
Blizzard Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The year is 2004, and Blizzard is getting ready to release its biggest game yet."
"Blizzard delivered their highest operating income ever for a year with no major game releases."
"What killed Overwatch was Blizzard itself; it was an avalanche of decisions that kneecapped the game before it could really succeed and become the massive esport its fans knew it could be."
"I don't think being cynical is bad; I think Blizzard has certainly earned the right for people to be cynical."
"Blizzard has been doing that for over a decade... developing a community over the last 10 years."
"Hopefully a real BlizzCon at some point in the not-too-distant future."
"Blizzard has managed to kill OverWatch twice."
"I think Blizzard actually took a massive move when they said, 'Hey, by the way, the light can be pretty darn evil.'"
"I care about the move to free to play which makes it easier than ever before to jump in and see what Blizzard's latest IP is all about."
"The Wrath of the Lich King expansion saw its release and Blizzard would once more break sales records."
"The Mists of Pandaria expansion would release in September and for the first time since the release of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, they saw an increase in subscriptions."
"Blizzard campus signs covered up by incensed employees."
"Blizzard are going hard to weave a serious historical mystery connecting Elementals, dragons, Geraldine, reichels, and ultimately humans."
"This Gap in history is the part that blizzard are really free to do whatever they want with and they're making it all about Evolution."
"For every video on my channel that you can find of me saying 'wow World of Warcraft is really good,' you're gonna find probably like five to six more of me saying 'yeah this isn't so good, Blizzard you should probably really fix this.'"
"I know it's crazy times, I know it's uncertain and scary and hard, but just know that we at Blizzard and all of our actors and people that we work with think of you and love you every day."
"Everything in Overwatch 2 has that absurd level of Blizzard polish."
"He is this 23-year veteran of Blizzard who was there from the very beginning."
"The raids opened up over time, a Blizzard tradition."
"Blizzard's name on any game was basically ironclad proof of quality."
"Blizzard misunderstands any criticism as from a place of loving the game."
"Regardless of motive, Blizzard's decision ultimately made a political statement."
"So it's not a system that's revolutionary it's not a system that Blizzard have spent weeks upon weeks and months upon months trying to conceive it's it is what it is a talent tree attached to a weapon and no more."
"I think the game's getting slept on. Blizzard doesn't do everything right but the feel of playing Overwatch is unlike any other game."
"This is an event for the most hardcore fans of Blizzard and their games where you can be the first to witness the latest game announcements from Blizzard."
"I think Blizzard is just too worried about people feeling too strong inside Torgast and then feeling too weak once they leave the place."
"Blizzard have the funds to survive several more years."
"Blizzard continued their crucible of storms gearing experiment... it's [expletive] awesome."
"During the blizzards, many Wyoming citizens unselfishly gave their time and resources to help those in need."
"There's no way Blizzard can nail balance at launch and then not have to alter it as the expansion grows."
"Honestly, yeah, they do actually, it's kind of embarrassing Blizzard."
"Twice as much money, but we turned them down to become Blizzard."
"This is a big move for Blizzard, they haven't done this in over a decade."
"It's great to see Blizzard craft epic moments."
"Blizzard and the Diablo 4 team have been hard at work developing Diablo 4."
"Torgast is still one of the most promising features that Blizzard has put in the game."
"Blizzard's reputation has never been worse."
"Seriously, when was the last time you just went into the Dairy Queen and got a Blizzard?"
"Maggie appeared through the blizzard like a ghost, her footsteps and profile having been hidden by the sheets of snow and ice falling all around us."
"The freezing precipitation was driven by howling winds creating blizzard-like conditions."
"I don't have a problem staying all day in the blizzard in the truck. I would be fine to spend days on end stuck in a blizzard in my truck."
"I cancelled my WoW sub because of the lawsuit. I'm upset about the treatment of Blizzard employees."
"So much talent that Blizzard is now actually creating crisis maps."
"blizzard polish best gaming industry"
"Arthas's story is one of the best character stories Blizzard ever made."
"It's very blizzardy. Why are we the only ones out here? Holy crap!"
"The blizzard of 2022 has been called the storm of a lifetime."
"Of all the nights I've spent in this tent, I've never spent one in there in a blizzard."
"Home alone with her young children during a blizzard, a mother tucks her son back into bed in the middle of the night."
"We're gonna do a little bit of fishing and we're going to enjoy a nice night throughout a blizzard."
"It's a blizzard here currently in Pennsylvania."
"Blizzard has released a rather long retrospective video which chronicles the rise of Blizzard and all sorts of wonderful trivia."
"You had true blizzard conditions here in a southern state, and that's pretty remarkable."
"I do really enjoy the overall theming of this water park because it's supposed to be like a blizzard just came through."
"The stories of survival became part of the legend of Blizzard '78."
"We have a huge blizzard moving in; they're calling for the biggest snowstorm in 150 years."
"Blizzard did a really good job with this new version, it's going to put it into a new league of popularity."
"In 1949, Wyoming experienced one of the worst blizzards of all time."
"I saw that in the news, there's a big blizzard going on."
"The weather forecasters say the blizzard conditions are set to continue."