
Community Safety Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"Police officers need more training, they need more access to less lethal weapons, they need more scenario-based things that cost money, therefore they can be better and proactive in the community."
"The cavalry's not coming. It's just us. They don't keep us safe. We keep ourselves safe. We protect us."
"My advice is not about how to grow your community... my advice is about how to stop innocent people from getting killed."
"Together we can work to redefine public safety so that it recognizes the humanity and the dignity of every person."
"It's an ongoing danger for everybody in these neighborhoods."
"I'm fighting to make sure that we have the resources to keep our communities safe and our police departments well-funded and well-trained."
"What makes a community safe is not the number of guns but the number of good schools, the number of good jobs, the number of educational opportunities, the number of opportunities people have for living a decent life."
"We must work together to create an America where everyone feels safe in their community, where children feel safe in their schools."
"Negligent immigration policies threaten the safety of our communities."
"It's good to see how vigilant certain spaces became about protecting young people and going after predators and other abusers."
"Local communities, local jurisdictions have a right and an obligation to know what threats are in their communities, so that they would know how to deal with them."
"Most of what police do could be done by people who aren't police."
"We see a lot less use of force and we see many fewer tragedies, thank God."
"It's not about you; it's about others. You might be very well safe from death or serious damage, but it's about protecting those around you."
"Universalize security by having people's taxes find like security guards, but for the whole public."
"This is not the time to have a party. Do not waste these resources or put your neighbors at risk."
"Policing is a problem. If you really want to stop violent criminal behavior, you want to protect, not police."
"The more people we have educated, the more safe the families are going to be."
"I had a person call me and say, 'Why don't you deputize citizens who have guns to come out and patrol the city of Kenosha?' And I'm like, 'Oh hell no.'"
"We're not going to vote for a party that promises me electricity and better submarines. I can live with that, but I can't live with radicals in my neighborhood."
"Rather than resignation, the answer is to start spending what we should have been spending all along on public health."
"We need to protect all kids. I'm not talking about just my kids. I'm talking about we need to protect all kids. They're the most innocent and vulnerable people in our communities."
"Stay at home, protect the NHS, and that is the way that we can all save lives and begin to turn the tide on the virus."
"Ending violence, stopping crime, and supporting victims and their families are the most sacred duties of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office."
"The health and safety of an entire community is put in jeopardy when it is led by staff who do not react to clear instances of abuse, especially the abuse of minors."
"The more and more people that can get vaccinated as a community, the community will be safer and safer."
"Every responsible gun owner, every single person, no American wants their kid to be in danger."
"Being invested in people's safety creates better communities."
"Giving them that help actually makes the community safer, and it's more effective, and it's cheaper than just going in and arresting people."
"We need to address the root causes of crime if we want to make communities safer."
"Putting women and children at serious risk in the community, we need to get on and get this national register really quick smart."
"We're actually able to prevent crimes and we can get these people off the street."
"One of the best ways to help any community is to put the dangerous people in that community in prison."
"I'm gonna further find that there aren't any other conditions that can protect the community from the risk of physical harm."
"Wash your hands, wear your mask, be rootin' and by God, be tootin'."
"Anyone who finds out there is an abuser around you, you always have a responsibility to your society and to your neighbors."
"Our message to DC residents continues to be help us prevent the spread of germs and stay informed."
"So do your part. That's how we will keep each other safe."
"There will always be a need for some form of policing."
"Stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives."
"We cannot depend on the police by any means at all to create safety for the people in our community."
"Thanks everybody for being vaccinated and mindful. Keep it up, please."
"Thank you so much for watching stay safe be good to each other and um Happy Will Smith Miss to you all."
"This is bigger than one candidate, this is a much bigger story about how we are going to build a bigger tent to let more Americans feel safe."
"We're gonna need to slow the spread, we're gonna flatten the curve, and save lives."
"Protecting yourself is protecting everybody else."
"Uncontrolled borders endanger our communities and the men and women who protect them."
"The safest and strongest communities don't have more police officers, they have better access to resources."
"Community defense operations involve protecting vulnerable people and activists who are threatened by fascists and state violence."
"This is sick, folks, and it's hurting our state and endangering our people, and it's got to end."
"You don't get to arrest a young black man for running through your neighborhood."
"I believe they are overwhelmingly worth it to slow the spread of the disease, to reduce the peak, to save life, minimize suffering, and to give our NHS the chance to cope."
"It's very important that we protect [faith communities] in these churches, these synagogues, these mosques, they are essential."
"The official reaction is we're always looking for somebody to be an extra set of eyes and ears to be a good witness we don't want anybody to put themselves into danger and risk getting hurt."
"We're not anti-police, we're anti-bad police who killed our children."
"We're asking people to do what they know they ought to, which is to stay at home."
"People are more vigilant than ever right now about stuff like this."
"Everybody's on edge because apparently a killer is running around just butchered someone yards away from our homes and he's still at large."
"Weather impacts your citizens' behavior in terms of the types of activities that they'll do, the energy utilization of your city, the work that the road maintenance building will do, and the accident prevalence in your community."
"We're going to make it clear that this president, this vice president, and this party will always stand with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line of law enforcement. We're going to back the blue."
"Violence against police, security guards, and civilians is completely unacceptable."
"It's about making sure that every person, no matter where they live, feels safe and supported in their community."
"You can want the police to stop crime in your neighborhood and also want them to stop using excessive force. You can want them to hunt down a killer on your streets and also want them to stop using racial profiling."
"We leave it to leaders and states to make decisions about what needs to be done to keep communities safe."
"Wearing simple face coverings is not about protecting ourselves; it is about protecting everyone we encounter."
"We welcome all races all religions all countries of origin all sexual orientations all genders we stand with you you are safe here."
"Duggar is neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk."
"Duggar poses no risk of flight or danger to the community."
"They're marching through residential neighborhoods. It's only a matter of time before somebody loses their life over this."
"Second chance hiring is about safer communities, a stronger workforce, and a thriving economy."
"Even if you like chrome, you probably would not be psyched to live near or have your kids' school near a chromium smelter or some other facility."
"We all want the same thing: a safer, less violent future."
"Communities are safer when they have more resources, not when they're over-policed."
"It is important for the community to know that anytime you're invited to a venue... everybody's responsibility to do everything that we can to keep them safe."
"The very best thing you can do in the state of Hawaii as a citizen to save the lives of our kupuna is to please stay at home and listen to what the governor asked us to do through April 30th."
"This is about national defense, about keeping communities safe and secure, and saving lives."
"The failed Biden border policy has made technology even more important to keep our American communities safe."
"I want them to catch whoever this is. I don't want them to spook them in any way."
"Captain Trower expresses his commitment to raising awareness among young people and safeguarding them against manipulation."
"Turning our streets and our communities, our neighborhoods and in our schools into war zones is unacceptable."
"We know for instance the lengthy incarceration periods do not make a community any safer."
"If it is acceptable for rioters to commit acts of violence against community members, then Portland is lost."
"Ring's mission is to make neighborhoods safer..."
"Who on Earth is going to want to live in a neighborhood already suffering from civil neglect if your solution is to send in armed thugs who simply ignore the law to enforce it?"
"Mass gunman comes up, everybody has a ring doorbell now. Well, Alex could have easily run."
"We need that type of response because there's been kids getting shot through the windows of housing."
"We need to be focused on securing our streets making sure no lives are lost because all black lives matter."
"A real Muslim is the safest neighbor to have. He's going to be the most fair person you'll ever meet if he's a real Muslim."
"I think it needs to be carried out on a federal level and we need to all band together to kind of make it hard for the guns to fall into the wrong hands."
"I'd really appreciate that they consider the magnitude of what they do and how not following safety precautions can really impact not only people, but whole, whole communities and not just one generation, but generations to come."
"Certainly we want everybody to get vaccinated and more people are vaccinated whether they are migrants or whether they are workers protects more people in the United States."
"Staying at home, practicing vigorous hygiene, and maintaining social distance is the most effective weapon in this war."
"We can't allow bad officers to rule the day... it starts with these good cops getting these bad seeds out of here."
"We must stay at home to protect our NHS and save lives."
"We've got to take the precautions we need to protect ourselves, but also to protect other people."
"We all expect police officers to protect and serve their local community and to keep us all safe from danger."
"Following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms our rights our values as a country."
"I will defend our borders and our neighborhood streets, and I will protect our most fundamental right: the right to life itself."
"Our kids, families, and communities deserve to live without the worry of gun violence."
"If you follow the advice, you are saving somebody's life. It's as simple and as stark as that."
"If you see something, if you know something, say something."
"We need an all-out effort to defeat violent crime in America."
"The people of a city have to believe and trust that their Police Department is looking after their best interest."
"It's time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland."
"This is not just about me and Pyro, this is about the safety of kids in our community."
"We pray for justice for Kendall and security for the smallest Among Us."
"The good news: this rise in weaponry and federal assaults rarely makes its way into the Loretto community."
"My promise to you is this: I will fix our city's broken roads, improve our school test scores, and crack down on violent crime."
"The surgical mask is basically protecting other people around you."
"Your government is 100% committed to bringing jobs and safety and opportunity back to where you live."
"We can make our community safer, our family stronger."
"The streets of Raleigh are safe once again Joanne Reilly is back to reading the news online and often recalls her days as an amateur detective."
"Zero cases means they will be taken outside of the neighborhood."
"We're thankful to be able to deliver a very important message about safe communities, the rule of law, and standing by the people that wear the uniform."
"Ballroom trains us to be safe, to be able to say, you know what, I'm strong enough to walk a ball, I'm strong enough to stand in society."
"PPE is about protecting the people who protect us."
"The sheriff stressed how crucial it is for such tips to be sent to authorities while also cautioning against spreading social media rumors."
"When we tell people to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives, we know it has a real cost to your families and to your firms."
"We're using every resource at our disposal to keep Angelenos safe."
"This is a game changer... It makes them safer because the community safer and allows us to make that apprehension here in the border zone." - Border Patrol Agent
"Arizona, along with America, needs a proven conservative fighter that's going to stand up for the people."
"Let's fix our borders and let's secure our communities and stop American lives from being claimed by these fentanyl poisons and Other Drugs."
"We must dig deep for solutions that will work and not simply heed the calls to arrest and incarcerate our way out of this."
"You guys be safe stay vigilant carry a gun to keep you your friends or family your community safe that's what it's for it's not going anywhere it doesn't matter with the ATF and their merry men think."
"Unfortunately they've been roving bands of Biden's just lurking around the neighborhood sniffing children."
"Most of us have been given the booster doses so precautionary doses have been taken by most of us now."
"We all have to assume that we're a super spreader and mask up accordingly."
"One act of wrongdoing shouldn't jeopardize an entire community's safety."
"Those things aren't supposed to happen here in this community."
"Credibly accused sex offenders should not coach youth basketball girls or boys without deeper investigation. Can't we all agree on that?"
"We are only as safe as the least insured person in America."
"Let's talk about things like body cameras, tackling police unions, higher standards for officers."
"As we do better as a community, as always, stay safe out there."
"Snitches get stitches, and by stitches I mean get to put away a dangerous predator."
"We will never accept or tolerate hate or violence of any kind in our great city. It goes against every fiber of who we are."
"We know how to decrease crime. We've done it recently and we've done it in multiple jurisdictions."
"Crime under control allows kids to concentrate in school in ways that they just wouldn't be able to if violence was more prevalent."
"We believe in law and order. We support the men and women of law enforcement, and we stand with the citizens in every city, and every community, and every part of our country who wish to live in safety, security, dignity, and peace."
"Cracking down on gun traffickers, putting more cops on the beat, investing in community anti-crime programs."
"I am relieved that this dangerous will be off the streets and unable to violently assault women with the help of Scientology."
"Having an officer like Dion Joseph has made us feel much safer here at Union Rescue Mission."
"I would rather live in a society that has a neighborhood watch rather than a bunch of cameras on every street pole."
"As long as I'm president, America will see a land of fair laws, swift justice, and Safe Communities."
"You can't harbor a welcoming Community while also advocating to dox or end people's lives because you disagree with them."
"We're not going to do that now when you can't even go to Linux Mall or Flips Plaza without being scared you're going to get jacked so we're not we're not going to do that okay."
"How did I let a killer slip into the neighborhood?"
"If you see something suspicious, report it. Don't stay silent."
"Throw that out the window. You might end up saving lives because you said something."
"Black men died for that, you able to walk down the street unaccosted because black men took care of that before you were born."
"I consider inner city shootings to be as serious as police shootings, and I want to solve both problems at the same time."
"The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as their president I will fight to keep them safe." - Trump
"If the local boogeyman came out of retirement and joined forces with a disgruntled auto mechanic to wreak havoc on your community, what would you do?"
"So when you finish praying, get up off of your knees, and damn it, get something done to protect innocent people in innocent places."
"We have a duty to protect everyone, especially during Christmas time."
"Re-prioritize the budget and reimagine what policing can be."
"It's about reimagining what police actually do."
"Nothing's more important than keeping our community safe."
"If at some time in the future he presented as being no longer mentally ill and no longer dangerous, then he may be allowed to return to the community."
"I believe they literally saved lives, having taken down the suspect with a loaded firearm, still in the building."
"Let peace reign... we can't afford for Lagos to be on fire." - Call for peace and order
"You can protect potential victims while still warning the community about someone who's out there."
"It's not about getting justice for mom and Chip. We got that in 2014. This hearing was about safety for our family and our friends and the community of Davis."
"I'm glad everyone's okay. A Walmart catching fire is pretty scary. This is little Tangie's little juice, oh my goodness, this is so..."
"We're going to get all of the things that we want to do, whether it's transportation, whether it's safety, whether it's law and order."
"We need to invest in housing, education, mental health care, and community programs that will keep us safe, not investment in new and expensive technologies to criminalize us further."
"Our top priority at Twitch is keeping our community safe and healthy."
"No one in our community, not a mother, not a nine-year-old, certainly not news professionals, should become the victim of gun violence."
"The people living in the suburbs... no longer have to live with lawlessness."
"They're deflecting away from these white supremacist suspect males running around here doing what they do."
"Black society, we don't want to live next door to criminals, so the criminal sector who lives into the lower income sections of black society, black folks can't get protection from these people."
"Evil indeed lurks in our communities, and without the brave men and women of law enforcement, we could not contain it."
"We're not going to allow kids to shoot up each other or shoot up neighborhoods. It's just not happening."
"Take pictures, take videos, report this stuff. If you see something, say something."
"Empowering parents to protect their kids, making sure communities share information that could save lives."
"A lot of satisfaction out of taking these people off the street, a lot."
"Evil lurks in our communities. Evil is a person who holds a gun to the head of a three-month-old."
"Everyone wants a thriving, safe community, but some people believe that safety comes from funding already bloated police budgets."
"We could just be doing better by educating the community on the signs and indicators of somebody that might be mobilizing to violence."
"Law enforcement has been doing tremendous work trying to keep us all safe but it's not fair to put all of this on them."
"We should be able to feel safe in our grocery stores, in our schools, in our movie theaters, and in our communities."
"If CHOP has taught us anything, it's that the same people who want to abolish the police are the first to ask where they are when the safety of them or their loved ones are jeopardized."
"The order aims to better protect overburdened communities from pollution."
"All it takes is one cray-cray person and I just can't. I don't know, you need like a maximum security facility, exactly."
"Pulling the police back from these communities would make it far more difficult for these communities to have the equal opportunity and full participation in the American dream they deserve."
"We gotta quit killing each other. I mean, you see what I'm saying?"
"You might harm somebody else. We need your help to catch that man."
"Certain communities need to be excessively monitored and reported upon because of this idea of pre-criminality."
"We believe it's extremely important that we let the Tampa community know that the person responsible for this heinous crime is off the streets tonight."
"Providing more power to local law enforcement is not going to fix delinquency."
"Don't threaten violence. Don't attack people. Don't throw projectiles at people."
"Gun crime in the city fell by almost 60 percent over the next two years."
"You're not going to get a handle on the crime problem unless you get a handle on the drug problem."
"When it comes to dealing with crime, we're all in this together."
"Gotham gave me everything. It deserves to feel safe."
"While you're living your best life, who's watching? Somebody's also gotta still be the Watchmen on the wall."
"Come get you a shot, save a life, save your own life and save somebody else."
"That felt really nice. Fire station, everyone is protected, everyone is happy."
"Stay safe, stay home, stay indoors. We're gonna have a much bigger impact in this scenario if we stay safe, stay home, stay home, stay safe."