
Best Practices Quotes

There are 1303 quotes

"The best of you are those who are best to their families."
"A video that didn't just show you how to shave, but the scientifically proven right way to shave."
"Best meta is well the VTSG, basically the Paragon that's not actually a paragon."
"Rule #1 by Phil Town... is the best stock market book I have ever read because this one doesn't flirt around the surface of Warren Buffett's strategy."
"Good conventions say what makes good clean code."
"The best disease is the one that you never get in the first place."
"Making sure you're doing and applying all those things consistently will result in a much better design."
"I watched all their videos... because I understand if I pay attention to what the best are doing, I could be the best."
"The designer is the definer. If God says that we should order our lives in a particular way, we should trust that that is the best way to do it."
"We encourage every American to continue to use best practices and common sense."
"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants."
"Rails uses two main concepts that you need to grasp: 'Don't Repeat Yourself' and 'Convention Over Configuration'."
"The first rule of performance is what? Always measure the performance."
"If you master these 10 [best practices], you'll set yourself up for success. On the other hand, if you ignore these best practices, you will almost assuredly get into trouble."
"Now we completely understand the big picture, how to work with the constructors in classes, and what are the best practices that you should go ahead and implement."
"There's a way to do this in a way that is responsible and is going to yield the best results."
"Wednesday is the absolute best day to shop at Aldi."
"Be the best piece of advice that I can give you."
"You need a combination of tools and best practices to maintain your privacy online."
"Borrowed Time is the single best perk in the game for dealing with camping and tunneling killers."
"When the server creates a new object or a new resource, you should return that object in the body of the response."
"As a security best practice, you should never ever ever trust what the client sends you."
"If we don't have a course with the given ID, we return the 404 error and exit the function immediately."
"Learn the basics and the best practices first."
"Prioritizing readability is a very good thing, making your code readable for someone else is a very good thing and very good for you too."
"All of the best times in the game, you had to do PvE content in order to get gear, that's the facts."
"As a best practice, always properly annotate your functions."
"Honesty really is the best medicine in this case."
"The truth is the telling the truth is the best policy, it really is."
"The best investment I ever made was committing myself to myself."
"The best toon card in the game is Toon Table of Contents."
"By having your settings in a separate settings file, you can actually encrypt that setting."
"The Templar makes the best healer in the game, especially paired with a restoration staff skill tree."
"React actually recommends you'd always, but really always use controlled components."
"We want to unlock you to be able to build anything that you want and for this content to look as good as it can possibly look on the user's device."
"Slender: The Arrival is probably the best of the bunch."
"This is the best way to play the game today."
"In programming, we really hate duplicated code. Even if it's one line, we generally try to avoid it."
"It finds an optimal solution, the best path to the goal."
"Write getters and setters for your classes to prevent bugs and promote easy-to-maintain code."
"It's really good to use environment variables."
"Good programmers adhere to clean coding practices."
"It's always a good practice to have an alt tag for your images."
"In JavaScript it's much cleaner to use async await than it is to use promises with dot then and catch."
"Fix known vulnerabilities in software - it's the bare minimum of cybersecurity."
"This is just your quick reminder to use unique strong passwords everywhere. Do not reuse passwords."
"In an ideal world, the desk would be made up of the best team of people."
"It's always a good practice to test out your mail merge first send it to one of your email accounts make sure that it's working properly before you send it out to a massive number of people."
"Python has a much cleaner and clearer way of doing things. There is a right way and a wrong way and if you do the wrong way it's not gonna work."
"Master Dark Law: Easily the best hero monster overall and one of the best fusion monsters in the game."
"Invest in yourself, investing in oneself is the best investment."
"Vintage or secondhand is going to be the best choice, obviously."
"I'm putting you all on with the best build in the game."
"This is the best jump shot in the entire game."
"The hope is that we can impact the industry enough so that dealerships might contact us and ask us for best practices."
"Error handling: Catching exceptions and providing informative responses."
"All tracing in a civilization should happen before your application code runs."
"Make sure that you run all your updates I would definitely recommend updating windows all the time making sure it's up to date."
"This is the greatest example of teamwork I have ever seen."
"When you're transplanting it's best to transplant on a nice cloudy day with a little bit of rain or something."
"Fallout New Vegas combines the best of the Bethesda era of the games with everything that came before."
"My goal is to make learning C-sharp easier... I go a few steps beyond that to show you when to do it, why you should or shouldn't do it, what pitfalls to avoid, and what the best practices are."
"Toxic Deluge is still the best board wipe in the game, I think."
"This is a really great way to work with the data."
"We should be using secure by default communication for all communication, everywhere."
"Share your best practices and share your mistakes to promote overall growth."
"To get the best possible price on your cruise, it's a best practice to book as early as you can."
"Using anything non-standard these days especially for commercial production web sites where you're trying to make money or trying to stay online up one hundred percent of the time using non standard ports is bad."
"Style is about aesthetics. Are your variables reasonably named? Is your code well-commented?"
"Retouching directly on a layer is destructively editing, opt for non-destructive methods like working on a new layer."
"Group effort and group decisions will always, always, always be the best case scenario."
"Ensemble approaches are really powerful techniques for solving problems and generally a best practice."
"It defeats the purpose of a record and it makes your code smell."
"Colosseum: probably the best wonder in the game."
"Jetson: one of the absolute best wonders in the game."
"Petra: one of the best absolute wonders you can build."
"But at the end of the day, hey, they've got one of the best managers in the world."
"The best investment you can make is investing in you."
"In conclusion, let's answer the question: what steak makes the best steak sandwich?"
"It's always good to have this validation, like if you're creating a checklist of test cases, this is something that you should do."
"Investing in yourself and your education is often cited as the best investment."
"Rule number one... once you get the original harness out of the car do not throw it away."
"This season went on a safari through Ranger History and picked out the best elements."
"Just because you can install something a certain way doesn't mean that it should be installed that way."
"The world's best investors do not rely on their intuition, they embrace technology and AI to invest."
"Houston Texans taking best player available never will lead you wrong."
"When you as a man can present two undeniably thriving children to this world, the response you get nearly everywhere you go is unadulterated respect."
"You shouldn't write all that code in one file like we have done so far. You should break that code into smaller, more maintainable, and potentially more reusable chunks."
"The first rule of functions is that they should be small, then the second rule of functions is that they should be smaller than that."
"I think this is a great example of progressive enhancement."
"Reformat your card every time you start a new photoshoot."
"Always set the time zone and date correctly for proper file information."
"I want what's best for the game and the community."
"The best weapon that we have is being aware and educated and knowledgeable about this thing."
"Any pull request has to be reviewed. Presumably you'd want only good code going in."
"I have asked the law firm Wilmer Hale to conduct a review of our policies and procedures to ensure that we have and maintain best practices to promote a respectful and inclusive workplace."
"The only thing better than doing the right thing is having a paper trail of doing the right thing."
"Often times, the best leaders are The Reluctant leaders."
"I firmly believe that the best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself."
"Whichever way puts the biggest smile on your face, that is the way you're supposed to do it."
"It's easier, safer, smarter, cleaner to use the right size needle for the job."
"Make the code checkable and then check it whenever you can."
"Measure, measure, and measure. Don't talk about performance without measurements."
"I go a few steps beyond... to show you when to do it, why you should or should not do it, what pitfalls to avoid and what the best practices are."
"I like to think the best fight the best, and that's what the sport's all about..."
"This is probably gonna be one of the best videos you can watch online to start an e-commerce business."
"Semantic HTML is so important... it makes it easier to consume."
"Test early, test often. You can't really do it too much."
"It's like life, you know? If you just play fair and square, that would've actually been the best option."
"Test-driven development is always better than not, and so learning it is a kind of professional duty of care issue."
"Let's continue identify, promote evidence-based best practice."
"I still think that's the best formula. If anybody's got a better idea, I'm happy to hear it."
"Deebo Samuel might be one of the best offensive weapons in the NFL."
"Once you find the best practices that stuff kind of all goes away and you know it's fine but that does add to the learning curve and that's what we're talking about here."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"Anytime inside of your state that you're modifying the actual state variable based on the previous state, you should use the function version."
"Your eslint set up is going to be constantly making you aware of react best practices."
"It's going to say hey don't do this don't do that do this instead."
"Know when to make new components...anytime anything's functionality becomes unwieldy or it represents its own thing..."
"When you have a choice, use .NET. Use the latest version of .NET because the .NET Framework, yes, it's still supported, it does not get new features."
"Following the doctor's orders is always best."
"Being able to see how you can actually set up a program of this length, how you can declare things like constant values, some best practices, it's a really valuable skill."
"The simplest things are the hardest to create. It's really hard to write simple code, and simple code is the best code."
"Python APIs are clean and beautiful. They don't have getters and setters everywhere. In fact, if you find yourself dividing, assigning a getter and setter, you're probably doing it wrong."
"Iron Banner the two weapons going away Razor's Edge and Frontiers cry now frontier's crying aka the chode is arguably the best 180 in the game."
"Everything you do best, you will do from the posture of rest."
"Lean into the FTC best practices... just be transparent."
"Fango is, in my opinion, by far the best option here for two main reasons."
"This is by far one of the best, if not the best method right now to farm some insane money."
"I just don't want people walking away from this video thinking not having a cheat day routine is best practice in healing your relationship with food."
"Controls are important and you should always have good controls."
"The point is to do what you feel is best for them."
"Aztecs are hands-down the best monk civilization."
"Don't use go to unless you absolutely have to do it and you absolutely know exactly what it's going to do."
"Establishing paternity when a child is young is the best course of action."
"This is the best build that you can do in the game at least the best weapon combination dual spears are insane."
"Burn is absolutely the best strategy that we have available to us."
"Mixing battery chemistry, type, or age? Never. Ever. Ever."
"Variation within the basic fundamentals of compound movements... where sort of the best results can be found."
"I would argue that it would be also cleaner to instead of writing this raw query here you use a stored procedure for example."
"Reduce technical debt, have the cleanest code possible."
"Going to the gun first is frequently the wrong call, and those officers made the right call."
"Be willing to make whatever changes are necessary to live out life at its best with Him."
"If you're going to steal from the best, then you should take the best that they have to offer."
"Mercenaries' playground of Destruction is simply the best at what it does."
"Not always best practices should be followed... the things that I believe are actually very valuable for you to start doing... will actually help you while you're coding your react applications."
"This is probably the best vehicle there is to be anti-sabotage."
"They really try to follow the law and do what's in the best interest of the kid."
"Welcome to the best where we find the best product in its category."
"LR Kale and Khalifa: the undisputedly best unit in the game."
"Probably the best way to handle the situation."
"The best medicine that we can do is prevention."
"This is genius right because it gets people engaging in the network it gets people to move their e-gold into self-custody it's encouraging good practices."
"A new way of doing it, and it's the best way going forward."
"Transparency is always 100% the best policy."
"A clean install is always going to be the best way to go."
"Felhound: The best campaign farmer in the game."
"The best hook support in the game right now is going to be Pyke, hands down."
"I think honesty is the absolute best way to go about things."
"It's normally a good idea to set your default margins and padding for all of your elements to zero."
"70 to 75 percent of the time, they find the best execution price on lit exchanges."
"We try and do what's best as much as we can without going crazy."
"If you're gonna pick one of the occult packs, I think that one is like, objectively the best one."
"Skyward Atlas is the best catalyst in the game."
"So I decided that if I were going to do reviews, I would do my best to only recommend stuff that I felt was the best option."
"Let's remember, in databases, simplicity is often the ultimate sophistication."
"Just like simple fine-tuning, simple prompt engineering, just following the best practices, and we really got within striking distance of state of the art on this really well-known benchmark."
"Compensator is easily the best attachment in the game."
"We have an opportunity to learn both from their mistakes and their best practices."
"Having safe seeds... I think that's a good habit to just be in."
"May the best ideas win, may the best arguments win."
"We try to bring the best people at each individual position to surround everybody with the best opportunity to succeed."
"This method doesn't require any of that, that's what I've got to say. It's probably the best thing to do right now in GTA 5."
"Very important that we share best practices right now."
"The code at the top is non pythonic the code at the bottom is pythonic."
"Make sure you put keys on your Maps so that React properly knows how to re-render."
"The best practice is one that evolves over a period through numerous projects."
"This course will teach you the best practices on how to structure your applications and how to connect your backend to a MySQL database."
"The best idea wins, you know, for my own bands or records I'm producing. I just want the coolest ideas, whoever has it, we pursue that."
"Be sure that your firmware is up to date, always use the latest firmware."
"If you know for sure that you never want to reassign a variable, always use const so you don’t accidentally reassign it when you don’t mean to."
"The best intervention is prevention."
"Using data attributes to provide context to your selectors and isolate them from CSS or JavaScript changes is what Cypress recommends."
"Keep your tests independent; you don't want one test in your testing suite to rely on another."
"Instead of using arbitrary cy.wait(), use route aliases."
"A good rule of thumb is to label all of your resources."
"Cloud Identity helps by applying security best practices along with being able to deploy two-step verification for the whole company."
"They come with security best practices."
"A best practice is to try and fill the trade at the mid price."
"Always favor externalizing configuration over hardcoding."
"You don't want to be referencing global variables; you really want to be passing in everything it needs."
"The final step in the best practices for removing malware would be to educate the end users."
"Agile techniques and best practices began to emerge and gain prominence in software development projects."
"Always use meaningful and descriptive names for your variables."
"...if you can get the basics right you're going to be in a very very good position...patch patch patch and Patch again."
"That's generally the preferred thing you're going to use."
"Avoid magic numbers in your code, always use constants or final variables to describe them."
"If you can do those three things and do it well and do it consistently, you're going to be in a very, very good place."
"Always follow the principle of least privileges when granting permissions."
"Change your default passwords and don't use any of the top 100 most common passwords."