
Warm-up Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"If you're struggling with the warm-up, my recommendation is this: give it some time, keep warming up. It's going to be tough, it's going to suck, but as you go through the warm-up more and more, you're going to find that you get your swag back."
"I think the best thing to warm up is actually doing the exercise you're going to do but with less weight and very good technique."
"Burpees... it's one of the best exercises, and a great exercise to start with because it brings up your heart rate and warms up all the muscles within your body."
"Let's roll the wrists and the ankles out really quickly, perfect."
"Your shots a little off, you're not looking great, and then near the end of the warmup, you throw down a windmill dunk."
"There's a fine line between taking your time and warming up and then doing too much warm-up."
"Conversational warmup should center around a topic that everyone will be able to comfortably engage with."
"Starting with this dynamic style of warm-up really helps your muscles get warmed up, your joints warmed up; it gets you really prepped for the workout ahead."
"We warm those hips up and drop, hey double time let's go."
"Let's jump into your warm-up, thumbs up if you're ready."
"Let's jump into your warm up. Wide stance, hands on your hips. We're going to bend right and left, stretching out your inner thigh. Let's go!"
"Most vehicles built after 1980 no longer need to warm up before driving, and experts say driving after 30 seconds to a minute after starting your car is the best practice."
"Aside from personal comfort, warming up your car is important for the mechanical side of it. Fluids need to be warm before they start flowing well and protecting the engine."
"As your body warms up, you're also able to achieve much more output."
"This is a really great exercise to warm up our shoulders and our abdominals."
"So when I get into the warm-up, I still, I'm like, my heart starts beeping hard, man, I'm like, I'm ready, I'm ready to play, you know?"
"An active warmup: moving our body in ranges of motion that we'll see in the workout."
"This will help warm up your chest a little bit for our chest press too."
"Warming up is essential to being safe and the nervous system wakes up more and more as you warm up."
"This is a really nice warm-up exercise for any workout."
"Warm-ups are there to maximize the performance of your session and if you limit the performance you can achieve within any given session you're limiting the potential gains and this will hinder your progress."
"Dynamic warm-ups are key to success in any workout."
"Make sure you're breathing through that warmup."
"Make sure that you do at least a few minutes to get your blood flowing and your muscles warm."
"Warming up at the beginning of your session. Spend the first section just writing, no jokes, just writing what is on your mind."
"Sketching can be a really great way to just warm up for a bigger sketch or for a painting."
"We're going to warm up all of the body."
"In the midst of busy schedules, finding time for warm-up sketches is essential for maintaining creativity."
"So breathe we are almost done with this warm-up and then we're gonna go right into some cardio boxing boxing moves to really get the heart pumping in a gentle way again without easy jumps."
"You are never as strong as you think you are on your warm-ups. Never trust the warm-up."
"Our first block is going to serve as our warm-up."
"Just keep in mind that even though you practice a lot of posterior chain in your strength training whether that is TRX or even deadlifts you still need to warm up and awaken those muscles every session just so you can engage it to the fullest."
"I feel like I always have the most fun with the last couple of sketches on the page they feel the most natural and I think that's because I'm the most warmed up"
"Really warming up our legs, warming up our arms, and getting our body nice and prepared for the workout to come."
"People overthink warm-ups, but I also think that level of competence in whatever you're doing dictates the warm-up."
"Explosive exercises before you lift can also get things to fire up."
"Doing warm-ups are very important to help prevent injury."
"Warm up thoroughly to prevent injuries and soreness. Cooling off after training is also crucial."
"We're not moving at a crazy cardio pace here, this is just the warm-up."
"Dynamic stretching is basically to get our muscles moving in the full range of motion that we're going to use them in when we actually start our workout."
"Warm-ups also activate the right brain, which quietens the mind and acts like a kind of meditation."
"The warm-up is not supposed to be the workout there's working out and there's warming up and a warmup or priming is to make the workout more effective not to take away from it or replace it if that's your idea of a warmup you're doing it wrong."
"I love to warm up just one fast rep. Next, I just like to, um, try to make everything in my head move as fast as I can. Yeah, 'cause there's a couple things are tied to that for me. It's one, it's a confidence boost."
"Always warm up doing cardio before you work out. If you skip out on doing cardio, you are way more likely to get injured."
"And warming up, the best way you can do that running, uh don't overthink it, maybe running is the best way to activate the muscles that you'll use when you run afterwards!"
"I wanted to say hello everybody and welcome to my warmup to Christmas."
"We're warming up so we don't need to burn out, we're just preparing for the set."
"NASM's warm-up and cooldown phases do look a little something like this."
"If you're out there and you think that you do not have to warm up before you do metal vocals let me tell you something you are wrong you're not correct if you're thinking I am I am right no you're wrong 1%"
"It's such a great warm-up to force drawing."
"Warming up the legs, hold it here for eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two."
"We learned about warming up our bodies and staying loose when we learn new dance moves."
"So, if we're a professional sportsman, that would just be considered a warm-up."
"Warm-up with repetition, it's about finding what works for you."
"Remember never skip your warm-up always allow your body time to loosen up to prime to be activated before you go into any of the actual movements."
"Purpose of today's warm-up is to elevate your overall body temperature and get your heart rate up."
"Let's start in a seated position. We're just gonna do a spinal warm-up and then we will get up on our feet and start moving."
"Just starting to get some rotation in the shoulders. We're going to work the arms without putting a lot of body weight or pressure on our hands, wrists, and shoulders."
"The purpose of today's warm-up is to increase your overall body temperature, get your heart rate up a little bit, and at the same time gain a little added mobility."
"It's one of my favorite ways to warm up and be silly, especially when I'm feeling a bit tense and tight."
"I always give myself, um, 15 or 20 minutes of just getting through the warmup to decide if I should try it or not."
"Warm-ups are most important because they prepare you for the main event."
"We're still warming up just a little bit."
"This isn't about trying to move really quickly, this is about trying to open up those hip sockets and warm up those knees."
"You should feel at least a little bit more warmed up, loosened up."
"I love jumping jacks to get warmed up. Great for the hips, great for the shoulders, gets the heart rate going. Just all around fun."
"Warming up definitely is, you know. So I'mma get that blood pumping you know with lighter weights first and then I'mma move on into my working sets because that be my issue earlier on."
"What's the best warm-up for bjj the truth is there's many ways to skin this cat however this routine that I'm about to take you through is simple it's effective and for that reason it is our best warm up for bjj white belts"
"Please don't skip your warm-up, it is important."
"If all you did for a warm-up were jumping jacks and burpees, don't expect to see improvements in hamstring flexibility, you're not spending enough time in those positions, it's not gonna really happen."
"The last thing you want to do is go in cold."
"This warmup yes it's long but it helps prevent injuries it makes you stronger and it gets you ready to do what you're about to do which is climbing."
"It's a great move for still warming up the shoulders and just kind of warming up the arms but really starting to turn on those triceps right now."
"Watching them warm up, they were just as friendly as could be."
"Our goal here is just to get the blood flowing, muscles warm, everything moving."
"Nice gentle introduction, we're putting a couple of efforts just to raise the heart rate up a little bit more, a bit more warmth in the muscles."
"It's all about the warm-up, getting our body in gear for what is to come."
"You're able to give me a great rotation to warm the spine, mobilize the body."
"We're just going to get a quick dynamic warmup, getting the blood flowing all through those muscles, getting our heart pumping, everything moving."
"When you're warming up, keep in mind you have two main goals: one, potentiate; and two, try and mitigate the risk for injury the best that you can."
"It's especially important to have a good warm-up for every workout."
"I've always been a great believer in warming up before I work out and complete movements, complete extension, complete contraction."
"My absolute favorite warm-up of all time is the octave and a half lip trill."
"Let's just start with a nice short warm-up, get everything loosened up, warmed up."
"The first few sets are more than five reps because the chest and the shoulders and even the triceps and the elbows need to be warmed up properly before hitting a heavy weight."
"It's such a great warm-up, just put a timer on, okay got 20 minutes, let's see what we can do with this headland."
"You should be starting to feel nice and warm by now."
"I'm going to do a really proper warm-up."
"Open up the feet, let's warm up, cross the arms, take a deep breath, inhale full lungs, and exhale down."
"We're just getting warmed up, ready in five, left leg, four, three, two, one, let's go!"
"Sun Salutations are a really great way to warm up and prepare your body for a deeper practice."
"Let's get warm, let's just flap it out because it feels good, just feels good to move that upper body, flap those wings."
"It's perfect relaxation, perfect warmup."
"Let's get the blood pumping before we move the body today."
"We're going to take you through a quick warm-up just to get your body moving."
"Getting your muscles warm, getting your body ready to move."
"Let's do this, guys. We're gonna start with our warmup."
"Let's start off with a nice little warm-up. Just get our heart rate up. We're gonna be feeling good."
"We're beginning with a little bit of balance work, but right now, just warming up, getting comfortable seated on the ball."
"Awesome job, take a breath here, noticing any sensations in the back of the legs, the arms, and feeling your body completely warmed up here."
"Such a great warm-up before we move to the next challenge."
"When the drums are going boom boom boom, get ready, warm up now, can you dance with me? One, two, three."
"A warm-up isn't just about getting your body to sweat, it's actually about just prepping, helping you optimize yourself for your actual workout."
"I give myself a good five to ten minutes to warm up, and this is essential for getting my body ready for the beating I'm about to put it through and also to prevent injury."
"Awesome job guys, warm up is complete."
"A vocal warmup is going to help you in so many ways, not only is it going to help you sing better, but it's also going to help you avoid vocal injury."
"How do you prime your body before you go into a workout?"
"Warm-ups are such good primers for your body; it's all about that behavior, you're getting your brain ready."
"Let's bring those palms up, and we're going to touch the shoulders to warm up the bicep muscle."
"You're not trying to move really, really quickly; this isn't a cardio exercise, we're trying to do this for a warm-up."
"This warm-up is just to get the blood flowing, get the muscles warm, everything moving."
"It's always important to warm up before any kind of activity just to get some fresh oxygenated blood into all the muscles."
"Are you guys warm? Awesome job, that's the warm-up."
"This entire workout is gonna feel like a warm-up and a cool-down in a good way."
"Smile a little bit, yeah you're taking it too serious, lighten up man, it's a warm-up, let's go."
"Let's go ahead and get ready and warmed up, we're gonna start with jumping jacks in three, two, one, let's go."
"We're going to start with just a little warm-up as usual."
"This is just a warm-up, guys, so make sure that you are taking it at your own pace."
"Warmup is really important before all workouts; we just want to get our muscles warm, the blood flowing, body's ready to move."
"Dynamic warm-up is just to get the muscles working."
"We want to get blood flowing, we want to get everything warm."
"The goal with this warm-up is just to get everything moving, everything working."
"In my opinion, the best way to warm up gently and in a safe way is to play something with comfortable chords."
"It's a great way to get that breath warmed up, and by that I mean that you are just finding a pattern and getting in touch with your breath."
"We're going to start with just a little bit of marching."
"Let's warm up that upper body first with a dynamic chest opener."
"The general warm-up... is generally just 5 to 10 minutes of pretty easygoing kind of steady-state movement or activity."
"We don't want our athletes to be super fatigued at the end of the warm-up; they should be fired up and ready to go."
"Start moving those feet; we're going to start in with a one-minute warm-up."
"Just starting to raise the heart rate, really getting the blood flowing."
"Deep breath in the nose, already increasing your lung capacity as you warm up the body."
"I like to call this the hands and knees plank; it's great for warming up the shoulders, warming up the abs."
"Really getting time to warm up the spine."
"This is very much an abdominal warm-up, deep in that connection, really use those abs here."
"By the time you've done all those warm-up exercises, you might be surprised that some interesting things start coming out."
"We're going to get that heart rate up, get the blood flowing, get our bodies warm."
"This is a great one to warm up and loosen up our thoracic spine, shoulders, legs."
"So good, so we're getting a hamstring stretch, we're engaging our core, warming up our arms, our shoulders."
"It is absolutely essential to warm up properly before engaging in any intense physical exercise."
"Let's go ahead and get things started with just a 60-second warm-up."
"The goal here: loosen up the hips, get a nice good stretch on the hips, loosen up the shoulders as we reach those up and overhead."
"We've got some blood flow going, just trying to warm up prior to going through this workout."
"Every warm-up should be on a scale of 7 to 10, 10 being the highest intensity that you can have."
"We're just going to lie on our back and then from here, we're just going to warm up the lower abdominals."
"How good is this, yeah beautiful warm-up session at Sunset Beach."
"We're just getting some activation and engagement here, and most importantly, getting your body's core temperature up."
"Our goal is to get the blood flowing, raise that body temperature, get some mobility, and get our muscles activated."
"We're just going to start with a few classics; it's really important to warm up those muscles before exercises."
"Twisting open to our right side, that first spinal twist, we are gentle with our stretches at the beginning of our workout because we're warming up the body."
"Shadow boxing is a great extension of your warm-up."
"Let's get started with a quick warm-up called knocking on the door of life."
"Keep breathing, keep moving, you're moving those hands to warming up your shoulders."
"So again, just trying to warm up, feel good, that's what it's all about here."
"Putting some complexity in a warm-up can actually lead to greater performance later on."
"A good warm-up sets the tone for an even better workout, so let's prep ourselves for what's to come."
"Snake pit is a great activity to do as a warm-up; it gives the students an opportunity to kind of build up their cardiovascular endurance as well as work on muscular strength and endurance."
"Let's get started with a nice quick warm-up just to fire up our glutes and our core."
"As we warm up, taking inventory of each part of the body so that you are better informed throughout the rest of class."
"It's sensational, the raw fundamentals that he just has that inherent ability on the warm-up."
"We're starting by boosting the circulation, increasing our heart rate, and preparing the body for the exercise to come."
"Not just to warm our body up and get our joints ready but also to get in the right mindset, get mentally warmed up for the workout at hand."
"Cycling, you can start really, really low power and you can really warm up slowly."
"Stand tall, roll those shoulders out, just making sure our body is warm, the blood is flowing for our class today."
"World's greatest stretch, we do this in our warm-ups a lot."
"Beautiful, good job guys, warm-up is done."
"We're going to warm things up, so roll the shoulders back here in mountain pose."
"We're just warming up the body a little bit."
"We will be starting with a warm-up round followed by a first round working mainly the upper body."
"The idea of coming to the driving range is to warm your body up."
"Our goal with this dynamic warm-up is just to get the blood flowing, get the muscles warm."
"This should be elevating our heart rate as well before our workout."
"This is just a good warm-up to get our lats ready, to get our arms ready before we get into our full workout."
"We're just gonna quickly get that core temperature up, get the blood flowing, get our muscles warm and ready to go."
"You just want to warm up the body enough so that everything is safe, and you can recruit everything you need for your handstand."
"You don't need any equipment for this workout, so let's head right into the warm-up."
"Let's get started with a quick two-minute warm-up just to get our blood flowing, get our heart rate elevated, get our body warmed up."
"It's important that we begin our workout with a warm-up."
"Warm up your body, warm up your joints, get ready for a tough workout."
"Really important to get those hips and those ankles warmed up ready for this session."
"Warm-up is very important, before doing stretching exercises."
"The first thing I did that helped really get me results was to include a better warm-up."
"Warming up can help prevent injury and prepare your body for exercise."
"Right, we're gonna get warmed up, check out the beautiful views around here in central."
"Let's wake up this body so we can have a safe and effective workout."
"Any great work in starts with a great warmup."
"Engage all of your muscles, getting them all nice and warm, ready for the bar work ahead."
"Let's get started, we're just going to warm up without the dumbbells."
"Let's get started with a nice short warmup."
"I want to make sure we're nice and warmed up so we can prevent any injuries while we're exercising."
"Start very soft, and as you start bringing some body heat into your body, you can begin to bounce a little more."
"Make sure we are fully warmed up before attempting this routine."
"The second reason you warm up is to make sure you perform as well as you can."
"You're far less likely to tweak something if you've already warmed up through an extended range of motion."
"Knees over toes is an invaluable part of any squat warm-up."
"A well-structured warm-up would have four components: pulse raising, stretching, skill-based, mental prep."
"At the beginning of the practice, we're just trying to slowly, gently warm up the body rather than going full bolt straight into the practice, potentially giving ourselves a new injury."
"We're just getting started here. Let's get the blood to flow through the body, turn, elevate your heart rate, start breaking a little sweat, start getting you excited to work out."
"Make sure you have water and a towel, and we're gonna get started with this warmup."
"The warm-up is the workout, just get in that flow."
"Even though we are starting with lower impact exercises, it's still always a good idea to warm up before you do a workout."