
Job Interview Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Be others focused. That's a really good time to be others focused, is when you're doing a job interview."
"A job interview as a sales presentation. You are selling yourself."
"Go into a job interview confident and knowing you're the right person for the job."
"Why do you want to work for us? Because this company has a good reputation."
"Inspire the hire by demonstrating that you can deliver the result they want."
"When you go in for your first interview, act as if it's not a big deal. If you go in with that mentality, I believe it helps a lot with your confidence."
"Dressing is very important. Dress to impress."
"Walk into the interview feeling like a professional, feel like a million bucks and you'll be fine."
"Coming to the interview prepared with your own questions tells the interviewer that you are engaged, you're interested in the position, and that you put in a little bit of preparation."
"If this was a real interview you would have absolutely passed with flying colors."
"First you must understand your own resume very very well... every skill bullet point or project on it needs to be extremely intentional."
"Probably the best job interview experience I've ever had."
"The interview is about selling yourself, you want to showcase all of your skills."
"It all just clicked in. I was like, 'I wish I could tell people this.' When you go in for an interview, the person on the other side of the table now wants you to be the one so bad."
"Even if you have some golden ideas to improve product but if your answer is unstructured or random it's very hard for you to get thumbs up from the interviewer."
"I can bring a wealth of experience in this industry, a positive attitude and mindset, loyalty, and the promise that everything I do will be geared towards helping you maintain your position as a market leader."
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"But don't walk into an interview saying I'm a fan, no champ, oh dig his belt!"
"Someone who's prepared versus someone who's unprepared, it's very obvious in an interview."
"Every interview question is asking you, why are you a fit for us?"
"It's beyond you thinking that you're just there to answer some questions. It's not that. You're there to convince and persuade."
"You're the one that has control in the interview because what you say and how you say it will control the outcome of what they feel about you."
"The interview is so much more intricate than just a Q&A. It's an opportunity for you to persuade, convince, and sell yourself."
"You have the ability to showcase... that you are the top candidate for the position."
"It all comes down to what you say and how you say it."
"Are you still living at your parents' house? Am I supposed to hire someone that lives in their parents' basement?"
"The interview was literally how much [expletive] can you take from us?"
"Grab this book before your next interview. It is going to make a difference, I guarantee you."
"Ask questions that show enthusiasm and motivation."
"Thanks very much for interviewing me today. It certainly sounds like the job that I would very much enjoy."
"What you should do, usually, early in the process, you're meeting with an HR, or a recruiter, or the hiring official, or somebody that's your leadoff hitter."
"Show them how you can be a solution to their problems."
"Make the interview about them. Talk about the kinds of things that they are doing publicly and align with them."
"Ask them questions that show you understand them."
"Be humble. If there's something that you don't know, don't try to fake it."
"Give crystal-clear on-point answers to everything. Minimize your babbling."
"In the interview, talk about what you're going to do for these people, this company, this individual, not what you've done in the past."
"You're not going in to do an interview. You're going in to sell yourself. You want to control that interview and make it a sales presentation."
"I feel like as part of our job interviews if we ever hire on more people like we should put them through this, right? Oh yeah, no, this is a really good testament if you can handle being in this office."
"Things are finally going to start moving in the right direction, and you could have a really, really good interview."
"You have to be yourself, showcase your personality, your enthusiasm."
"Walk into the room like you don't already have the job."
"Interview process is a two-way interaction. When you raise questions to the employer, you are showing that you are really interested in the current job."
"Use the time wisely. If you are able to provide any additional information the hiring manager may not know already, this is a great time to let them know."
"Welcome to hiring for Tomb Raider. What's Tomb Raider? You're hired."
"A successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with... I already know some of these gonna be bad."
"Just be extraordinary, Mr. White. Thank for calling me in today because I've got one heck of a story for you."
"If you ever have to go to a job interview and part of the requirement is that you get in a car and they drive you to somewhere else, don't get in the car."
"Wear a suit to the interview, it's vitally important."
"Change your mindset and think about the person on the other side of the table or the other person testing you wants to hire you instead of looking for a reason not to hire you."
"You're interviewing the company as much as the company is interviewing you."
"If you can explain all of this and show the same level of passion, you will get that job at some point."
"Very, very powerful stuff for those without the right level of experience that somehow we're able to market themselves effectively to actually get the job interview."
"Looks get you in the door for the job interview, and you can still get rejected right after you get in the door."
"The looks get you in the door for the job interview."
"The school is the principal's baby, and you need to know a few little tidbits about that baby so that the principal feels good about hiring you."
"Me in a job interview: Talent: Sleeping."
"I'm still hopeful. Really hoping that the company that I'm most interested in gets back to me about interviewing this afternoon."
"Remember though a job interview is both ways. A job interview is not just for the job to see if they want you; it's also to see if you want the job."
"Remember that an interview is an interview both ways. This is an interview for them as much as it is an interview for you, so make sure you have some good questions in there in terms of actually like finding the right place for you."
"And if you hold a CFA or FRM which is a world-renowned certificate accepted by the professionals on your resume, maybe you have a higher probability of getting that interview."
"...so make sure you end it kind of with them knowing that you know a little bit about their organization and it'll definitely help them remember you and why they would want to hire you because you will be an asset to them."
"I guarantee you're going to stand out... if you research the company, come prepared with good questions, and express how interested you are in actually working for that company."
"Mike, you should hire me because I love working with customers."
"Make eye contact, smell good, and look better than anybody that's working there. You gonna get the job."
"It does have some learning curve though and once you have client project put your client project into a portfolio and then use that as the case study to present in job interviews."
"There's good candidates and then there's the best fit, and that's who you are. Focus your answer around you being the best fit."
"A job interview is a two-way street."
"You should be interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you."
"Why is the job open? This is the single most important question."
"I always try to make the person perform a task or write code that will directly relate to the actual job."
"Do not forget to mention monitoring aspect to the interviewer."
The very first common question that they're most likely going to ask you during NP interview is "Tell me about yourself."
"The key is to frame your answer in the context of the job that you're interviewing for."
"You want to ask questions that are going to help you understand more about this position and whether you want to work there or not."
"Practice responses to job interview questions about job hopping, focusing on truthful answers that don't harm your chances."
"I know it can be really daunting to conduct a job interview as a new manager or as a new leader but i truly hope that this video has given you some really good guidance and direction on what to do what to ask and how to just go about it in general."
"Every job that you'll interview for is made out to be like it's the most incredible opportunity full of amazing things that you'll accomplish."
"The interview is your chance to convince the hiring manager to hire you. Don't waste this opportunity."
"I showed the hiring manager that I can be a part of their solution and I did that in the first few seconds."
"When you're interviewing for a job, you want to stand out from the rest of the other candidates."
"Definitely ask that question. Don't just be like, 'Oh yeah, you know, great interviewing with you. You know, please reach back out to me when you're ready.' Sometimes it's too soft. You want to stand out from the rest of the other candidates."
"The first step is to introduce yourself. It is the most important step to impress the employer."
"You go to a job interview looking polished, made up, dressed nice. There's a difference. You're not going to get hired if you just look clean and fresh."
"Consider how to evaluate technical ability based on the job you're interviewing for."
"It's not just about the company deciding whether they want to bring you in. This is also an opportunity for you to decide whether you want to be there in the first place."
"Why do you want to work for this fire department? They want to know if you're genuinely interested in them."
"You've got the experience. You're listing the qualities that you want. You're showing them why you're interested in this job. That is the way that you're going to ace this question."
"Why do you want to work for our company? 'Having researched your company in depth, I'm genuinely excited by your company's reputation for supporting Innovation.'"
"The biggest advice I could give is to look at it as almost like a job interview that you need to go in and sell yourself, you need to go in and sell the idea."
"Be specific about why you're interested in this particular role rather than just why you're looking for a new job in general."
"...if the conversation is easy and genuine and you connect with your interviewer, it's all good signs, very good signs."
"Can you tell me why you want this job?"
"It's also kind of arrogant of a lot of recruiters that they think that you can recall your entire career and every single thing you've ever done at the drop of a hat in an interview with a stranger when you're put on the spot and the stakes are high and you're nervous."
"If you can't answer it period, that signals something bad. That's kind of a red flag, at least that's how a lot of recruiters will interpret it."
"Why do you want this job? Well, I've always been passionate about not starving to death."
"Your work experience speaks volumes. Did it challenge you? Did it help you grow? They want to know."
"Creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan and taking it to a job interview is the difference that might get you hired."
"And if you bring in a well-thought-out 30 60 90 day plan into your interview, your chances of getting that dream sales role go through the roof."
"Throughout the interview process, this will go far, this will go very far into securing that you stand out in your next sales interview."
"I am here to help you not just pass every job interview you ever attend but also negotiate a salary and progress throughout your career."
"I was offered the job about five minutes into the interview."
"You could have somebody going come on in I see from your application that you already have a tremendous amount of experience in Espionage surveillance and assassination."
"I actually introduced that portfolio project to my interviewers while I was interviewing."
"Make sure you practice your job interview introduction several times before your interview to make sure it gets off to a positive start."
"The biggest mistake that interviewees make is they try to impress their interviewer, whether the interviewer is the recruiter, the headhunter, it could be the team leader, the direct manager, supervisor, or maybe even the employer him or herself."
"Instead of doing that, this is about being fully authentic, because chances are when you're in a job interview, it feels like you have to impress them."
"Hello, I'm the new guard. You know, I saw the job application, and I heard you guys are looking for new guards here and stuff like that."
"Sell yourself. Interviewers want to see the real you."
"Why should we hire you: Just as important as the very first question on this list, this is your last chance to tell this employer why you are the best choice for this position."
"You really just want to come across as the best person to hire. Yeah, you need to show them why they want you, not just why you want them."
"... it's up to you to Market yourself effectively so you can get through each round of the interview process and ultimately get the offer."
"Think about it as your goal is to keep doors open. It might be after the screening interview that you've lost interest in that department, and you have a right to let them know that you don't want your candidacy to move forward, but you don't want them to close them for you."
"Follow up either with thank-you cards or with an email just saying thank you so much for the interview I'm very interested say what you liked about the program that you learned during your interview it's also just another chance to kind of show your strengths."
"Expect to hear from us within a week or so about the job. Thanks, sir, have a nice day."
"It is very impressive when we're interviewing people and we can tell that that person is interested enough in our company that they've taken the time to learn a little about what that company is doing."
"At the end of the day, most private equity real estate interviews will leave the majority of the technical questions for the Excel exam directly."
"My first round of interview was for Grace Hopper, and once I concluded, I had my final interview with Microsoft."
"The interviewer is really impressed, what's going to happen is that they'll advance you to the onsite."
"Organizational skills are often overlooked as a strength, but in an interview they can be the difference between being hired and being passed over."
"Interviewers want to hear about specific events and actions that you took and the results that you achieved."
"If you're using this in your interview, I would play up your ability to work in a team."
"This is going to be an easy interview process where you can record your responses."
"Talk about the present, what you are doing now, then what you have done in the past... and what value can you bring to the role that you are applying for."
"...he decided to interview at a prestigious fashion design company that was currently hiring."
"Interviewing for a role can be one of the most daunting experiences that we may face as a candidate."
"You're drop dead gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off you, unfortunately, I won't be able to offer you the job."
"Align key areas of the role to practical examples that highlight your achievements and where you've made an impact."
"If you're having coffee with somebody at Starbucks who has a job that you'd like to get, you're in an interview."
"The person you're interviewing with is going to expect that you have done some research."
"Your resume is going to be the roadmap for your interview."
"I wish you all the best for passing your health and safety manager interview. Have a brilliant day."
"I hope this helps somebody out in the IT industry trying to do a job interview."
"Make sure you ask about the next steps in the hiring process."
"Having these behavioral questions car, cause, action, result, lockdown will get you a job."
"Could you guide me through the next steps in the hiring process?"
"Welcome to the past the interview series where I break down the interview processes of world-famous companies to help you get hired."
"I really think I may get this job; that interview went really, really well."
"I was very nervous on my job interview too."
"Why Grant Thornton? Comes up every time. Why do you want to work for this company?"
"I am going to teach you how to answer interview questions that are focused on your ability to deal with patients."
"Thank you for this opportunity. My strengths are a great match for the job description."
"My greatest strengths are a solid match for the job description. I am a proactive problem solver who will take the lead in challenging situations."
"You need to demonstrate resilience, competence, and confidence during the interview."
"I went in and kind of just like, 'Hey guys,' like I did it, but you know, like that cool factor kind of works better for you when you're not for the job, you don't care."
"In a job interview, they want to hire you as much as you want to be hired."
"I really hope you get that job tomorrow."
"The fact that I was able to do an interview and actually get the job was surreal."
"Imagine meeting somebody at a pub... and then imagine you walk into a job interview the next morning, and you realize the same person is the CEO of the company you're interviewing for."
"You're going to land the job, you're going to have that victory over changing somebody's mind."
"They are there to interview you; you are also there to interview them."
"Your mindset matters a lot more than the answer that you can give your potential company."
"With just a little intentionality, you can prepare yourself to win the interview."
"Interviewing for a job is never a piece of cake. It takes a lot of courage, spectacular communication skills, and extensive prep."
"When you're going to a job interview, you should show off your skills and abilities."
"You're there to get the job, be confident, you know, be your best self."
"Aiden, you will smash that job interview, be strong, be confident, you can bloody do this."
"Why did you choose our company? Because you're recruiting. What can you bring to the company? A new employee."
"I'm going to teach you how to answer any kind of interview question when you have no experience."
"The overarching thing that they're looking for is, do they like you?"
"Never be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat or rephrase the question."
"You have a much greater chance of failing a job interview because of a miscommunication than you do a lack of your qualifications."
"Never say 'I don't have any experience' in your job interview."
"I got positive feedback after the interview, so I think they were at least satisfied with my answer."
"I got it, I got the second interview!"
"You're not the only person interviewed for this job, so you have to be able to sell yourself."
"We've interviewed a few good candidates, but I think this guy wins by a neck."
"Once you get an interview, research the company."
"Make sure you have concrete evidence and stories that you can pull from to really convey that you're the best candidate."
"I have an interview at 9:30 for a job, so I think instead of going back to bed and then being like half asleep when I'm on the interview, I'm just gonna stay awake."
"You should show that you're really humble and you're very passionate about the job that you're applying for."
"The most important thing to keep in mind any job interview is that it's bi-directional. It's going both ways, my friends."
"After seeing my awesome attire, the interviewing manager offered me his job."
"They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said, 'Welcome aboard.'"
"We just saw our friends from the other week that we gave a lift to, and his interview went well, and they were really sweet."
"Make sure you go through your CV just before your interview."
"I'm so excited for your job interview, I hope it goes well."
"If you have a solid portfolio, you're gonna get an interview regardless."
"Why did you apply to our company?"
"When you go into a job interview, you're selling yourself."
"I get a sense about people. You're gonna get this job."
"A job interview should be two ways: the firm interviews the candidate and the candidate interviews the firm."
"Tell them about specific skills you have that address the specific challenges in this role."
"Flattery will not get you this job... It's not flattery if it's the truth."
"Make sure that you have a very strong set before you go to the interview, just to make sure that you're crystal clear and can describe and not going to make the interviewer confused."
"This is asked by Microsoft, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Samsung apparently."
"I'm feeling better about the interview."
"Good luck with your phone interviews. Congratulations on making it to this stage in the hiring process."
"I'm confident that I'll be of use to the company. You won't regret it."
"It's always going to be asked in an interview."
"One of the most important things to do before a job interview is to practice answering interview questions."
"I'm feeling positive in the knowledge that they were really happy with me in the interview."
"For Zoom interviews, natural lighting is always best."
"Arrive early for your interview, and plan your route ahead of time."
"You are able to comfortably talk to people or approach a woman or engage in a job interview or network if you need to and do it comfortably and get to your point and build relationships."
"If you're looking for a job for this and if they ever the manager sits you down and says let's see what you can do, they give you a drawing, make this, try and do that, you're going to look very impressive."
"A job interview is simply a meeting between you and a potential employer to discuss your qualifications and see if there is a fit."
"We want to help people succeed and showcase their skills, so often the interviewer will try to help you through a problem."
"For anyone who is interviewing at Google, good luck, I hope this video was helpful."
"It shows you took the time to research the company. HR people like that."