
Cost-cutting Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This is in part due to Precision Scheduled Railroading, a cost-cutting method used by railroad companies to send out longer and less safe trains at the risk of countless lives."
"Reduce your regular spending. There are a lot of ways that you can actually reduce your monthly bills."
"When you're trying to get better financially, the best ROI that you can get is by canceling your Netflix subscription."
"Cost cutting and a broken radar caused the Exxon Valdez oil spill."
"We can't be spending money on extra stuff. We just can't."
"This year's YouTube rewind ended up being the great value version of a WatchMojo top 10 video."
"The plastics look like they spent maximum five dollars for this entire interior space."
"We combined errands and dropped our overall gas bill by 30 percent every month."
"We may have gone too far in cost cutting, Elon. That makes me so happy if that's actually what the policy is."
"Imagine being so cheap that when you go and get your car inspected the people working there tell you it's so unsafe that they legally can't let you leave with it."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"This was an attempt to cut costs, it was an unforgiving decision by a big company who just wanted money."
"What a hard way to die so an airline can make more money."
"So there you go, I just saved you a couple bucks a month as well."
"It's all about just trying to survive in the article I thought this was very interesting it said Corporate America has a message for Wall Street it's serious about cutting costs this year."
"Altamont is what happens when you cut corners and go with the cheaper, less safe option."
"Take your biggest bill right now, your biggest expense, and cut it. And usually that's rent."
"Sorry, you are gonna have to just take the hit on your P&L sheet and you are gonna have to slash that thing."
"Volkswagen really cut costs corners everywhere it was possible."
"Cutting back on costs also helped us to be able to accomplish those other financial goals faster like paying off debt and saving for an emergency fund."
"Find ways that you can do them for less money or even for no money."
"What happens when you have massive revenue growth while you're cutting costs? You have a nitro and glycerin explosion in earnings."
"When you're looking at cutting costs... look at what is causing you the most drama."
"If you're looking for a way to cut costs, why not start paying less to mail and ship?"
"Purchases in bulk and growing everything that I am able to here, raising some of our own meat, it really does cut costs for us on our grocery bill and it also helps us beat the insane amount of inflation that is happening right now."
"The desire to reduce overhead to Rock Bottom overhead has become a four-letter word in Corporate America."
"They spent only $2 on the safety training for this H's crew member... $2 to buy a fake paper certificate."
"It's just lazy, lazy cost-cutting rubbish."
"Why wouldn't you buy it when it can cut all the costs down?"
"Now with all the changes to the new Camry, you might ask where has Toyota actually cut costs. The answer to that is actually in places where you don't really care about or see."
"A slow but steady reduction in fringe benefits with no appreciable explanation for the sudden need to penny pinch."
"The businessman on the farm, like any businessman, believes in saving time and in cutting operating costs."
"Try making coffee at home or at your workplace and just watch that cost get slashed."
"This is bad, really bad, done solely to cut costs."
"Ditch cable. Frugal living is all about spending less on the things that don't matter to us."
"Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month."
"Nike is doing a big restructuring... they're going to cut about $2 billion in cost."
"I applaud the secretary-general for his efforts and courage to cut costs and for his commitment to ensure that the UN's resources are better managed."
"It might be time to cut those expensive subscription services."
"The greed of John Hammond who cuts corners to expand his bottom line."
"A company is firing people to save money."
"Buyer beware, just another example here of companies cutting costs and being misleading, in my opinion."
"It's hard to cut costs as a business owner, but it's really great to see when it works out."
"To reduce the cost, they're doing something that is harmful for the human body and for the environment."
"Cut or cancel any subscriptions or services you don't need... you can save a lot of money quickly."