
Consumer Power Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"We ought to use our purchasing power to drive these corporations... they're not gonna be held accountable otherwise."
"In a market system, the consumer is king... the consumer goes into the market and with every dollar he votes on 'I want this; I don't want this.' That's how a market system works; it's a very free and democratic system in this sense."
"We don't understand the power we have as consumers, and we've just fallen victim to these mega corporations."
"You're already voting every day without your knowledge with your own hard-earned dollars."
"If you start bringing in these extreme agendas and censorship... people will and now are, because they weren't before, they will vote with their pocketbooks."
"The best boycott is just to use the money that you would spend here and spend it with somebody that really cares about you."
"The biggest check on the website is users voting with their time and their dollars."
"80% of the global consumers are women today, and they are powerful. They have more money than before. 64% of the university graduates are women, so the future is female."
"You can vote every single day with the power of your wallet."
"We still have some power. Stop being complacent and stop shopping at places like Erewhon."
"You have to vote now with your paychecks, you have to vote with your wallet."
"Consumers made that happen... there was a serious outpouring of positive feedback on the idea of a PC version of Dark Souls, and now it's happening."
"In the end, the consumer always has the final say."
"We have power as consumers to vote with our wallets... that's likely the only way to see NASCAR gaming improve or even come remotely close to where it was at its peak."
"As a consumer, there's only one thing we can do at the end of the day, and that's vote with our dollar."
"You're the consumer, it's your money that speaks, it's your money that talks."
"You're like an elephant and your molars are gonna wear out."
"We spend a lot of money at your restaurant, do what I say."
"80 percent of the global consumers are women today and they are powerful they have more money than before."
"There's real momentum behind the Bud Light boycott."
"The most power that we have is our wallet, where we're spending our time and where we're spending our money. That has the most. That is how you vote, right? That is the best way to vote."
"You have all the power, and it's really important that you understand that when you make a purchase."
"Vote with your wallet as well as at the polls."
"Your silver has become draw your US dollar is so inflated you can't afford to buy baby powder."
"We as viewers have the ultimate power by being selective of who we choose to watch."
"You can put your money where your mouth is; you can vote with your dollars."
"We boycotted Bud Light we took 27 billion dollars off the market cap of the world's biggest beer company."
"Nobody can keep them accountable except for the customers."
"The consumer 100 percent has realized that the power lies within them."
"Gamers should make their voices heard and more importantly vote with their wallets."
"Your money is a vote for what kind of future you want."
"I am a firm believer of voting with your money."
"If players simply didn't buy these crates, they would not be added into games in future."
"When you buy something, you're voting for it."
"The consumer has the power. The consumer has always had the power." - Nathan
"SBI detected is but one more avenue that would allow people to better speak with their wallets and that is something that the ideologically driven cannot abide."
"Consumers should pull content through distribution frameworks."
"We need to hold companies accountable and let them know publicly on Twitter, writing letters, voting with your dollar..."
"Customers are the ones with the power. Unless the community rises up... companies like EA will continue to do so."
"If they don't figure out a way to become better with us and they keep playing these games they may lose their people."
"We're gonna stay the course with the ship and as the economy recovers so will our stock."
"Every time you spend a dollar on a product, you're voting."
"Speak with your voice, vote with your wallet."
"The only way is economic. Vote with your money. Put your money where you want it to go, where it supports your best interest."
"You as a consumer actually have more power than even the original creator of the game series."
"I've just quite simply learned that the high street won't work unless people want it to. Basically, it's up to the customers, not the traders."
"Pull up or shut up. Vote with your wallets. No receipts, no purchase."
"The only upside for these corporations is to support the wokeness. If conservatives start boycotting legitimately hardcore boycotting being like I will never buy from you again, they'll feel the pain and they'll apologize."
"Every time you got a hot little dollar or peso a yen or a yuan in your hand you have the power to determine what you do with it."
"That's why it's so damn important to vote with your dollar."
"We can strive for better, and vote with our dollars."
"If everyone voted with their fork you know what the food industry would have to listen okay because ultimately we are the not the 2000 pound gorilla we are the 200 million ton gorilla if we actually exerted our collective uh willpower."
"That's how you vote with your dollars everybody."
"You vote with your dollars, you know what I mean?"
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"Voting with your dollar is sometimes more important than just actually voting."
"Boycotts work because that's what hits any kind of business where it hurts."
"Just imagine if you stopped watching their stuff or stop buying their products for a day or two - they will collapse."
"Voting with our wallet is the only way to make you listen."
"This boycott matters. It does. It matters because it's obviously not just about one beer company. It's about making a statement."
"Vote with your dollars with the local gardener, the local rancher, the local farmers market."
"You can literally vote with your dollars to say to corporate America, 'Hey, I'd like you to custom-fit an environment for me.'"
"I believe that's consumer activism because that's really one of the few weapons that you have."
"It's not about AMD winning, it's about competition. GPU pricing war is good for everyone. You guys win, we win."
"Voting with your wallet has become more powerful. Bad products don't sell."
"We're going to force Disney to take you seriously."
"We could crush this. We have that ability as consumers."
"Conservatives need to be a threat... corporations need to understand that we are a large consumer block."
"Vote with your money: your spending matters twelve hundred times more than theirs."
"You need to be able to vote with your fee or vote with your dollars."
"We do have the power as consumers to influence decisions."
"It's pretty cool to be part of a world where consumer activism actually makes a difference."
"Just do the research... every dollar you spend in life is a vote."
"Vote with your dollar, vote with your actions."
"Boycotts like the one that's happening to Bud Light are so important."
"How you spend your money is how you vote, if you want to see more of something, you spend money on it."
"Don't give them your money, that's not voting with your dollars."
"By choosing to spend your money wisely, you can promote those companies that do business in a socially responsible way."
"There's just no amount of advertisements that can overcome feeling disrespected."
"The only way you actually get these companies to respond and do the right thing is by blowing it up in their face as some bad PR kind of having to expose them."
"If you have nothing to hide then give up a free sample baby you got that blue magic right prove it quit being scared and compete for my dollar."
"Use the buying power that you do have to show what you're invested in."
"The best thing about a free market is that if people don't like this they can solve the problem very easily."
"If we can provide, as consumers, a demand for those more sustainable products, it becomes easier for them to do those jobs in improving those systems."
"Remember that you have power in your dollars, so make sure to spend it wisely."
"Every dollar you lay down is a vote for what you believe in."
"We hold the power, and if we see ourselves as citizen consumers and if we vote with our dollars, we can change the industry."
"If we don't buy into the product, it's just never going to happen."
"You get to vote with your dollars and that vote will always go through and it will always take the effect that you want it to. You vote with your dollars, that's how it works."
"If everybody says, 'Look man, we not spending our money at Walmart because they don't want to give the employees a raise,' and nobody starts going to Walmart, guess what they gonna do? They gonna give them people a raise."
"Power Ledger: Democratizing energy supply, empowering consumers with cheaper electricity."
"Hey guys, if we learned anything from Sonic the Hedgehog is that we can bully movie studios into fixing these things before release."
"Money is designed to dictate what is produced in society by letting people vote with their wallets."
"Let people make the makeup... if it sucks then we won't buy it again."
"Buy the game if you want to shape the industry."
"With iOS 14.5, Apple's putting some of the power back in the hands of the users."
"If you have the option to leave as a client or customer, that would have a strongly limiting effect on what a business can get away with."
"You vote with your wallet and your attention."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"Ultimately, the consumer votes, and if we create great hits, consumers will show up."
"In just a few short years, YouTube had caused a transfer of power from toy and network executives to nine-year-olds and their families."
"The fans were the ones who paid the bills all those years."
"We can vote with our dollars, we can vote with our choices."
"You don't want to promote me and my image? Fine, but you're not gonna get my money either."
"Vote with your wallets. If you like something, support it. If you don't, walk away."
"Consumer backlash will do a lot to dissuade bad behavior."
"Voting with your dollar is always important."
"Vote with your dollars, most powerful thing we could possibly do."
"This is why there is no sort of price floor there is no price ceiling it's just whatever people are willing to pay for it so humans decide and they always will."
"Every four years they need you, CD Project Red needs you more than you need them."
"You're using your money as a weapon of war. Only do business with businesses that share your values."
"The advertiser boycott is a slightly indirect way of actually at least attempting to get back some of the power that individuals have lost over the last 40-50 years."
"Our role as consumers is much more powerful than we think."
"We as consumers have the ability to stop this [ __ ] for good, and we're the only ones who can do that."
"We can vote with our votes but we can also vote with our dollars."
"The more we direct our dollars to those models, the more they're going to blossom."
"It will not change until we stop buying into their games."
"If you can't get the deal you like, just walk away—it's a buyers market."
"Your dollar matters we don't have to keep asking them to cover our stuff so please support us in what we do."
"We got to take power out of the corporations. You guys saw what went on with Tyson Foods. Okay, they don't care about you. They just want your money. As soon as we pull our money away, they're going to start caring."
"Making it yourself allows you to control the ingredients."
"It implies that if you can teach people at any given cognitive level to work harder, that is one pathway to genuine success."
"What an amazing world where the power is in the consumer."
"If we are going to reward companies with our eyeballs and with our dollars, we must have the guts to say what is being returned to us."
"This is economics. Like so, we control economics and it's time for us to take more control of our own destiny and really understand our value and start asserting it."
"Let the customers decide. If they don't want it, they won't buy it."
"Fair game or not, it was out of line. Their consumers are going to speak loudly."
"The best vote that anyone can make is with their pocketbook."
"When a company does something that we don't like, vote with your wallet."
"You have the power, just like PayPal struggled when everyone started canceling, they lost six billion dollars."
"You vote with your dollar and you follow the money and you ask questions and really that can solve so many things."
"Use your power as a consumer to make a difference."
"The consumer, that's you, has the ultimate power."
"The market responds to consumer requests around more sustainable sourcing."
"Black voters are the consumers, you don't blame the consumer when they stop buying the product, you fix the product."
"You as the customers, you have the ultimate choice and you really dictate who stays in business."
"I believe private businesses should do whatever they want to do, but also as consumers, we can criticize them and we could leave them, we could join them, we could do whatever we want."
"We need to take note that says okay you're going to pull your contract and we won't buy your products."
"Chances are most of us are consumers so if you're a consumer you have a considerable amount of power to change the system you just have to change your relationship with the system so instead of being a consumer you should be a producer."
"The clearest message you can send is not spending money with the company if you don't believe in their strategy going forward."
"We should be able to vote with our feet or vote with our dollars."
"People voted with their dollar, that's for sure."
"Vote with your wallet if you want to see change."
"The best vote that we can make is with our money."
"Competition allows for us the people to hold these big companies accountable."
"The threat is real, that if enough people get pissed off and they boycott your product, it's going to have financial repercussions."
"With enough public pressure, you can make a company do anything basically."
"The same community that represents 14% of the population and spends over $1.4 trillion a year is still the most economically undervalued and underserved at every level."
"The longer you see people on unemployment, the less spending power they have."
"Every purchase you make... you're voting with your dollars."
"Empowering the consumer is paramount, spend your hard-earned money right."
"It's the people going to the banks and saying, 'You better fix this or we're going to fix it.'"
"Stop supporting these games, stop buying them. It's the only way we'll get a product we want."
"Once you group up, it's very easy for a large group of consumers... to actually combat big corporations."
"Your dollar is a vote, and this is happening. We're already seeing sustainable brands have this surge into the market."
"Voting with your wallet is the best way to institute change in our democracies."
"If we all decide to not consume any given product, we could make a huge difference."
"You have the power to vote with your dollars."
"Corporations can do whatever they want but they have to remember that people get to vote with their dollar and if you cross too many of your people uh like if you had a pie chart."
"If you're gonna get my [ __ ] dollars you're going to do it my way."
"Vote with your wallet, you can actually vote for games to exist."
"Standing on the promises of God that we can't fall."
"The consumer is always right because you're always spending the money."
"If you don't want to support what it is they're doing, don't give them the money. It really boils down to that simple."
"I would argue it's at least in part due to the paradigm of customer as king or the customer is always right."
"As a consumer, I have more power than I thought. I don't have to just worship a company; they have to show me that they deserve my money."
"The best way to send a signal is to vote with your pocketbook."
"We all need to vote with our dollars; every dollar we spend sends a message."
"When it comes to buying a vehicle at this point in time, you are absolutely in the driver's seat."
"What needs to happen to put more power back in the hands of consumers when they're buying and selling homes?"
"The power has moved away from the brands and it's moved into the hands of the consumer and into the hands of the creator."
"If we just had a nationwide blackout, no more Instagram, no more Facebook, to show you the power of the consumer when there is unification."
"The only thing these studios understand is money. And the minute you start taking that away, that is the only way you can communicate to them what you like and what you don't like, and what you want to see more of."
"I think talking about the Land Grant, the power is with the farmers and the community and the consumers. If they change, we will change, too, as Land Grants."
"Your dollars matter and they cannot profit, they cannot grow, they cannot benefit if enough people say 'fuck you, I'm done with your shit,' period."
"The power lies with the consumer. And these credit bureaus, they have to play by the rules."
"Your vote at the ballot box may not mean much anymore, but you know what vote really makes them listen? Your dollar."
"You can't dictate what wrestling should or shouldn't be. You don't get to, the audience does. Business 101: The consumer determines what will be produced."
"If we're not being treated fairly by brands that we should weaponize our dollars and not spend."
"If people just go, 'You know what? That price is stupid. I'm not paying it,' and just refuse to pay it and don't buy it, guess what? They're going to have to lower the price or they won't sell."
"Well in this case people vote with their dollars."
"Boycotts work. McDonald's sales have dropped. Starbucks has suffered losses in the billions."
"But the most important thing is, is like learning how to help yourself. And I'm gonna say that's more important than what's going on in the system because the system, I mean, we can break it. The consumers are in control. We're the majority here."
"The best way to get your voice heard is to stop giving them your money."
"Vote with your wallet; put your money where your mouth is."
"That's insane, like the fact that Taylor Swift made one announcement and it made Apple, the trillion-dollar company, change their minds."
"Welcome to how the consumer controls the economy."
"When the people start voting with their dollar in different ways, then it kind of forces the top-down changes to occur."
"It sends a clear signal to companies that you don't agree with their business practices."
"I'm basically voting with my money."
"People can vote with their pocketbook."
"Directing the spending power towards greener products and services with lesser impact on the environment would have a huge direct environmental benefit."
"Remember, guys, your dollar is your vote. What you spend your money on matters so much."
"You have the right to vote with your wallet... you do not have the right to harass other people."
"If we can make the industry better by putting pressure on primary producers... I think that's a really good thing."
"Your wallet does have voting power."
"We have a much more tight leash on entrepreneurs as consumers than we have as voters over politicians."
"The really exciting thing about retail today is that the power is back in the consumer."
"When you vote with your dollar for their product, you're literally changing their entire life."
"We're not going to change the government, we're not going to change the food industry, we can't pass laws; laws do no good. The only thing that works is a change in consumer behavior."