
Global Peace Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"May each of us feel your blessing upon us, the goodwill we send to one another, and may we bless the world."
"Freedom from Want... means economic understandings which will secure to Every Nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world."
"America must remain freedom's staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally and it is the world's only hope to conquer poverty and preserve peace."
"The people of this world can live together in peace."
"Love is the Ultimate key that will save the world."
"We will stand together not for our own safety and survival, but in pursuit of justice and peace everywhere."
"The protection of the South China Sea as a vital, critical global artery is crucial to the preservation of regional peace and, I dare say, of global peace."
"Sooner or later these weapons are going to be used if you don't get rid of them."
"Abolition of nuclear weapons is essential to address the unacceptable reality of nuclear weapons in our world."
"Democracies are rising to meet this moment, rallying the world to the side of peace and security."
"The world is peaceful until the day it isn't anymore, and that day may be much closer than it seems."
"The U.N. wasn't created to take mankind to Paradise but rather to save Humanity from Hell."
"Nuclear war isn't cool, and you know, it's heading in that direction."
"China and the United States need to show broad vision and great responsibilities... for the good of the people in both countries and around the world."
"Putin is absolutely reckless and a direct threat to world peace."
"The world is saved, and everyone's thankful."
"The best chance for achieving peace and prosperity for the maximum number of people worldwide is to pursue the cause of Liberty."
"There is no World War One as by the 20th century the world is much more like the 18th."
"We have to have universal peace... our whole attitude towards the cosmos has to become peaceful."
"Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity."
"We will pursue a world without nuclear weapons."
"Without democracy Earth can never have peace."
"Self-determination is an enlightened and beneficent ideal to which the formation of states must conform if both Justice and the Peace of the world are to be secured."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"That is the world we desperately need, a world at peace and in harmony where people live and care for each other."
"It's hard to believe, in historical standards, how much peace there is in the world right now."
"This is a dangerous moment for all of Europe, for freedom around the world. Putin has committed an assault on the very principles that uphold global peace."
"Love let's go. Love, if you really want to heal the planet, if you really want to heal the world, if you really want to heal this war, start to use your god-given ability to manifest."
"In order for peace on Earth to exist, you have to first have peace within."
"We live in harmony and peace, but now that you've developed Atomic weapons, this now threatens the very Planet itself."
"The one world religion... peace utopia on earth."
"If we get the mix just right, we might be able to bring order to the chaos and end war forever."
"We have a president who is bringing peace throughout the world."
"Humanity is facing a big choice. Do we choose annihilation, or do we choose enlightenment, peace, universal peace on earth and in space?"
"The world is a far more peaceful place than it was just fifty years ago."
"Most beloved president in human history, effectively creating peace around the world and unifying nations around him."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty; see if we take a moment every day just to think about the planet."
"The secrecy as the CI director said the secrecy around this issue and how it's now gone Rogue and criminal is a threat to the National Security of the United States and I will add to the threat to peace in the world the whole world."
"The foundation of having peace on earth and peace in the heavens is to have the great peace within."
"Understanding that unless we are willing to pursue diplomacy to work out our differences... then the only alternative is the confrontational approach and the conflict and the war that we are seeing for so long."
"We're gonna bring murder to an end, worldwide. No more killing, no more bombs, no more excuses."
"All nations should look at where it is and make a decision based upon democracy and freedom and peace."
"All mankind should support peace for the sake of our planet."
"I will prevent World War III. Nobody else is going to prevent it."
"If it were to decide that its new purpose was to bring its version of 'peace' to every life on the planet, there would be little the Foundation could do to stop it."
"The tribulation begins according to the Bible with global peace and prosperity and safety."
"We may be at the end of an era of abundance and relative peace."
"We're looking for peace. We want peace all over the world. That's my number one goal: peace all over the world."
"When the U.S. looks at Europe, it plays a key role for the peace around the globe."
"Their deepest desire is for things to just become much more peaceful in the world."
"If we all get along better, the world will be a much better place."
"May the divine bring the peace to the world and love to all but I want to ask you to be the light that creates the ripple in time for the most benevolent change ever on planet earth."
"Dalai Lama is like the Mother Teresa of dudes."
"Let there be peace in the world. We are the children of one home, one Earth, and one heaven."
"The world could really do with it right now to take us away from all the fear, the greed, the chaos that we see around us."
"His deep commitment to the world, not just to the Ahmadiyya community, but to seeing more peace and more love throughout the world is truly astonishing."
"Peace on earth... that's the beginning... and then it gets good."
"Eliminating all weapons of mass destruction is vital for global peace."
"Peace through strength: a strong America is good not just for America but it's good for the world because it allows for peace to break out."
"Yes, the greatest threat to world peace is misinformation."
"He that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted, and none hindering. The whole earth is at rest and is quiet."
"If I'm not at peace, then I can't expect the world to be at peace."
"The benefits are in terms of peace for people throughout the world."
"The world is supposed to be saying 'peace and security.'"
"May all living beings everywhere around the world live happy and free, and may my words, actions, and thoughts contribute to that freedom and happiness of all. Namaste."
"They remind us that compassion and love are not passive emotions but active engagements with the world, crucial for the sustenance of humanity and the fostering of global peace."
"Personal peace will grow into a national international peace."
"We even have global peace day whose slogan is make love not war."
"We decree and declare peace over every nation, every city, every street."
"Let the world rejoice, world peace all around!"
"I think they understood the problem for exactly what it was, a problem of great potential danger for world peace."
"May the souls of the perpetrators be transformed, may the lineage be healed, may all victims be healed, and may we live on a planet where we don't need darkness to inspire our light."
"Not only to promote productive efficiency...but even more, to foster harmony and peace among the peoples of the world."
"God's way, the way of Jesus Christ, will heal our land and we'll heal this world."
"Without the UN, we might very well have had World War three."
"We all want a world of peace, happiness, fulfillment."
"The world wants to live in peace now."
"It must be a worldwide effort for the achievement of peace, plenty, and freedom."
"Economic recovery and peace itself depend on increased world trade."
"We should aspire to peace as a global public good."
"The work of the United Nations should continue to be guided by the values on which it was founded, including promoting peace, security, human rights, equality of all nations, and the promotion of social progress and better standards of life."
"Having peace throughout the world is very important."
"In a world that is marked by strife and human misery, the United Nations remains the focus of man's hope for the future."
"The Peace Corps of talented men and women helping to further global peace and forward the peaceful progress of developing countries."
"The messiah is to bring about a time of remarkable change in the world, of worldwide knowledge of God where war will come to an end."
"To protect the world from devastation, to unite all people within our nation."
"Unity will set the whole world free."
"If we are to have a world in which humanity is important, then we all need to work together for peace."
"A world free of poverty and pestilence and war."
"Is your living existence going to bring more love to the planet or tolerance, compassion, peace? That's who you are."
"Wherever we may go, we must carry on his vision, and that's a vision of a world united."
"The love and the power of the creator must address not only the sin of individuals but the strife and hostility of nations."
"Until we have peace with the earth, we are not going to have peace among humans."
"We pray that the family of nations may succeed in putting aside its differences in the interests of the common good."
"If there is equality, democracy, and the same life in all the countries of the world, the world should be one."
"Nonviolence is the only way to save the soul of this nation and the world."
"Peace in the world, happiness in the world."
"Earth is saved once again, and now everyone can get back to peace, finally."
"May all beings be happy, may all beings in this room be happy, may all beings in this country be happy, may all beings in the world be happy."
"We pledge our support to effective multilateralism that aims at enforcing inclusion, promoting quality education, peace, and security for all."
"The threat of conflict in this region to the Global Peace is a matter of prime concern to everyone and should not be underestimated."
"The issue of Global Peace must be linked with global prosperity."
"By having these entangling relationships and by having these alliances, can we not make our world more safer?"
"We must fight for it just as we must also remain Resolute in the face of aggression which threatens Global Security."
"Peace of the planet, what's happening out there?"
"Peace will arrive the world over."
"Perhaps one of the greatest means to achieve global peace and harmony is cultural exchange."
"All of the world's problems were solved today."
"Peace within is world peace. Peace begins with me."
"We must try to make ourselves peaceful, our home peaceful, our city peaceful, our state faithful, our country peaceful, and our world peaceful."
"Bless every person, every being on Earth with peace and love, especially countries that are at war, people in conflict."
"We remember love, joy, peace, and happiness all over the world."
"To make the world safe for democracy."
"The world wants peace with justice, that aggression is aggression whether it is inside or outside."
"Early expectations and hopes generated by the end of the Cold War that the world might become a more harmonious and peaceful place have all but evaporated."
"From the center of the heart of God, let the entire Earth be blessed with loving-kindness."