
Discontent Quotes

There are 295 quotes

"The bottom line is when your wages have not gone up, you are mad."
"You're the greatest architect of your own discontent."
"I believe that the human condition is discontent...you're always going to be discontent. Why not build something better?"
"The part of the human condition is you need discontent; you have to be constantly passionate about something."
"A growing number of governments will struggle with rising popular discontent."
"There is no way that people in this country want this to be the way it is."
"It's not fine that Donald Trump's president."
"I wouldn't want to be that married to him if I was Leah."
"Regular people do not like this, I mean the average voter doesn't like this."
"The reality is, Manchester United fans have had enough."
"Are you seeing a trend here? Yeah, uh, people are not happy and people are continuing to not be happy."
"He hates stasis, he hates being stagnant, he hates his wife, he hates his son, he hates his people, he hates his island, he just wants to go back in the open water."
"You know I don't want to we we talk a lot about the hypocrisy and stuff it leads to people finally having enough."
"If people are unhappy with the way they're living... they will demand change like the human spirit will demand change."
"The man for anyone that's wondering as I'm sure very many of you are right now uh the man really said that not even a ton of silver could persuade him to put up with his wife for three months."
"It's just I see this all screwed up and there needs to be a reform."
"We are a lousy, terrible country." - Portland, Oregon
"I can't keep going through this. I want a better life for myself."
"I don't like it here, and that's just the facts."
"This comparison is the thief of joy, nothing makes you compare like social media."
"We're tired of the mundane, passionless careers we've been shuffled into as a result of this orchestrated debt-based system of rule."
"I'll be bloody furious for loads of reasons."
"The worst possible thing for any of us is going to be not resolving these issues and having establishment elites poopoo the people."
"Complaining says to God I don't like what you're doing in my life."
"That he should come to your club and work to your conditions, work in your ways that hasn't brought this club any success and the club are literally sliding and sliding and sliding. Like I'm sorry, when as fans are we going to say enough is enough?"
"If you see your president and those in leadership positions doing just fine while you're struggling and those around you are struggling, yeah, I'd be pretty pissed too."
"My feeling is one of utter disgust and the attitude of the owner of Arsenal has been one of arrogance, insensitivity, and contempt for fans."
"We need a revolution here our forefathers would be rolling over or probably rotating in their graves right now looking at what we've allowed to happen."
"The problem is not that I'm angry, the problem is that you aren't nearly angry enough."
"You just have to have faith that people along the line will just say, 'I've had enough of this.'"
"Star Trek 2 the Wrath as that movie is I now resent its existence."
"Humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted."
"Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress."
"Ronaldo isn't happy, and that's a good thing."
"We need to fight against the structural drivers of a rise of this discontent."
"There's something wrong with what's going on now and my life is becoming untenable."
"These people are rejecting, they're so angry, they are on edge. These people want to do everything to bring down Trump."
"I want people graduating from high school to feel a sense of discontentedness. Contentedness is the death of activism."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"A good compromise means everybody's a little bit upset."
"Life should be good. I have a farmhand and a cook, but I dream of being buried alive."
"People do not like their rights being taken away."
"I'm sick of white men whining and complaining about wokeness."
"When I leave this place, know that I loved every last bit, every drop of the rainstorm clouds I see, every person I touched."
"I think there's a lot wrong with football. It's very scripted, it's about maintaining the status quo, and I'm absolutely disgusted."
"You guys don't deserve all this [__]! It's wild."
"You must trust God and refuse your current level. Lord, I am tired of this level, I'm tired of the limitations, the mediocrity, the mediocrity that comes with this level."
"We just need radical fiscal intervention...otherwise there'll be major discontent."
"We need to start having this conversation if we want to get to the bottom of why so many people are unhappy and why too many of them are lashing out with violence."
"So while we may think we know loads about our solar system, it's clear that there's still loads left to discover."
"I don't know who I am. I don't really like it to be honest."
"The growing political discontent with secularized globalism."
"The human condition is discontent, and how we manage that discontent is the key."
"Most of the discontent that people experience is because their expectations are different than reality."
"We're sick of having our lives disrupted by this terrorism done by the deep state against us to divide us and then further take away our freedoms."
"They feel like the Democratic party insulted them."
"This satisfies me the way Minnie could never."
"The discontent Divine growing within you is just the beginning, not the destiny."
"This show sucks. Everything about this [ __ ] show is completely nauseating."
"Idolatry was born when there was a discontentment with whatever God said."
"I felt that I thought is this it then is this it for the rest of my life is this what I'm gonna do they count every penny this is a it's just not worth it."
"I hate what our government is doing to destroy people's lives."
"They have not accepted the Democrats not supposed to win, number two, they hate Donald Trump a lot more than they love America."
"I think begins with a b this b is bollocks the queen's jubilee is bollocks and you're gonna go poet are you being a negative [ __ ] again I'm like yeah I am but let's go and figure out why."
"This song just sounds dull and lifeless. I don't want this passive-aggressive bullshit."
"With all the material comforts around you, yet man is not happy."
"I see the ring on your finger but not a smile on your face."
"People are just sick of this [stuff]."
"The solitary glow of the Crescent Moon, brimming with discontent."
"When you look at the parts of your life, you're just sort of, you're not content."
"Something is fucked up, something is wrong here."
"Be very careful and be very mindful of the messages you're receiving because it's programming to be discontent with your situation."
"I spent the first half of 2023 feeling extremely discontent with my life and it was driven by this fixation on the things that I lacked."
"People become homesick, fed up with constant danger."
"...the origin story of broken Matt Hardy's discontent."
"Discontent is the mother of progress."
"It's not the life that I want to live."
"Once you realize that you're not that content, you're waking up from the intoxicated sleep."
"A discontent that had spread through every echelon in society."
"This person can also be feeling discontent with certain things that are kind of happening within their own life."
"Despite having weapons in the camp below, Finn is not happy with everyone."
"I'm sick of it. I'm sick you're loving it."
"Let me be, I say happy's overrated and it just makes me irritated."
"The people are fed up in Blackpool, they want change."
"You could be hearing from someone at a long distance that's also not happy about this."
"Our complaining doesn't change anything it just spreads discontent and Discord and makes us miserable."
"None of us are happy, none of us are content."
"These are people who are not happy."
"Something is rotten in the state of YouTube."
"We find a hundred different ways to distract ourselves from the simple fact that we are discontented."
"Americans are very fed up and frustrated with Washington for a whole slew of issues."
"What a wonderful world. No, it's not. Everything okay? No, it's not [expletive] okay."
"Not being content and always evolving."
"I couldn't shake off a curiosity about why she seemed so discontented."
"...when people were efforting on, when they were discontent, it was also activating the posterior cingulate cortex..."
"Part of the responsibility of the church and part of the responsibility of the preacher is to continually make the people see their discontent. You must be discontent with where you are."
"I want God to make me sick of normal."
"If you feel discontent, then that is a signifier that something is wrong."
"...everyone is in a sort of situation of research and stretching outward and expanding and not quite happy with what they've got."
"Discontent stimulates us to greater effort, but when discontent becomes too general, it can hardly be said to be therapeutically safe or sound."
"Discontent can arise simply from locking too much inside of ourselves."
"Discontent made glorious summer by this son of York."
"I'm not an alien. I'm discontent. I'm going to start using that."
"Unsatiated hunger is the catalyst of outcry, discontent, and outright rebellion."
"You have to face yourself a little bit more, right? You have to actually deal with yourself and you have to deal with your discontent if you're not running out the door all the time."
"Dissatisfaction breeds dissent and descent leads to revolt."
"Pragmatism is useless. Discontent is what has caused all the change that you've seen in the world."
"We were just as aimless as ever living in a world we didn’t belong to, one entirely built upon societal fundamentals we despised."
"Imagine every man who is grieved at anything or discontented to be like a pig which is sacrificed and kicks and screams."
"People really are fed up. They want change."
"...a perfect storm of discontent among both America's haves and have-nots."
"Every spring break just take a look. Pan around. Look where we're at. [Expletive] Daytona. [Expletive] Fort Lauderdale. [Expletive] Miami."
"I'm tired of living with these walls acting like I don't see them, hiding the fact that inside, I'm miserable."
"It's so wonderful to be discontented in spiritual things."
"The people's hatred has been brewing for far too long."
"Everybody's depressed, literally they're just being forced to do this, they're just like yeah, and you know this increased their taxes a lot."
"The real cause of our discontent is a ruptured relationship with God."
"The trouble with so many is that they have just enough religion to make them miserable."
"Reduce your social media use. Social media does nothing for most people but cause discontent."
"People want to be free, right? Yeah, and people want to be alive. Yeah, and a lot of people don't feel it today. It's true."
"Discontent is the seed of change. The only way to break a habit is to become discontented with it."
"It's about populism, right? Populism rises when people are disenfranchised and unhappy."
"Widespread discontent with the crown shows that something is moving, but how many inhabitants are really willing to accept change?"
"There is widespread anger against a ruling elite seen as corrupt and undemocratic, anger too against America."
"The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship."
"Corporate [ __ ] they cut me off after all I've done for them. Sayonara suckers!"
"There's a tremendous feeling against the Supreme Court's implementation of these laws."
"I'm willing to try it your way, but just know I'm not happy."
"Something they're not happy about."
"Envy and discontent, feeling so human and yet so painfully destructive, offer us a unique opportunity for personal growth."
"Democracy is not delivering on its promises, bill. And you can't expect people to be okay with that."
"I'm even less happy about this than you are, so just let me think for a minute."
"The average American has more than ever before but is more discontented than ever before."
"I found an article this week called 'discontent in prosperous America.' Americans have more than ever before but are more discontented than ever before."
"It's not a question of contentment, this is an awful period for everybody."
"Why am I here? I don't want this."
"There will always be those who are discontented with their place in the world."
"The true main characters of the show and the finale are the ones who are the least content."
"I've never felt comfortable. I've never felt like, 'Oh, that's fine now.'"
"I've never seen somebody do that to the boss before I passed him and put him a lap down and I'm really not happy about that I must not like the way he passed him."
"People are always gonna be discontent about something."
"O, to tell you the truth," retorted Gabriel suddenly, "I'm sick of my own country, sick of it!"
"Civil discontent surged once again."
"If anyone is going to try and ferment discontent, oddly enough, a festival is a good place to do so."
"Being what we are, we cannot be content. We will not be content with anything other than god."
"That is the origin of sin: when a created being was not satisfied with the position God made for him or her."
"If people are dissatisfied, as they have manifold reason to be extremely discontented at present, they will strive to bring about change."
"I like this idea for two reasons. Firstly because it's typical of us to seek out a clear explanation for our discontentment by putting the things we desire at a distance."
"The idea of happiness is exactly what took it away from me. I wasn't happy, and I hated that I wasn't."
"I did have a great family... but you can't get up every morning in an unhappy situation and know that will never end."
"People are tired of it, you know."
"Everybody wants to, nobody's happy with themselves, yeah. That's where the best comedy comes from."
"Not at all happy with the treatment he got there."
"It's not much fun with the curtains drawn, is it?"
"A veneer which is untrue will always lead to discontentment and insecurity."
"Every morning when she looked down from her castle window at the smoggy City of Hollywood, she knew deep in her heart that something was missing."
"I forgot how annoying poverty is," he grumbled.
"Mankind has only one science: the science of discontent."
"Discontent, because when I’m not content with what I have, when I envy somebody else, what I’m saying is that God, 'Why have You bestowed that blessing on that person and not upon me?'"
"I think like I just knew so young that I didn't like the situation I was in and I was like I don't want to live a life like this it has to be different."
"I feel like I got scammed and disrespected. There's been a lot of discourse."
"Absent of fulfilling purpose in your relational life and professional life... it becomes a snowball of negativity and discontent."
"Life with me now is mediocre, right? Oh my God, it is sickening."
"When I just wasn't feeling it no more when I wasn't happy when like it was a funny time like every little thing he did disgusted me."
"Failure to take discontent seriously could spell disaster."
"She's just looking genuinely miserable and not happy with life."
"A significant minority within the unionist loyalist community does feel as if the systems of the state are now weighed against us."
"I doubt you'd be very happy if somebody that to tomor."
"Half rich people in Chicago are being taxed to death."
"...after all that he wasn't happy."
"The moment you put your trust in riches instead of him who richly provides, you are unhappy."
"The Chaos Gods are not the happiest of people."
"So prices went up much more than 2 percent for year-per year for a couple of years. And people are going to the store, and they're paying much more for the basics of life than they were two years ago-three years ago. And they're not happy about it."
"When we're honest and we're not happy, it's okay."
"We have not reached joy through the fact that we are civilized."
"Civilization... there's also a lot of discontent going on and there are also problems with civilization."
"As a rule, a man's a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool; when it's cool, he wants it hot, always wanting what it's not."
"The problem is I don't know what's wrong; it's just that nothing's right."
"I'm Restless, I'm irritable, I'm discontent."
"I now hate our home, I hate our town, I also hate public transit."
"We get used to our suffering, we get accustomed to the discontent within us."
"This deal's getting worse all the time."
"Feel discontent if your short-term actions don't align with your long-term values."
"A human being by his very nature is not content being human."
"You don't win every battle with soldiers; you write a letter, you send a message, you create discontent."
"It's been so gloomy and raining in Boston, and I'm just so over it."
"We have more distractions than any generation that's ever lived and we're the unhappiest."
"Unhappiness is wishing that things were another way."
"I'm just sick of being miserable."
"Summer's almost over; it sucks, I hate winter."
"If there is no growth without discontent."
"She told us and she says she doesn't want to go back there."
"You could have the best life with the best people and everything could be perfect and you could still not feel good."
"Now you see where I can't be perfectly happy. Nobody could who has red hair."
"Kids don't think about running away from home when they are happy."
"It's making a lot of people angry, and I think people are reconsidering things that we've taken as the status quo."
"I was restless at my tranquility."
"Trying to be happy by definition states that in the current moment you're unhappy."
"I'm out of spirits, Agnes. I want a change."
"Most people got money but they ain't at peace and they ain't happy."