
Prudence Quotes

There are 909 quotes

"There's no shame in avoiding a fight you can't win."
"Don't spend things you can't afford. That's probably the best advice I can give."
"Frugality may be termed the daughter of prudence, the sister of temperance, and the parent of liberty."
"I've offered advice that I thought was pretty sound, like 'don't do stupid stuff.'"
"He should not be afraid to be thought of as mean, as giving liberally and spending freely will lead to ruin."
"It's always better to carefully contemplate all of the possible outcomes and consequences of your actions, and then respond after careful consideration."
"The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps." - Proverbs 14:15
"Risk is fine as long as you take it in a reasonable dosage."
"Never to buy a full bottle but to buy a sampler... it's better to get a free sampler if anything."
"Don't fall into that trap of, 'Well, I can spend it all now.' Look, I can spend it all now and I can just pay it all off or pay what I need to pay because there's a check coming in two weeks. Don't do that, please. Only spend what is necessary."
"Whatever you do, always err on the side of caution. Always be prudent."
"Prudence is the answer... I think prudence is the answer."
"Exercising caution and making sure that you have strong fundamentals... especially prudent in today's day and age."
"Smart racecraft as you said there, Jeremy. That was smart. He lived to fight another day. No point in going side by side through turn seven and risking it all with 90 minutes still to run on the clock."
"Walking away from something when you know it's bad can be a good thing."
"It's really scary how universal that advice is, but that's what I would do."
"I'd much rather be too long than not long enough."
"Prudence is never easy, it's by definition hard."
"Have a backup plan. Have an insurance policy."
"Don't rush when buying your first home, folks."
"As long as you don't go overboard, there is no downside to being prepared."
"Make sure you have cash to cover emergencies."
"I made six figures on this trade, and I didn't want to be greedy."
"Plan accordingly. A prudent man prepares when he sees the day coming."
"Better to take more time right now than chase some silly spelling errors later on."
"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer."
"I would definitely never buy something that's already done this right. I'd rather buy a pullback or dip in the market."
"Keep money in your pocket and sex in your body."
"I'd rather be off the bandwagon one year too early than one year too late."
"I think it actually would be a very smart move."
"There's never been somebody that's been less trigger-happy and more prudent about decisions."
"It's wise when a prudent man foresees things that could happen what does he do he plans he prepares he is wise."
"Never go broke taking profits as I say and don't be afraid to step off the table."
"It's about how much money we keep, not about how much money we make."
"You just be smart, you just be careful, and you don't get twisted with the wrong people."
"The real street thing to do is just to walk away. The real thing to do would be to realize the situation, realize you're outnumbered and you can't win that, so you walk away."
"Prudence is a virtue we should use the tools that can help protect us."
"You have to be careful about making statements when you're too young."
"By being cautious and not rushing into an alliance, African nations are taking a stance against potential exploitation."
"It's always a good idea to be clean and cautious."
"Prudence in foreseeing and preparing is vital."
"Play it smart today, you won't look at tomorrow."
"Don't go into debt, stick within your means."
"Let me tell you right now, you gotta pick your battles wisely."
"A wise man sees trouble and gets out of the way."
"Those who were prudent coming into this are going to come out a lot better off than those who stand to lose."
"Why take the risk when we have the knowledge now to avoid that risk?"
"You'll take a little dip now maybe, but it's better than getting into more and more debt in the future."
"It was better to return home a live donkey than a dead lion."
"You only invest what you do not need to live off of"
"Let's do this with clear heads, with prudence, and with courage."
"True strength is not falling for FBI traps. True strength is not going to do something irrational that's going to be used against you."
"There is no shame in simply withholding judgment and not buying into the hype... it's a virtue."
"I rather say nothing than something spectacularly stupid."
"Lazy? Blazed? I'm not being lazy, I'm being prudent and smart."
"Don't lose money, which is Warren Buffett's number one cardinal rule."
"Prudence means being sensible, thinking carefully through what will this mean for the community, what will it mean for the next generation?"
"If you're going to have responsible government and a self-governing Society then it is important for individuals to be governed by prudence which means to think with reason."
"If you're not prepared for an earthquake, you're a fool."
"All you have to do is prove that you're a reasonably prudent person."
"Be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you. Limit that to people who wish you well and really want good for you."
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"Money is nice and good... let's be a little bit careful."
"Cash is little king here, use this opportunity wisely."
"So it's always good to have cash on hand no matter what."
"But you don't have to do anything rash, just take a look at your allocations and adjust them."
"Prudence is like the efficient cause right, prudence is actually what pushes you to make a decision."
"Save half of your money, save more than you spend."
"I don't buy stuff on the number that I make three years gotcha I don't buy stuff on numbers I don't make three years you just have to look at your numbers that way."
"You must use discretion in choosing your partner."
"Please become as debt free as you physically can."
"Basic common sense: if you don't know what to do, shut your mouth."
"It's important as an investor to evaluate those possibilities and apply some analysis to your portfolio."
"Be very very mindful and cautious when it comes to investments or making a big purchase or moving home."
"Budget wisely, prioritize necessary purchases over luxuries."
"Earn 20 on a small amount, rather than losing everything."
"Hold on to your money, be sensible with your money."
"Why don't you do both? I think this being this prudent is like a lasting legacy of the Wenger era."
"Only try things that you have a really good idea are going to work with your current skill set."
"Thank you that you have told us what you're going to do in the future, not to scare us and not to get us paranoid and stocking up but for us to live sensibly, wisely, prudently, but redemptively."
"Isn't wisdom to store a little, especially in light of what just happened with the coronavirus?"
"Be careful how you walk, be careful how you talk, let your words be few and seasoned with grace."
"Prudence is doing the right thing at the right time in the right way."
"Having some cash on the side is always smart."
"Act wisely using the intelligence you've been granted, avoid revealing your life's details or vulnerabilities."
"Living below your means doesn't make you broke, in my opinion, it makes you wise."
"Don't bite the hand that feeds you. That's that on that."
"I don't purchase nothing without looking at the reviews at least."
"Every day is a rainy day in this business. Just put away half of what you make." - Patience in financial matters is key.
"You have to take your future self into account."
"It's always better to be on the safer side and sublet a place first before making a year-long commitment to a lease."
"I would wait to early 2023. That's if it were me. I don't have a gun to my head, I don't have a baby on the way."
"A delay so be it, it's better to do it right the first time..."
"Better to be safe than sorry, especially when you're just getting started."
"It's okay to be smart about the situation. It's okay to understand that this dude will kill you and it's okay to choose your family."
"Do your due diligence, be careful about what you buy, and who you buy from."
"The idea of Saturn is knowing when to conserve our energy, knowing when not to waste our energy, knowing when there's nothing we can do so we stop trying."
"Don't spend above your means and buy things focused on long-term."
"We're not in Las Vegas and this is people's lives, so you wanna take a chance like that on your life, much better to go with what we know than what we think, is gonna happen."
"It's not just being paranoid, it's being cautious."
"Don't buy something you can't afford. Don't get it if you can't afford it, period."
"Sometimes we have to take calculated risks."
"A prudent course of action could well be described as wise, showing care and thought for the future."
"The heart's desire of all the peoples could easily have been gained by steadfastness in righteous convictions, and by reasonable common sense and prudence."
"It's always best to be on the safe side."
"Don't go chasing waterfalls; stick to the trend lines and the patterns you're used to."
"He won't overreach, he won't take shortcuts with his own security."
"I think it is better to be paranoid than reckless."
"The hasty stroke goes oft astray."
"The important thing is that you didn't overdo it; 50 bullets were absolutely necessary."
"Let me not get ahead of myself for this one."
"Raise no more devils than you can lay down."
"It's a good thing to come back down a little bit, give yourself a margin of safety."
"You don't really want to move fast or break things when you're dealing with the human brain."
"To start off with some margin is really wise."
"As funny as that is, always best to listen to your lawyers."
"It's about not taking foolish actions."
"There are definitely times when it is not in our best interest to do so."
"When it will actually make things worse."
"Maybe just have a little bit of caution."
"Be more cautious than you think you need to be."
"If I'm going to err, it's going to be on the side of caution."
"Guys, be smart about your money. Be smart about your finances."
"It's not about avoiding risk, it's about taking intelligent risk."
"It's better to be smart and to enjoy life than to be [ __ ] stupid and end up in a wheelchair or worse."
"I ain't no tender dick; I'm just cautious."
"Don't overstretch yourself and do stupid things."
"We're just going to see a bunch of layups for par there's nothing wrong with that."
"...the first time we go somewhere I'll kind of undershoot it a little bit just so if... it's a bust, then we don't end up with a ton of leftovers."
"Be greedy when others are cautious, be cautious when others are greedy."
"An acolyte must indeed be prudent, only selecting a master deemed worthy of their service."
"...but we are not going to be reckless."
"If you can't control your risk you know you don't really have any business using leverage like that or taking huge concentrated positions but obviously you you can manage your risk very very tightly."
"It's a lot easier to add more than it is to take it away."
"Lesson learned: always check first, then open."
"Just try to be smart with your money and don't force anything if it doesn't feel right."
"A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame."
"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty."
"Among his best is his counsel to stop while you're ahead."
"When in doubt, pull that clutch in and slow down."
"Saying less will keep you from saying something foolish or even dangerous."
"The energy of action begins with an energy of prudence."
"It felt familiar, but it never hurt to be too cautious."
"Be humble and prudent. Very, very important."
"Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire."
"I think he wrote these books because he believed that prudence armed with certain kinds of knowledge might be able in certain cases to forestall what you rightly described as something he was worried about."
"It's better to take an extra day, if you need to."
"Better to be safe than sorry, Father always insisted."
"Even a fool is wise if he keeps silent. When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."
"Always practice good risk management."
"...better safe than sorry, right?"
"I don't risk what I can't afford to lose. That's what it boils down to."
"They didn't see anything in the data but they would rather err on the side of caution."
"I'm a big believer in don't burn your Bridges."
"He knows when to play another day."
"Prudence is a skillful observation of the totality of human reality."
"Save as much as you possibly can."
"All moves ain't good moves, better watch how you moving."
"Sudden wealth, when not handled with prudence and responsibility, can lead to personal ruin."
"A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself."
"It's better to stop before you think you're done than after you've done too much."
"One of the best advices that my grandmother ever gave me was to not be house poor."
"When I'm about to do something, I think, 'Is this stupid?' And if the answer is yes, I'm not gonna do it."
"The mind has to settle down and serve the only. It must tell him what he can spend safely and why he cannot spend something else safely."
"Please be prudent with the way that you approach your home buying journey and the closing process by making smart maneuvers."
"Better quit too soon than too late."
"It's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves you know what I'm saying."
"David behaved himself wisely in all his ways."
"Better to be safe than sorry." Mosley said as casually as if he were talking about the weather.
"Better to be last and right than first and wrong."
"You really ought to be taking risk off the table."
"I don't need to go for it. No need. Eliminate unnecessary errors."
"I just think it's better for her to be quiet."
"You don't want to be the guy on the side of the road with your wheel in the ditch."
"Avoid making rash decisions. Don't make rash decisions."
"Don't go faster than you're willing to fall."
"I'd rather err on the side of overreaction than underreaction."
"Sensible people always think before they act."
"Exercising prudence before making purchases entails pausing to contemplate whether the intended acquisition will genuinely enhance our lives."
"By exercising prudence in our financial decisions and mindful consumption habits, we're laying the groundwork for a life that is not only financially secure but also brimming with happiness and purpose."
"A fool who keeps silent is considered wise when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."
"My advice is be as sensible as possible with your money."
"Jihan contemplates whether it might be more prudent to take a week-long rest."
"Prudence, for Epicurus, means being responsible and taking measures to provide for all reasonable possibilities, ensuring a life free of distress."
"Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you."
"...if there's a mud hole and especially if there's a bypass around the mud hole, that bypass is probably there for a reason. So check the mud hole before you just dive off into it."
"Never make a big decision when a small decision will do."
"Capital without wisdom, you will waste it."
"...exude prudence when you are dealing with people and communicating with people who are different from you."
"It's tough to hear because you begin you want to be with the solution to people's problems but you want to sound prophetic or whatever but it's important I think to keep that in mind as well not as an excuse for justice student but prudence."
"We always believe in erring on the side of being overly cautious."
"If something is going to do harm, don't do it."
"A man that Wast a substance is a fool and a sinner I believe in Prudence it's your only virtue."
"She was smart enough to know that she should have only one glove around."
"...we wouldn't have 30 of 10 years of earnings sitting in the bank because that would be stupid."
"You're damned right I play it safe."
"Always round up instead of down. It's always better to slightly overpay than to underpay."
"The less a man makes declarative statements, the less likely he is to be proven a fool in retrospect."
"It's just better to be safe than sorry."