
Timeliness Quotes

There are 659 quotes

"Better late than never, we need to now be brave."
"I believe this is a significant word for the season that we're in and it's one of those urgent messages."
"Actions speak louder than words. This is 16 years too late."
"Discussion should have been happening for a long time, and actions will speak louder than words."
"Keep it timely. When you deliver data to the user, you want to do it in the moment and keep it up to date."
"The evidentiary value of having interviews and testimony closer in time to the conduct is undeniable."
"If I had waited another month or two, I wouldn't be here today."
"Better late than never but still disappointed."
"Rent is due on April 1st and it's going to continue to be due every 30 days until you do something different."
"I can't think of a more important time for this."
"Dave Chappelle's response... was the perfect response we needed right now."
"This apology from Justin Timberlake is too little too late."
"Sometimes it's better to be late than never."
"Justice is never on time. Justice is always late. Justice is always late."
"Now is as good a time as ever to talk about peace."
"The show ended nearly a decade ago. If you haven't caught up at this point, that's on you."
"You're long overdue for a new beginning. It's about damn time that you start fresh."
"What Senator Sanders is pushing is not radical, it's right on time."
"Jump on Tick Tock organic before it's too late."
"Accept the reality, act before it's too late."
"I'm not always there when you call, but I am always on time."
"It is right now and the sooner the better before the big shift happens."
"I'd rather be ten years too early than even one second too late because that's when you lose every single choice."
"Better late than never, I apologize for that."
"And here I thought it was too late for sundresses. It's never too late."
"90 percent of data loses its relevance after one hour of capturing."
"It's either better late than never or too little too late."
"There's a lot of documents that are floating around public schools that say things like timeliness showing up on time is a white supremacist value."
"Crazy how he was talking about this almost 5 years ago and now in 2023 everything he was talking about is finally coming to light."
"For some of you, there's a window that is going to close, and probably will not reopen, so I want you to take action now."
"It was just so perfect and right for the time."
"I'd rather be late and accurate than early and quick."
"It's never too late to do the right strategy."
"He just reported it at 9:19, what time is it?"
"Be thankful that he told you before three years or five years be thankful that he told you before it's too late."
"She had this innate ability to come up with the rightful words and to be in the right place at the right time."
"If the indictment is justified then it's justified it was justified a year ago it's justified now and it's justified a year from now."
"It's a very exciting time and again it's going to be timely to be in now because the window of opportunity is closing."
"It's empowering, it's perfect for right now."
"A hero is never too early nor are they too late, they arrive precisely when they're needed."
"The very fact you are here indicates it's the time."
"People are going to see this money at the beginning of next week. It'll be very fast."
"I made the difficult choice to send him late with his friends as much as I wanted him to be on time."
"I have a feeling that a direct is gonna be around the corner pretty soon."
"Timely means that there's a reasonable period of time to achieve that goal."
"Debuting today, everyone that is just joining, you're not late."
"This is not an unfamiliar passage of scripture but it is a very on time passage of scripture."
"Any hour of a delay is a good hour for Trump."
"The only problem would be that it took too long."
"Valid criticism is when it's early, meaningful changes can be made."
"A very timely offering because we started the show with this New York Times Sienna poll showing how awful people feel about the economy."
"Right on time... God it's such a pretty game."
"This video is a day late, but I'm thankful for this career."
"Success is rare, and success in this case not only meant that we would have a vaccine, but that we would have a vaccine on time."
"It's election interference and it just came out I this was just right now."
"It's important to give people their flowers while they can still smell them while they're still in their Prime."
"People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. Too soon? No, it's topical."
"There is no time like now to start developing your English skills."
"We need to pass the budget on time, that's by September 30th."
"You're never too late, you're always right on time."
"This is the perfect time for the hike to end."
"God of War Ragnarok... is not being delayed. It will be in November of this year."
"The answer is now because if you wait, it becomes too late."
"Whatever it is, and when it breaks, he's right on time."
"At the moment we needed it the most, it needed to have happened. There is no more important moment than this."
"Thank you so much, this is a necessary word for such time."
"Timing, timing, timing! You've got to start your treatment early."
"It's never too late to say sorry. It's better late than ever."
"The credit bureau wants to see that you're using the credit card and that you're paying it off on time."
"I'm kind of late to this thing, but still, I'm glad I experienced this."
"But I'm afraid it might be again too little too late."
"Whenever you're able to capitalize in the moment right there and get it done in a pressure-packed situation, great job Wings."
"The opportunity of a lifetime is only good for the lifetime of the opportunity."
"Oh he those just came out last and he got them oh he knows what's up like it just you just knew what a time man"
"Better late than never, but we should also question the information."
"We're here, we're not late to the party no more, this is a new paradigm."
"Thanks for doing it, a couple weeks late but thanks for doing it nonetheless."
"If by 2027 you haven't developed a system that's competing directly with Falcon 9, you're definitely too late."
"Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done."
"I wanted to bring it out before the election. I felt like it was movement music."
"Isn't it just so timely now that we have space force?"
"There's going to be an awful lot of people still getting sick in india right up until august."
"The opportunity window is closing and if you don't move fast you'll miss it."
"Be like hiring someone for a job, would you not want to find out sooner rather than later?"
"Now is the time. There is no better time than now."
"Better late than never, that's what I think."
"If you're not in version two or three by 2020, it may be too late."
"They literally arrived yesterday, so lucky they came in time and I'm just so excited."
"A good argument can be made that the SEC is shutting the barn door long after the horse has bolted."
"If you start doing that sort of thing just for the money or you try and jump on the trend you're already too late."
"Better late than never, right? That's how the saying goes."
"Every time is the right time for the Word of God to be preached."
"As America while it is still light and this work is possible to be done."
"It's a perfect time to talk about cybersecurity."
"Better late than never when it comes to making this video."
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"I don't care how late the review is, I'm doing a full breakdown review."
"It's never too late to do the right thing. It's never too late to go and get your first dose of vaccine."
"Better late than never, or whatever the saying goes."
"Social media being used in the right way, better late than never."
"It's never too late to love. It starts within ourselves."
"You're right on time. You're not behind. You're where you need to be at this time in your journey."
"I don't regret speaking up, I only wish I had done so sooner."
"Thank goodness this information is coming out right now."
"Better late than never, but never late is better, you know."
"Now is the time to set that in motion and really this is an important time for anything that you feel like you need to change in your life."
"This conversation is almost more relevant now than it even was back when this happened."
"Launching on time is half the time the best thing you can do."
"Now is the time that can help a lot of people."
"Despite my BKB being a little late I was still able to kill two heroes."
"Better late than never, I have my full thoughts on Jordan Peele's 'Nope' right now."
"Justice delayed is Justice denied, but the question is Justice For Whom?"
"It's time. It's the right time. It's the right place and you've absolutely earned this opportunity."
"You're never late to the game as long as you show up, right?"
"A waited justice is better than a tainted case."
"There's never been a better time than now to craft the furniture that you need."
"Life all comes down to a few moments. Don't let this pass. Now, it's not too late. Next year is going to be too late."
"You heard it here where other people are telling you what happened financially months ago."
"You're never too late. You're not ahead of time. You're not behind. You're right on time."
"They've been very late to get to the EV game."
"The right time to do the right thing is right now."
"The perfect intelligence delivered one minute too late is absolutely worthless."
"It's better to change your mind now than later."
"This phone should be in line for a speedy updater to Android Q not long after Google's pixel phones."
"It's never too late to start [having conversations about biblical views of sexuality]."
"It was the right time it's always the right time for truth."
"Seize the opportunity, strike while the iron is hot."
"It's better to be ready a year too early than a day too late."
"There's a rapidly closing window for opportunity."
"The time is always right to do what's right."
"Maybe I would suggest a very cynical corporate apology delivered 20 years late is better than nothing."
"Representation of Star Wars does matter because that's why this is happening far too late."
"Better late than never though, far as I'm concerned."
"This one dealt with a lot of timely social issues."
"I'd rather be ten years early to the party than one day late."
"Punctuality is taken very seriously... You're all encouraged to pair off and practice this."
"There's never been a better time to play Forza Horizon 4."
"The best time to start your website was yesterday. The second best time to start is today."
"Timeliness is going to be key for the Best Picture winner this year."
"An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, and being a year too early is better than being even one second too late."
"Better late than never though, right? All right folks, here we are, gift guide time!"
"Better late than never!" - "We can say better late than never."
"I'm gonna be the downer on this and say too little too late." - Jason Inman
"Delayed justice is no justice, as some people say."
"It's a really special movie to make but also especially now more than ever it's a really interesting time to have this movie come out."
"A good patch ain't enough if it's too late, and we're certainly not having that problem."
"You want to give the next person their flowers while they're alive, not when they're retired or dead and gone."
"This is timing right here or this is getting to the heart of the matter of a situation."
"This video is just passionate; people like it because it was timely, it was passionate, it was saying something that was on a lot of people's minds."
"It's got to fight that they just added this now when it's like the least useful but you know better late than never."
"I will not, however, pretend you were not exactly what we needed when we needed it."
"The best prayer is that prayer read at the beginning time."
"The best prayer is that prayer that is read at the beginning time of that particular prayer."
"It is never too late to show that you care about someone."
"This conversation has never been more important than it is right now."
"Get your builders get your laborers get your scaffolders on job on time this game"
"This is why we do it, we want to give you guys real-time information."
"Now is a powerful time for Spiritual work and healing practices."
"Humanitarian aid delayed risks being aid too late."
"You didn't do it because they needed it, you did it because you know it's the right thing to do for this time."
"It's never too late to do the right thing."
"If you're not embarrassed by your first product, you ship too late."
"Your message is more timely now than it's ever been."
"You know what I mean? You would be all over it. You would say, 'I can't do it, stop texting me.' Or you'd say, 'I'll be there right.' But you'd get back within 24 hours. Tim was not doing that, okay?"
"I should have done this sooner because this is blending out so much nicer."
"Customers require a quality good delivered on time with great performance and services."
"We don't need truth today, we need timely truth. Amen."
"You know the Gaza, he was late at the time. He was already a legend."
"I want to give you guys content that is valuable And Timely and things you can use right away."
"Because this is our last normal show before the break and we won't really have an opportunity, this story is going to be completely dead by the time we get back."
"Better late than never is what they say."
"When's the best time to plant a tree? It was 20 years ago. When's the second best time? It's today."
"We just filmed a week and a half ago so that is current and you'll see that air in May so that'll be very much today where we're all at."
"It remains very relevant maybe even more relevant today than it was back in the 80s."
"A project manager is supposed to fulfill a project's requirements, that is, to deliver a unique output in a timely manner."
"I always like to be invited back to things, okay? I want people to think I'm timely, and I like to be invited."
"Timeliness is crucial. Clients want reports quickly, so be conscious of that."
"so we just pulled up to go to school we are literally on time on the DOT if you get out of car right this second I didn't actually do it I just wrote this random stuff"
"They don't fly the next day, they flew out, like, I think the day after that though. Credit to them, they flew out right away."
"Start early, don't wait until the last minute."
"If something comes up, you don't let it fester. You have to deal with it and put it away right away."
"You make it in time and become a hero."
"It's not about the number of hours, especially in the beginning what people really want from your community is timeliness and a sense of feeling alive."
"Better late than never, I say, exactly, exactly."
"We literally woke up 15 minutes ago, and we caught this."
"If it's catching on now, it's probably long overdue."
"His legacy lives on and all of these stories are so timely for the day that we live in."
"The key to analysis paralysis really has to do with timeliness."
"Do it before it's too late, um, and I almost, I think I started this a little too late, so I would say do it now."
"It's very timely because they're basically all getting great results in the lab."
"Anything that was published this year could be on it."
"There is no better time than basically right now."
"More people are becoming more privy because they're forced to have to do it. And yeah, they might be late to the party, but I guess later is better than never for sure."
"Their message is relevant, biblical, and timely."
"It's still timeless and it's biblical and pastoral wisdom, but it's also very much at a moment."
"This feels very poignant right now and very timely, very relevant."
"It's like his message is current and now, it's not the message from two and a half years ago. It's a message from today."
"And in addition overall, the performance still feels really fresh. It's like his message is current and now. It's not the message from two and a half years ago. It's a message from today. So I love that he has kept it fresh in that way."
"I'm obsessed with this this is such a perfect Mother's Day gift uh-huh literally perfect like we're telling you guys this or just in time okay if you've already got sublimation supplies"
"It's a perfect time, so they're genius for dropping this video today."