
Safety Concerns Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"These graphs don't show how much longer and more dangerous these trains are getting, disrupting neighborhoods and congesting traffic during emergencies, all for the sake of efficiency in the form of cost-cutting."
"There were a total of 18,000 reported electric bicycle fires nationwide in 2022, marking a 23.4% increase from 2021."
"Safety does not seem to be the top priority of this facility."
"I changed my mind. It was an insane idea to start with. Exploding golf balls? I don't want blood on my hands."
"I know what can keep a person up at night regarding safety. I must tell you that I can't sleep here at Tesla."
"Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world."
"Autism doesn't kill people directly; caretakers killing autistic people or other people with unusual neurological conditions is a very real problem."
"There is a great deal of concern that we have been left with no lever that correctly takes the energy of the protests and points it in the direction of something productive and not massively dangerous."
"Predators... used to have to worry about the Predator if the kid's out in the neighborhood. Now, the Predator can come right into your house."
"The little corners that you cut are very dangerous for both you and the community around you."
"Do you believe the government would intentionally harm you?"
"Okay, this is the area below the girls' room. Whatever it is, my concern is that they're going to chew on the exposed wires."
"Incidents less than a week apart, now fueling concerns about America's aging infrastructure."
"Just rampacked with everyone that we can stack on the balcony."
"I feel like these individuals who are doing these abductions and trying to lure women what better place to go than a ladies night at a popular club."
"The first few hours before and after bed, not being on your phone."
"I want to be out there but I'm scared for my safety and for the safety of my children because of the coronavirus."
"How do I defend myself and my children against guys who have AR-15s? Tell me how."
"Should this take place today no one on earth would be safe from the ramifications."
"Most people's biggest fear when it comes to cycling is crashing."
"I don't know if I like that because that could be dangerous."
"Martial law looms over the seemingly safest of areas."
"I pray and hope that they have not harmed her and they bring her back to us safe and sound."
"It's often considered to be one of the most dangerous toys in the world. There's just something about the idea of a kid bouncing up and rebounding off the ceiling that could give any parent a headache."
"So I'm like, I'm done and I walked to the back and my co-workers heard them say, 'Teeny, that's my name, Teeny's not going home tonight, she's sleeping in the parking lot, we're killing her.'"
"I see people living in the lap of luxury eating at the fashionable lives but they're afraid they want to be safe."
"I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the oval office we have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language."
"I think Tesla's marketing and branding creates a false sense of security and I think it is extraordinarily dangerous."
"It's pulling our teams apart at the seams and making it so difficult to feel safe, let alone enjoy my job."
"Do not let yourselves believe that this is nothing because even if it's a less than 10% chance that it's not nothing that is too great that is too much danger."
"Will someone please just answer my questions: How did a live round end up on a movie set that didn't belong there? Who brought it? Somebody brought it."
"No, there is no safety from wrongful convictions."
"I think they need to have a bit of a look at it I I don't think it's a disastrous circuit but yeah it's that inability to see what's coming and piling into accidents that the drivers are quite rightly worried about."
"Trans people are facing death threats right now for being trans, for existing, for being alive."
"I've always been a big fan of slowly methodically changing minds because I don't like when gay people get killed. I don't like when somebody gets murdered for being gay."
"America is being invaded. No American is safe."
"Whatever it costs you to obey God, disobeying God will cost you more."
"When you're in a relationship with a Nazi and they're the one that breaks it, you know you've got problems."
"Just remember you ain't a citizen over there that's what that's what my biggest fears going to one of these other countries."
"A barrier is about security. A barrier is about safety."
"Why can't I find a magical library with a weird old dude who's not a pedophile?"
"Deadly germ research is shut down at army lab over safety concerns."
"We should really call it quits. Yeah, I think we really should."
"It did feel a bit weird that the crane was on track reversing."
"Regardless, it is absolutely terrifying that a well-known, well-liked person could simply up and disappear outside of her own apartment block."
"I actually received an anonymous threat that if I performed an autopsy... my family was going to be killed."
"We simply cannot live in fear for our safety because of wild dogs."
"Following the invasion into Crimea, Russians began to flee the region claiming that their safety was not guaranteed."
"We're getting too much power into road cars and we should actually sell limits."
"The world is less safe with nuclear weapons."
"It's very strange that people seem to be just approaching this from a 'well I might be putting myself in danger but I'm going to do it anyway' perspective."
"If they had come across AOC... she wouldn't have had every reason to be afraid."
"I had a panic attack in pit. I was smooshed. I could not breathe."
"Feeling physically unsafe is a whole other level."
"Residents turning to private police for safety."
"AI AGI artificial general intelligence can be incredibly dangerous more so than nuclear weapons."
"You cannot just have a dam collapse in three places."
"Two 737s have gone down in startlingly similar ways."
"Not only can the servo valve jam, but it can then function in reverse."
"Lithium battery safety is no joke because it is true that when a lithium battery lights on fire the results can be absolutely catastrophic."
"There have been circumstances it's rare where I've known things about very big cultural stories but for safety reasons I can't talk about it and so that's a reality."
"Yo, man, people, y'all can't be surprised when stuff like this happens."
"Threatening to Supreme Court justices is dangerous."
"What I fear... right now we're on the brink of World War III and it's absolutely terrifying."
"The Biden Administration refuses to guarantee the safety of Americans stranded in Afghanistan."
"Over the years, there have been 57 known circus train wrecks, with 178 human deaths."
"It's sad that the scandal went on for so long as these people were relying on their car's safety systems."
"There's a misconception that because I'm pro-gun...that means I don't care about safety. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"It came as something of a shock to find myself being aggressively accused of transphobia, of creating a risk to other people's health and safety simply for wanting to have a discussion."
"No one should have to fear for their life; it's not any different than fearing for your life for any of the aforementioned reasons."
"There is zero percent chance that once this [__] conflict ends one way or the other that Ukraine will be a safe place ever again."
"I don't want anyone to be the victim of crime because crime is a serious issue, I hate crime."
"The people that live around them I can't even imagine just the anxiety that would come from knowing that that happened and you know what made them targeted like being at home."
"Accidents happen in Alaska, it's a place of deadly beauty but something else may be lurking just beyond your front door waiting to make you vanish into thin air."
"They've got not just a messy house but underneath that mess is black mold and asbestos in the walls."
"That hurt, I'm scared. Okay, don't go on that rocket. I don't want to lose my brother."
"We're not going to do that now when you can't even go to Linux Mall or Flips Plaza without being scared you're going to get jacked so we're not we're not going to do that okay."
"This really heartless and dangerous policy that the president latched onto was actually completely thought out in detail."
"They're gonna be frightened to go out in the streets."
"We need more people like David Lockridge, the employee who was fired for raising concerns over safety."
"Fear is on the rise for leaning Tower of San Francisco following Surfside condo collapse in Florida."
"They moved up their date to beat Jeff Bezos's first flight, balls on board, they put the boss on board, yep, Richard Branson's on board, they do the flight, and then come to find out afterwards there were multiple problems with the flight."
"It was no longer safe for me to be in Delaware."
"What is happening in this world is so problematic that unless it's dismantled, no woman or child is safe."
"It may mean we should quit focus on the gravity machine. It will explode."
"Why does flying seem so terrible right now from the turbulence to the delays to the near misses to the almost collisions in air and on the ground?"
"One of the reasons why we left the yard is because I just didn't, I just didn't feel comfortable growing my child around an alleged pedophile."
"I don't think it's funny that people dox your home, all the stuff I see online. I don't think it's funny that people put pistols and stuff in your home and try to get you in. I don't think none of that is funny, bro."
"Journalists, especially General assignment reporters and photojournalists, they risk their lives too."
"Tonight a 30-story Sydney apartment building is evacuated amid fears it could collapse."
"Various events are set to occur in Fukushima despite possible safety concerns from the 2011 nuclear disaster."
"They might be expecting that to be very, very quick because, you know, it's common practice. So I'm not sure they're gonna be taking more time for any shielding."
"Next trip needs to figure out are we haunted what I still want to keep doing this I do I find it interesting but I also don't want to put us in danger."
"Happy to work with almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed." - AOC
"The CCP's overseas police stations were set up without permission, leading to unease and fear among those seeking safety in the UK."
"UFOs are real, they're a safety hazard, they need to be studied. We don't know what they are."
"Joe Biden's radical policies are making our country less safe, less secure, and less prosperous."
"He is setting the tone for a country that makes it unsafe for anyone who looks like the people sitting at this very table."
"You know it's all kind of ironic. I usually feel far more unsafe when there's too much security."
"Government by chaos makes us less safe and the world less safe."
"If I cut one of these halfway through, would you take the whole bundle without looking at it and go climb with them? Probably not."
"An explosive device used in a gender reveal party has sparked a wildfire."
"Literally in one year in college ball, 12 people died."
"Designing a robot that can make decisions on his own is a pretty scary prospect especially when we're talking about something as big as a car going 60 miles an hour."
"We're not testing enough. How do we know it's safe to go back?"
"It tells them that we don't want another Russian girl dead."
"We are definitely at a higher risk of nuclear war than we were yesterday."
"According to her friends, neighbors, and assistant, the ex-model was afraid that her husband would act on his threats to kill her."
"Women are justifiably much more fearful of street violence than men."
"Imagine living near that. Imagine that, bro. Like, well, I'd be worried that it's going to expand out, start caving in and expanding that out, you know? You gotta be a brave soul to fall asleep next to a hole that big, I'm just saying."
"In this case, we certainly had to consider whether this was a bioterrorist event."
"Do you know that right now on Twitter there are a series of threats against me? They're not being removed."
"Am I concerned about the cliffs? Yes, but am I still open to hope? Certainly you have to be with these cases."
"This chair shot unprotected to the head in 2019... Do we need that in wrestling today?"
"I don't think I'll ever feel safe in an amusement park again."
"It's everyone's worst nightmare. It's a parent's worst nightmare. It's a teacher, it's a staff's worst nightmare."
"This is the most dangerous time we've been since World War II."
"Who knows what could have happened or what he was armed with at that time and it would have been a russian roulette to send us in there trying to apprehend him at that time."
"It's extraordinarily reckless and extraordinarily dangerous."
"They just want to make sure it's safe, yeah, and so it's a uh kind of a hairy right to repair uh problem but it looks like this might just be the solution."
"These problems exist today and we need to be continuously on the lookout for worrying about safety, biases, risks."
"Things could actually become more dangerous in terms of the global geopolitical situation."
"No head protection besides sunglasses up against people with a lot of guns doesn't seem the safest idea."
"You can't force women to think it's okay for you to share a space with my daughter because I don't."
"I lived in fear every day that he would come back and try to kill us."
"Do you think people actually could have drowned on that little journey, just out from the mainland to here?"
"They put gas in the bus and it's burning. I feel unsafe."
"Chernobyl is the poster child for the dangers of nuclear power."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"Pilots are telling me I've spoken to Pilots with Decades of experience flying for commercial airlines they are telling me they have never seen these types of things happening in their careers never seen before that is just really concerning."
"When Justin Trudeau takes to the stupid Zoom meetings and says, 'Hey Mom, I'd like to talk to your kids,' that's stranger danger."
"Volcanic eruptions almost without warning a prospect that doesn't exactly make the world seem a safer place."
"The problem with doing a live show drunk... when the show is over I need to drive home."
"Finding a gunman aiming at the camera while exploring in google maps can send chills down anyone's spine."
"Perhaps the most famous case of such privately owned animals running amok is the Zanesville Zoo Massacre which occurred in Ohio in 2011."
"Those stunts involved can, of course, cause fatal accidents on set, happens more often than we think."
"Please, for the love of God, can we stop doing this? Because it will lead to something terrible. And I'm gonna end the video there by saying, guys, this is so utterly insane. Please stop it, you are actually coming off like a stalker."
"Imagine being so cheap that when you go and get your car inspected the people working there tell you it's so unsafe that they legally can't let you leave with it."
"It's sort of an admission that Mexico is a dangerous place."
"I do not like the fact we can look out the door because it implies something will eventually steer back."
"I hope to god that Live Nation, all the organizers, Travis Scott, and Travis Scott's team are hearing these stories and they're not bowing out."
"Everybody wanted to go to Astroworld. This was the third one since 2019. Nobody should even be having a dang festival."
"I'm not anti-vaccine... I've believed in vaccines, but none of the safety testing was done the way we discussed earlier."
"He's talking about blood in the streets... this is horrifying, it is disqualifying."
"People who've gone along with this should be ashamed of themselves. Completely ashamed of yourself. There's nothing safe about it, there's nothing normal about it, there's nothing healthy about it."
"Both urgently need further investigation, and both suggest future dangers."
"Even if you're still like I don't know it could be either one okay fair enough is it plausible that this escape from a lab that's really all you need to know to know that this research is extremely dangerous."
"I think this is a very dangerous situation that our supposed to be a professional team of laws enforcement team now acted in such a way."
"This car actually doesn't have a roll cage, so I would say it's not as safe."
"She did the exact right thing and that they think it was some sort of a setup to lure women who would have that maternal instinct to check on it."
"Heavy women don't realize this comes down to even your safety."
"The world's getting very dangerous. It's heating up."
"Cruise-ship incidents like this make me so incredibly unsettled."
"The implication is that men come here for the purpose of targeting women and girls. That's creepy, inappropriate, and insulting."
"This is a problem if an experienced police officer can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun."
"If these features work as described and only as described, there's almost no cause for concern."
"The question is not whether we are migrating, but whether we are migrating safely."
"This is a planetary crisis this is a safety crisis but above all it is also a Justice crisis."
"Not all whistleblowers can come forward due to concerns for their safety, families, or careers."
"Regulations start with a perceived danger... and planes fall out of the sky or food causes botulism."
"It actually really shouldn't matter which company builds [AGI] and we should all be concerned about the case where we just race so hard to get there that something goes wrong."
"It's like the city's falling apart. You can't even step outside in the daytime."
"What are you supposed to do when the people that are supposed to keep us safe are also predators?"
"The staff wasn't ready for what could happen, what the potential dangers that just lurked and just wait for the opportunities to occur."
"Why does the city care more about permits than human beings in danger of freezing to death?"
"The entirety of Tanacon was a complete scam that also put people in danger and received mainstream attention for how truly catastrophic it was."
"So nah, fine I guess. Fine. Probably not a surprise considering, you know, remember the evil where women just got roofied and one woman like nearly literally just got dragged back to a room on all them sex offenders got outed."
"Everything's so political that nothing's safe anymore."
"An excessive commitment to safety really causes psychological problems."
"Doesn't me taking a gun and pointing it at a store owner qualify in and of itself as creating a genuine risk of physical harm?"
"The physical security of our environment is a subject that's near and dear to my heart."
"What is more dangerous than nuclear expansion is the Chinese Communist Authority's view of nuclear war."
"We have no safe spaces left for women and girls."
"This harmless Park had the potential to take somebody's life."
"I suggest Megan tells her husband to not keep antagonizing the Taliban when he is on TV or in his books."
"I was concerned that Google was not paying enough attention to AI safety."
"What if there's a fire... look at it, mate, it's a boat!"
"The danger of nuclear war has never been greater."
"Hogwarts shouldn't be about bullies and barely escaping death."
"There is not a mentally sane human being on the planet that would drive a van filled with tanks of gasoline into a forest fire."
"We're having some serious safety and longevity concerns about the structures on our bin site."
"Do you think AI is dangerous? It's extremely dangerous."
"Who am I supposed to look to to keep me safe? It's safer to demonize guns than gangs. Guns don't pull triggers, gangs do."
"They certainly had the motive, they certainly had the means, we were in lockdowns, it was unsafe to go out..."
"Who do I recommend this type of gun for? Honestly, it's for folks who are... scared of firearms in general."
"What isn't really clear is why that would happen, or what would cause it to happen, or how often it would happen?"
"The question of safety is still there, sometimes the true level of safety doesn't come out until you get into phase 3 trials." - Mitigating Vaccine Risks
"Are you comfortable conducting a Craigslist transaction where you want to rent at 9:00 at night? If the answer is no, you probably don't want to be a landlord."
"It was not a safe withdrawal. 13 service members were killed in a terror attack."
"Seeing something like this leaves the impression that we are no longer safe anywhere."
"We often find out five and ten years down the road after you were told it was safe, 'Oops, Houston, we have a problem.'"
"Honestly, I don't feel safe around police officers."
"I genuinely believe that, and he wants to, I 100% in my heart believe that man, someone is going to get hurt under his watch."
"This isn't going to stop until a woman dies."
"Abortion bans are objectively not safe for women and can needlessly put them through absolute hell."
"Iran: Do not travel to Iran due to the high risk of kidnapping and arbitrary arrests and detention of US citizens."
"If he really cared about people's safety he would actually focus on the real things that need to be improved with full self-driving which there are many."
"Agents have been injured by cellphones exploding in their pockets."
"Cameron's comparison highlights the inherent risks and dangers associated with venturing into the depths of the ocean, emphasizing the unpredictable nature of such Expeditions and the potential consequences they can entail."
"I just hope that the people who argue that this is an unnecessary stupid reckless risk are listened to."