
Emotional Decision-making Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Even Isaac Newton fell for a Ponzi scheme because it was an emotional trigger."
"Don't let your temporary feelings cause a permanent situation as in you not being with somebody really good for you."
"In France, people vote twice, first with their hearts and then with their heads."
"Don't make permanent decisions off of temporary emotion."
"It's more about discipline, so that's what you were saying about like people make emotional decisions and your whole thing is don't do that, don't do your robot."
"Once you're aware that you're doing these things you can better prepare for them and better understand when you're making emotional decisions."
"We don't want to trade based on emotion, we want to be trading based on rules."
"It's less about how smart you are and it's more about not making stupid emotional decisions that blow all your money."
"People buy with emotion and then justify with logic."
"The golden rule is if you feel any type of emotion, fear or greed, do not buy, do not sell. Today, I'm not selling anything, I'm not buying anything, switching off my laptop and I'm going for a walk."
"The only reason anything ever does anything is because they think it's going to make them feel better."
"If people see their accounts going down or they see their accounts going up, they make emotional purchases based on that."
"This is a scary, radical idea: choosing with the heart energetically."
"People make purchasing decisions based upon emotions, what they feel, what they're emotionally anchored to."
"It's not just about the excitement of the emotion for something long-term. It's a really bad bad bad way to choose."
"This is someone who consults their intuition and their emotions when they make decisions."
"The heart is taking precedence over the head when choosing who should represent you."
"They buy on emotion and then they rationalize the purchase on logic."
"Get your energy in now, go do whatever it is that you're called to do."
"Politicians sometimes allow emotions to get the better of their intellect."
"Because passion has now outweighed reason as the basic standard that we should be using in any particular way."
"Look at things from a critical thinking mind, not from an emotional mind."
"Emotion is not a good way to make important financial decisions."
"Follow your heart. It will never let you down because your heart wants what the heart wants."
"People make decisions based on emotion, but the bottom line is how you feel about what I'm saying to you."
"Most people make decisions based on emotions not logic decisions are largely emotional and not logical."
"Please don't make lifelong decisions based on what you feel right now."
"People buy on emotions and they back it up with logic."
"If emotions are driving your investment decisions, you are not an investor. You’re a fool."
"Emotions and intuition are the keys to moving forward."
"Trading with emotion is probably one of the biggest mistakes you can make."
"Feelings outweigh consequences; it's almost impossible not to act on them."
"Decisions made in Anger are often not great ones."
"I tried to keep the human feeling and spirit and emotion in my decision-making. I know that's right."
"It's better to go into your heart space and just follow the heart and do what feels right."
"Extroverted feeling is called extroverted feelings because her way of making emotional decisions sort of value-based decisions involves her looking outward outside of herself."
"Love is involved, and you know that when you love somebody, you don't think with your head, you think with your heart."
"What is thrilling for you and you know letting your heart be part of this decision it's okay."
"Being angry, being emotional is dangerous in an investor."
"Your wealth has transferred into somebody that was reacting based on data rather than emotion. Congratulations."
"What does your heart tell you mom? What does your heart tell you? Go for it, go for what your heart tells you."
"Sometimes it takes a bit to decide how you feel about it."
"Follow your heart and listen to your intuition, that's the bottom line."
"Frequently intervening and looking at your portfolio in a trade can lead to emotional decision making."
"...people you know sellers or people buy emotionally and they justify logically right so education is very very important in this market."
"Acting based on heavy emotion is usually not the right thing to do."
"Decisions you make are based off the emotions you feel at the time you make the decision."
"A lot of people make decisions based on emotion when it comes to relationships, but this is a major decision in your life."
"Our feelings matter so much to us, and in the face of raw statistical data, it's so easy to say, 'I'm going with my feelings'."
"People make decisions based on emotion and how they feel."
"I think the majority of people make emotional decisions as they navigate through life."
"I've always been someone who's more into choosing things based on how it makes me feel."
"Human beings are not rational beings; we are rationalizing beings. We rationalize whatever our emotional brain has decided."
"When you're with somebody, it involves emotions. When you lead with emotions, you can throw logic right out the window."
"Tilt is letting your emotions into your decision process."