"So Angela Davis in particular really sort of fit the mould of a person who throughout her life was able to maintain antiracist ideas in all of their complexities and even all of their intersections."
"Disabilities do not pick and choose who they affect, that is why intersectionality is very important."
"I am an intersectionalist; I recognize that class and identity are often inseparable."
"There's no such thing as single-issue struggles because we're not single-issue people."
"The sexist idea that women are weak and the racist idea that black women are not really women intersect to create this idea of the strong black woman."
"Innovation and novelty often come at the intersection of disciplines."
"Understanding intersectionality is very helpful here."
"We be imagining, examining the intersection of surveillance, COVID-19, tech, race, and gender."
"...we still do not have a true leftist voice or true broader progressive voice to talk about the intersections of race, class, and gender in any of our dominant mainstream publications..."
"Different forms of discrimination can combine to create even more harm against marginalized groups of people."
"You can't pull apart people's different identities; they intersect and they call that intersectionality."
"It's important to look at these things in sort of this multivariate space where sure race is real but so are class or sex or sexual orientation."
"Economics is definitely an intersection."
"Intersectionality means I'm more than one thing."
"Intersectionality stands for the fact that various discriminatory grounds such as gender, sexual orientation, and race all intersect with each other to create unique experiences of discrimination."
"Think of it as the intersection between God and man."