
Daily Improvement Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing."
"It's more so about taking it a day at a time and just recognizing that in each day, you're growing and each day, you're becoming more of who you are."
"You can't learn everything overnight, but you can try to learn new things every day."
"Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance—of doing and being a little better each day."
"There's no such thing as perfect... But, if you're inching forward every day, your progression will beat perfection every day of the week."
"Just get a little better every day; that's what it's all about."
"Each day is another step in the right direction."
"Want to make every day a best day? See this resource that will raise your success vibration."
"We just need to try to make one more today even if we're kind of fine today..."
"Being a little bit better today than you were yesterday."
"Yesterday sucked, whatever, let's try and make today not suck."
"It's a journey of evolution. Every day is just constant improvement."
"Every new day should be better than yesterday."
"You are opening yourself to more ways to love yourself and that love grows each and every day."
"I make a conscious effort to learn something new every day."
"Every day, I am becoming a better and stronger version of myself."
"Make every day of your life the happiest day so far."
"Every single day you want to be better than the last."
"Nobody is born with unshakable confidence. This is something you've got to build, you've got to work on and that you've got to improve oftentimes on a daily basis."
"We're still trying to find new ways to do things every day. We think of something new we can do."
"Improve a little bit every day with Brilliant."
"Let's grow every day and become better people."
"Developing yourself by a commitment to incremental daily improvement in all areas of your life that are important to you will ensure that you will always have unlimited personal and professional options."
"Learn something new about nutrition and exercise every day."
"We should be making a Freer world for everybody every single day where you're Freer to move, you're free to speak and you're free afraid to choose what you do with your life."
"It's a good day if you learn something each day you're on a good track. Let's get it."
"But I can say because of Kobe Bryant at the end of each day I think about how I can make the next day better."
"I try to be better every single day hence my day going hashtag I work yesterday but we are here."
"I spend my life trying to be less wrong every day"
"What can I learn today that I didn't know before?"
"Begin putting off the old ways and being renewed every day."
"A little bit of growth, no matter how small every day, can add up to be more than you think."
"You could be a little better today than you were yesterday, and that's a good thing."
"Stick to something... think of it as you're like this little seed this little flower seed and every day you're watering it to grow a little bit more and more."
"I desperately pray to God that every day would get a little better."
"Every day do something to make yourself better tomorrow than you were yesterday."
"Invest in yourself every single day if you want to be a great best-selling author."
"Small changes accumulate across time. Just make a little difference today and another one tomorrow."
"Remember to keep striving for progress over perfection and a little progress every day will go a very long way."
"Just keep improving those skills every single day."
"Every day in the company is a step toward greatness."
"Every day is a new day and a new step towards a better life and a better future."
"Learn something every day. Okay, a new skill. How to program, how to make a bomb roasted chicken, how to read, how to listen."
"Is being a little bit more awake every day worth it?"
"Try to come out of every day a better person than you went into that day."
"Every day is just getting better and better. I am so grateful for all my blessings."
"Well, I'm one percent better every day. That's how I live life."
"Imagine the difference if you started learning just one new word every single day."
"Increase your financial strength, emotional health, and mental strength each day."
"So just start moving a little bit every day, before you notice you're going to look in the mirror and barely recognize your life."
"This is your dream, and you're getting better every day."
"What matters isn't if people are good or bad. What matters is if they're trying to be better today than they were yesterday."
"Even though it's like one little thing a day over the course of a month that's 30 things, over the course of the year it's like 300 new things I learned."
"Elevate me, Lord, into greatness each passing day. I trust that you will always do what is best for my life."
"You don't have to be special to do this, just have the willingness to progress every single day."
"You are learning every day, helping you start fresh."
"Every day you can take steps to get closer to that."
"Each day I become a better friend to myself. That's how I know I'm making progress."
"Every single day choosing to wake up and like making it a day better than the previous."
"Every day I'm one step closer to being that version of me."
"I try to do my best for inspiration for the girls can train and can do better every day, not just in the fight but in your life."
"Every day is an opportunity to learn some more, and it's never-ending."
"Each day represented a new opportunity to improve, to overcome his limits, and reach new heights of power."
"The Bliss I feel in those moments thinking about those things, it's improved my day."
"Every day he would learn something new."
"I like the idea of improving something every day... make something a little bit better every day like that's the way to do it."
"You're really going to learn so much every single day."
"I just do good today, and then I'm like I could do worse tomorrow."
"Some days will be rough, some days will be smoother, but I'm a daily improver."
"If you're putting an insole and it makes your whole day better, like, why not do that?"
"What you should try to be is a slightly more ethical person than the one you were yesterday."
"There's really no ceiling for us. We're always trying to set a new standard every single day we walk into the facility."
"I just hope everyone's doing well and just doing small things to improve your happiness and your mood each day."
"Each day is just as important as the day before and the day after, okay? The day before, you learn from. You change what you did in the day before where you know you can make improvements. And that's the blessing that you get being in the present, okay?"
"Improving every single day, man. I love it."
"By focusing on your system and just focusing on today, you are going to find it a lot more satisfying."
"I am strong and healthy. My energy and vitality increase each and every single day."
"You only have one winner in a contest, but every day you're competing with yourself."
"I learn and grow every single day."
"Be a learning machine. Go to bed wiser than when you woke up."
"I want to be better than myself yesterday, but every day I want to be better."
"Every day will be made better because she's in it with you."
"Every day's a school day, we're always learning."
"Maybe you're an amazing cook. Can you teach me something every day?"
"Each day it got better and better, and I was able to do a lot of miracles with makeup."
"Hopefully I made your day a little better."
"Does everybody see the good in everybody today? Did you see the good in people yesterday? Do you see even more good in them today, and will you see even more good in them tomorrow? Absolutely, every day."
"Learn something new every day, Boris, that's the way it goes."
"Every single day I want you to feel stronger in some way."
"I'm up and I'm growing every day."
"It's not just a rise in wrestling, it's the rise in everything you do every day."
"You have to grow yourself every single day."
"Tomorrow is promised. Like whatever I messed up on Monday, I can fix on how I perform, how I behave, or how I act on Tuesday."
"I'm learning every single day more and more."
"Pro Era is short for the progressive era, it is positive energy all around, just progressing every day."
"The best are driven to up their game every day."
"Every day that you have the ability to get up and go, that's a day that you can be better and prepare and become closer to God."
"You're going to see progress every single day, and you can do that."
"I'm just seeing it as just taking small steps every day to improve my life."
"Every day seems to be better than the last one."
"I have to be very self-motivated and think to myself that I got to be better every single day and I got to improve."
"The Olympic year, there's just something... you just want to be elevated every single day."
"It's not about being the best today, but it's about getting better today."
"Keep your eyes focused on just getting a little bit better each day."
"Don't compare, don't try to be better than someone else, but whatever you're doing, try to be the best you can be. Make each day your masterpiece."
"Grow in your marriage every day of your life."
"Success is very simple; it's about you can really change your life day by day."
"It's about progress, you got to be moving forward every day."
"We are all learners and every morning we should learn something new."
"Everybody, every day, takes a small step of continuous improvement in his or her process."
"The Holy Spirit is gonna make me better every single day."
"Just 1% better today plus one plus one plus one and make today another awesome day."
"Each and every day, you will see progress."
"If you fight every day and you compete and you do it, you get one percent better. I'm pretty sure we're gonna win more than we're gonna lose."
"You come back better than you were in the morning and then when you go home and go to sleep, you come back better again."
"Thank you for always improving my day after work."
"I think our women's football now is improving each and every day."
"Just keep on creating, keep on going strong, get better every day. One love, peace."
"Sometimes it's just about making your life a little bit nicer on a daily basis."
"Just make every day a learning day."
"Focus on the little tiny things that you can do to be closer today than you were yesterday."
"Every day learn something because if you don't learn something new today, you wasted a day."
"I am my ax and every day I take the ax out and I take it through life, and I can sharpen my ax."
"I am learning something new every single day."
"Everything in every way is working out for me daily."
"You're going to be seeing progress every single day."
"For each their own, to a certain point, I think as long as you're feeling like you're progressing day by day, that's where it's the most important."
"Make today a better day by focusing on what you can control."
"You will experience more and more of your personal genius every day."
"Our relationship gets better every day."
"Improving every day with whatever you're doing in life."
"I pray that life grows richer and fuller each day."
"Every day you should know and every day you should expand, that's your day should be better than yesterday."
"On average, our customers wake up every day and have three new capabilities they can choose to use or not use."
"Doing 1% better each day or micro steps or micro habits."
"If you're making progress every single day, that's where you come from an area of a source of possibility."