
Societal Standards Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"If you search Google for the perfect male physique, something interesting shows up the same for Men's Health. This wasn't always the case."
"Because I'm healthy, I have a great relationship with food, and I know I can make myself look good, so clearly there are no reasons I have to change myself or how I look to fit into society’s standard of what a normal body should look like."
"Do not let the number on the scale or your clothing size define who you are or what you are capable of."
"In being accepted on social media and being accepted by the social standards of success, which I call noise, we get so drowned in that noise that we forget our voice."
"If America wants to hold teachers to this high of a standard, they should pay them more money."
"Your value isn't premised on the way you look, no matter what society teaches you."
"What makes this so hard at the end of the day is that society itself is always reevaluating what is appropriate, what is harmful, and what can be defended as free speech."
"You can't say my standard of knowing right and wrong is based upon my society and culture, and then when that society and culture does something you don't agree with, you say well I don't think that's right."
"I wholeheartedly believe that there is too much emphasis on a perfect body."
"When I said fascism is bad, I was not expressing a personal moral belief, instead, I was providing a response based on commonly accepted ethical and moral standards in human society."
"Maybe, if you had been able to fit into those standards, our society would have no hope of evolving at all."
"A woman's value is not determined by how attractive she is."
"A man's value is not determined by how attractive he is."
"In the eyes of society, beauty is more than just skin deep."
"Male suicide rates are tragically high because of traditional stereotypical standards of manliness."
"Body ideals constantly shift through time. They shift between cultures."
"If you don't fit society's standard of the 'bona body', as long as you have your confidence, it doesn't matter."
"Millennials set the new standard of what it looks like to age."
"My problem is when sensitive people then think 'ah well because I'm sensitive it's morally necessary for me to drag and harangue everyone back until they meet my standards of behavior.'"
"It was the good themselves that felt and established themselves as good."
"Physical attractiveness is related to intellect, social status, and personal achievement."
"A country could only truly stand for freedom if it applied to all of its people."
"A high value man is whatever contextually makes that guy a high value guy... it's still subject to the context."
"Looking beyond the trial, the footage highlighted the stark difference between Trump's immature misogynistic behavior and the fundamental civic values of decency, dignity, and mutual respect."
"It's not society's standard to romanticize abusive traits."
"If you're in the triples, alright, so girl has she's a 10 but she's slept with 20 people what is she, what's a two bag twenty twenties, oh she's in it."
"Your worth cannot be determined by a number."
"Rihanna never had any work done and she has black features and it's pretty her nose ain't small she's attractive and it's not just because of her eyes she just has a pretty face."
"Victims of any crime, whether it be sexual, violent, or otherwise, is absolutely wrong."
"Women perpetuate these standards because the men that you go for are men that tick these boxes."
"Pretty privilege is dangerous and why it sucks is because it's away with things and getting opportunities that you probably weren't good enough to get because you're simply viewed as pretty by society's beauty standards."
"My appearance doesn't dictate my value in the world."
"Never ever judge an ancient society by modern standards."
"A woman's value typically is determined by the caliber of man that she can attract."
"Let's start measuring ourselves based on the content of our character."
"They said well, we can't let Nazis, right? We can't let Nazis be out there."
"They also feel otherwise, that is separated from and held to a different standard compared to white women."
"Ridicule and harsh comments from others can lead people to consider getting some you know alterations to their body to better conform to the ideal."
"There's no shame in wanting to feel normal... If you're having a little bit of trouble financially, that makes you normal."
"For every woman who is unhappy with her stretch marks, there's another woman who wishes she had them."
"We need to understand that standards matter; values matter."
"Women will literally destroy their own lives just to spite standards that they think are oppressive."
"Either women's bodies should be respected or they shouldn't."
"What is one of the hardest things as a successful woman? And it's like you look tremendously younger than what you are."
"If you want people proud of their country, then have a good country to be proud of."
"No person is above the law, regardless of their status in society, regardless of their wealth, regardless of their fame."
"Even folks on the left are recognizing how nonsensical these standards are."
"It's still manages to limbo its way under the incredibly low bar..."
"Yes, all slurs have history and yes, they're all offensive to somebody but they cannot be held to the same standard."
"We gotta stop the lashes, let's embrace a little more natural beauty."
"No Society can ever achieve its potential if there is no rule of law because Merit is also associated with rule of law."
"People on both sides of this debate are gonna try to use this judgment as the new standard."
"A plant medicine for the people of our time of the ages."
"Political discourse in our country has reached third-world standards."
"All bodies are valid, and there should not be any emphasis placed on beauty."
"Madonna... aging... getting older but she's not exactly decrepit... people aren't mocking Joe Biden for being in his 80s..."
"This would be like several years ago, this would be the photo in a health book of a person that needed to really like work out."
"America's leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry, and group supremacy."
"We've vilified excellence and told everyone that excellence is just as good as mediocre."
"Character: what leaders do becomes the standard that the society pursues."
"If she was not an attractive woman, she would have no career as a singer."
"Maybe they'll say, 'You know what? I don't need Captain America over here at six foot two with muscular and all this other stuff. That guy that's got a good stable job who's a loving man, maybe that'll be enough for me.'"
"All bodies are beautiful and acceptable... thin is in and nothing else is really has a place."
"Because women are seen as the weaker gender... double standards are unreal."
"You don't have to look perfect by society's standards."
"The military can be a great exemplar for the rest of society."
"We hold our entertainers and our athletes up to a higher standard than we do our businessmen and politicians."
"Return to traditional Family Values, traditional strength and security."
"We are all made of matter, but to women, if you're not good looking, you don't matter."
"Consistently good-looking people win awards when a normal-looking person wins an award you kind of think wow they must be really talented because there's such a standard for attractive people winning awards it's like."
"It just sucks how we don't really put a standard of behavior or Excellence or performance on females at all."
"No room for pacing in this event." - Commentator
"We as a people have a higher standard for who is cast as Batman than who becomes the president."
"I refuse to live like this. I don't accept these absurd standards that other people are imposing on us."
"Without respect, we reject. Do not support things that insult you as a human being."
"The most perfectly naturally hot person has never had to make themselves look that great."
"Looks do matter, but it's not everything. What really matters is if you're happy with how you look."
"The only way we will ever progress in regards to rigid beauty standards and physical insecurities is to love yourself and encourage others to do the same."
"If she was playing in the rain or was silky curled back everybody would have been like oh yeah horsey hair popping."
"Meritocracy must take the place of mediocrity."
"Only 4% of women would call themselves beautiful, and that’s a stunningly small statistic."
"Real people don't look like these representations."
"Acknowledging the privilege society puts on thinner people is important."
"Forgiving your body is crucial. Your body didn't fail you, society did."
"If we allow this to happen, there are no bounds anymore. We can't allow it to stand."
"If there are no standards, nothing works, everything falls apart."
"Yes, you can absolutely be heavier than what society would like you to be and be a very healthy person."
"These heavier women who are naturally heavier on our plus size."
"If our country is going to continue to be a great country that does big things and leads the world and gives better opportunity for our children and grandchildren we got to start with the truth."
"You're trying to have an unrealistic body image that you will never be able to sustain."
"We're not going to do that. We're going to stand up to this little group of 10-year-olds and we're going to tell them that you don't need a Stanley Cup to be cool."
"If it's too graphic for the six o'clock news how is it okay for a 10 year old school child?"
"Once you own your 100% version of yourself... you realize that maybe that doesn't fit in with society's typical standards."
"We have to operate with a set of values as a country that looks out for our kids."
"We need to be lifting up our standards in this country, not dumbing down our standards."
"He does not deserve to live. You don't kill an eight-year-old and expect to live with the rest of society."
"Who's going to be the one deciding whether there are sufficient education, documentation, scientific or artistic context?"
"Alpha is not treating women that way okay and if we're a respectable nation that is the way no Alpha Man treats a woman."
"She's so pretty, it's almost mathematically perfect, literally."
"It's not just society's beauty standards that make eating disorders so pervasive, but the fundamentally superficial way it teaches us to objectively measure worth and value."
"If you're right, it's not a double standard."
"Almost all of your value as a woman is placed based on your appearance."
"Our generation will be marked by its ability to hold others accountable."
"Height is an arbitrary assignment of attractive value."
"Maybe we should hold our law enforcement officers accountable to the same standards that we hold American citizens."
"The majority of humans don't all look like freaking Zendaya or Kylie Jenner."
"A nation can rise no higher than the moral position of its women."
"When exactly did it become the standard that we have to silence our opponent's speech? We have to censor them."
"Society bases a man's value on his earning potential and a woman's on her ability to achieve conventional attractiveness."
"We cannot tolerate the intolerable. If something is intolerable, we must, as a society, have a collective responsibility."
"Shouldn't every day be able to end without a mass shooting? Is our bar really that low?"
"Looks matter. Women want to be with an attractive guy. They want to be with a guy that looks good."
"Zero tolerance makes it very clear you cannot tolerate intolerable things."
"This is the United States of America, folks. This is unacceptable."
"Short king criteria: height confidence. Confidence in your height."
"You have to be rated on if you hit 5'10" at some point in your life."
"We need to go back to some stringent rules. We need to go back to beauty standards, for real."
"The average man is only attractive to below average women."
"We tell all people but especially women that you can only have a good life in a certain body, and in my opinion, that's political."
"I don't really care who's a hypocrite and who's not a hypocrite because the real conversation is what are the standards and what should happen here."
"We enjoy a standard of living, a level of equality, and a degree of political stability which has never before been seen in the history of the world."
"We are better than this. Our society is going to be judged... on how they collectively treat the children and the women in their society. And we can do better than this."
"Money doesn't make the man. It is free national standards and power that makes a man and a nation."
"Women cry a river about airbrushed models but use FaceTune."
"The bar is so low, you gotta be honest about it."
"So if they do it that's what we'd say when it sucks it's like what do you know it's normal that's not normal that's not fucking normal."
"If we don't stand up for this claim, we're not a democracy. It's as simple as that."
"This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."
"Christianity is about helping your fellow man, being totally different from the world standard. That's what Christianity is about."
"You can't judge people back then by today's standards."
"For me, I don't think there's a definition for beautiful. It's just, you're beautiful. Everyone's beautiful in their own way."
"There's always a number. And whether we like to admit it or not, beauty is both subjective and objective."
"A high value man is respected and accepted by his peers and culture."
"I used to look at my parents and literally think, oh my god, I'm so screwed because my parents were five foot tall both of them right, and they didn't really have any physical attributes that our society deems pleasurable or desirable."
"We need a cultural revolution... helping people raise their standards... treating ourselves."
"I believe the American people are not going to sustain that kind of behavior."
"Never limit yourself based on other people's standards."
"Sometimes there's like this societal pressure... if everyone can reach the bar then there's no real standard."
"You have to look at that through the lens of what our actual laws are, what our cultural standards are, what our country's standards are."
"If we are to fix the cesspool that is the dating pool nowadays, it starts with us."
"There's something hot about an age-appropriate woman."
"This is not okay, and we're not gonna let it be okay."
"We are definitely a better country than that."
"I am so sick of these unrealistic body standards that they are setting for young women."
"We need to send a clear-cut message that those type of crimes have no place in society."
"People are just trying to live their lives and they're being held to unrealistic standards that no one would be able to meet."
"The standard is not solidarity with Atos, the standard is becoming white."
"Don't let anyone judge you based on your physical appearance, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Literally, she has a thigh gap, you see it? Wow."
"So many women are upset because men have standards."
"Justice just doesn't need to be done, it needs to be seen to be done."
"Plus-sized women do not get enough representation, and people like to give all this sigh rubbish excuses on why they don't get represent because it promotes the wrong idea."
"Don't compare ourselves to these picture-perfect bodies."
"People are exploiting laziness and their need for worldly validation, using celebrities to set beauty standards."
"The modern Nazi movement is entirely revolved around not even consuming Treats but instead getting mad at the treats for not fitting your standards."
"Our standards have become lower and lower and lower."
"We're always being held to a standard that we didn't set for ourselves."
"When you're saying, 'Just be desirable, just be desirable,' what does that say about the capital that comes with desire?"
"Things like getting your hair and makeup done sound trivial, but you're constantly being judged on that stuff."
"The idea of being um interesting, the idea of being you know um desirable has been so distorted over the past generation and a half."
"If the headline said about two dead young male travelers, people would express their condolences with their fake and hypocritical double standard speech."
"I know what it feels like so you know getting online and seeing the constant like before and after pictures of someone being fat and now being toned and muscular like it's severely depressing."
"That's the world I want to live in, that I don't have to look like this person for people to treat me a certain way."
"...the most attractive women are the most insecure I have seen it throughout society."
"You did everything right by like societal standard and that left you empty and hurting. Now you're starting to see like you should just be yourself."
"Prove it, show me middle age, overweight women with children snagging six figure, seven figure, eight figure guys on the regular. It's not happening."
"Society says that in order to succeed, you've got to look like Diana, you've got to look like a Kardashian, you've got to look like, I don't know, Pamela Anderson, Kate Middleton, all of that."
"So you know but but I mean realistically when you look at the population there's probably most guys that are over 60 can't pull over 300 lbs probably a lot of them can't even pull over 200 lbs so it's like you know the bar has gotten so low."
"You're a powerhouse, unswayed by societal standards, with paradigm-shifting abilities."
"When you have something like decriminalization, you begin the erosion of the societal standard."
"I've come to realize that that perfection is literally just what society feeds us and it's not the reality."
"When we try to live up to the societal standards is when we really kind of get confused."
"the whole system down here is set up for for you to stay in debt in your body in your mind in your finances in your relationships it's constant it's just a constant enslavement type feeling"
"Just society makes these Beauty stands for you to fit in and for me I was ugly because I didn't fit into them first."
"Implicit in this is a condemnation of a society that lets any kid feel lesser than some social standard because they may not be excelling at school."
"Are you making things and making content that Brands feel comfortable partnering with, and a lot of times what a brand feels comfortable partnering with is based on societal standards that are inherently racist and maybe even a little bit misogynistic."
"You don't want somebody who your life, your society, your world, them painted this picture of this person. Well, when you see them, you like I don't deserve them."
"These assumptions that I should be happier in my body because it has changed, it just shows where we are at in society."
"Social media is distorting what we view as normal."
"The world doesn't like fat people and being desirable and thin and light-skinned allows you to have access to almost anything."
"We're so used to now seeing so-called perfection, and none of us read out to do about it because we're all going, 'Oh my god, I'm meant to be perfect, I don't feel it.'"
"...they demand guys to have certain incomes, certain height, the old sixes six feet tall, six-eight figure income, six pack, six inches more down south."
"The idea of like plus-size models, which is really just average human beings. Who the hell created the sizes? Where did the sizes even come from?"
"It's just, who wants to be around child molesters and [__] like that anyway though?"
"Do you see them parading the ugly woman out in the street with pride? Nope."
"The more I read and the more I saw people who were exactly who I wanted to be and I observed how miserable they were, I realized more and more that I'd been lied to."
"'The guns can't get big enough, the muscles can't get big enough, the waists on girls can't get small enough.'"
"This is what these people's entire lives are for: to make it look like it's cool"
"That's a good one. I think it's crazy. I'm the one who's labeled as controversial and Cardi B is the role model for 12-year-old girls. That's disgusting."
"We live in a society now where Perfection is seen in a different way now absolutely when I was growing up which was very long time ago um Beauty was completely different."
"because there's people constantly broadcasting here's what the perfect man looks like here's what the perfect woman looks like the perfect gay person looks like"
"White people never really had to see racial bias because everywhere they go they are accepted, they are the standard."
"Women shame each other's pasts. Men shame each other's futures. The reason why is because women are concerned with a man's future, and men are concerned with a woman's past. That's what it is."
"I had to realize that I am beautiful, even though society isn't going to mirror that back to me."
"It feels like there's such a double standard because if you do wear makeup, oh you're a catfish you're hiding your real self but then if you don't wear makeup, it's like oh why didn't you put effort into your appearance."
"The world tells men exactly what you rank, we don't get that option of being deluded."
"Physical beauty is merely a socially enforced myth."
Be aware of the word "normal" or conforming to society's standards.
"if you're telling other men other women that because of something they cannot change the shape of their face or their eyes that means they worth less that's not attractive that's ugly ew that's gross that's gross"
"The truth is, whenever a woman bases her worth on what other people think of her, she will never measure up."