
Nihilism Quotes

There are 553 quotes

"The Sanchez family, despite living in a nihilistic universe, are able to find meaning in each other, helping to ground those that they love."
"The greatest accounts of nihilism and pain...can be found in religious scripture."
"The film explores two of our favorite philosophical sensibilities, existentialism, and nihilism."
"Having the aspect of death, nothingness, or nihilism, emptiness, Ulquiorra, in my opinion, is the true epitome of what makes a Hollow... someone who is missing something vital to themselves."
"Nihilism can be therapeutic... you can kind of talk yourself down using nihilism."
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die, come watch TV."
"I view myself as a positive nihilist... Life has the value that you ascribe to it."
"History is short. That global traumatic experiences seem to actually have a similar effect on youth culture, artistic expression, and frankly, nihilistic outlooks on life."
"It's a piece on the inherent nihilism of modern life, yes, but with tech."
"There’s this thing that happens when you stare at the abyss for too long where the abyss not only stares back at you, but you suddenly realize that the abyss fucking sucks."
"It is actually exceptionally hard to live as a nihilist."
"Life is what you want it to be, you are your own God. In fact, to the nihilist, God is dead or useless."
"The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning, it's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead."
"A life of loose pleasure-seeking and risk-taking adventure can result from this nihilistic perspective."
"You can probably deny most things, nihilists and cynics out there, but you cannot deny the fundamental and shining outlier: pain, suffering."
"Existence itself... it's random and it's just passionate and kind of dumb. And then it's over."
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him."
"In the long run, we're all dead. Are we really going to waste our time with this stuff anyway?"
"You are not a beautiful unique snowflake, you are the same decaying organic flesh matter no one other than maybe those in your immediate circle of fellow humans will ever give you a passing thought for your comfort, your desires or your suffering."
"We got pointless suffering and destruction, and that's all we got."
"We're just looking to kill time till we die, that's all life is."
"If everybody sank into nihilism, then human society would collapse. So you've got to aim at something, sort yourself out, stand up straight, clean your room, and all that entails."
"Nietzsche as an existentialist: no meaning, no objective morality."
"The whole universe is just a byproduct of a process of endless expenditure—an economy of consumption and excess that's totally indifferent to human thoughts and aspirations. Base materialism."
"Some people just want to watch the world burn."
"Why would I save a world I no longer have, and he's taken my red?"
"If you do not value those things then you are left with nothing you are left as a person who values nothing and you are left with a culture that values nothing you either value those or you value nothing there are no other options."
"Raynor's nihilistic world view and anger, along with the loss of his brother, drove him to kill himself."
"This almost means nothing, all of it. So just have some fun, alright?"
"Existence is chaos, nobody exists on purpose."
"Nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die."
"It leaves me with a sense of nihilism it leaves me with a sense of pointlessness and again maybe that was the goal of Naughty Dog they want me to sit here and feel what Ellie feels which is you have nothing you've lost everything."
"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague and we are the cure."
"Because once you've deconstructed everything, what's left? If everything is meaningless, you just end up with utter nihilism."
"When a person cannot attach themselves to anything, they become apathetic, nihilistic and seek to destroy life."
"And that's probably the most well-rounded philosophy you can have when you're looking at this crazy world that's currently on fire and insane."
"Post-modernism is ultimately a nihilistic movement."
"Just act like you don't exist and just drive off a cliff."
"Nothing matters. Just be creative. Do what you want. Life's short." - Jeff
"Doing nothing and criticizing people trying to do stuff is always a net positive because of the nihilistic nature of Maga..."
"The batter sees the world as irredeemable. The presence of this suffering justifies, no necessitates, its destruction."
"Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass."
"I think the answer for the most part is absolutely nothing at all."
"Cynicism can be caustic nihilism leads nowhere and changes nothing."
"The ultimate reason why everyone's just... is that it's pointless."
"The Columbine kids basically said quite forthrightly that being itself was corrupt and unnecessary."
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical like money they can't be bought bullied reasoned or negotiated with some men just want to watch the world burn."
"They were nihilists man they kept saying they believed in nothing."
"Nothing I can tell you can help you. Nothing anyone can tell you can help you." - SCP-4730-3
"Living in a Godless world...has no Destiny, no future, no hope."
"Optimistic nihilism is the solution to this anxiety that we inherit when we're forced into the position of making meaning out of our lives."
"Life is precious, beautiful, and awe-inspiring despite its chaos and disorder."
"You need to end the hopeless search of meaning-making and dive headfirst into the void."
"Without a faith, what's the point of going on? What is the purpose? If you're an atheist, you're gonna end up in a place we call nihilism. There's just no other exit." - Brother Faraz
"A tale told by idiots full of sound and fury signifying nothing."
"In a sense we die, but looking at things from another angle, are we even really alive anymore? This place, it's nothing. It's absolutely nothing. It's just the same thing constantly forever."
"Nothing's coming, this comes on but it's nearly dead irrespective."
"How far we have fallen from the medieval worldview where man was the literal center of the universe... this nihilistic."
"Nihilism is the act of willing nothing because mankind will desire something... in the absence of something man will sooner will nothing than not will at all."
"Nothing matters at all, but since nothing matters, you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want."
"It'd be pointless if you just said ah nothing matters anyway... we've got to try and kind of look at them."
"If you believe in nothing at all, the world will be in trouble."
"The world's broken, truth doesn't exist, so just enjoy comedy, have a laugh."
"Something in you made by God springs to life and says that sounds right, it rings true."
"Nothing I'm, I'm nothing, and I don't care who you are or what you've done, it's about respect."
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"So give up your dreams - death is coming, let's party."
"Why won't someone just die already? Watching people live and die is really the best entertainment."
"If nihilism does not exist, but tries to do so, that is enough to make the world a desert." - Albert Camus
"If it is true that you and I are produced by and will eventually be annihilated by mindless meaningless forces, then despair is the only logical conclusion."
"Infinite points through disinterest at life."
"I think by now we've established everything is inherently worthless."
"Life is pointless and God was killed by a fish but for goodness sake don't worry about it too much let's just have a cup of tea or a pan galactic goggle Blaster and try to have a good time in the time that we have."
"Nobody cares if you live or die. Nobody cares if you're educated or fulfilled. Nobody cares about you."
"It astonishes me that this kind of nihilistic thinking has taken so much hold over the imagination of our leaders."
"Rooting for the robots to kill us all and then look back at our history."
"Nothing is sacred, nothing is good, nothing will ever be the same."
"Life is meaningless, sure, and the only rational course of action is to behave as such."
"It's really in the name: nihilism comes from the Latin word 'n,' which translates to nothing, and 'ISM,' which translates to ideology."
"Every belief, every considering something true is necessarily false because there is simply no true world."
"Optimistic nihilism allows us to experience the universe in our own unique ways, finding peace with the life we have."
"The Joker is the gleeful nihilism that we feel when we're stuck in traffic and just want to burn it all down."
"We all die. Love is pointless. It's never gonna get better. Yeah, okay, [expletive] maybe. I don't care though. I'm still gonna love with my entire heart and live every day like it's my last."
"Listen kings, life sucks and then you die, so do whatever the f you want."
"The tragedy for the lowercase nihilists is that they never realized that God was nothing. Nihilism literally means 'nothing,' and what you realize at the end of the journey is that you're left with nothing."
"Nihilism is correct in that all morality is relative because morality is basically just hinged upon value, meaning, and purpose."
"Unless you're some legend or some [__], we're all gonna be forgotten about."
"Literally nothing matters, we're all gonna die." - Billy Eilish tweet
"Life's a bitch and then you die. That's why we get high because you never know you gonna go."
"People who believe in nothing can be inconceivably dangerous."
"Let us erase this pointless world and move on to the next."
"All the labors of the ages, all the devotion... are destined to extinction."
"This poem perfectly captures the nihilistic philosophy of the character."
"Why are people feeling so purposeless, so nihilistic?"
"Am I just gonna blow up the world? Thank you, asshole."
"Because time is a man-made concept and everything is meaningless and nothing matters."
"Nothing matters, and why is it funny? 'Cause I don't know, it looks funny."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"It would be irresponsible almost beyond words, pure nihilism."
"If nothing matters, make your purpose and make things better and make it flourish."
"No eternal reward will save us now for wasting the dawn."
"The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists."
"While there is no God, there is no Free Will, and nothing happens for a reason, you can still massively improve your life."
"The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion."
"Nothing lasts, nothing forever. So it's like, and then I don't know, you're just gonna die one day. So I'm just like, so nothing really matters in the long run."
"I have seen everything that is done under the Sun and behold, all is vanity."
"All we need to know and nothing actually matters. Meek is right, the art is all that matters now."
"Nihilism is probably the biggest, most recurrent theme in Rick and Morty."
"There's no meaning in anything, not inherently."
"By acknowledging that maybe there isn't any meaning, or that we'll never ever find meaning, you end up taking life a little bit less seriously."
"You can't even begin to talk as soon as you say everything is meaningless."
"Hip-hop is a perfect tool to spread nihilism."
"Maybe all this [ __ ] is actually [ __ ] stupid... and none of it matters."
"Life itself is absurd... nothing but pitiless indifference."
"Humanity is already dead, or in other words, humanity is the Living Dead."
"There's no purpose to life, just make it worth living."
"Nihilistic misanthropic characters in Western media generally have a decent level of complexity behind them."
"What we do know is that he placed no value on human life and saw his existence as one big experiment."
"Rick's heartless nihilism has started to fade."
"Hope you guys learn that all of us ain't [ __ ]! Hope you guys learn that none of us matter. I hope you guys learn that we are all horrible people, every single one of us are horrible, we're all really, really bad people truly."
"I mean it's hard not to feel pretty nihilistic about all of that especially the one the one that really gets me is the prescription drug thing because it's so popular it's so obvious it's a no-brainer."
"But you know what? No, it's a [__] nihilist because it sees into the future. It wants everything and everyone to die."
"If nothing matters, if nothing has consequence, then you could do anything."
"Kirby only cares about eating and sleeping. And yet, he gains no energy nor pleasure from consuming these things. Instead, he just lets them disappear. Gone from this plane of existence. So… what the fuck."
"A nihilistic life is no way to live when art exists this glorious beautiful thing full of life and Light."
"The last man is the moral outlook of nothingness."
"Humans are only able to destroy, to hate, so that is what I shall do."
"None of it matters because none of it's going to last forever."
"It's a game where your choices ultimately don't matter."
"Believing in something is better than believing in nothing. Nihilism is negative and it's not really going to add anything to your life."
"Nothing matters, so make the best of it, be a good person."
"In the face of overwhelming strength, everything is meaningless." - Xenon
"Life sucks, death sucks, and everything's pointless. We should try to enjoy our life."
"Your dream dies with you. Oh, maybe not you."
"He knows he doesn't need to win; he just needs to not lose."
"But God cannot be mocked. He therefore sees to it that when people choose humanism, materialism, and hedonism, the payoff is always nihilism."
"Most people have spent their life on a pile of ashes."
"Nothing makes sense chaos is the answer. F*** everybody, f*** everything."
"Zoomers are the new absurdists; they are trying to find meaning in the absence of meaning."
"The meaning of life is understanding and accepting that there is no meaning to life and acting accordingly."
"Rick as aggressively nihilistic and possibly atheistic as he seems at the end of the day he's someone who respects the unknown."
"My conclusion is this is meaningless. It doesn't matter, none of it matters."
"It is a policy of total nihilism now the United States Once Upon a Time worked to strengthen and build up its allies."
"It just is what it is, it's kind of purposeless if I had to give my opinion on it."
"Your lives have no value, your deaths no meaning, your justice meaningless."
"Sometimes he just wanted to watch the world burn."
"We're all gonna die in the end. This probably isn't gonna be a coherent outro."
"The fundamental goal of my nihilism is to recognize and accept subjectivity for what it is, to root out delusional notions of truth."
"From nihilism, you can proceed in any direction."
"Is it meaningless in the sense that then in the grand scheme of things perhaps but that that is that's a different type of nihilism to the one that people are perpetuating."
"Life is meaningless, everything is pointless."
"Truth itself has no meaning, value, purpose, or any intrinsic worth."
"Congratulations, the world is now a bunch of gas in space."
"The universe does not care. You are a hot air balloon tied to a sandbag."
"Nothing really matters, proudly declare they are nihilists."
"It's very easy to go into nihilism and I suppose many of my perspectives on life my viewpoints are from a nihilistic base however from that nihilism we have a real sense of overwhelming gratitude"
"The biggest nihilists are the people who lose an election and then say, 'Oh, woe is me, we're screwed.'"
"Oblivion is nothing and it will happen because we will die."
"It's a godless world because everybody dies cold and alone and terribly."
"These are not opportunities at all. They have nothing to do. It's less than nothing." - Tim Dillon
"Life is worthless. In a death game, everyone knows who you are. That itself is a form of happiness."
"No heroes? Doesn't matter, honestly doesn't matter."
"Hey, guess what guys? Like, none of this [expletive] matters."
"Life is meaningless... but now amen Christ is risen from the dead."
"Kefka's nihilism grows stronger... as a monument to the pointlessness of existence."
"Nothing is important; that is the most important thing."
"A triumph of nihilism is inevitable; the highest values have lost their value, morals have lost their purpose."
"You come from nothing. You're nothing. But not to me."
"My philosophy is that they're dead, they're not suffering. I think life is basically worthless."
"There is no passion…there is solely obsession. There is no knowledge. There is solely conviction. There is no purpose. There is solely will. There is nothing… Only me."
"Since nothing matters, I'm gonna do what I want and make my own decisions."
"Life is utterly void of meaning, and everybody dies alone."
"Existence was meaningless anyway."
"God is dead but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown."
"The answer to the problem of nihilism is not some argument; the answer is to fall in love with being, with reality again."
"If you have a service mindset towards reality without structure, then you trend towards nihilism because human brains are built for structure."
"Everything is [__], we fooled you; reality doesn't exist, you don't exist, nothing is real, not even oxygen, nothing matters at all."
"Does it really matter anymore? Nothing matters."
"The problem of nihilism for Weber rests in the consequential intervals opened up between knowledge, politics, and religion in modernity."
"Nothing is permanent in this world; you are no one, you are zero, nothing, zero."
"If nothing matters, then all your hopes and dreams for your life."
"It's hard to deny that Rick and Morty is far more apathetic and nihilistic than South Park would ever dream of being."
"He's a nihilist. Oh, that must be exhausting."
"The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't the search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead."
"I'm really dubious that atheism as a dominant cultural way of engaging with reality leads anywhere other than nihilism ultimately."
"Everything is just as pointless as before."
"The absolute nihilistic pedal to the metal straight into the void."
"Art is meaningless. Live for yourself."
"Forget this. Forget me. Forget all of this unless you want to remember that this doesn't matter because that's the only thing to take from this. The only real lesson is that none of this [__] matters. Not a goddamn thing."
"No one will remember this pathetic planet."
"...you can't bring a kid into this world because I was just hardcore like nothing matters, there's no purpose."
"The Joker is astoundingly terrifying. He doesn't want money, he just wants to watch the world burn."
"Nihilism: I would make a simple reductive argument. In the same way that there's no evidence of god, there's no evidence of inherent meaning to existence. Do with that what you will."
"Existence is so rife with trouble and suffering that it would be better if it didn't exist at all."
"Life still had no meaning or purpose where a chemical accident a bolt of lightning hit a puddle of amino acids five billion years ago and here we are and we live for 80 or 90 years and we die and there's no meaning or purpose to anything."
"God is dead and we have killed him."
"Nothing matters and suspending disbelief is not an option at all."
"Nihilism will ultimately erode everything that democracy depends on."
"Part of what happened with the Jordan Peterson thing in 2017 and 2018... watching videos of this man rambling about the book of Genesis could relieve their nihilism-induced depression."