
Interconnection Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"What's happening is self-harm for all humans on Earth because we are all deeply connected."
"We are all connected in some way, there's something that binds it all together."
"For better or worse, we now know that our lives are intimately entangled with the sloppy, stupid, and strangely beautiful presence of others."
"Everything you observe in the world is interconnected; no event stands alone, nothing exists in isolation."
"Yin and Yang, while opposites, are not necessarily adversarial. They are interconnected, complementary, and interpenetrating. One cannot exist without the other."
"The entire human race and all living creatures are part of one big life."
"These findings remind us that our planet is a complex, interconnected system."
"The only meaning my life ever had was whatever I meant to someone else. That is all, and that's enough."
"Moral progress has taken place in parallel with scientific progress, feeding each other."
"We believe that technological progress and social progress are intertwined."
"Yes, your physical health can contribute to your mental health."
"Something global is emerging, and the elements are very much entwined."
"Our gut communicates with our brain through nerves and hormones, and when gut health is poor, it can directly contribute to health concerns."
"We're part of the system, we're nature. We're part of the Earth, and we're fundamentally dependent on its good graces."
"None of these issues are an island right, they're all interconnected."
"Our modern world is seriously interconnected."
"Daredevil Born Again: Deep connections to the MCU, teases of confrontations and returning characters."
"If we can just expand our horizons to see it... they're all connected and that's what makes changing any individual ones so difficult."
"All of the plotlines of the modern world deserve a good understanding, but I hope that this video has helped show that nothing in history operates in a vacuum, and even the end of something as monumental as WWII is never the end of the story."
"Understanding different levels is much more intertwined with each other."
"Passion for politics, love, and friendship intertwined."
"Recognize that you are interconnected, and that you are supportive and ambitious."
"The link between science and beauty is fascinating."
"The economy is not open... we're all basically interconnected."
"To see the deeper story of humanity and our own interconnection with it."
"We've got to start to understand that we are part of Gaia... everything affects everything else."
"We're all part of an interconnected human race dependent on love and caring for others."
"Father, I pray that they may be one as we are one."
"Nature didn't make a flower on this planet and a bee on the moon."
"As we become a bridge between the earth and sky, we join with other species of life and this earth, each expressing and manifesting in their own way."
"I think human beings are connected at levels that we don't understand and we can't actually directly access but which nevertheless support the idea that we can... exploit this interconnection that may underlie everything we do."
"The whole world is interconnected... when something happens in one country it has ramifications... to all of the other countries in the world."
"The whole world is interconnected so if we see a contraction in GDP in one country it will have a knock-on impact to every other country in the world."
"People, objects, things, they all don't exist in a vacuum. Everything is connected somehow."
"The brain creates the mind; the mind changes the brain."
"The whole of the world is interconnected so if there are problems in Europe that has a ripple impact all across the rest of the world."
"Watch Lebanon right now and what happens in that area in the Middle East because all of these things are connected."
"Faith and works are bound up in the same bundle."
"Abortion is connected to birth control; the two are both contingent on the fulcrum of personal choice."
"It's up to us whether we realize it or not, accept it or not, we're all connected."
"The Earth's magnetic field is a huge thing because... everything is interconnected in this universe."
"If your physical condition is good, then your mental condition is good as well, the two go hand-in-hand."
"My body has changed into more cocoamites than I've eaten. Can you even comprehend what has happened? This means that all bug snacks are one and the same. Each one could change into any other with the right stimulus. And now, that is true of me."
"All lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive."
"Culture and social issues go hand in hand with everything else."
"Faith and freedom are intimately connected because without one you cannot have the other."
"The connectivity that has brought the world much closer together means that those cycles are much more interconnected."
"All health begins in the mouth or the gut. Are they connected? I think so."
"You are not just balancing yourself, you're also balancing yourself in relation to your environment and to all the other actors in the world that are also trying to balance themselves."
"National security and corruption are interlinked."
"It is reminding us of our interconnection to each other, to everyone and everything."
"What we do to nature, we are doing to ourselves, we are all interconnected."
"90% of the trees on Earth are interconnected by mycelium filaments."
"The earth has these minerals and this liquid and this gas that ultimately helps make everything you see around us."
"Harmony can arise from forces that can be seen as opposite, yet they are interconnected and they could work to complement each other."
"The world is this everyday surrounding of equipment like chairs and books, all interrelated, where we normally live."
"Pyramids interconnected by design, transforming the Earth's electromagnetic power, and serving as gateways for otherworldly travelers."
"The 2008 Incredible Hulk movie took place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's reference to quite a bit in the 2012 Avengers film."
"Hancock suggests that civilizations like the Inca were not only more technologically advanced but also more interconnected than we've been led to believe."
"The knowledge of the world and the knowledge of the self are completely interdependent."
"The nature of physical reality cannot be fully disclosed by examining only its outer aspects because Consciousness and matter coevolve, one affects the other, and therefore the outer aspect is influenced by the inner aspect and vice versa."
"All money and love intertwines, so we have to consider both when we make our decisions."
"The future affecting the past...and the past affecting the future."
"It's not always just one of these things. It can be a landscape of them."
"It's like they can't function without us."
"Quality, shelf life, flavor, pests, and disease resistance, they are all intertwined."
"Your pancreas is a consequence of what is happening in your muscle and what is happening in your liver."
"nothing matters by itself if you're I mean this is this is if you take anything away from this nothing matters by itself it only matters in relation to the other instruments"
"How can the new generations come in and how can the parents of today and tomorrow raise their children in an awareness that we're connected much more than just the five senses."
"The environmental crisis is intimately twinned with the economic crisis."
"The West and the non-West are much more intellectually and politically entangled than often acknowledged in IR discourse."
"Destinies are intertwined... but they know and see every day that you're so independent."
"In reality, they all ultimately collide and buttress each other up."
"Prison operates in conjunction with social welfare, education, employment..."
"It matters in the moment... we're interconnected whether we like it or not."
"The Earth's atmosphere, land, and ocean are all interconnected."
"What's cool about that is that these messy heaps are obviously a little bit part of each other."
"Relevance realization, autopoesis, and adaptivity are deeply interlocked."
"The love we feel for others stems from the love we feel for ourselves."
"...how sensation and emotion are very, very difficult to separate..."
"We invite something that already has its own web of interrelationships to become interconnected with the web of interrelationships that make up our own lives."
"Everything is interconnected, beautiful. I love sharks."
"Goals and habits are really intertwined."
"Beijing's smog is California's drought. In short, we are all in this together."
"The fate of the planet is completely integrated with the fate of our cities."
"An economy is an ecosystem. You can't look at one aspect of the economy in isolation because everything is connected to everything else. You have to understand how these pieces connect together."
"I feel less like a singular author, and more like a fog, a ghostly intersection of ideas from other books, pieces of art, and hiking trails."
"Truth and power are linked in a circular relationship with systems of power."
"Pulp Fiction did this thing where they were telling all these separate stories and then they like meld and melt into other stories."
"Human is not something outside of nature, and nature is not something outside of the human."
"The word wealth comes from health; they're linked together."
"It's like we are sort of all intertwined as content creators."
"It's just cool how these things interweave with each other."
"The new science is showing an unbelievable powerful interconnection and human potential."
"Every living thing has a role to play."
"In this world of everybody's interconnected, it's really actually fragmenting us from one another."
"The word ecology itself doesn't carry any of those connotations; it's simply the study of the way that different forms of life work together."
"Everything we do influences other people just like what they do influence will influence us."
"The story of its endless life is told in the tapestry of branches that weave around each other, each limb searching for its place within the whole."
"All phenomena in the world are mutually arising, and this is the richness of the reflection in the mirror."
"We are not confined within our skin but extend beyond it on all sides into other worlds which in turn penetrate into our world."
"Remove one thread from this carefully woven tapestry, and the whole picture unravels."
"We're only conscious to the degree we're healthy."
"...it tends in the direction of challenging our sense of autonomy and individuality and suggesting that we're more deeply interconnected than we thought."
"My physical health really does help my mental health, so it could be a catalyst for good but also a catalyst for bad."
"Everything is connected. The moment you realize if people over there are hungry, it's also going to affect me."
"How are these problems interconnected, what do they have in common as generative dynamics, what would it take to address them more comprehensively."
"We are more interconnected than we would like to admit."
"We've been taught to think of the environment as something separate from ourselves... but it's not true. We're all a part of the environment."
"The whole manufacturing process is a loop; it's not just one step after the other, it's all interconnected."
"If you lay on your back, you could see it's like a jigsaw puzzle; the leaves from one tree accommodate each other. Mother Nature is amazing."
"Our capacity for aesthesis, for feeling the touch of the world upon us, for touching it in turn, is what allows us to reinhabit our interbeing with the world."
"Eating is a conversation between the soil, the plants, the cells in our gut, the cells in our food, and between our gut and our brain."
"Everything in the universe is interconnected and interdependent."
"The universe was always interconnected."
"The inner world and the outer world had invaded each other, had become completely interchangeable."
"The world is one interconnected living organism in which everything has an impact."
"We all suffer from each other's consequences."
"The quality of wholeness is first of all unbroken seamless wholeness, secondly internal relations of elements, and thirdly the fact that the wholes are organizing the parts."
"The relationship between politics and economics, between power and finance is very, very important."
"The spirit, the physical body, they are related to each other."
"There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter."
"It's so complex and so beautifully connected and interwoven as far as how everything works together."
"She examines the powerful interconnections that link oil, water, climate, and population issues, and explores ways to address these issues collectively."
"Babbitt is always going to have all sorts of intricately interconnected lines going on at the same time."
"The collision serves as a stark reminder of the complex and interconnected nature of global supply chains and transportation networks."
"We are all connected by that same stream of consciousness. We are all related. What we do to each other, we do to ourselves."
"It's as if today something happens, like a typhoon in Japan, and it affects the stock market in New York."
"We're in a global society, we're in a deeply interconnected one."
"Just because your character is fated to do something does not mean that your fate is not intertwined with everybody else's in the party."
"Everything is interconnected; there's no actual boundaries, just apparent boundaries based on contrast."
"The world is not a collection of individuals; there's a higher level of emergent structure."
"Art doesn't exist just as art; it's always intertwined with history."
"Our biosphere is entirely interconnected."
"The existence of the cosmic web... helps us explain the universe as this huge interconnected cosmic web of a lot of gas and different material."
"Nature and civilization are not a contradiction but are actually interconnected, interdependent."
"We're interconnected whether we like it or not."
"We've got to get on top of knife crime; you can't just separate crimes and say there's drug crime, there's gun crime, there's knife crime; they're all interwoven."
"The past and the present are interconnected, which is actually one of the more radical parts of this film."
"Science now understands that the biosphere, including humans, is a vastly interconnected web that is very durable in some ways but in others is actually very fragile."
"The health of the body affects the health of the mind; healthy body, the mind is more likely to be healthy."
"It's about soil health and it's about human health."
"Europe was safer and more interconnected than any time since the Roman Empire."
"Religiosity tends to divide us, but spirituality really unites us."
"Human rights, political, civil, economic, social, and cultural, are the key to solving many of the world's interlinked problems."
"Every thread, every life, including yours, is intricately woven with purpose and intention."
"Life on earth and how God created it to all work together."
"When we look at the economy, we can't look at it by itself; we've got to connect it to other aspects such as the way society and culture works."
"There's a lot of non-linearity in a world where one crisis leads to another."
"It's the interweaving of these themes from Genesis to Revelation and all the way in between that's beautiful."
"We are interconnected whether we like it or not."
"...the Europeans that had tied the whole world up into an interconnected system that still kind of echoed the old one."
"Everything relates to everything else around it."
"We are social creatures; all is and has been created by all."
"This proves how interconnected the global economy is."
"Behold the great prophecy of the music box that plays the songs between the worlds."
"The universe's symbols in this card remind us of how interconnected everything is."
"Whatever one person does affects all of us."
"Wikipedia... tells you how one plant is related to everything else."
"The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to processes related to human and social degradation."
"The pandemic is a stark reminder that our fates are interconnected and that no one is secure until everyone is secure."
"The personal and the political are so inextricably linked."
"Thanks to globalization, the world has become increasingly interconnected."
"You can't hurt another person without hurting yourself, nor can you help another person without helping yourself."
"The Gentile da Fabriano in a way weaves different stories from The Frick Collection."
"Remember that the body is entirely connected; nothing in your body exists in isolation."
"An economy is not an abstract notion that sits in a vacuum; an economy is embedded in the society and in the social structure."
"The most highly linked ones were the biggest, oldest trees, and we start calling those mother trees."
"We are so intertwined and interconnected that we have to understand that we actually need to do away with all sorts of habitual thinking and acting."
"A sustainable economy is one that does not just manage for things, but for how those things are interconnected and interrelated."
"The ripples caused by you affect everyone else; without you, all those ripples would not have happened."
"The world is as much a social system as the world of individuals is."
"An ecosystem is characterized by flows; flows of nutrients and energy, flows of material, and flows of information."
"The earth is a system of living beings."
"We are objectively part of Nature and the stuff that we do influences the environment and the environment influences the stuff we can do."
"Paradiso is a mosaic of cooperation where the interconnection between its parts is not only what the poet aims for but also what it is fundamentally about."
"The world is woven of interconnected strands; this is because that is, this is not because that is not."
"We're all a part of a living system, and everything that we do affects everything around us."
"The causes of processes active in the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms lie within the organism of man."
"The surprise in this research was the connection between those two systems. It turns out that the gut informs the head."
"I love it because it has so much sense. It makes so much sense. Everything is related."
"People often compare and argue about Western entertainment versus Eastern entertainment, but the two are actually far more intertwined and related than they realize."
"We're not just little islands living out here... what I choose to do will influence her even though I don't know her name."
"By the end, all of the connecting stories are interwoven in that final meltdown montage sequence."
"Birding and conservation, and tourism and conservation are very much intertwined."
"Part of the close reading is paying attention not just to each little part by itself... it's thinking back and forth within the text."
"In an age where our economies are linked more closely than ever before, the whole world has been touched by this devastating downturn."
"The present also influences the past and vice versa."
"Strength and size are different values, but guess what, they are intertwined."
"Feelings and behavior go together."
"The world is woven of interconnected threads; this is because that is, this is not because that is not, this is born because that is born, this dies because that dies."
"The struggle for peace and the struggle for justice are inextricably bound together; there can be no peace ultimately without justice, and there can be no justice without peace."
"Language and culture are intrinsically linked; you can't really have one without the other."
"What harms you, harms others; what harms others, harms you."
"The internet is a worldwide network of interconnected computers."
"A little insight brings a little calm, and a little calm brings a little insight."
"A network is formed through the interconnection of nodes."
"Those who say that politics has nothing to do with religion know the meaning neither of politics nor of religion."
"Spirituality is actually quantum physics affecting our biology."
"Everything works together, the biggest and the fifth, the littlest fly, the gophers underground, the birds in the sky."