
Peaceful Protest Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"I support the right to protest, I support the right to peaceful protest."
"Hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage. We chanted, people beeped and cheered along. We were passionate, we were loud, we were loving. Cover this too, please. #BlackLivesMatter."
"The way we win this is by passively, with smiles on our faces, speaking up about what we believe in when we want to."
"The overwhelming majority who have taken to the streets and protest peacefully, I hear you, I see you, I respect you, and I support your efforts to enact real structural change in America."
"The military's violence against peaceful protesters is becoming increasingly systematic, lethal, and widespread."
"Protesting police brutality is also a good thing, provided you do it peacefully."
"We exercised our first amendment rights there was no pepper spray, no chemicals used, no confrontations. We got our point across and it showed the greatness of America."
"Black Lives Matter as an organization is about peaceful protests and is about bringing awareness."
"We condemn any intimidation of judges... Peaceful protest should be allowed... It is the intimidation and the violence that we condemn."
"Peaceful demonstration, civil disobedience is also a part of democracy."
"Working toward a better city and a better nation, I want to thank everybody who has expressed their views peacefully and who has worked for change in this long, complex week in the city and in this nation. I can tell you that it is making a huge difference."
"We are disciplined in fighting this COVID. We are disciplined in having our right to protest, but doing it peacefully and in a way that respects law and order."
"Violence is destructive and against the law. It has no place in peaceful protests seeking justice." - President Joe Biden
"I made a speech. I said walk peacefully and patriotically."
"I'm not committing a crime, I just want to exercise my rights here peacefully."
"I want to be out there but I'm scared for my safety and for the safety of my children because of the coronavirus."
"Colin Kaepernick tried to peacefully protest and took a knee on Sundays."
"Peaceful protesters are out there trying to make this country a more perfect union, trying to make sure that their Black and Brown daughters and sons are safe and survive police encounters."
"The president has been very clear that peaceful protests are the bedrock of our democracy."
"The president has recognized... the protests are peaceful."
"Branding peaceful protesters as terrorists is a tactic commonly used in autocratic societies, not in democracies."
"Riots should be peaceful; I have to remember that."
"Peaceful protests, my friends... thank you all who came out to peacefully protest and then went home."
"Our city is calm now... thank you all who came out to peacefully protest and then went home."
"I am inspired by peaceful protest; whoever may protest for it, I'm inspired."
"It's not about the money, it's about the principle of the matter."
"They're trying to put you in prison because they don't like you and they want to send a message to others."
"It's a peaceful assembly. This is what we do as Americans."
"Violence is not acceptable, and protests should be peaceful."
"Filming the military installation in a public area is a form of peaceful expression and is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution."
"Non-violence of disobedience is the mechanism by which we allow people to protest the system."
"The constitution guarantees every Nigerian citizen the right to protest at any time as long as it is peaceful."
"It's totally possible to support the overwhelming amount of peaceful protests that BLM did."
"The majority of people, remember, two million plus people marching on the streets peacefully. Those are reasonable people, those are the people that I stand with."
"As Americans, we have the right to protest peacefully. Those who are violent are not protesters but instead terrorists."
"Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly."
"For four years, Kaepernick peacefully started a protest against police brutality. Four years later, nothing has changed."
"I'm just trying to exercise my rights peacefully."
"If every single person said no and peacefully protested, it'd be over overnight."
"Most did not come here to cause trouble. Most came here to protest in the manner that I've advocated for years."
"Peaceful demonstrations work, it is probably the most powerful thing you can do."
"Peaceful protests actually work because it shifts perception."
"The peaceful exercise of our first amendment rights."
"Portland sees peaceful night of protests following protesters stopping antifa from targeting the federal courthouse."
"Demonstrating at the capitol in a peaceful and patriotic way is part of our nation's history."
"You can judge a movement by its behavior, and the young Patriots here today don't destroy property, you don't burn buildings, you don't punish dissenters, and you don't try to erase the people with whom you disagree."
"I think peaceful protests do seem to lead to advancing justice."
"Many of you now will peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices may be heard."
"Peaceful protests are good for our country; this right should be respected by all persons."
"It's just so hard to see those videos with police officers doing that shit to people that are just out there protesting peacefully."
"They weren't a threat, they were saying look, don't blow up this beautiful planet."
"This is a revolution, this is a real riot, and it's being done peacefully and legally through the system they built."
"They've demonized a group of people who are just sat there minding their own business."
"99% of that was peaceful protest and has to be respected."
"We did it, guys! We won! We are exercising our rights peacefully."
"Take to the streets peacefully because we don't need violence to spread our message."
"We don't need arms to fight this battle we don't need or what we need is Justice."
"Exercising your constitutional rights constitutionally is predicated on peaceful non-violent protests."
"I'm really impressed that this whole body of people has reacted peacefully intelligently but with force."
"Keep standing up for what you believe in and keep doing it peacefully."
"Leadership matters and you can have political disagreements and you can protest and you can protest loudly and noisily and do so in a peaceful way."
"Ariana held a peaceful protest calling for justice for Amari."
"Boycotting has worked in the past as a peaceful protest method."
"We're supporting peaceful demonstrators by ensuring their voices can be heard and that those seeking to exploit this situation are held to account."
"Instead of picking up a bottle a torch a brick instead of beating people down or going and protesting let's do the sensible thing and actually make progress and change."
"Nobody's breaking into windows and looting shops."
"It has to be in a peaceful manner. It's important, please voice your opinions."
"Implicit in the pursuit of this exchange is the privilege to dissent and demonstrate in a peaceful and non-disruptive manner without unreasonable obstruction or hindrance."
"The New York Times editorial board put out an editorial backing the truckers and saying that they had the right to peaceful protest."
"Organized and committed boycotts are essential for peaceful revolution."
"This is what drew hundreds of thousands of people to Ottawa - for peace, unity, and freedom."
"As long as those people remain peaceful... that is just great."
"The First Amendment gives you the right to peaceful protest and to redress your grievances."
"Peaceful non-compliance is the secret, based in love and following the example set by Christ."
"Protesting peacefully, that's a big, big, big point."
"Protesting is beautiful; you have every right to do it peacefully."
"Protests should be peaceful and polite, that's in the Constitution."
"We're not here to fight, but to make our voices heard and demand change."
"Trump is talking about let's march peacefully and patriotically."
"There's nothing wrong with protesting as long as it's peaceful. Don't harm local businesses."
"Our rally was intended with peaceful actions."
"You are welcome to come down to our picket line...come and picket with us peacefully."
"Expressions of concern, when people see this video, we urge that they be peaceful and non-violent." - U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland
"Peaceful non-compliance has always, always, always been the objective here."
"I want to be part of a movement that's ready to fight encroaching fascism, non-violently and lawfully."
"We sent a message without violence, just like you wanted. You're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt."
"This nation was built on Peaceful protests. No elected officials should lose their job simply for raising their voice."
"The object was not to go out there and try to stir [ __ ] up, the object was to go out there and support the blue."
"They should at least know about our rights here, they should honor their oath and do the right thing and not violate our rights, especially when we're exercising them peacefully."
"Peaceful protests are a cornerstone of our democracy."
"I'm not going to use the platform that I have to distract from the obviously overwhelming peaceful protests."
"Organize, fight back peacefully, take your power back."
"Peaceful civil disobedience does work and has worked throughout history."
"You get Freedom by [ __ ] taking it, taking it in a peaceful way that says leave me alone."
"Anti-Putin, anti-war demonstrations organized by Russian citizens."
"I support the BLM movement period. I support peacefully demonstrating."
"When we hear stories coming out about this, we need to keep in mind Martin Luther King's peaceful protests."
"Let's hold the line peacefully and say no. Remember the Norwegian pots and pans protest? That's the kind of peaceful action we need."
"If you come together if you get loud enough if you're peaceful you're not gonna win every fight but you have a lot better chance than sitting there and taking it up the butt from from the billionaire class."
"We reiterate our call to cease the unlawful detention of peaceful protesters and the leaders of the civilian government."
"The lethal use of force against peaceful demonstrators is unacceptable."
"And this guy back here, we're going to find out your name, where you live, and we're going to do a protest, a peaceful protest in the sidewalk, public property, right in front of your house."
"Not violence, not looting, not lawlessness, but peaceful democratic demonstration."
"Donald Trump is an ally of peaceful protests? That's interesting, seeing as the world witnessed him malign and degrade peaceful protests in the NFL."
"Non-violent resistance to rise up against tyranny."
"I am asking for everyone at the US Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, we are the party of Law and Order. Respect the law and our great men and women in blue. Thank you!"
"It has been just kind of a very peaceful chanting."
"We are a nation of laws, and a peaceful protest is fine."
"For most people, this was an act of peaceful protest that remarkably didn't turn violent."
"I respect your rights to protest," she said, "and I am glad to see that all of you did so in a peaceful and respectful manner."
"I like the fact that he did it in a peaceful way yes and so that should be appreciated uh as a matter of fact I like his hair too."
"I support the cause. It's 99% peaceful people out there just speaking up."
"I'm not talking about being mean, I'm not talking about a revolution with guns and overthrowing anything, I'm not talking about any of that."
"I'm not going to fight this. I'm going to protest non-violently."
"Her quiet refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger sparked a powerful and influential boycott."
"I refuse to accept that he is being chased because he peacefully demonstrated his position vis-a-vis the destiny of this nation, which is a fundamental human right of anybody."
"The nature of their resistance is to be very polite and completely peaceful but also full of conviction."
"Black Lives Matter is a peace-loving organization modeled on the principles of Ella Baker."
"If you are the police, pause and reflect: how great is the country whose constitution endorses peaceful protests?"
"Sheriff Swanson made national headlines for taking off his riot gear during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest here in Flint and marching with his fellow citizens."
"We need to be able to petition our grievances peacefully to our government."
"Keep protesting peacefully to spread a message that you believe in."
"Americans have the right to peacefully protest as long as it's within the law and that it's peaceful."
"He took pains in the speech to say that he wanted them to march peacefully."
"I also believe very strongly the university students should engage in peaceful protests."
"There's ways to rebel without violence."
"The white paper revolution has planted the seeds of non-violence and non-cooperation."
"They changed the minds of people who said they never would, using no guns or bombs or planes, but words."
"The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights, including the right of peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their own future."
"The vast majority of people on these protests are peaceful."
"The leaderships of those organizations did not go on an equipment drive; they put those young lads down the pathway of peaceful protest."
"We're changing up in terms of our methods, nonviolent civil disobedience, the same thing that worked for the suffragettes, for Martin Luther King, for Gandhi, and many others besides."
"Denounce anti-Semitism and violence, defend the right to peacefully protest."
"The lack of violence in Czechoslovakia's uprising earned it the nickname The Velvet Revolution."
"Peaceful protest is what this country's built on."
"We are going to demand our rights peacefully, non-violently and we shall win!"
"The demonstrations were peaceful and no arrests had been made."
"I enjoyed seeing the peaceful protests that's going on in our city here."
"What an amazing turnout there was, thousands of people hitting the street in the Canary Islands, and it was so peaceful and everybody was so friendly."
"The protesters were peaceful and that is what the majority of people has said."