
Enemy Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"Sometimes, the most formidable enemy is not the one standing against us but the doubts within us."
"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink."
"Your biggest enemy, your biggest... the most important conversation you will ever have in your [__] life is the one you have with yourself."
"It is easier to hate an enemy with much good in him than one who is all bad."
"All clans had come together to face one United enemy under a single set of goals: destroy the treacherous wretches residing within Dark Moon, prevent more demonic beings from coming to bear, and to save their world from the unfolding chaos."
"Pirates are considered an enemy of all mankind."
"That's the war that we were fighting and that's the enemy that we were fighting."
"You cannot use the tools and methods of the enemy to defeat the enemy without becoming the enemy."
"This is the first time that we get to see, I guess, the enemy initially."
"Understand that there is a real enemy that is fighting to shut down your eyes and ears, it's fighting to steal the revelation that God would speak to you."
"Death is the enemy, the first enemy and the last."
"Fox News is a bigger enemy to us than any other major news network out there."
"Who would you say your number one enemy is today? Great question. Satan."
"Your number one enemy is the same as mine, and that's white supremacy."
"Look, he's my enemy but this guy's clearly been hit in the head so I'll help him out."
"Politics begins not with any kind of mutual recognition but with the choice of an enemy."
"Savage because if you're able to take down an enemy who has no curse energy."
"It's time to exterminate your enemy once and for all."
"There's nothing more unifying than a common enemy."
"The enemy is faster than you. It is stronger. It is eternal. It will tear you to shreds."
"There's something here to celebrate but the enemy wants you to feel like there's absolutely nothing for you to celebrate."
"It's always beneficial to have a unified enemy... having an enemy can unite so many people."
"It's okay that not everything that bears slight resemblance to the enemy is actually the enemy."
"The Titan's powerful woven Garland slides through scores of her foes, and the enemies of humanity tremble."
"We have to understand our enemy to help defeat it."
"You are a weapon of mass destruction to the enemy's kingdom."
"The worst thing about betrayal is that it never comes from the enemy."
"The great enemy of the third age, at least from the perspective of the Dunadine and the Elves, was a mysterious new threat that arose in the frozen lands of Angmar."
"Imagine this: You've just been brain-swapped into the dying body of your arch-enemy."
"What bigger enemy is there to logic than the fog of nostalgia and beauty?"
"Be disciplined and stay on guard; your enemy, the Devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion."
"The Lord wants to tell you that he brought the enemy back into your life not so you can be destroyed, but so that the Lord can destroy that enemy in your life."
"Depression is your enemy it's not your friend don't cuddle it treat it as an enemy."
"My point was just, I was just trying to wake people up to the fact that they have an enemy that wants to do them harm."
"Some of you could achieve a sudden agreement and come to peaceful terms with an open enemy that is going to last for years."
"The ways the enemy will try to throw you off is through deception, distraction, discouragement, and suggestion."
"Every whisper that told you that if you let these things go, you will be a failure, nothing good will come out of it, it is the fear of the enemy."
"How did you sleep at night? This is complete madness that was going on around. It's my worst enemy, he's our worst enemy."
"No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main strength." - Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
"Their intent is clear to all of us. You are now called upon to thwart them, thereby safeguarding the National Security and the existence and future of our Folk."
"Captain Levi spared her life even though he usually does not let his enemies escape."
"The enemy is constantly keeping tabs on you to check where your weak spots are."
"The sniper's lethal skills make him both feared and hated by the enemy."
"You are the one that gives us the power to overcome the enemy."
"He has become what he feared him to be, humanity's worst enemy."
"Which Generation species was meant to be introduced as a replacement for Klingons as a major enemy?"
"Procrastination will be your biggest enemy in homemaking."
"Soon, these lizard men of Torg will arrive. They are feared far and wide and are coming here for you."
"Your enemy is not the person, your enemy is the spirit at work through them."
"You have to know who your real enemy is. It's not the person in front of you; it's the spirit behind that person."
"The enemy comes through flesh and blood, but flesh and blood are not your enemy."
"Loneliness is a tactic of the enemy, it's the enemy trying to bring us down."
"Your own greed, you are your worst enemy."
"Inflammation is the enemy of humans, right?"
"The enemy's ashes paved the way to gun quest. That is just... that's deep. Let's deep."
"So much of our lives is spent in isolation, but there's a real attack by a real enemy."
"When you learn contentment, it puts a barricade against the enemy."
"Death is your enemy... you don't want to lose to your enemy with your heart open."
"This is one of the most visually stunning enemies I have ever watched. Every shot is like a work of art. It's crazy."
"With such a deadly threat now loose, Spider-Man had no choice but to turn to one of his greatest enemies for help."
"The Enemy's agenda in your life is destruction."
"The attack of the enemy was never allowed to touch me when I was in meetings, when I'm operating in my gift, when I'm walking as an ambassador for the king, when I'm walking under the anointing of my calling."
"Death is not good. The Bible insists that death is an enemy."
"The enemy is a psychological terrorist of the mind."
"In this conflict, you cannot fight the enemy in your own strength."
"He is not the enemy, lack of knowledge is."
"The natural man is an enemy to God and has been from the fall of Adam and will be forever and ever unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Ghost."
"The enemy wants to attack your mind so badly. If he can get your mind, he can get everything."
"One of the agendas of the enemy in our time is how to infiltrate your mind."
"Your enemy will fight ferociously. He is battle-hardened and vicious."
"There is a fight for your soul every single day... there's an enemy that wants to take you down."
"Killing Harry is only actually his goal at all because it helps him on his path to defeating his true enemy, Death."
"Every plan of the enemy placed upon your life is canceled in the name of Jesus."
"Ultimately, it was humility that overcame the enemy."
"The most dangerous enemy that you face, that this country faces, is not another country, it's the idea of ego."
"The enemy attacks on very specific identities in the culture, and it ruins the culture."
"Fear is not an enemy. Fear is the enemy, period."
"We pray that the enemy will wake up every morning terrified of what it is you're going to accomplish in and through us."
"The enemy started it with words, but we'll finish it with words."
"The best way to defeat your enemies is to respect them because if you don't respect your enemies you'll underestimate just how powerful and how nefarious they may be."
"There's also those who firmly exist in the camp that you should be as disrespectful as possible towards your enemy to get them as riled up and angry as possible because if you're able to get under their skin and you're able to make them angry they won't think rationally."
"That God has not changed. What belongs to you, the enemy shall not desire it."
"I am no friend of these creeping, crawling orcs and their masters."
"You will strike back at the enemy. From now on, our defensive battles are over."
"The bugs are evil, they are the enemy, they are a dangerous hive mind, hence the Communist allegory, and they are a clear and present mortal threat to all human life."
"Surely shaytan isn't any good to you, so take him as an enemy, treat him as an enemy."
"Mortification is the enemy of pleasure."
"How do you combat an enemy that every time you land a blow, any damage you inflict does little more than push them into orgasmic bliss?"
"The true enemy was this shadowy cabal pulling the strings from behind the scenes."
"Dogma is the enemy of creativity."
"The weapon of the enemy has been found. Sauron will have dominion over all life on this Earth."
"God allows the enemy to expose himself."
"If you have an enemy, don't give it to them, because if they're gonna get on the path, they're gonna come back and, you know, for whatever, defeat you 18 months, and they'll be jacked and they'll be focused and they'll crush you."
"She doesn't strike me as someone who is bound by the rules. That makes her a valuable ally and a dangerous enemy."
"Every attack from the enemy falls to the ground and may not prevail."
"Don't let the enemy rob you of joy. Don't let the enemy rob you of incremental success."
"Rejoicing is part of it and be glad in it, and we are letting the enemy mess up our days."
"...the immunity of our protagonist is much stronger than the pathetic poison of the enemy."
"Love your enemy means love everybody."
"It's very true, fear is a man's greatest enemy."
"It doesn't matter who won and who lost, you need to learn to respect the enemy. They are also very strong."
"I think the Central Point here is that the need for an enemy is this psychological manifestation of the need to create an external source for all of one's problems."
"Yet it's not the Cubans or Outsiders the U.S. fears most but an enemy within men it labels terrorists."
"Humanity's first enemy emerged, an ordinary human with supernatural powers."
"The greatest weapon of the enemy that God uses against most of us is fear."
"An enemy with the moral courage to tell the truth however bitter it might be would require a lot of licking."
"Allah told us in the Quran that Satan is our enemy, so take him as an enemy. This is a command from Allah, take him as an enemy, and in order to take him as an enemy, we have to recognize his tricks and the way he acts, his strategies, in order to be careful and aware."
"The devil is the worst enemy of mankind."
"I will not hate you for Jesus said love your enemies. I will not plot revenge against you for Jesus says do good to those who despitefully use you and persecute you."
"The main way the enemy speaks to us is by putting thoughts in our mind."
"No plan survives the first contact with the Enemy."
"All that magic is backfiring to the enemy, it's going back to them."
"The enemy loves it when we get discouraged."
"The enemy's plans are nullified and every weapon formed is shattered by the triumphant power of our Lord Jesus."
"Don't let fear encroach upon your life, that's a tactic of the enemy."
"God's plan is not usurped by an enemy's scheme."
"But we all have that same enemy and that is the old red dragon, that is that devil."
"Fear is an enemy that you can slay."
"He takes what the enemy means for evil and he uses it for your good."
"The last enemy that will be abolished is death."
"An honest enemy is better to me than a friend who lies."
"Life is spiritual, friends. We just tell you all this not to scare you but to make you aware of the enemy's devices."
"Fear is your greatest enemy in life."
"It's essentially neo-marxism which is the work of the enemy. It's unchristian, it's anti-christian..."
"We're just going to give you the same basic premise, a new enemy, but it's like bigger now. That's it. That doesn't make it scary, it's just physically larger."
"Are you ready to turn an old enemy into a new ally?"
"The waywards reject half measures in dealing with the enemy. There is one way to end the hunt and only one: total destruction."
"When the enemy tries to remind you of what you were, you just remind him of this moment."
"Mr. Lauda, may I offer a piece of advice? Stop thinking of it as a curse to have been given an enemy in life. It can be a blessing too."
"Ego is very much the enemy in this case."
"The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, right? So there's division in that. If you can destroy families, if you can destroy relationships, so it's the enemy, well, I believe so."
"God will even bless an enemy by anointing him."
"The devil is the enemy, not each other."
"We have to remember ultimately we're not each other's enemies... our ultimate enemy is Satan."
"Machu sect is the common enemy of the Federation."
"France, the biggest enemy is France because sometimes it's inside our DNA."
"You need to be resistant. If you know how to resist the enemy, if you know how, he really will flee from you."
"So, we are the soldiers mankind cannot live without. On this day, we shall know our enemy."
"Desire is your enemy because desire is simply the agony of lack."
"The most dangerous enemy on the battlefield is also the one making all the lesser kythons more deadly."
"We're pushing the enemy back here, we're pushing them off here, we're pushing them here. Pretty soon, we're going to be off this map altogether."
"The presence of fear indicates the presence of the enemy."
"Fear is the fruit of the thought that we receive from the enemy that's designed to gain access to our life."
"Hedonism is the enemy of happiness."
"When I'm walking according to principle, the enemy can't get to me."
"The only real enemy we have is sin, and we trace it back to its source."
"Gamera, the guardian of the universe, thought to be 8,000 years old, genetically engineered by an ancient Atlantean civilization to protect their people from the Gauss."
"People are never my enemy, it's the influence of the devil working through them that's the enemy."
"Because our enemies are beings without bodies, I feel the spirit."
"The enemy has paralyzed us... but I believe God is going to move in this place."
"The leader must determine what the enemy is trying to do and how to counter his efforts."
"Perfection's the enemy of a lot of progress."
"Paranoia and cowardice are survival traits and if the enemy survives, you didn't win."
"It is so important to understand the enemy's schemes and strategies."
"Education is one of the most powerful weapons that the enemy uses against us."
"You see the enemy cannot create anything, he can only lie, deceive, and pollute."
"Death itself... The Last Enemy to be destroyed is death."
"Let vengeance be your ultimate goal as you overthrow the chariots and horses of the enemy."
"The very minds of the people we are trying to save, but until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy."
"I see the enemy. I see his movement. He's trying to kill, steal, and destroy. But not on my watch. Not on my watch!"
"We're ultimately not fighting against flesh and blood; our enemy is Satan."
"There always has to be an enemy, and sometimes it gets maybe created in a way or like a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"There is just one small problem. We should be struggling together. Surely we should be united against the common enemy, the Judean People's Trunk, known as the Romans. Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, the little rascals have spirit."
"There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do."
"No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer."
"Only the enemy shows you where you are weak and only the enemy tells you where he is strong."
"It's not mice that are the enemy it's not cats it's snakes."
"The enemy's job is to talk you out of your inheritance."
"The greatest enemy of man is death."
"The enemy wants you to revise your history so that you don't reveal it for what it is."
"They will come again from the land of the enemy."
"If you don't have enough Kingdom coming into your life, the enemy is going to try to fill that space."
"One of Satan's most effective ways of ruling over you is to get you to fight the wrong enemy."
"Your enemy is not your husband, your wife, your child. Your enemy is the Devil Himself."
"It's not the gates of heaven that are being stormed here, it's the enemy's."
"One thing is certain: ingenuity speeds on danger, and the proper awareness of danger can only come from a proper respect for your enemy."
"The enemy is just getting so bold in our society and we have to be able to recognize and have that level of discernment to be able to call it out when we see it."
"It's better that the enemy just keeps doing what he's doing because payback's coming."
"This is a spiritual war that we are in, the enemy is getting bolder and bolder every single day."
"The adversary and the enemy is the wicked haman."
"Death is no longer my enemy, Nius. You are."
"The fruit of the spirit is a more powerful weapon against the enemy than the gifts."
"Your secret enemy is someone who strategically plans things out to intentionally trigger you or get under your skin."
"I was on the Amtrak right behind the one the enemy decided to blow up and would have been just as good a Target."
"What not to can. Know your enemy, and that is botulism."
"Your true enemy was the spirit, so he had to release his flesh to go down to deal with your real enemy."
"You have to use wisdom knowing what your enemies expect, knowing what they're going to use against you and not playing into their hands."
"Your spouse is not the enemy. Satan's job is to convince you that they are the enemy."
"Enemy, with Jake Gyllenhaal... I love this movie. I love this movie so freaking much."
"This was the true enemy... the force that would make my species and the memory of Earth burn with the same apocalyptic intensity as their lost home world."
"There's an enemy after your mind."
"The fact that we are created in God's image is enough for us to be hated by the enemy."
"The enemy wants to destroy every marriage there is."
"It's no longer safe here. Valtor is a vicious enemy, and soon he'll put the whole Magic dimension in danger."
"I view alcoholism as the enemy because once you understand how alcoholism works, then you can gather the tools and the strategies to defeat it."
"Air is your enemy in food preservation."
"Your biggest enemy is the enemy inside of you."
"It's important not to overestimate your enemy, it's important not to underestimate him either."
"...the enemy can have he has lots of triggers he can pull related to getting you and I to Nagoya or release the promises of God."
"The enemy doesn't fear people that don't abide either a whole lot, there's not much ground you carry."