
Overcoming Odds Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"These legendary fights, when you go in and face someone everyone thinks you can't beat and then you do it in spectacular fashion, that's what legends are made of."
"Eli Manning wasn't an elite talent at the quarterback spot. Eli Manning beat Tom Brady twice in the Super Bowl and he has two Super Bowl MVPs."
"I've seen families do heroic things and defy all the odds."
"Tactics help them defeat numerically superior enemy forces and secure almost impossible objectives."
"One of the major themes of The Lord of the Rings is that of small people, who are not themselves very important, yet accomplishing big things."
"A satisfying underdog story requires the protagonist to legitimately overcome insurmountable odds through their own conviction and craft."
"You were never supposed to make it this far."
"Allen's is a wonderful story of heroism and optimism and ambition against all the odds."
"They moved up really quickly from being unknown to beating powerful men in power."
"A true underdog story, a David vs Goliath moment."
"If you work together as a team, you can actually beat teams with better individual talent."
"Even in the 20th century, with space and just cause, David would still beat Goliath."
"When David took on Goliath and he got that one smooth stone."
"Yuya realizes he was able to defeat a level 300 ogre when he was just level one."
"There's too many of them but there are more of us really"
"If something matters enough, regardless of the odds, it's worth engaging with because even in the pursuit, you can find meaning."
"They intended for him to fail, but he succeeded anyway."
"Even from twelfth place, Pink Pearl proved that no challenge is insurmountable."
"You exercise God's Authority in the sphere He's given you, you lay out the odds that are against you before Him based on the realities of your life, and then you lay claim to His victory and watch Him turn the numbers in your favor."
"A true underdog story if I’ve ever seen one."
"Skill can sometimes overcome skill and biology."
"From last place on the grid to p12 with this car, that's not a bad effort."
"There's no better story than a Cinderella story."
"Hey, we take those. Against All Odds, I am in the final."
"It's a story about grit determination and overcoming the odds no matter what."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem lived up to the challenge of facing Saladin, emerging victorious again and again despite being outnumbered."
"A hundred Thieves took them down against all odds, fighting through spawns, making the 2v4 clutches, all the big plays today have been going the way of 100 Thieves."
"In the face of insurmountable odds, survival is not just a goal, but a testament to human spirit."
"King Roscoe is going crazy. See you can never count the little guy out."
"Against All Odds they played well as a team and won games."
"The numbers may be against you, but you can outnumber the numbers."
"The left does not have a history which is defined by defeat. The left has a history of victory in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds."
"I didn't get in professional horse racing because it was hard but because it was said to be impossible."
"This story proves the power of love can overcome truly impossible odds."
"He likes it when things are stacked against him whenever people think he can't that's when he's at his best."
"This is a struggle between David and Goliath."
"The Battle of Agincourt remains as proof that seemingly insurmountable odds can be overcome with the right strategy and the desire to never give in."
"Holyfield proved he could beat a man who outweighs him by 30 pounds, and a lot of people didn't think that was possible."
"Congratulations, you beat the odds. Every day for the rest of your life is a gift."
"We wasn't supposed to make it this far and we're here and we had a wonderful year and I'm thankful for that, you know what I mean."
"Even though the division was completely outnumbered somehow they came out with the opportunity to win this battle."
"Sports are a way to empower us and Believe In The Impossible because no one else does." - Florence Griffith Joyner
"Proof that playing out of a bad hand can pay off in the end."
"One verse four, that's impossible. How could I ever go against that colossal foe?"
"We as Americans do impossible things and impossible odds, and we get it done."
"Rahab was presented with an insurmountable set of odds but used her measure of faith to overcome it and come out victorious."
"If I can go from zero to Olympian starting at the age of 32... you can do that thing that you thought was impossible."
"If they were to tell some narrative about Xavier Woods overcoming the odds allaha Kofi Mania."
"A year ago, she was given six months to live. She's beaten her prognosis."
"David had proved himself in real combat before so when he wanted to go fight the giant there was actually a legitimate chance of him actually winning."
"Just when Ares is about to deal the final blow, the evil deity notices Helius rising up against him despite the impossible odds."
"He defies all odds through sheer willpower alone."
"After all, it wouldn't be the first time they did something we have all called impossible."
"Sometimes, even statistically impossible odds become reality."
"CLG EU had overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to beat their biggest rivals."
"We've accomplished what no one believed we could."
"Striving for excellence, even when the odds are against you."
"David versus Goliath here, and so far David is winning."
"Consider this my child: when my servant David was going to face Goliath in a battle he should not have been able to win in his human strength or ability, but because I was with him it made all the difference."
"God always with me, he does the unlikely thing in an unlikely place." - Prime
"Hell yeah, I feel like I beat the statistics."
"Iron Mouse didn't just defy the odds, she shattered them."
"Even though it seems like an unfair fight, Hyoma manages to make a giant rock fall on Shur."
"But how? What can Bellows even do when he no longer has anyone on his side? He's vastly outnumbered and he's way out of his depth. Well, the answer is his Plan B. The answer is the Titan."
"The machine wants you to think you can't win when you can."
"You've made the impossible possible, and that is something worth celebrating."
"I just think I think when all he came in it was mission impossible and I said that at the time."
"The odds are against them but it would be an incredible achievement."
"Self-healing isn't that nuts? That was a 1v3 and we just casually cruised through it."
"This is gonna work, I am gonna beat the odds."
"What they did was create something that seemed impossible."
"You know, this is my dream. I grew up in a little country town of 700 people so All Blacks aren't supposed to come from little country towns like this."
"Even through apparently impossible odds, you will succeed."
"I'm the underdog... I'm going to have the last laugh."
"A Pyrrhic victory but I'll take it when the odds were against us."
"Most people who have done extraordinary things were too ignorant of the odds to know that it was at one point impossible."
"You just proved the statistics wrong. You just stepped up to the plate and you said not me, not this year, I'm not quitting, I'm not giving up."
"You're fighting Against All Odds and you gotta beat them and just by having good pictures you're better than like 70 of them already."
"The giant Larry is the only way I could have taken them out."
"Everyone loves an underdog, someone who can defy the odds and come out on top, someone who can make this seemingly impossible possible."
"Hey, the eye of a needle needed to be threaded, and your boy did it. A three percent chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Ed was severely outclassed and weak in comparison, but he eventually defeated father with one heck of a punch."
"It only took one, just one simple stone to take down a giant."
"Toph was a badass character and she defied all odds."
"Almost died, but you didn't. You stepped up, which is just right."
"It may seem like DJI is an unstoppable monster, but if the story of David and Goliath tells us anything, it is that the right stone thrown in the right place can make all the difference."
"Strength of character can defeat strength in numbers."
"Panic selling and stop losses, they make things so bad. I mean, so bad. Well, unless you're a buyer. If you're a buyer and you see this type of situation, you love, right? You love seeing the price go down and down and down."
"Tyson Fury against all odds on foreign soil had toppled one of the most dominant heavyweight regimes of the sport and achieved a lifelong dream that only a faithful few had supported him in since 2008."
"You can stand up to someone bigger than you, even when the odds are stacked against you, if you believe in why you are fighting and if your cause is right and true."
"Bond became strong enough to do what no one else present could—he fought the Demon King long enough for others to help."
"Ichigo's latent potential helps him easily overcome adversaries, proving to be an unexpected outcome feared by the Vanden Reich."
"As we know, champions don't quit when the odds are against them."
"The world is not unjust. With enough perseverance, anybody can overcome significant odds."
"It was surreal when I lifted the trophy. I just remember thinking how proud I felt coming from a small part of Glasgow where nobody gave me a chance. It really was a fairy tale."
"This kid from the hood that was playing with house money."
"Perhaps the most remarkable thing about his story is just how improbable it was that with his background he was going to break this entire cycle."
"The story of Millie and Christine McCoy is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for resilience and the ability to overcome incredible odds."
"I mean you know help you've read my story and been around me enough to know that uh come from a broken home all the things that really wasn't supposed to succeed."
"I'm pretty proud of that. It's hard for other people to realize the odds we're up against."
"Johnny Tapia was a 5 to 100 dog to even live until he was 35 years old. Here is a reminder of what he has called his journey, 'Mi vida loca,' my crazy life."
"I'm grateful that I was able to better my life. I beat the odds."
"We made it to San Carlos against all odds."
"They have really overcome a tremendous odds to take this match."
"When it's time for growth and increase, it requires some flexibility."
"Hopkins always seemed to defy the odds on so many occasions."
"If I can do it, a girl from Afghanistan who couldn't read and write and suddenly ended up in the UK, and now living my life on my terms and being happily married, being happy in my life, anybody can do it."
"Philipe was determined to beat the odds, to defy the expectation he'd never walk again."
"A man with a rare bone disease defied all odds and pursued his dream of playing sports."
"My story, my environment, based on statistics, I'm not supposed to be here, and I am because I fought against it and I fought hard."
"My legacy would then be overcoming adversity, overcoming all odds when the chips are stacked against you."
"Everything is against us, and against all odds, we are here."
"To defy those odds, being that fat, chubby, awkward girl from that small town in the South, to now getting into—like, people are coming to hear me talk for an hour. That's insane."
"A small company has overcome a large company."
"A year from now, y'all should be celebrating like crazy because you did what everybody said could not be done."
"Against All Odds, Alice, look what you did."
"I believe that David beat Goliath. I believe that story is such an innately human story that the little guy can beat the big guy Against All Odds."
"Somehow against all the odds you actually did it."
"When a child makes it against the odds, it's the best reward imaginable."
"Make a plan even when the odds are against you."
"You could have all the odds against you, but that don't mean you got to stop."
"Wherever you're from, if you give it all you have and never give up, you can beat the odds."
"With little to no reinforcements or air support, the six contractors would rise against all odds."
"Evander Holyfield once again had defied odds, time, and all the rest."
"So many people I communicated with thought that it's game over, that we cannot win against such insurmountable odds, something I found to be completely incorrect."
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
"Despite the rather overwhelming odds, he defeated them and over the next four years, he conquered almost all of North India."
"Despite being given only 13 years of life expectancy when diagnosed at two years old, Sammy graduated from University."
"He has effectively pulled off the impossible."
"People have to understand the odds that I beat."
"Snake has been able to fight and defeat enemies that by all measurements on paper he should have had no chance against."
"Nothing's impossible, and if there's someone that can do it, Maddie Hauser's had a great Commonwealth Games."
"Tonight you're a bumblebee. Bumblebees' bodies are way too big for the size of their wings, they should not be able to fly."
"It's a real David versus Goliath story."
"God provided a victory here that completely defied the odds."
"Rising up to meet the challenge in a competition, for the odds were very much stacked against me."
"It's bigger than basketball, you already defeated the odds by getting drafted where you got drafted."
"They said it couldn't be done, we did it."
"We defy the odds and quiet the crowd."
"My doctor told me I had a zero chance of getting better. Oh boy, was she wrong."
"I do my best work when man says it's impossible."
"Against All Odds it can really kick your season on."
"We can't help the entire generation beat the odds, but we can help any given young person's chances to make the best of a bad lot."
"Rashad Tate was able to beat the odds."
"Joseph is also a natural-born genius who is almost exclusively able to win his various battles against significantly more powerful opponents via pure wit."
"I beat the odds, I keep believing, and I beat the odds."