
Prophets Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"God is the true sender of holy prophets and of holy apostles."
"If you were asking me whether I believe there is only one God, my answer is yes. And if you were asking me whether I believe that Muhammad, peace be upon him, was one of the prophets of God, my answer is yes."
"It is possible to interact with the Prophets in the Barzakh."
"Follow the one who does not ask you for any compensation... This is a principle about all prophets."
"Every prophet and messenger came to show us God so that we worship God and not anything of the creation."
"We follow the messengers and the prophets of the past."
"We say that previous prophets, they also used to pray something similar way."
"We believe in all the prophets and messengers."
"Every prophet had that one true message from our creator."
"All the messengers and prophets were sent to bring people back to the worship of the one creator. We have to live in peace and harmony with all the people."
"Islam teaches that prophets brought the same message, just adapted to their time and place."
"This journey of faith is not something new; it's a legacy of prophets."
"Believe in all other messengers from Adam to Muhammad SAW."
"We have to respect all the prophets, and that's something beautiful that we see in Islam."
"All the prophets of Almighty God that are in the Bible here, genuine prophets of Almighty God, they all taught the same beliefs."
"God loves Jesus He loves all the prophets very much."
"We believe in the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus, peace upon them all."
"We admire, respect all the prophets and the messengers."
"Many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, but they did not."
"Because this narrative is so different, it's almost as though we're obligated to reintroduce them to these prophets. We have to reintroduce them."
"The story of the Prophet picks up right from where Jesus left off."
"My concluding counsel this morning is give heed to the words of the prophets."
"We love all of the prophets and we love David we love Moses we love Abraham we love Jesus we love Muhammad peace and blessings be upon of them."
"Their enigmatic stories have prevailed, echoing their many names: Hosea, Amos, Miriam, Daniel, Deborah, Jeremiah."
"I love the fact that we live in a day with modern-day prophets."
"From amidst this chosen category of the Messengers, He selected five as the great amidst The Messengers."
"These are the best sons of Adam, the princes and the greatest and the grandest amidst The Messengers."
"The prophets were brothers; their fundamental belief in God and the Hereafter and the angels and the books and the messengers is the same."
"If you study the Quran... you will find that every single prophet was an individual that confronted a delusional group."
"Not all prophets are created equal."
"King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do."
"If you're a Christian, stick with the prophets and how they point us to Jesus."
"For us, Jesus has the highest distinction and honors as being one of the Ole Azam prophets."
"Jesus advised us, believe the prophets."
"Living prophets and apostles claim to receive Revelation and guidance to address the specific needs and challenges of the current era."
"Prophets make us smarter than any other leaders or influencers on Earth."
"For thousands of years, the words of prophets and their visions of the future have changed the course of history."
"I bless you that you may follow the teachings of prophets, that your lives may thereby be enriched."
"True prophets were never loved. True prophets were despised because they told the truth."
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets."
"False prophets spoke what the people wanted to hear, but true prophets are politically incorrect."
"The role of prophets is to remind people of their covenant with Allah subhanahu wata'ala, so they fulfill that covenant."
"Prophets are never quote welcomed in their Homeland because they bring messages that are disrupting to the life of a particular society."
"God speaks to man today through prophets."
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law of the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfil."
"We are indebted to Him for showing mercy unto us by sending to us His prophets."
"Prophets are not called to be accepted, you are called to be rejected."
"Prophets possess deep understanding and insight into spiritual matters."
"Prophets have the ability to perform miracles, signs, and wonders."
"Prophets of the nature of John the Baptist are forged in the deserts of fasting and feasting."
"You believe that God loves us and gave us guidance through prophets?"
"The prophets exceeded his expectations. It was a delightful surprise."
"Some prophets worked for themselves and some worked on occasions for others, which is also honorable."
"I realized that Islam was the truth because at this point I kind of understood who the prophets were."
"God is the true sender of holy prophets and apostles."
"God does not do anything without first revealing it to His prophets."
"Muhammad believed that Jesus was a great prophet, that he was not God."
"All of these prophets in the Old Testament prophesied of Jesus Christ."
"Prophets are against the status quo, they are a threat."
"Amos was a contemporary of Hosea, they preached to the same people, same time, same people group, God's message but different style."
"We can draw similar lessons from both major, minor prophets—no difference there."
"Prophets' calls were unique, originating solely from God, unlike initiatives from within or national pride."
"Prophets affect you whether you like it or not whether you believe them you don't you go to their church or you don't they affect you."
"You ignore them you perish, you oppose them you suffer, you like them you prosper."
"Prophets can speak for Him even God, if God wasn't talking to you our prophets can change. I said prophets can change for Him."
"Because reality is prophets are not normal, they can't submit to anything else because they are also hearing God for themselves."
"Every time a prophet is about to take you into Divine plenty, he requires his words to pierce the inner part of your being and remove the shell and get into you because prophets are Distributors of wealth."
"...as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets."
"Everybody is invited to bear testimony of Jesus Christ, but it's prophets, seers, and revelators, it's the apostles who have this special mission to bear witness of the name of Jesus Christ in all the world."
"These messages from the prophets are as relevant today as they were when they were first preached."
"...there is a level of self-actualization that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam reserved for a specific people."
"Our identity is closer to the teachings of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Noah, all of the prophets, than even the modern-day Christians."
"The prophets emerged as the moral compass of Judah, speaking out against idol worship, condemning injustices in society, and warning about the severe consequences of abandoning Yahweh."
"The prophets arose in the Bible when the priests and the kings weren't doing their jobs."
"The mystery of God is declared to his servants the prophets."
"Prophets build up the church, they don't tear it down."
"The Old Testament prophets are the standard to be an Old Testament Prophet, allows for more magic than we often allow for Joseph Smith, is that magic or is that priesthood?"
"I will do to Elijah that which he did to your 450 prophets."
"The church, you know, why do we need prophets? We need prophets because the Lord has established a way for us to enter a covenantal relationship with him through community, through churches."
"The prophets are the birth of self-critical thinking."
"Everything the prophets prophesied about was based upon those two Commandments."
"Prophets know what's going to happen in the earth before anybody else does because they have access to that Divine assembly."
"The Lord is not going to forget your Works, understand without your donations, without your contributions the prophets would not be able to fulfill the prophecies"
"Prophets usually face opposition, but they outlive it and impact the world."
"God doesn't come to you; God sends people. And if you're gonna have encounters, you have to go through the prophets."
"As Muslims, we believe in the almighty God. We believe that almighty God sends many prophets, all with the same message to worship that great Creator alone."
"All prophets were sent to their people, but Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to all."
"Moses was just like Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him, Jesus was just like Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, they're prophets of God."
"You see, there is one God that all the prophets preach, the same thing: worship one God and don't worship anyone else."
"God is ever living, while prophets are for our guidance. We must go beyond them and worship God alone."
"Profits are men that God produces. They don't roll off the assembly lines of Bible schools. They're made in God's university, and that's the university of silence."
"Living prophets, in my opinion, is still one of the greatest blessings of living in these last days."
"Miracles are not mere enchantments and prophets are not mere magicians or sorcerers or even just wise men of the world."
"Real prophets love process, they know that it's the process we engage with with God that makes us rich, not just the discovery at the end."
"Leaders that respect the prophets have long reigns."
"There was a lot of expectation and there would be messiahs and prophets all over the place."
"There's going to be a lot of deception in the last days. We need to know what does the Lord say because there's going to be a lot of counterfeit prophets."
"Prophets may commit minor sins, but they don't persist."
"We believe prophets of Allah can sin but they wouldn't, out of the respect for the Lord that watches us."
"The prophets' manners with difficult family members are examples for all of us."
"By searching the commandments and listening to the voices of the prophets, we then can hear the voice of the Lord because the voice of the Lord is heard through the Lord's servants."
"I think a lot of people who are prophets do struggle in the earlier days with being liked and not liked."
"To tell us what the purpose is this creator has sent many prophets Abraham Moses David Solomon Joseph Jacob Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them all all prophets of God all came with the same message."
"Jesus comes along and he sounds sometimes like Deuteronomy, but then he comes along and he's even stronger than the prophets of this justice thing."
"For God so loved the world, he sent a continuous series of prophets to us."
"There is safety in knowing what the truth is by listening to the prophets."
"Ezekiel is an interesting guy and has a message that is not unlike what the people in Jerusalem were hearing from Jeremiah."
"We call them the Minor Prophets... they got labeled that because they're shorter, but they're not minor in their world or in their context at all."
"We take pride in the prophets of Israel and distance ourselves from the wicked."
"In these stories we see the prophets functioning as troublers of Israel--certainly from the royal point of view."
"This is how all the prophets prayed."
"There's a definite relationship between the teachings of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad."
"Islam doesn't negate that human beings, Muslims, can feel any of those things. In fact, you had people who are prophets who felt that."
"The apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church."
"The best guidance for situating us comes from what God revealed to His servants, the prophets and the messengers."
"Peace to the prophets, he brought them all together; he's the dying king of knowledge."
"The prophets have testified that there is a Christ."
"The scholars are the heirs of the prophets, for the prophets did not leave behind dins or Dirhams, rather they left behind knowledge."
"Increase in their love of Allah and their connection to the prophets."
"We believe in literally thousands of prophets and messengers."
"Truth comes from Allah, and Allah has allowed us to get truth from His prophets."
"Many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
"You believe that that creator sent the prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon them."
"We love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets, then you have to know more about them."
"Be patient like the great prophets were; they were patient, they were persistent, they didn't give up."
"The prophets are the most knowledgeable; they have the best knowledge."
"The prophets and messengers of God have been sent down for the sole purpose of guiding mankind to the straight path of truth."
"Human beings may either hold on to the truth of the prophets that came to them or they may splinter into groups."
"The prophets of God have appeared amongst men and have evinced such power as is born of God."
"Worship God as all of the prophets worshiped God and turned to God as all of the prophets turned to God."
"The prophets were sent to allow us to be at one with our intrinsic nature and to remind us and ensure that we don't forget Allah's bounties."
"The stories of the prophets in the Holy Quran always have a relation to what's happening in the life of the prophet peace be upon him and his family."
"As we dig deeper into the lives of the prophets of Allah, in order to derive lessons from their lives and apply them into our lives today."
"The obedience of the message of the prophets is one of the keys to please God."
"Every Prophet is different from each other."
"All the prophets that have been sent, have been sent to express truths and wisdom to human beings in different communities at different times."
"Prophets don't create religions; prophets are reformers."
"The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets and the messengers."
"The original teachings of Moses, Jesus, and Abraham, and all of the prophets, is Islam."
"Prophets are being sent for the time that they're needed."
"We thank that one God for blessing us with Moses and the Torah, Jesus and the gospel, and Muhammad and the revelation of the Holy Quran."
"Every prophet, every sage, every seer of any religion... they have the same experience."
"All the prophets taught to worship one God alone."
"Ascension was cool because it showed off the non-linear way that the prophets think."
"God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets... in these last days has spoken to us in His Son."
"There is not a single prophet of Allah that you study except that there is a mention of Gabriel."
"The thing that comforts me a lot is knowing that there are prophets that... not a single person believed."
"God decided to send prophets to remind us of salvation and the ways on the path to salvation."
"The messages of those two prophets are life-changing."
"Truly I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it."
"The Old Testament is divided up into the law and the prophets."
"My heart is awake like the hearts of the prophets before me."
"Even the prophets had to worship Allah."
"The promise came through his holy prophets."
"Revelation from Allah to the prophets."
"It's like the prophets of today do not acknowledge those prophets that came before them."
"He praised one God, exactly like Moses."
"Prophets cannot be God; the Messiah cannot be God."
"We believe that Abraham, Moses, Muhammad, peace be upon all of them, they were all sent by God."
"We believe in one God, right, and you believe that God loves us, he created us, he gave us purpose, he sent us prophets."
"What the prophets do is call to that innate belief and remind people about that."
"Prophets are people who perceive some dysfunction in the status quo and they push back."
"The prophets all they do and all the messengers do is just tell the people to worship my Creator as simple as that."
"I want to bring to this world the peace that the great prophets tried and failed to introduce."
"God Almighty never forsakes the Believers, especially His prophets."
"Allah was sending prophets in every language and in every color."
"The dominant characteristic of the prophets is mercy, not severity."
"Jesus begins saying here in verse 17, 'Do not think that I've come to abolish the law or the prophets... I have not come to do that. I have come... to fulfill the law.'"
"God doesn't expect us to know everything about him; we can only know what he has informed us through his prophets and messengers."
"You have to believe in the prophets that come before: Abraham, Moses, Jesus, peace be upon them all."
"The prophets we'll discuss today are so easily overlooked and underappreciated, which is tragic."
"All the prophets delivered the same exact message throughout time."
"We're looking for moral sensibilities, we're looking for the legacy of Amos, the legacy of Isaiah."
"We believe in the god of Abraham, we believe in the god of Moses, we believe in the god of Jesus peace be upon all of them."
"The core message of all the prophets in the Bible: none of them worshiped a Triune God."
"Jesus's message is almost identical to that of Prophet Muhammad: to worship one true God."
"In Islam, God has given certain prophets certain titles."
"We do not distinguish between the prophets, so we don't elevate them to be gods, but we also don't devalue them to the point that they are not prophets or they have not been recognized."
"Muslims believe God sent 124,000 prophets to mankind."
"From his immense bounty and favor, and mercy and kindness upon humanity, He has gifted the prophets and messengers with books, scriptures for the guidance of man."
"He sent the prophets and messengers to teach us about our purpose in this life."
"This is the home of the prophets."
"He didn't come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill."
"Don't think I've come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
"People, y'all got to be aware of false prophets."
"We stand United and in solidarity with all of the prophets including Jesus and Moses and Noah and Abraham."
"For us, all the prophets, including Jesus, are without at least intentional sin."
"The message of all the prophets of God was not to go around killing each other... but to have the best relationship because relationships are what makes you happy."
"We believe in Abraham and Moses and Jesus. We believe that all of these prophets came with only one message, which is to believe in one God and to be good to your fellow man."
"That same God sent Moses, sent Abraham, sent Jesus with the same message."
"Two prophets of Allah meeting together."
"Whenever the prophets teach us something that maybe we don't totally understand or that doesn't seem to make sense, we have to ask ourselves, what is it that they see that we can't see?"
"The voice of the prophets is the voice for the voiceless."
"Prophets love to impart; they can impart spiritual gifts, anointings, grace."
"We respect all the prophets from Adam all the way down to Jesus, to Moses."
"The prophets were human beings fundamentally; they felt emotions, sadness, happiness, hunger, thirst, they used to eat food like people, they aged."
"You should abide on this Earth and follow the commandments that are brought to you by the prophets."
"The Scriptures preserve the words of the prophets."
"The prophets treated people according to who they are."
"All the prophets went through something, why? Because they understood the mission."