
Prognosis Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Being diagnosed with something does not mean you will struggle with it for the rest of your life."
"There's no reason why the body shouldn't be infected with both viruses at the same time and that's a bad combination that's almost certainly associated with a poor prognosis."
"Unfortunately, we expect this to get worse before it gets better."
"The doctor said that she had about 18 months to 5 years to live, but because my family and I fought so hard, my mom lived 15 years after diagnosis."
"If at some time in the future he presented as being no longer mentally ill and no longer dangerous, then he may be allowed to return to the community."
"So even if you have a very large tumor, even 8 centimeters, even the lowest number here in terms of survival at 10 years is 80%. Thyroid cancer patients do really well."
"If you're going to get thyroid cancer, you may as well be a 35-year-old woman because those people have the best prognosis."
"Anticoagulant therapy mainly with low molecular weight heparin appears to be associated with better prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients meeting SIC criteria or with markedly elevated D-dimer."
"Protein in the urine is the best predictor of the future decline of your kidney function."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"Medical advisors said that the babies have a 95% chance of growing up healthy."
"The people's optimism and doctor provide a sign of things to come."
"Diagnosing a decline before obvious symptoms arise...sounds like the Most High who declares what's going to happen before it happens."
"Fifty percent of people who initially meet criteria for the diagnosis no longer have it two years later, and eighty-five percent are in remission ten years later, even without treatment."
"Patients with essential tremor are more likely to develop dementia as they get older than patients who do not have essential tremors."
"Doctors told his parents that they could take him home the following day."
"I was born with a hole in my heart and a doctor told my mom that I wouldn't live alone."
"The long Covid patients are taking longer to respond, that's my feeling but it's early days yet."
"Position is that with the swelling's like the best it's gonna look and he can make the determinations."
"It's pretty much game over when you're localizing the lesion."
"The Outlook of a disc problem is actually generally pretty good."
"So that's the first question do I have symptomatic myeloma the second question is what is my prognosis or what is my stage."
"Prognosis is opportunity even when it's bad news. It is opportunity."
"...lower likelihood of dying in the ICU again."
"The good news about central serous retinopathy it's a routine referral because it's generally self-limited."
"The good news is it's not herniated. Once it herniates, that's its own beast."
"I hope your prognosis isn't as bad as you think."
"The doctor came in two or three times and just said it wasn't good."
"The idea is that if a sequential MRI shows a lesion that's getting bigger and if that is targeted, a targeted biopsy is done and shows increasing amounts of grade four, that would probably be an indication that this is a tumor that's not going to allow us to keep watching it."
"The short, you know, less than six months patients... often report worsening of current symptoms or even new symptoms starting, to me that's a very good sign."
"Protein in the urine not only is it the biggest risk factor for dialysis it is the biggest risk factor for death."
"Once you start to get out close to five years after treatment the chances of that cancer coming back become very, very small."
"Now I imagine the CSF would be entered first as the person quickly begins having physical symptoms."
"Age is a factor. The older they are, the more likely it's malignant. Generally, if they have an age greater than 50, they have a high likelihood of it being malignant."
"If you have elevated antibodies to thyroid TPO antibodies... you have a 92% positive predictive value... you're getting Hashimoto's thyroid disease within seven years."
"PAD patients will most likely develop amputation over the next several years."
"...most likely going to be the result of hyperkalemia."
"MS is an inflammatory disorder... I'm always expecting to hear that something built up over hours to a day or two or four or six."
"So, after about a year of regular MRIs, the doctor said, 'Well, there's not a whole lot of point in doing surgery or chemo or radiation because it won't necessarily prolong your life even if we do all those things.'"
"The one doctor actually told me that she wasn't going to live past 3 months old."
"There's gonna be a big thing with disability and long-hauler syndrome."
"A glioblastoma, which is the most aggressive brain tumor that there is, and mine is grade four, the highest."
"The doctors had told her that she likely did not have much time left."
"Failed remission and high relapse rates are common in mood disorders."
"Whatever the 'it' is I think that most of us assume that if your vision becomes worse that you know it's only going to get worse from then on."
"You can achieve remission which means that your disease is now controlled and you can stop the medication in about twenty to thirty percent of the time."
"A patient came to the office with a seven or a six millimeter anterior communicating artery aneurysm the patient would likely have been told to have another scan in six months."
"One of the worst prognoses I could ever get. And I got it in five minutes. Not even a blood sample was taken."
"Whether you've been diagnosed with these metastasis or whether or not these metastasis have shown up after diagnosis there is the possibility of cure or remission."
"If you can get in there as early as possible you can have a significant impact on outcome you can actually have a better chance of remission."
"The good news is it's really early stage... you've got a very good chance of surviving."
"Most patients with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer will do exceedingly well. It usually does not cause life-threatening problems."
"We know that most patients who recur with head and neck cancer will do so within two years. So we think that this will take us about three to five years to complete, depending on how quickly we enroll."
"ALS symptoms typically appear between the ages of 40 and 70. On average, individuals with ALS live two to five years after diagnosis, with some people living more than 10 years."
"And the single most important predictor for these patients long-term is alcohol abstinence."
"He said my death is not imminent."
"Chronic pain may not improve and it may get worse with time. It often fluctuates with flare-ups where the pain gets worse."
"Assessing left ventricular systolic function is central to the evaluation of cardiac disease, playing an essential role in guiding management and predicting outcomes."
"Global longitudinal strain is a better predictor of death and allows for better classification of left ventricular dysfunction."
"Depression and anxiety lead to worse outcomes, so worse prognosis, worse quality of life, poor functioning, and an exacerbation of the medical condition and harder to treat medical condition."
"The availability of TAVR has expanded the number of patients for aortic valve stenosis, and I think we'll continue to expand it significantly in the years to come."
"This was one of those situations that nobody could give you a prognosis."
"What is the real prognosis in 2023? I must tell you it should be much better than this data."
"The five-year survival of stage 1 disease is 80 to 90 percent."
"With all these changes, the prognosis of lung cancer is improving."
"It's important because it provides the patient with prognostic information since they do have a different natural history than Parkinson's disease."
"Her2 positive breast cancer is actually one of the better types of breast cancer to have."
"The farther away you get from your diagnosis, your prognosis improves."
"Now these medications have come, they open up the pulmonary artery and the prognosis has gone up."
"As long as you've caught this early, there's a 95% chance that you'll come through this on skade."
"I'm witnessing people living longer and longer and longer and longer even after the diagnosis."
"The economy doesn't lie. You look at the vitals, our economic vitals, we are on life support in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital."
"Dr. Richards checked in on Emma every day, hoping that with more oxygen, Emma's lungs would get better, but even with the help of the ventilator, Emma wasn't recovering."
"Mrd negativity is associated with improved progression free survival."
"Mrd negativity is associated with improved overall survival."
"... mrd negativity is associated with a reduced risk of progression or death."
"... mrd negativity is associated with overall survival."
"M negativity is a very strong predictor of progression-free survival."
"The power of MRD in predicting clinical benefit in terms of progression-free survival is illustrated well."
"I don't think my prognosis is very good when I'm not writing, because I've been writing all my life practically."
"Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) testing allows us to determine if there are any cancer cells left in the bone marrow, which is crucial for understanding treatment outcomes."
"MRD has been associated with longer progression-free survival and overall survival, meaning the time that the disease stays under control and how long you live are typically better for those who are MRD negative."
"What we now know about if you understand borderline personality disorder and offer the diagnosis to patients and their families the prognosis changes dramatically."
"Patients with dialysis tend to do worse than patients who don't need to be on dialysis."
"Early ablation is associated with better survival and less hospitalization for heart failure."
"The house will only continue to sink."
"His body's still fighting but it doesn't look like he'll be returning home the way that he came here."
"So the baby is extremely severe, this is going to happen in the neonatal stage a few days after life."
"The survival of patients with lots of T cells is much, much better than poor survival for the patients who do not have these T cells."
"The majority of patients will have a relapse at some point over their disease course."
"There's a very high chance of long-term survivorship or even cure."
"She was not going to survive this."
"No one can know for sure what your life will look like living with this autonomy, symptoms can vary from person to person and the severity of the condition varies as well."
"MOG optic neuritis: it's important to have these biomarkers because it not only influences prognosis but ultimately influences treatment."
"Patients will ultimately die of something liver related."
"Prostate cancer actually has a very good prognosis. This is in comparison to a lot of other scary cancers."
"Some patients despite our best efforts will continue to progress in their heart failure and may require one of two final treatment options."
"The importance of functional testing: the more the patient is able to exercise, the better the prognosis."
"Why is knowing a patient's functional capacity important? It's been shown to be a very important prognostic factor."
"So you have this combination of ejection fraction and perfusion. Normal perfusion, normal EF, this is the best-case scenario."
"You can see there is a progressive increase in risk. So it's identified patients who are increased risk."
"His most recent CT scan looked slightly worse compared to six months ago."
"I'm very excited to tell you of a new set of medications called sglt2 Inhibitors that have actually for the first time been shown to improve prognosis in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction."
"What is the significance of ivrt and ivct and the prognosis of ref?"
"I'm amazed you know as you may know pancreatic cancer usually when you get stage four diagnosis most people are gone within months or a year."
"So overall, I think we're in a very, very good shape in terms of the treatment paradigm for CLL patients."
"The prognosis is very good even for severe TOF because once you salvage the newborn situation, the subsequent surgical correction is just like regular tetralogy of fallow."
"Diagnosis involves pelvic examination, transvaginal ultrasound, and endometrial biopsy."
"Staging by FIGO determines prognosis, with lower stages indicating better prognosis."
"Luminal A type is the best prognosis and most common type."
"So all of those gliomas that we just went through on the prior slide can be graded one through four, and that's very important to help with prognosis and with thinking about appropriate therapies."
"The doctors didn't think she had a very good chance to survive."
"Most kidney cancers will be alive at five years after their diagnosis. If you take all comers, 75% of patients will be alive at five years after their diagnosis."
"Statistically speaking, maybe about 20% of tumors might shrink a little bit."
"The prognosis without prolotherapy, let's be honest it's not so good."
"Remember that a Hawkins sign is a positive prognostic indicator. It's a subchondral lucency on the mortise or AP x-ray typically seen at six to eight weeks post-injury."
"75 percent of patients will have improvement of their storage symptoms."
"Accept the diagnosis but not the prognosis."
"The future is strong for hernia surgery."
"98% of homogeneous adrenal masses with low density will be benign."
"If cancer hasn't spread, then Eileen may be spared the painful removal of all her lymph nodes."
"...there's about a 90 to 95 percent chance of taking away the majority of the pain."
"Once you develop adenocarcinoma, the average survival rate is about 15 to 20% over 5 years."
"Disability, physical and cognitive function in older persons reflect overall health status and predicts health utilization, institutionalization, and mortality more accurately than any other biomedical measure."
"Optimizing time fixie can make a difference for these poor prognosis patients."
"Dr Ferguson can find out it's going to go away or if it's something that she's going to live with the rest of her life so we can prepare for her future."
"Permanent brain damage is likely, but we won't know for sure until the results come in."
"Minimal residual disease negativity is highly indicative of long-term outcomes."
"My grandpa was diagnosed with congenital heart failure and given only months to live."
"The average starting out survival is most likely going to be in the seven to ten year range for a majority of patients."
"Lucy's condition is stable but most likely permanent."
"Chromophobe has the best prognosis."
"The use of this fibrosis score is that it is very clearly demonstrated is people who have a higher fibrosis score has a poor outcome."
"The earlier we can identify young people, even with an early psychotic illness, the better they will do 10, 15, even 20 years later."
"Patients are more likely to die with the cancer than of the cancer."
"Acute promyelocytic leukemia patients have a much better prognosis; the cure rate is 80 to 90 percent after treatments."
"We also use it as prognostic markers, so we can use this to predict the likely outcome of an illness."
"It takes these diseases that have such a poor prognosis historically and gives them a good prognosis currently."
"Giving adrenaline at an early stage is a very good prognostic indicator."
"The combination with stereotactic radiosurgery might be the way to shift the needle, improve prognosis and survival."
"The longer the time to brain metastases, the more favorable the outcome of that patient."
"If you have a fracture, you have significant osteoporosis and over the period of time, it's going to get worse and you'll have more fractures and your quality of life is going to go down."
"Prognosis for Grade 1 injury is fantastic as long as you reduce aggravating factors and are patient."
"Most patients who have this have an excellent prognosis."
"Patients who have elevated micro albumin have increased cardiovascular risk and they also have increased long-term mortality."
"The decision to get tested is a deeply personal one; HD patients live on average ten to twenty years with symptoms which worsen over time and eventually become crippling."
"You have eight to nine in 10 chances that you will not need another surgery 20 years down the line, which I think is pretty significant."
"If you have a strong heart, then regardless of what you have wrong with your heart, the prognosis is generally better."
"Early gallbladder cancer has an excellent prognosis with 10-year survival about 90 percent."
"Wall motion score index by itself is a good predictor of prognosis."
"Because implant has a higher prognosis than root canals anyways."
"You should make it based on the prognosis of the tooth."
"90% of patients with a grade one will be actually cured for life."
"Prognosis means how the disease will do in the future."
"It's very important to know the tumor subtypes in breast cancer because really your prognosis depends on that."
"Biomarkers should be used ideally as diagnostic aids, to stratify patients to best treatments, and also they should enable us to tell patients about the prognosis of their disease."
"The good thing is, as the previous name suggested, this is considered benign because a lot of children grow out of these kind of seizures."
"Most basal cell carcinomas, if detected early and treated, have a very good prognosis and are easily taken care of."
"Told by two heart doctors that my heart is worn out, I have been given less than two years to live."
"The good thing about it being squamous cell carcinoma is it usually does not metastasize."
"People who have more vitamin D at time of diagnosis do have a much better prognosis."
"For the majority, the prognosis is very good, with improvements within a few days or weeks."
"Patients with low decipher score did better than patients with high decipher score."
"Better risk stratification equals better personalization of care."
"Plaque volume predicts outcomes and changes in volume predict outcome."
"Superficial spreading melanoma, if caught early, can have a good prognosis because it often has an early horizontal growth phase."
"Lifestyle changes do make a difference to the long-term prognosis."
"The Seattle Heart Failure Score... provides an accurate assessment of one, two, and three-year survival."
"In the majority of patients, sarcoidosis automatically resolves within two to three years."
"Chromophobe variant is going to be having the best prognosis."
"The intestinal subtype of cancer is associated with gland formation and usually going to be having a relatively better prognosis."
"All patients with transposition of great arteries have a uniformly poor natural history if no surgical intervention is done."
"Sixty-six percent of those people are not going to be living independently 24 months later."
"An ABI that is less than 0.78 is associated with about a 30% chance of a five-year risk of MI, stroke, and or vascular death."
"The prognosis for curve progression is based on three factors: the patient's age, where the defect is located, and the exact type of anomaly."
"Delayed diagnosis is really a major factor in poor prognosis."
"The sooner a person gets treatment for an eating disorder, the better the outcome or the prognosis."
"Highly unlikely that dialysis will be in your future, not impossible but unlikely."
"If we have a grade one benign meningioma and we completely remove it, that's curative in over 90% of patients."
"He is beating the odds and doing a lot better than his parents and the psychologist projected that he would do."
"If patients can seek help, if they learn to manage the anxiety, the prognosis is very good."
"EBV titers both pre-treatment and post-treatment seem to have a strong prognostic influence in terms of long-term outcomes for these patients."
"These tumors do very, very well over time."
"Even if it turned out to be cancer, I have a chance of having very good results."
"The adaptive functioning is more important for the patient's prognosis than the IQ."
"A good prognosis is when there's little or no lasting effects as a result of the disease."
"If mitral regurgitation is truly severe, it has a poor prognosis if left untreated."
"The 5-year survival rate for metastatic cancer is only 5%."
"I'm going to cover causes of melanoma, the eye, features of melanoma therapy, a little bit about the collaborative ocular melanoma study, and then lastly, I'll talk about prognosis."
"Now we've completely changed the prognosis for this disease with a 90 percent or better five year survival."
"Most men present with early cases 85 percent of the time, and in these early cases again the five-year survival is close to a hundred percent."
"It's a chronic disease with excellent prognosis when folks are compliant."
"Making the diagnosis... allows you to give prognosis to your patient, tell them what to expect, allay fears, dispel concerns."
"There should be no problem after a timely surgery."
"The prognosis can be different based on whether or not we have a good treatment modality for that particular corneal dystrophy."
"Patients whose tumors have high numbers of immune cells tend to do better compared with patients that have low numbers of immune cells."
"The most important prognostic factor is grade."
"The outcome is 60 to 70 percent five-year overall survival for localized disease."
"The overall prognosis is actually really great with the patients of thyroid cancer, if you happen to do get thyroid cancer, which is an unfortunate diagnosis."
"The earlier stage you catch [cancer] at, the better prognosis you likely will have."