
Apostles Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"God is the true sender of holy prophets and of holy apostles."
"What we do... it's called The Acts of the Apostles, not the words of the Apostles."
"The willingness of the Apostles to suffer and die for their belief that Jesus had risen from the grave shows that they're not making this up."
"They're not just apostles... they're also among that same group, the apostles."
"We thank God for the apostles that came along after them who gathered the teachings of the Lord Jesus while he was here in the flesh."
"Jesus argued with the crowd that if they came to arrest him, they should let the apostles go."
"The apostles suffered greatly from the tension between their faith in Jesus and the verdict of the religious authorities."
"You cannot obey Jesus without obeying the apostles."
"Scriptures so I trust what the apostles preached. Oh yes, I have no qualms about it, I believe it all. Love it."
"All the apostles understood the Eucharist as the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb."
"We do not have apostles today. The apostles have the authority to give us the scriptures."
"The power and knowledge possessed by the apostles could hold the keys to solving many of the mysteries of humanity."
"They do appear to present a view of Peter as being far superior to Paul. Paul being a problem, not the great apostle that we all come to know and love, but being a heretic."
"The apostles had greater influence than Jesus."
"How did the apostles become so powerful all of a sudden? It's because you see in a kingdom, people can pass who were sitting on a throne, but the throne is the same."
"The early church, for the first 100 years, they were taught by the apostles who were taught by Christ directly."
"Peter penned the most Sublime language of any of the Apostles. That's High Praise considering what we've already learned from the sublime language of Paul or even in the gospels. The sublime language of Matthew or what about John?"
"The apostles answered: 'We cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.'"
"We are urged to follow the inspired tradition that is the Word of God given by the Apostles, not to follow the uninspired traditions of men who have come after them."
"...it's not just that they were down to 11 and they wanted 12 Apostles it was that Judas had a particular office as an apostle and someone else filled that office or that Throne that particular office that had been designated for Judas..."
"The modern apostles' inability to heal isn't because the sick lack faith, but because they're not real apostles."
"So, Jesus himself, Jesus himself in Ephesians 4, gave gifts to men or mankind is what that word means when He ascended, and the first gift that He gave, He gave apostles."
"The Apostles are gone, so now Authority Falls to The ecumenical council of all Bishops."
"The real doctors should be the apostles of healing."
"God is the true sender of holy prophets and apostles."
"The church has as its foundation the apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone."
"The apostles’ words were to be received because they served as faithful stewards of Jesus’ will and teaching."
"The gospel is apostolic, connected with the witness and teaching of the apostles."
"I'm just really persuaded that a lot of these later developments in church history are things that wouldn't have been recognizable to the apostles."
"These miracles were very, very important because they validated the apostles as the true teachers."
"When the apostles were not present, no miracles occurred."
"The greater majority of the apostles, you know, that Jesus would even open himself up to this relationship, says something, and it says something profoundly distinct."
"Jesus established Peter as the prime minister to run the kingdom on earth."
"A stream of Miracles flowed from the hands of the Apostles that upset Judaism and shook the Roman Empire to its foundations."
"The church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets."
"No apostle in the Bible talk like this. Not one, do you understand? No apostle in the Bible ever denied that the existence of our living savior, the Son of God Jesus Christ."
"Whenever an apostle is holding the Holy Grail, it's probably John."
"Apostles extend the gospel and plant churches, they ensure that the faith is transmitted from one context to another and from one generation to the next."
"The miracles of the apostles, the peaceful witness of the martyrs, and the brilliance of the apologists."
"We might say that just as Jesus assigned the apostles the task of building his kingdom, the apostles assigned this task to the church."
"Of all the apostles, and maybe of all the preachers ever, no one was more intent on guarding the gospel than Paul: guarding the accuracy of the gospel, guarding the clarity of the gospel, and guarding the priority of the gospel. It was always about the gospel."
"Paul, 25 years after being a Christian and a mighty apostle, considered himself the least of all the apostles."
"The Apostles preached the gospel to us from our Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ was sent from God."
"What we believe today as was based on and given to us by the Apostles and their early successors."
"...the Apostles did what Jesus did... they ministered with the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles."
"The apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church."
"Women were respected among the Apostles."
"The apostles would have no reason to rob the body... the concept of this even happening was not something that they understood nor foresaw."
"The Apostles from frightened fugitives hiding from their enemies into determined missionaries prepared to risk everything to spread their beliefs."
"The key thing to the book of Acts is not the acts of the apostles; it's the acts of the Holy Spirit done through the apostles."
"Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles."
"Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the Apostles."
"Jesus does call Mary Magdalene to go teach something to the apostles."
"At that time, there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem, and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles."
"Through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people."
"Cathedral is one out of three in the world that have actually built a church on top of the remains of some of the Apostles."
"By the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people."
"Jesus gave His teaching to His apostles."
"The blueprint was Jesus Christ and what he had commanded the Apostles."
"Truth is of supreme value when it comes to Jesus's apostles."
"God has spoken through prophets and apostles and people throughout all of salvation history."
"All religious truth was revealed within the lifetime of the Apostles."
"The ESV translates the Greek 'apostello' as 'well-known to the Apostles' rather than 'outstanding among the Apostles'."
"Many wonders and signs were done by the apostles."
"Eleven out of the twelve died excruciating deaths when they could have saved themselves."
"You gave power to your apostles to pass through dangers unharmed."
"Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church; you don't relay the foundation, you build on the foundation."
"We are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone."
"We are heralds. That's what the Apostles did."
"The Spirit of God descended on the apostles... that is the Holy Spirit inspiring them."
"St. Peter and St. Paul are being crowned... they are the two pillars of the church."
"St. Peter is kind of this inner apostle and St. Paul is being this outer apostle."
"EP Sanders says basically this is one of the most indisputable facts of history that Jesus had these 12 Apostles."
"The Apostles were perfectly wise in knowing not only how to save their own souls but the souls of others."
"Simon Peter and Andrew were the first apostles called by Jesus to follow him."
"The apostles asked God to make their faith greater."
"The mystery of Christ was kept secret in other ages, but it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit."
"Fear came upon every soul; many Wonders and signs were done by the apostles."
"Many signs and wonders were done by the apostles."
"You're telling me 12 Apostles could keep a lie for 40 years and then die for it? Absolutely impossible."
"The word 'Christian' is only in the Bible twice, and it was talking about the apostles that followed Christ."
"To see something that helps you visualize what several of his apostles might have worked in, it helps you picture that so much clearer."