
Systemic Racism Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Systemic racism is systemic for a reason and that it can't necessarily be solved on the individual level."
"The way I define systemic racism is a system that negatively impacts a racial group disproportionately."
"Critical race theory means race-centered thinking, which is the view that racism is baked into the system and inescapable."
"This is about centuries of systemic racism and racial inequality that has existed in this country."
"We have been fighting systemic racism in this country for 400 years."
"School districts where the majority of students enrolled are students of color, receive $23 billion less in education funding than predominantly white school districts, despite serving the same number of students. If that's not systemic racism, I don't know what is."
"Tonight we're debating whether or not the police are systematically racist, and we're starting right now."
"One of the important things about systemic racism is that none of the laws or regulations that are embedded have to be explicitly racist; they might just produce what would be considered racist outcomes."
"We're not here to blame white people; we're here to blame the system."
"A system that perpetuates racially disparate outcomes doesn't need individual racist actors; that's why we call it systemic racism."
"Systemic racism plays such a big role is that it isn't an individual racist malice or evil cop; it's an entire system that is leading."
"We need to address the violence at its source; until systemic racism is recognized, the indigenous women of Canada will never be safe."
"If we make assumptions about who they are and what they are based on their demographic characteristics, we really are feeding into the exact same system that biases people towards reinforcing systemic racism."
"Systemic racism isn't like people being casually racist; that's not where the vast majority of the issue comes from."
"We can take steps and make reforms to combat police violence and systemic racism within law enforcement."
"Every day black women die because the system denies our humanity."
"If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach... was designed too low for it to pass by, that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices."
"This is what systemic racism looks like in America."
"The murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, this is one of many instances just like this."
"We have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it."
"The racial disparities in this country don't exist because we've forgotten about them or don't know about them; there are people who are perfectly comfortable maintaining their existence, whether they do so through malice or through ignorance brought about by severe political bias."
"The movement, not so much the organization, aims to address systemic issues, systemic racism, and systemic issues with our police force."
"We came to do the agricultural work in the south and the textile work in the north. If I right now decided that I wanted to play Monopoly with you and for 400 rounds of playing Monopoly, I didn't allow you to have any money, I didn't allow you to have anything on the board, I didn't allow for you to have anything, and then we played another 50 rounds of Monopoly and everything that you gained and you earned while you were playing that round of Monopoly was taken from you, that was Tulsa, that was Rosewood."
"There have been times in American history where the police are in fact systemically racist. And the way that you can tell they are systemically racist is because you can name the actual system of racism."
"The system of white supremacy is in the law enforcement, in the judicial system, in the prison industrial association, also in the politics."
"Conversations about systemic racism are important because it's one factor among the tapestries of things causing people not to be able to fully maximize their ability in our society."
"There is no systemic racism. There is no law that says I can't do something as a Black person that you can do."
"I'm far less concerned if there's a group of people who have been disproportionately the victims of systemic racism and they end up being a little racist when they get some power in their smaller community."
"This takes acknowledging and confronting head-on systemic racism and the racial disparities that exist in policing and our criminal justice system more broadly."
"This country was designed around white supremacist fundamentals by dudes who owned slaves."
"Because white people in America have historically and systemically devalued black life, it has created a context where it is justifiable for police to kill black people even when we are innocent."
"Acknowledging systemic racism does not mean that you're racist. Avoiding or denying the existence of systemic racism is actually racist."
"The argument for supporters of the Voting Rights Act is... it was discriminatory, but that the Voting Rights Act is not race-neutral; it is actually supposed to help with systemic racist policies."
"Systemic racism... is just racism by outcome."
"Acknowledging systemic racism will make most of us a little uncomfortable, but it need not leave us feeling guilty or powerless."
"It was a murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism."
"The entire use of the term systemic racism means that there is no plan. There is no way to end systemic racism except to tear down systems."
"Systemic racism is when a group of people has less opportunities not because of individuals being racist, but entire systems being racist."
"The system is rigged in such a way that it doesn't require any individual in the system to be racist in order for the system to spit out racist outcomes."
"Critical race theory argues that racism is not just a matter of personal prejudice or explicit legal discrimination, but can be found in everyday social practices and is embedded in our legal system."
"He will be unflinching in confronting the systemic racism in our country that is built into our laws, our policies, and our institutions and will take aggressive action to correct them."
"Systemic racism is that there's no single person or entity responsible for it, which makes it very hard to solve."
"Everything is political. Blackness has been policed on a systemic and institutional level."
"Systemic racism is the presence of secular resultant effects of racist practices and processes embedded in and shaping the social, political, economic, legal, educational, infrastructural, medical systems, and policies of a society."
"The goal of reparations should be to substantially improve the material as well as societal, and hopefully mental well-being of a lot of Black people that were disenfranchised and are actively being disenfranchised by systemic racism."
"We need an overhaul of a system deeply rooted in racism."
"These crises have ripped the blinders right off the systemic racism that exists in America."
"The murder of Dante Wright is rooted in white supremacy... The system can't be reformed; it must be dismantled, a real system of public safety rebuilt from the ground up."
"Most bias is actually not conscious. So we have to change our understanding of racism from an individual moment to the system we're in."
"George Floyd's story has been the story of black folks...ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is because you kept your knee on our neck."
"What happened to Floyd happens every day in this country in education, in health services, and in every area of American life."
"Decades of research has shown that we haven't ended racial cast but simply redesigned it."
"In this moment, the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus."
"Protest against systemic racism... must be supported."
"The fact is that austerity and systemic racism need to be tackled simultaneously."
"There is systemic racism in Canada," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling for investigations into recent cases to be made public.
"It is a world view that assumes from the outset that the ordinary operating system of society is racism."
"The idea of systemic racism is that it goes so deep it goes beyond just the formal state, the informal power systems that we have in our society."
"Why should I have to live in a white supremacist system? If you have no rights that I'm bound to respect, why do I even have to lie?"
"Critical race theory suggests that all of America's core institutional tenets are lies."
"Racism is baked into all the systems of American society."
"The CDC declared recently: racism is a public health threat."
"The criminalization of black youth is not only intentional but in response to black resistance in the face of oppressive systems."
"I don't care about 'not all cops being bad'. All cops participate in a racist system."
"This country was built on white supremacy, and the reason why she's supported is because white supremacy is still very much a part of the American fabric."
"Once you suggest that the entire constitutional structure is ordered to keep black Americans down, you can't then claim that if you just vote for the right people within that system, then magically everything will be cured."
"Simply doing nothing and 'not being racist' is not enough. If you can recognize that you're part of a racist system that benefits you at the expense of others and you're not doing anything to change it, can you really say that you're not a racist?"
"All disparities in racial statistics must be due to racism."
"They work really hard to make sure black people are continually excluded."
"Reparations is a way to disrupt these policies and address generational gaps and systemic racism."
"This is systematic racism in our judicial system."
"If you blame black people as a whole for the anti-Asian hate crimes, you are subscribing to the white supremacist narrative that black people are inherently aggressive."
"America is racist. It's practically in our history. There's nothing that we can change to do it. There's no reform that's gonna fix it."
"America is racist. It's practically built on racism and I don't think anything can change it."
"Structural racism has become deeply entrenched in Brazil's social fabric."
"These rioters, they don't care. They just are going out to rampage because they want to condemn all of America as systemically racist."
"Do you think maybe this world that we live in is a white supremacist world?"
"Algorithms that label pictures are just the tip of an extremely racist iceberg."
"Systemic racism, that's a heck of an interpretation and that's why we're very excited to have our guests on who will talk about why they believe social justice rhetoric curtails freedom of speech and diversity of thought."
"Work must start now to combat systemic racism."
"Remember that colorism is an ism, it means institutional power plus Prejudice."
"The fact that this is actually a thing that we're talking about in the middle of an anti-black genocide that we're dealing with... hey but anyway y'all are in the lion is then we have things that we need to discuss on this day right."
"Critical race theory is a decades-old academic concept arguing that racism is embedded in legal and societal structures."
"Equal justice has not been real for black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism."
"Foundational Black American Race Baiter: the most important book you will need to understand the mechanisms of systemic racism."
"Systemic policies that perpetrate racism and the conversation of systemic racism is absolute horse manure." - Ron DeSantis
"We had an agenda to understand that the reason we remained oppressed in America was because there was this fundamental 400-year-old existing system that had oppressed us as a group in the beginning."
"In slavery, we were forced to raise our own oppressors. We nurtured our own oppression."
"Let's stop being ashamed, let's stop being afraid. We're in a system of global white supremacy. Once we acknowledge that, we can come up with ways to produce justice."
"What critical race theory suggests is that American racism is not simply the product of individual biases but is actually embedded in the structure of American institutions."
"White supremacy is everywhere. It's almost like it's a system. It's almost like it's not a person."
"This is real white supremacy. This is how they undermine black folks."
"Pretty privilege often allows us to evade our own and others' participation in upholding a system of anti-blackness."
"We need to do the right thing to get justice in America for Ahmaud Arbery, for all the other people who died because of systemic states racism and police brutality. We need justice."
"He voted against the Voting Rights Act, got to the George Floyd policing act, came on this very show, and denied systemic racism."
"It's time for our nation to deal with systemic racism, to deal with the growing economic inequity that exists in our nation."
"Black people can't take off black skin and black people can't take off America's racism."
"Building your own is the best answer to discrimination that there is."
"The cage of white supremacy is where they convince you that you can't do it so you don't even try."
"We got to deal with systemic racism... That's the source of all of this anger and frustration."
"We need to focus on addressing systems that embolden and enable racism."
"Structures and institutions can be racist. It's not about the individual. We have a racist police system in this country that gets away with murder."
"The government has pledged to address systemic racism and committed to do so in a way informed by the lived experiences of racialized communities and Indigenous peoples."
"this is a w in the fight against systemic racism in this country and this is something that the people who are Against Racism are celebrating and the people who are for racism are mad right they're mad about it"
"The plurality of data right now expressed both in academia and by the government is that there is in fact systemic racism in this country."
"We must recognize the problem of systemic racism in this country for many, many, many years."
"We've got to do something about systemic racism in this country. It involves healthcare, housing, police, law enforcement, jobs, and economic fairness for African Americans and people of color."
"The structure of policing is built on white supremacy."
"All leaders were united in condemning racism and in agreeing that we must do more to combat it."
"This is a moment in our country when we need to confront the really horrible reality that systemic racism exists here in Canada."
"Black Americans face systemic racism in a variety of areas, let's be real about that."
"Racism is baked into how we do things in ways that we may not realize and may not even intend."
"The framing of the question makes systemic racism impossible to demonstrate by the dishonest rules he has established in order to give him evidence he will accept."
"White supremacy dominates all areas of activity. There's no such thing as a race-baiter in their respect because you're not invoking racism where racism doesn't exist."
"Racism is systemic and racism was drilled into the world through the slave trade."
"Racism must be understood as more than a set of individual beliefs."
"If anything in our culture helps to benefit whites, that's part of white supremacy." - A stark observation on systemic biases.
"This is what the system of white supremacy does."
"We're not looking at the world in the context of the system of racism that operates in nine areas: economics, education, entertainment, law, labor, religion, politics, sex, and war."
"This whole situation goes very deep with the fact that we're always witnessing black death."
"These things do matter and as far as the whole systemic racism argument, the idea that if you see a disparity it's due to racism, that you apply the sentence 'it's racism' is extremely elementary."
"Racism is not limited to isolated acts by mean people, but backed by legal authority and institutional control."
"White supremacy is more effective because now racism has black faces on it."
"This is one of those things that really is important... It just shows you again what happens when you're dealing with systemic racism..."
"Any disparity between black and white is the system at work."
"Racism is not spread by individuals, but by institutions and systems bigger than ourselves."
"Let this front page serve as a reminder of how white supremacy is aided by and often relies upon the cowardice of mainstream institutions."
"Candace Owens is someone who has dedicated her time to propping up and legitimizing that system of white supremacy."
"We have a long way to go to dismantle those entrenched systems of white supremacy."
"The issue is that you live in a system of white supremacy."
"Every time you hear about systemic racism, you should be asking for the data."
"Police corruption revealed the racist structural rot underlying the entire institution."
"Systemic racism is a monumental public health crisis."
"Racism is so far hidden and embedded into the fabrics of this country, you can't see it because it's a smiling face."
"Places that are all white on purpose help breed and support negative perceptions of black people and lead to entitlement and white privilege."
"The best way to weed out non-fba infiltrators is to start attacking systematic white supremacy."
"Whenever black folks are about to get some type of economic prosperity, the white supremacist suspects come in and they undermine it. This is an old Jim Crow tactic."
"Police were racist and the two of them are only in prison now because the police were covering for some rich white man's son."
"The murder of George Floyd has made very clear the systemic racism and issues that need to be confronted in our society not tomorrow but right now."
"We just want what's owed to us if you guys are going to still practice racism talk amongst yourselves on why you're going to do that racism is a problem that the dominant society has inflicted on us."
"Systemic racism is the framework, mass incarceration is the beast."
"We have systemic racism that is eroding our nation from healthcare to the criminal justice system."
"Racism won't stop, systemic bias won't stop. People still need healthcare."
"Every single day in this country, we face systemic racism."
"For all the conversations we have about this stuff so much of it goes back to this systemic racism and you know it's it's it's truly tragic in this day and age."
"There is an uprising against these principles of white supremacy being the fundamental organizing method of our economy, of our society, and of our democracy."
"The race problem in this country is not an individual interpersonal issue. It's a systemic problem and it requires systemic change."
"The hostile environment...the primary matrix of racist legislation...tells me that this is a deeply flawed organization."
"Racism, systemic racism, the structures that were built, were not built for black people."
"Janet didn't let the intense public shaming dictate her personal narrative or choices."
"Do we still live in a racist society? Unfortunately, yes. Systemic racism does exist and yes, white privilege is a direct result of it."
"Now, imagine me being Bill Barr and I'm saying this: 'Yeah, systemic racism is a big, big problem. Now all the people on the left just said, 'What? What did you just agree that systemic racism is a gigantic problem? You have my attention now.'"
"Throughout centuries, black people have faced systemic oppression, including cultural erasure and the distortion of their historical contributions."
"BLM, the movement, it's good. Race relations, they're not great, they are getting better though. Acquiring the goals of what BLM is set out to do, which is address systemic racism, that's going to further help race relations."
"Racism exists throughout the education system for all races."
"Reparations are necessary to address systemic racism and its effects."
"Fear is our greatest enemy next to ignorance and the system of white supremacy."
"White supremacy is baked into science and academia."
"Systemic racism exists in our institutions and communities across this country."
"The systemic racism narrative is all about getting people to rebel against the system and apparently justify doing so in violent ways."
"The government doesn't care because our entire system was literally built around the dehumanization of black folks."
"We are all part and parcel of white supremacy."
"Systemic racism is real. Black people in this country have faced systemic racism and have it substantially worse than I ever will as a mixed-race person."
"We need to talk about the reason a drug war has been waged and really reckon with the role race has played."
"A system of white supremacy is coming after each and every one of us."
"At the end of the day, I don't like it, but it's white supremacy's fault for the division that's caused between our communities."
"Don't give white supremacist systems the benefit of the doubt."
"Systemic racism inflicts real harm, mitigating it outweighs small sacrifices."
"The time for change is now. We demand radical transformation to heal a long history of systemic racism so that all Americans have the equal right to live and to pursue happiness."
"The immortal devaluation of black lives has been ingrained in America's political economic and is long overdue for a reckoning."
"This system is uniquely designed to grind black people up into a dust into a pulp."
"This brother is spending more time in jail for burglary than that cop is going to spend for the murder of a young black man."
"We need to acknowledge that where systems of systemic racism exist, white people often benefit."
"How we combat systematic racism is by making sure that everybody has an equal opportunity and an equal shot at education."
"This system was built off of racialized oppression."
"Racism extends considerably beyond prejudice beliefs; the essential feature is the defense of a system from which advantage is derived on the basis of race."
"See, America has gotten so used to building its capital off the oppression of Ados."
"We're just adding a racist punishment onto a racist system."
"George Floyd happened... Brianna Taylor, black... Michael Brown, black... everything black."
"Racism is not just a few bad apples... it is in the systems on every single level."
"What you're talking about is exactly what systemic racism is."
"Institutionalized racism relies on covert prejudice, thriving on subtle discrimination."
"I'd rather argue with conservatives on systemic racism than just poverty."
"It's endemic. People of color, particularly black people, are treated differently by the police."
"CRT essentially presumes that Western Civilization has been compromised by racism."
"America is designed in a way that prevents a lot of African Americans from achieving the same kind of advancement that the white community has."
"The number one problem in Portland, besides systemic racism of course, is rioting."
"That is racism. It is systemic. It has been that way for a long time. White people have been getting a break and we see time and again that black kids are treated differently."
"Black poverty isn't like white poverty... we got traps everywhere."
"So I think it's a combination of systemic racism that people feel for a long time in the lack of justice those two combined it's just like oh he was fired and that's it yeah right it's not there's no justice beyond that right yeah..."
"Racism exists structurally, interpersonally, institutionally."
"Make sure you pick up my two books that's in Amazon right now... the system of white supremacy really runs and on our daily lives here in America."
"The things I saw there really shook me to the core... almost exclusively people of color... being punished in ways that made no one safer."
"It's a system put in place by those in power centered around racist ideas."
"Systemic racism is unequivocally not a small number of isolated incidents over a period of decades... To state otherwise is a flat-out misrepresentation of our country's history."
"Every time that we don't define these things as hate crimes or as terrorism, what we're doing is just reinforcing white supremacy."
"People who talk about how systemic racism isn't a real issue are clowns and very, very dangerous."
"Racism is profitable... leads to economic oppression."
"Did I say white people don't like me, or did I say that there's a system of white supremacy and institutional racism that I have to deal with even on a local level?"
"The issue that we're here to discuss... are two sides of the same coin... systemic racism has plagued our country since before its founding."