
Deduction Quotes

There are 930 quotes

"Once you rule out everything that it can't be, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"It's definitely Rebecca. So, she's under something, but she's also under clouds."
"Science is never sure about either of the premises of the argument... deduction, although it's seductive as a way of learning true things, is not the way that science works."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a [__] duck."
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"Once you've eliminated all other possibilities, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the right answer."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck."
"British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's hero Sherlock Holmes said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'"
"An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"In every murder you the same can under arises: it's where plus when plus how equals who."
"Surely you must know that in criminal cases handled by me it is never the obvious situation that is the correct one."
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has to be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes
"Deception Murder Hong Kong, my favorite social deduction game of all time."
"Sherlock Holmes liked to say that 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth'."
"It's obvious, also it needs light overhead so it's probably a plant, right?"
"You don't lose if you get it right, wow, I think Professor Plum did it!"
"A single strand of cat hair and a discarded pair of shoes had given investigators the evidence they needed."
"I've been able to eliminate some possibilities."
"But I also know that the weapon was the knife."
"We pretty much deduced that on our own based off of what we've been getting leading up to the second half of the Majin Buu saga celebration and now we have official confirmation that that is in fact what we're getting."
"His brilliant reasoning power would rise to the level of intuition, until those who were unacquainted with his methods would look askance at him as on a man whose knowledge was not that of mere mortals."
"You see, Watson, it was perfectly obvious from the first."
"Set traps... always look at who the most recently banished traitor voted for."
"All of the clues were in plain sight. You saw all the clues."
"Cheer up Watson, for I am very sure that our material has not yet all come to hand. When it does, we may soon leave our difficulties behind us."
"What must you say? Even a teeny tiny itty bitty deduction can drag your brain into a new space."
"We've done the old sort of Sherlock Holmes Arthur logical deduction thing."
"One of Holmes's mantras: 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'"
"How the hell do you know that, Sherlock?" "Because she was on the same train as us and I heard her calling its name. And that's not cheating, that's listening. I use my senses, John, unlike some people."
"Your face is tanned but no tan above the wrists. You've been abroad, but not sunbathing."
"The most impressive part to me is that Emily was able to piece every single thing together from some things dating back as far as 2013."
"How can I walk out of an alley it didn't go into? Once you've ruled out the impossible, then whatever is left, however improbable, must be the truth."
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck."
"Just because Gonta was at the mansion doesn't mean he isn't the culprit. All the culprit needed was a way to get from the roof to outside the mansion."
"You put it all together, and it was very obvious to me that this was a murder case."
"I love how smart Feather is, that he was able to deduce that that was what happened."
"Seemingly insignificant clues may expose a pattern."
"Holy [ __ ], that was quick. No, I still kinda feel like it's Para. We'll find out. Yeah, I think it's Para. I think he killed him."
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"But that is the problem which we are now about to solve," said Sherlock Holmes.
"The distinction is clear: you see but you do not observe."
"If everyone is wrong, we'll never find the mastermind. I can't let that happen."
"Even the most well-spun lies can be undone, we can do it Phoenix."
"You've had an accomplice, and I know who it is."
"Loeb and Bialy adhered to a scientific principle similar to Sherlock Holmes's detective work: eliminate the impossible, and what remains, no matter how unlikely, must be the truth."
"Eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Donk
"Joel tried to look for clues in the place and concluded that the fireflies might have moved to Salt Lake City."
"I believe he's telling the truth because I can dismiss the other three."
"I've given you count by count by count, piece by piece information of where I've been every single round for the exact purpose of this. It's not me, dude."
"The only person not accounted for, haven't said where they are, is Sanch. Let me explain why I think it's Joey Peanut."
"Eliminate the impossible... whatever remains must be the truth."
"Medical expense deduction will drop to 7.5 percent of your income instead of 10."
"Even if I didn't know about the law of entropy, I would deduce there's something."
"I actually managed to guess the killer pretty early."
"When you have eliminated all that is impossible, whatever remains must be the truth, no matter how improbable."
"Clearly, we are missing something significant here."
"Correctly predicting a player's right, or wrong, choice, and figuring out all the clues before the seven rounds are over grants the players greater clairvoyance during the final round."
"I legit think I legitimately know who it is now, I have a collection of cards, this guy's not that cool, no Scott collects board games, oh that makes sense."
"Once you eliminate the impossible, you are left with all the things you didn't think about."
"So long as there's a bullet, there's a clue."
"I know you're a superhero, you know I'm not an idiot, I figured it out weeks ago."
"It's just deduction straight up deduction, so yeah if you haven't tried it, you should definitely try it out."
"Faye suddenly realizes that the man with long hair must be in trouble."
"When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains must be the answer."
"Everything points to all of this being the case."
"When you've canceled out everything it could be, then it's paranormal."
"There are different possibilities... the third and only third option is that that person is speaking the truth."
"It's kind of a detective story in our minds because you really are sort of piecing together clues."
"Who's the liar? The owner said he'd eaten a poison apple, so if it happened the day before, this apple must be brown now. But it's not; the man must have bitten into it just before calling the police."
"Can you tell which desk is the one he needs? If you remember, the note was written in green ink. There's a similar green pen lying on the desk on the right, so this is most likely Amelia's desk."
"For gamers who want to do actual proper crunchy deep deduction."
"Whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"They have a theory about every little detail."
"She said it wasn't me, so that deduces the reality that maybe it was him."
"I think that was no, I think I tossed out both imposters."
"There was only one reason the murder weapon was still in the house because the murderer was still in the house."
"Perspicacity and reason are the tools I employ."
"You will no doubt be delighted to know, gentlemen, that Dr. Watson and I have solved the case."
"When you ruled out the impossible, no matter how improbable, whatever remains is the truth."
"When all of the obvious things fail to line up, you look at what is left. That's the scientific way."
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment."
"The most commonplace crime is often the most mysterious because it presents no new or special features from which deductions may be drawn."
"By a man's fingernails, by his coat sleeve, by his boot, by his trouser knees, by the colossi of his forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt cuffs, by each of these things, a man's calling is plainly revealed."
"Once you've eliminated all the possibilities, whatever is left, however improbable, is your answer."
"The point wasn't which face comes up, but if they're observant enough to notice a gap between the iron ball and the ring."
"It wasn't a random guess, but a calculated deduction."
"To solve crimes, to detect the guilty, we must use our brains."
"Ask the cabbie, then the bell seems to toll," Finley observed.
"Elementary, my dearest Lestrade. The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place."
"Phenomenal, elementary my dear Watson."
"I voted Poki first round because she said, 'I think I'm innocent.' I've just never heard an imposter say that before."
"Let us engage in the art of deduction."
"We are going to be trying to guess clues, bluffing, and trying to work out which one of us is a dirty liar."
"If the product of two terms is zero, then common sense says at least one of the two terms has to be zero to start with."
"This is an incredible use of abilities to deduce what was happening in a case you've just been shown the entire thing."
"Police therefore theorized that Judy wasn't the kind of person who would have accidentally left her ID at home before a flight."
"The only way that can possibly make sense is if the killer or kidnapper lives in the wild."
"Just loses a few points for the reasons we talked about."
"Therefore you can rule out some of the known dangerous chemicals or illegal chemicals for example."
"Sometimes in these cases it's more important to know what something is not rather than what it is."
"Tommy deduces Grace's true identity as a Protestant"
"I believe I can now name our murderer."
"Once you dismiss the impossible, only the possible remains."
"Sherlock Holmes never seeks a general explanation for his observations."
"Holmes is famous for his quick-fire inferences given limited information."
"Little by little the facts were falling into place. The rest was up to the little gray cells."
"Surely our profession, Mr. Mac, would be a drab and sordid one if we did not sometimes set the scene so as to glorify our results with a blunt accusation, the brutal tap upon the shoulder."
"Oh, sometimes I think that it's better not to explain my methods, dear Watson," said Holmes.
"I could follow them around to a grocery store and just tell, 'Oh, the favorite food is this, they pick out this, you know?' Just the smallest things."
"For example, how did you deduce that this man was an intellectual?"
"I think that the Killer is you, 11."
"You get more points if you figure out a connection with less Clues."
"When we rule out the impossible, what must remain is as close to the truth as possible."
"How did you know this fellow wasn't the real Inspector McDonald? Elementary, Watson."
"With Moriarty out of the way, London, from the point of view of the criminal expert, is likely to become a singularly uninteresting city."
"I believe you, madam, for two reasons: first because of your sex, and secondly because of a wasp."
"I think it's Hunter. I actually think that's what he was trying to do."
"The master of deduction explains: corpses want to talk, and you just have to learn to listen."
"I think I would have been able to make an informed guess on this one even without Nicole's hints here."
"I could tell that the driver, when it crashed, wasn't using a VPN tool."
"It was Nathan who pushed his teammate. Who eats such a big lunch before training?"
"The man lied. His car was a sports convertible with just two seats. The car wouldn't have fit three men."
"It was Ruth. There's a dirty sneaker hidden behind the curtain and several pieces of french fries under her bed."
"Stella. Her tattoo is right on her wrist, and there's no way her parents won't notice it immediately."
"Jessica although they're both behaving poorly margot is on a straight road where she can be noticed jessica is jaywalking before the road takes a turn someone might not have enough time to react and stop."
"It can't be the man in a hat or the one wearing a coat the criminal also got rid of his glasses it means the man wanted by the police is the one on the right he has a small wound on his upper lip must have got rid of his fake mustache in a hurry."
"The man's birthday is on december 31st he's thinking about it on january 1st the day before his birthday he was 34. the next day he turned 35. a new year started the next day and that year he's going to turn 36 and he will be 37 the following year."
"Adrien deduced Parker's identity as Spider-Man based on voice similarities."
"In fact, it's worse than that because by making up his own patterns which he never actually reveals, he creates an invalid hypothesis."
"I mean, the Zodiac's not gonna go there, no, it's not him. Yeah, the voice is too high, it's too young. They don't think it's him."
"Where would they do this? It's got to be one of those four Asian countries or Brazil" - Reflects the guessing game aspect of trying to identify international flavors, demonstrating the process of elimination and speculation.
"What you're saying is that if we can prove that this is the result of steel making then it's more likely to be to do with Alfred than anyone else."
"We've got an articulated skeleton here and the most important thing about it is that it's articulated and it's on top of the wall. The wall must have been knocked down when that body was put in."
"Corpse and Rachel are both innocent."
"I voted to skip on Toast too and that was the imposter."
"Eureka, this is my predecessor function. I can subtract by one."
"To the astute detective and forensic specialist, the biggest clues often hide in plain sight."
"Once you eliminate impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must mean the truth."
"If you see a woman on the table with someone else, they're clearly like together in some form."
"Deductive reasoning like Sherlock Holmes."
"You gotta follow the logic that's already there."
"Hauser must have thought about that. I don't think he'd want to have that protein floating around in his brain, so any vaccine he took would have to exclude it."
"Certainly, this appears to me, uh, to be if we look at the doors and the break in the seam of the doors, this is probably where the two doors come together in the middle of the fireplace."
"The beauty of a quiz is how you can deduce answers based on the facts that are presented to you."
"When considering all the evidence, what do I think happened? Which theory is the most probable?"
"Wow, that back end is pushed in like this. Fucker's been in prison."
"I know people have already theorized that by now."
"...the bed hadn't been slept in, it had all the appearance of having been made and then deliberately tousled."
"If Freddy throws these knives, hmm, I believe little showman unaware Mr. Burke is dead."
"This power is what I mean when I talk of reasoning backwards or analytically."
"The proof of its intrinsic Simplicity is that without any help save a few very ordinary deductions I was able to lay my hand upon the criminal within three days."
"The grand thing is to be able to reason backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment and a very easy one but people do not practice it much in the everyday Affairs of life."
"I mean that if the murderer intended us to believe that he had escaped by way of the window, he would naturally make it appear that the other two exits were impossible," reasoned Poirot.
"Oh, clearly, clearly. If this is the Ten of clubs, this must be the Jack of Clubs."
"If Timothy was truly kidnapped from the carnival, then the kidnapper would have had to steal the blanket and dump it with the body."
"This is curious. I must confess that I see nothing particularly curious about it. You do not observe the lamp? The chimney is broken in two places. They lie there as they fell. But see, the coffee cup is absolutely smashed to powder."
"‘I should have more faith,’ he said; ‘I ought to know by this time that when a fact appears to be opposed to a long train of deductions, it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretation.’"
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
"I'm going to assume that that's probably Shannon in the freezer, and we're not dealing with some kind of multiple murder kind of situation that we know of, which is good except that it's bad."
"This is not a footmark," said I. "It is something much more valuable to us. It is the impression of a wooden stump."
"According to my notion he dropped it while stooping over Drebber’s body, and did not miss it at the time."
"The only logical conclusion is that the murderer is amongst the members of your staff."
"In a Sherlock Holmes sort of way if you're left with the impossible however improbable it is it may well be the most parsimonious way that we can explain the accumulation of this material."
"How can I tell? But there is a part of your answer. See that tree, the one growing near the wall? That was not there when the castle was built."
"The step-by-step deduction by rules of inference is not the same as rationality; it's one tool of rationality."
"Only one killer owned up to, which by my maths means every single ball over there is a killer."
"...he would have done the right thing, he would either try to retrace the steps or sat down, called for help, yeah, he didn't do those things which implies that when he went missing he was not conscious."
"You always find the answer in the end, Holmes."
"Exactly, we have added one card to our hand, Watson,"
"Either the pearl is still in the house or it is not still in the house," Tommy explained.
"You must be doing this sort of thing all the time. Investigating fake alibis and seeing where they fall down."
"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"Or there may be some very different cause, Mr. Bardie. But your case is far too weak for an arrest."
"That process," said I, "starts upon the supposition that when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth."
"The faculty of deduction is certainly contagious, Watson."
"You are the one that is putting together all of the logic."
"Ichabod not only deduces the truth behind someone controlling the horseman but also deduces the truth the victims are all linked by a conspiracy."
"Each guess gives us a hint as to what the secret word is."
"Understanding these relationships allows us to perform immediate deductive inferences or to put it another way, it allows us to make valid deductions based on just one premise."
"By elimination, you know it has to be the right answer, so it's a true statement."
"I'm trying to tell you the problem we face. We have no carcass to examine, therefore we have to ascertain the facts from other sources."
"Some lawyers are professionals, but no criminals are professionals, therefore some criminals are lawyers."
"The PG film was 100% real, and if the PG film is real, then Bigfoot is out there by process of deduction."
"It's obvious someone's deliberately trying to incriminate us. Try and reconstruct the killing logically, Holmes."
"From False follows anything. Okay from False premises you can derive anything."
"There's a real logic to it if you back into it."
"Once we have the information about the right group, we will use the second equality to deduce the structure of the group in the center."
"Let's go over this. He stole the green diamond, then a painting of trees. Trees are green like the green diamond. But then he stole that tapestry, and it's not green. But look, the artist is named M. Green. That's it! The connection is that they're all green."
"If we type in 'D' getting a 'D,' we get an 'A.'"
"Spy Ninjas, what do you guys all think? I think the evidence is really clear. Justin definitely is the Cloaker. He's got my vote, Chad. I concur with your vote, and I vote Justin is the Cloaker."
"A detective works the same way. He collects the facts, decides what's important, gets rid of what's not, and only then figures out the right answer."
"I think they work backwards from his last name."
"Only when you can understand how techniques and maneuvers can mislead you can you come to correct conclusions and avoid coming to false conclusions."
"Can you guess why? The robber wouldn't get out of the window without stepping on the bed; however, the bed was perfectly made and Aston said he hadn't touched it. It means there was no robber."
"L is not trying to stop a killer, he's just trying to be right about who the killer is."
"Only three people went shopping: a mother, her daughter, and her daughter's daughter. One of them is a daughter and a mother at the same time, and each of the three purchased two new dresses."
"So it looks to me like this grill was kind of a friction fit."
"Brian, look, the fence is red, but the grass next to it doesn't have any stains, so the fence isn't likely to be freshly painted."