
Legal Assistance Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"You have the right to have an attorney present now or at any time during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the court at no cost."
"A good real estate attorney...can help you dealing with cities because sometimes cities are going to make your life very difficult."
"If you cannot afford an attorney, you have the right to have one appointed to you."
"Biden's executive order... includes pro bono legal assistance for women facing assaults on their rights in certain states."
"The school management sponsored the legal fees of those students."
"There's a new prosecutor, Sonia Monticella, she may be willing to help."
"So every one of these did you prepare this list? No, my lawyers did."
"Injured and don't know where to start? Morgan and Morgan has you covered."
"I think that will absolutely be helping special counsel Jack Smith and Jack Smith's criminal investigation."
"We help good people charged with crimes find safety, clarity, and hope."
"I didn't know how much support I really had until I got bailed out."
"He goes in there pro bono; the family ain't got to put up no money."
"It should be able to understand that information, yeah, that'd be really useful because then you could like give that to the cops if someone tried to pretend they like you hit them when they actually hit you."
"I need my attorneys and my legal eagles to get in the comments."
"TJ Ward is a private investigator and he has officially decided to take Evie's case..."
"Law Tigers, guys, get in trouble, call Law Tigers."
"I think it would be amazing if you created a network group non-profit that helps people find lawyers in their state."
"I was intimidated in getting a trademark and I didn't want to mess anything up so I talked to a guy, a lawyer who could help me out."
"Every black person needs to have a business. If you are scared and you don't know, then come talk to these attorneys because they can tell you everything you need to know."
"Elon Musk pledges to foot legal bills of users mistreated by employers for posting or linking content."
"A lawyer is someone who can help people when they're in trouble, right?"
"I care a lot about fair use and free speech and everything, so I offered to put him in... no, I put him in touch with my attorney."
"So if you have a dental need, you're not going to take a pair of pliers and yank your tooth out. If you have a legal need, this is where an attorney can really, really assist you."
"They've got offices in Florida and in California but they can help you fight a ticket through their network of attorneys no matter where in the United States you get one."
"With Rob's help and after many attempts, the courts have awarded Derek custody of his daughter."
"If you are abused, there are all sorts of places that you can get help now. They're available online. You might even start with a low-cost or even free consultation by calling your bar association referral service."
"After talking to a lawyer, my supplier has changed their tune drastically and refunded me."
"I just feel completely destroyed, empty, and alone. Please help me divorce. No kids, 10k average with lawyers."
"Lalo calls upon Jimmy for his legal assistance."
"If you ever do encounter a situation where you don't feel like you're being treated fairly and your claim's denied or being low balled, our firm would welcome the opportunity to take a look and help you if we can."
"Nothing is going to happen probably if you if they do get a notice from the IRS that the IRS intends to garnish or take undo offset of their social security let us know because we can contact the IRS and we have paralegals that will prepare the help prepare the way paperwork."
"Folks, if your eyeballs have been assaulted by someone delusionally pretending to be a pro wrestler, and if that same delusional idiot has caused you personal pain and suffering and injury or possibly a ruptured artery, then look no further. The man to call is Stephen P. New."
"Lawyers can help you with legal problems and act for you in court if you cannot pay for a lawyer."
"We can change that on the local level, we can provide families legal assistance and make an investment upstream to stem the tide and the consequences of the cost that we reap for evictions downstream."
"At the end of today's presentation we will provide information on how to apply for our free legal assistance."
"These are the types of forms that you would most likely be able to assist a client with: a family petition, the naturalization form, the green card, Freedom of Information Act request, and the deferred action of childhood arrivals, the DACA."
"Make sure that you're working with a licensed immigration consultant or an immigration lawyer in Canada."
"Let's do this where we help online businesses and small business owners to get their legal house in order so they can focus on what they do best: building something that truly matters in the world."
"I'm here to help; we're going to change the law, and we're going to do it together."
"The firm I hired was the best thing I could have ever hoped for; they got me out from under my boss's thumb immediately."
"When legal forces have you cornered, better call Saul!"
"If you do find yourself charged with a DUI, call us; we're experienced, we know what we're doing, we will help you."
"This is a classic illustration of how an attorney is good for you."
"I know several good criminal defense lawyers. I'll give you their names."
"If you appoint someone to give you immigration assistance, they must be a registered migration agent, a legal practitioner, or an exempt person."
"They kind of relook at your case, that's basically what they do."
"Every child deprived of his or her liberty shall have the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance."
"I'm really liking this company, we even offer services for our clients that allow a private attorney to come and work their case to make sure that they get what they deserve."
"Legal Zoom has been dedicated to helping you with the right solutions for more than 19 years."
"The independent directors of the board engaged independent legal counsel to assist them with an independent review."