
Religious Journey Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Gabrawal says let atheists be atheists. We came to this conclusion through our own religious journey, and telling us we need Jesus accomplishes nothing."
"The core of the game's story is about a band of people going on a pilgrimage from one religious shrine to another."
"I think it's every person's right and kind of their mission to go through their own journey with religion."
"The Kaaba symbolizing the heart, symbolizing this inward journey."
"Coming to Christ is the beginning, not the end of the journey."
"I promised that if he would save the life of my child and then guide me to the religion that was most pleasing to him."
"From the man of sorrows and Our Lady of Sorrows to the risen Lord and the most joyful of all mothers."
"Alternate history is a pretty simple formula. It's history that is altered change blank event back in blank time."
"I am going to Jannah with Maria. She will keep me company."
"Your journey as a Christian will not always be smooth."
"This is not only another believer who is a spiritual journey. Mexico in 1926 is reeling from more than a decade of war and violence."
"When God calls you into the kingdom, he's calling you to a life that is going to be juxtaposed to one that you're accustomed to living."
"Christ has provided the way to the narrow road that leads to eternal life. What are you going to do about it?"
"Jesus' journey during the Lost Years was nothing short of extraordinary."
"Slowly edging toward Christianity till I, you know, did eventually receive the Lord."
"He's an Old Testament he'd come out of this thing like you know what maybe Judaism is for me."
"Malcolm went as Malcolm X but he came back as al Haj Malik Shabazz."
"On one side, believers can be attacked, but on another side, without an attack, the default design of the pathway to glory requires it."
"Whoever's feats were dusted in the way of Allah, those feet shall never touch the fire of hell." - Sheikh
"It's the journey into the church, beginning with the beautiful, leading to the good, and finally coming to the truth."
"Beth Moore has millions of followers who have followed her up to the mountaintop of the bethmoor altar on their way to meet jesus."
"The Doctrine and Covenants will ultimately bring you to the temple."
"These last few years dear brothers and sisters some of you came much closer to Allah some of you might not have this is your opportunity."
"The power that only comes through transformation and through Christ Within."
"We are still just at the very beginning of this story and as we faithfully serve and as we faithfully give and as we faithfully sow God is going to continue to do an amazing epic miracle."
"When you become Catholic, guys, you're not going to be able just to like go okay all of that struggle all of that search is now over, it's you're just beginning but it's a good thing, it's awesome."
"Following Jesus seems like a great idea, but when you actually do it, especially the first couple weeks when you're making that transition from your whole life, it's one of the most difficult things you'll ever do."
"God already figured it out for me and that was... the beginning of my faith."
"Experience Christ's journey to his resurrection together."
"We do a portion in our show I go raise your hand if you started off one denomination and you are now a different denomination and you have half the audience raised their hand yeah wow."
"I found myself kind of unable to do it. I don't feel any closer to becoming Orthodox, and I don't want to just be stuck for the rest of my life."
"I wasn't just a Christian, I literally was on my way to becoming an apologist for Christianity."
"Pilgrimage is a religious journey to a holy site or sacred place which is an act of worship and devotion."
"I also am very grateful to God that your witness and Kimberly's came into my life because it's what started my journey home to the Catholic church."
"From Catholicism I went to Satanism, from Satanism I went to witchcraft, from witchcraft I went into like gay witchcraft, fairy shit... witches, stones, and crystals."
"When I left the Catholic Church, I left as an angry young man. I returned as a more humble, broken individual who realized my need."
"So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from the baptism of John."
"When I use the word left the church I'm meaning when I mentally decided that it wasn't for me."
"I didn't walk away from Christianity because I hated it. I loved it. The data was just too weak to affirm."
"Therefore my brothers, if you are going to Medina, this is another advice I would like to give you. It is better that you sacrifice yourself, that you sacrifice your time, you sacrifice your family life, and say, 'I'm going to do it.'"
"A novena is a beautiful way to sanctify time and walk together spiritually."
"I knew I wasn't Protestant anymore. I knew I didn't want to be Catholic. I even tried to be Orthodox but the Pope got in the way."
"The rosary is a journey through the events of Christ and his mother through the scriptures that take us on this spiritual quest."
"So this man has taken the first step towards Islam."
"We have a corrupt and apostate church... and it leads him on a journey to eventually lead his family to the promised land."
"I have told the story of my ordeal in a recently published book entitled 'With God in Russia'."
"From the favor of Allah that I'm super grateful for is that this year, Alhamdulillah, I was able to make Omra with my family."
"The thing I want to talk to you about is a culture among young Muslims who go on a certain religious journey, especially in Western society."
"We have entered the world of the spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness."
"Pilgrims going up to Jerusalem for the feasts travelled in large groups to protect themselves."
"I'm so grateful and happy that that came through a process of me deciding to do it."
"I am determined, I got to see Jesus, I'm going."
"The Mount of the congregation that has made it to heaven."
"If the church is true, you know what I would need? A Latter-day Saint who would love me, be patient with me, and help me work through some of my problems."
"And the Lord said to Aaron, go to the wilderness to meet Moses."
"Imam Al-Hussein left Medina on the 28th of Rajab."
"Islam believes that from here the prophet Mohammed... ascended to heaven to receive instruction on how to pray."
"We're going to continue on through this epic Bible study adventure together."