
Psychological Tactics Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"This manipulation is always gradual. It starts very small and then grows bigger and bigger until it's basically very hard for the victim to go back because they are just all in."
"Accusing your adversaries of doing what you're doing so as to create confusion."
"Seems fun though I do quite like the way that you can basically play some mind games with it."
"Love bombing has four functions: to signal intensity and persistence, to convey purity and authenticity, to create an immersive virtual reality bubble, and to induce the target to enter the Hall of Mirrors where she is idealized."
"Gaslighting is really designed to perpetuate this idea that you should not be able to trust what you think or to trust what you feel."
"The nuance of the game and the mechanic of the game that's the most fun is that mind game of bluffing."
"The goal is to make everybody feel so overwhelmed that they simply don't know what's true anymore."
"A simple but highly effective demonstration of the power of psychological warfare."
"You gotta beat them with their own gaslight."
"Gaslighting at its core is a form of manipulation."
"It's common knowledge that the psychological manipulation begins before a single word is spoken."
"I told you he's going to play a game with you."
"Whatever it is you do and make sure to take advantage of those psychological back doors."
"The harder you are to figure out, the more they'll think of you when you're not there."
"The devil employs all of these things [phenomena] in order to aggrandize himself, in order to put fear in the heart of The Exorcist, in order to put fear in the people who are in the room."
"Refusing to chase her makes her uncontrollably attracted to you."
"Threatening the audience increases retention. That's like one of the greatest marketing strategies I pulled from Dream."
"Silence kills men inside, gives you control over them."
"You have to make them hunger for it. You have to make them need it."
"The interplay between the good cop's direct challenges and the genius cop's empathetic engagement created a dynamic that gradually broke down Steven's defenses."
"Game is the glue. Game is the only way you get her mind."
"That's how gaslighting works... they start like they're on your side and then flip it to distort your reality."
"Anchoring is a common process that a lot of advertisers use to be able to get you to buy their product and build their brand."
"Con men rely on three things: abusing the extremes of human emotion, fear of missing out, and unwavering confidence."
"The most powerful secret is the empty one because if the secret is empty, you continue to say, 'I know something about you.'"
"Easiest way to get someone to want you is to not want them."
"You need to anticipate the next moves of the narcissist; the more intimate you are with the way the narcissist thinks, the more likely you are to get it right."
"Ultimately, it is not your ability to beat the narcissist at his or her own game that frightens them."
"Laughter is a very effective way to break someone's frame."
"It's actually empowering them because we always feel like this is something you do when you're the underdog."
"Fear prefers to dish out punishment in smaller quantities."
"Go for someone's children, and you will have a slave."
"Now is not the time for fear. That comes later."
"You're giving them this illusion of control that they really, really want much like Master Yoda would have done with it."
"This worked, it preys on people's preconceived notions."
"I learned at a young age being around Kobe that he loves to play mind games."
"No contact works because most of the time it reattracts your ex."
"Everybody is going to try and tilt you. They're not actually [cheating]. They're metagaming you."
"What do you think Chad, yes or no or no response would be the biggest mind game?"
"Sending mixed signals will make him think about you... that's what causes attraction."
"He's playing mind games but that's not gonna work with me."
"Michael's move wasn't just tangible, it was a psychological power move."
"This is all about creating psychological discomfort. That's what the central banks are doing."
"I've used arrogance as a weapon to cut through the [ __ ]."
"They're giving you the silent treatment, but they're thinking about you heavily."
"Scout moves now, both players trying to cook in each other's kitchens a bit, getting in their opponent's heads."
"Rock, paper, scissors is not only a game of strategy, but also of psychological wit."
"It's the whole point of the struggle sessions, is to get you to say things that you don't believe in and then you start believing it."
"You kill him with success. Guess what? It's going to hurt them. It's going to do what Alpo does to you. It dismantles."
"You want to give your enemy to stop fighting you by whatever means."
"He was a mass psychologist of really diabolical genius."
"The big lie involves that if you tell a gigantic lie frequently and forcefully that people sort of assume there must be truth to it."
"That's real skill. That's controlling a defender by just eyeballing them and only looking at them with the full knowledge that you're not ever going to go anywhere near them."
"It's like this pleasurable act to make somebody like Novak submit."
"The best thing you can do to an F boy is reject him, okay, because deep down he wants to be rejected so that he can confirm the narrative that he has that people will always reject him."
"Narcissists seek control and narcissists seek to make you think that you are crazy."
"He's able to sense how his opponent feels going into a round, especially given the situation, and he's able to play in a way that is going to make them uncomfortable."
"We understand the psychological manipulation is a tool of white supremacy."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is so that if necessary, the people of this country could maintain an armed rebellion against the government."
"Jump first, make him think about not jumping."
"Fear of missing out drives spending: Fortnite and other games exploit psychology."
"Love bombing basically involves showering recruits with attention and affection to entice them into the cult."
"Psychological warfare is their bread and butter. Crush enemies with crushing claws, cleansing talons, and ripping teeth."
"You're better than that, don't try your [__] first grade psychology on me."
"You can only hold one thought in your head at a time. So if I can fill their brain with a thought for a nanosecond and capture it, I got them."
"Guilt is a manipulation tactic, trying to make people feel guilty because the manipulation part is you acting in a way so that they do exactly what you want."
"A woman's number one greatest tool is her ability to judge your value based on how many other women want you."
"My overall meta was to let people hang themselves. It was all about mind games."
"If you don't feed them energy by arguing or give them resistance then they can't take your power and they don't feel powerful."
"He chose a very defensible position, but more than that, it was an attempt at psychological warfare."
"Allow small minds to feel like they've defeated you, it's false."
"Opposite lane pressure is key to keep your opponent uncomfortable."
"The war of perception: psychological, media, and legal warfare."
"Slade doesn't fight with might, every single course of action he takes is completely psychological."
"This is information age guerrilla warfare. It's not so much about ambushing the police; it's about ambushing the minds of regular people."
"Magnus will try to take his opponent out of their comfort zone."
"He did the whole McGregor thing of trying to make his opponent out to be overly emotional while he himself was cool, calm, and collected."
"He cannot get emotional that might be Brandon Lambert's plan is to get him out there and get him out of an element."
"For around 250 points, that just seems like a ludicrously scary threat to be ready to drop on the opponent."
"Breadcrumbing is kind of almost like testing too. When they send those little feelers out, they want to know how you respond. If you respond favorably, they can rest assured that they still have you on the hook."
"I’ve got to say, that is a great way to PsyOps the guy who tried to take them out."
"When the opposition seems comfortable, find ways to remove their comfort."
"Repetition is the greatest form of mind control."
"Sucker to catch a sucker... make your victim feel smart, and they will never suspect your ulterior motives."
"Creates mistakes from your opponent because they're super stressed out all the time."
"Mind games going on. All the tricks in the book."
"Evil always looks like the victor until the king of kings triumphs." - Mark Meadows
"There are no rules in war. This war is psychological psyop." - Jenny Thomas
"Real love comes from appreciation, not from reverse psychology."
"Effective monetary policy engagement is a game of psychology."
"Using the silent treatment is incredibly cowardly."
"The person who has the best mind games goes the furthest in this series."
"This show fuses magic, suggestions, psychology, misdirection, and showmanship."
"The only goal of warfare is to alter the will of your adversary."
"A master class in surprising your opponent, making him uncomfortable and using experience and a slightly better nervous system."
"Got into the guy's head and he didn't even realize it."
"So this is what I'm thinking with Becky. She's also used some reverse psychology here."
"Manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace."
"If you want to brainwash someone, put them under a great deal of stress and repeat the message over and over."
"Leaving someone alone and allowing them to miss you is very powerful."
"Leaving them alone is a very, very powerful thing."
"Sometimes the threat of omni slash is actually stronger than the omni slash itself."
"For 51 days they were under siege, under intense conditions of sleep deprivation."
"It's a mind game, unlike anything out here in the streets."
"He was talking a lot and I felt like he was throwing me off of it."
"Let her think she's winning. That's the secret."
"Everything they're guilty of, they project onto you."
"Know that they're mind games that aren't accidentally there, they are intentionally placed between you and that sixth helping of spiral-cut ham."
"I just like getting in their head... it makes people self-conscious."
"Trash-talking: knocking opponents off their game."
"You win those matches before you play a lot of the times, right? The fact that your confidence and when you go in and you try to roll a team hard, you know, you get in their heads a little bit."
"If you get in their head, that's a great thing."
"I'm gonna make him very uncomfortable in that ring tomorrow he's gonna regret being in the ring with me it's game game time tomorrow."
"If you have the ability to teabag somebody or taunt somebody and that's like mind games at that point and my games are a part of sports."
"The real power in interrogation are words and body language and behavior and poking ideas in their head."
"Use the surrender tactic. Surrender first, infuriate and unsettle your conqueror."
"The CCP has a sophisticated and almost untraceable brainwashing technique."
"Hoovering: They'll just try to suck you right back in just like a vacuum cleaner does."
"I'm gonna leave run free in that motherfucker's head."
"The best move to playing chess is not the best chess move it's the move your opponent least wants you to play at the moment you're being recruiting sergeants for the right."
"You have to humanize yourself to your captor."
"Repetition is powerful because it can ingrain determination inside of you, which is really what you need if you're trying to get your ex back."
"I don't think there is any excuse for psychologically manipulative tactics."
"Just look how neat mine is. It looks lovely. In fact, I don't ever want to win again. Look at that neat line, man. I'd have to start again. That's reverse psychology right there."
"Smack talk is just a part of sports, it is, it's arguably the best part of sports."
"Sometimes the only difference between victory and defeat is framing."
"Do not allow them to get you demoralized by showing you that Joe Biden is ten points ahead. It doesn't matter what the polls say, it's all psychological."
"Isolation tactics are particularly insidious and effective manipulation tactics by separating you from your support networks."
"Sometimes a little head messin' is all it takes."
"That was so well played, and that's where we see some of the mind games right coming up from some of these squads."
"Falsified polygraph results are geared towards making the suspect believe in one's own guilt or believing that the officer will not stop the interrogation until the suspect confesses guilt."
"If I can just get you down, I don't have to get you to completely fail. I just need to get you discouraged."
"You have to pause, you have to have them associate with you like fear and discomfort." - Phil
"Learning about abuse means recognizing gaslighting, manipulation, passive-aggressive behavior, and more."
"As long as we have the ability to push every single attraction button that is hardwired into her mind, one by one."
"Christian's amazing grasp of in-ring psychology."
"Sometimes I think you just have to gaslight yourself into being the person that you want to be when you're struggling."
"Both these guys bring you more mind games in the final game than they have the rest of the series combined."
"In the game of chess, sometimes your opponent will make you believe you're winning..."
"People trying to make a show of their authority are easily deceived by the surrender tactic."
"Your opponent is much more likely to say scissors immediately after you have asked them a question."
"This person is trying to keep the upper hand by playing on your emotions or emotionally manipulating you."
"Sometimes it pays to find an emotional connection with your enemy."
"Nobody from lightweight down was playing mind games like Conor McGregor."
"This person throws money at situations and uses mental games as well."
"We play jedi mind tricks with all of our opponents."
"The game plan here is to get into Beach Hills' head."
"The quickest ways to people's hearts are love and fear."
"The goal of covert influence is not to get people to believe in something; it's to get them to get confused by everything."
"Triangulation is top of the list, seeking to inflict narcissistic injuries or cause pain to the abandoning or rejecting agent."
"Drake is very strategic. He doesn't do anything that he doesn't think about. Every bar is carefully calculated, and it usually means something. Drake knows how to mess with you, mess with your mental, mess with your sleeping patterns."
"I psyched him out like I literally like I put it I was like this and put it in I like to watch his hand go go down."
"I think that on some level he was trying to break her spirit and when he could not break her spirit, he would take it the extra step and this was the extra step."
"That is why without fail Vel will make her fall in love with him. Stockholm syndrome, it's a simple spell but quite unbreakable."
"Recognize the breaking point. Every source has a breaking point, but the interrogator never knows what it is until it's been reached."
"For all the vast military forces Sauron marshals against Gondor, his single most potent weapon is the despair he can induce among his enemies."
"You're three steps ahead and psychologically you know how to press the buttons."
"Say less than necessary... they'll start thinking about the things that you've said even when you're not there."
"Play on people's natural fears and anxieties to make them think twice before messing with you."
"That man has some mental warfare, and he uses it to his advantage."
"You've got to get your opposition's head, you know what I'm saying? It's not all just on the ball, you've got to get in the head."
"Enjoy the silence, that'll get on the narcissist's nerves."