
Legal Profession Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Mark Feather is a lovable individual and a highly respected legal counselor."
"She seeks justice over convictions, and that she may strike hard blows but never foul ones."
"In my 30 years as a prosecutor, I saw it happen to women over and over again."
"It's not fair, Phoenix. You can't make that kind of face. A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets."
"Kim eventually becomes jaded with the world of financial law and opts to pursue pro bono work to fight the good fight, to help those in need."
"Conversations with lawyers are always interesting."
"This is the story of attorney Beatrice Bijou, a woman whose passion for justice drove her to remarkable heights."
"Public confidence in our courts, the law, and the legal profession are very much at stake in this unprecedented case."
"The real winners of this past week were the lawyers."
"We're all in this together." - Justice Ginsburg
"Any lawyers who say the better lawyers always win haven't done enough trials."
"Both genders have to deal with the stress of being a lawyer. If you like the law, you should go forward, go for it."
"I didn't go to law school to be a little hush puppy. I went to law school to be, you know, a speaker of truth and speak truth to power..."
"There was an attorney... and what we found for example was..."
"My job wasn't to win, like I'm not coming in to win. I'm coming in to find justice and sometimes justice as a DA means that you lose. And that's okay."
"Good defense attorneys are exactly like cops. Everybody hates them until they need them."
"When I engaged in meeting lawyers... that was an opportunity to develop a relationship to develop a rapport."
"Attorneys possess considerable autonomy over details and manner of performing their work; they're presumptively independent contractors."
"Attorneys sometimes do a practice run before they go to trial in the courtroom."
"Dive back into time to see the rise, fall, and well, rise again of Japan's castles."
"The saying goes everyone hates lawyers until you need one."
"The judgment you have to make as a candidate are clear. You go out and argue your case and do the best you can. As a prosecutor you have people’s lives in your hands, and you really want to be fair."
"Everyone hates lawyers until you need one. Then, who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!"
"Thank you folks, good afternoon, my name is Normand Barbosa. I'm a computer crimes prosecutor from the US Attorney's Office up in Seattle."
"This is my time to shine, I am a sassy lawyer in the big city now, and I finally have the ability to help those in need with my sassy lawyering skills."
"When a judge describes you as a clear and present danger to the interests of your client, that's basically the judge saying you shouldn't be a lawyer."
"It's more important to just make these lifestyle changes that I could maintain over the Long Haul."
"Everyone hates lawyers until you need one." - Peter Tragos
"Prosecutors love to claim that we 'do our talking in court,' they say that all the time. We'll let our filings do the speaking."
"Our job is to use the law and seek an acquittal."
"There are lawyers out there who are actually fighting the good fight... but man it's hard."
"You can't run away from being a defense lawyer; you can only fight."
"The only person winning is the lawyers. They're definitely getting their bag, aren't they?"
"If you know how to bring customers to law firms, you will make money for the rest of your life."
"You can be a great lawyer and a great negotiator but if you don't understand how to get the public's opinion on your side I think you're always going to lose."
"I think there will be class action lawsuits. I think there's a lot of opportunistic class action lawyers in the United States who are loving this right now."
"When you have change agents in government or change agents as lawyers you're going to get pushback and the pushback is going to be aggressive."
"Being a lawyer is three months of paperwork and research and one day of trial, and we don't yell at or intimidate witnesses."
"A mark of a good prosecutor is that they see the case for what it is and they dig in right."
"It's been six years, and here we are with all the law nerds I have found."
"Miss Von Karma is one of the top prosecutors in the country at the moment."
"It's in the job title: public defender. You work for the public, therefore the public has the right to come record you in the line of your duties."
"I have worked in my legal career for almost 15 years now."
"Lawyers have weeks to go over decisions; we have seconds to make."
"This was a case that was very interesting to me as a trial lawyer... having your conviction in jeopardy is a gut-wrenching thing."
"How did you? Turns out my New Mexico bar card doesn't have an expiration date."
"It is unethical for lawyers to work together when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still under investigation."
"If you've got the right set of morals and you've got drive and you actually give a crap, you can go so far in helping a case."
"And there I was a criminology student working with a lawyer because that was the path."
"I worked that case for free... nobody else would have done that." - Cassandra Daniels
"This was something different... lawyers who really care about their clients."
"I'm here for lawyers being dicks to each other."
"There's a tendency in our profession to treat the practice of law as all-consuming while losing sight of everything else."
"Being a defense lawyer isn't always a popular job, so I appreciate you being respectful towards me, and I'll do the same."
"A lawyer's job is to defend their client and to get them out of trouble. That's it. If the client is guilty, they still have an obligation to the client to get them off."
"It takes a passionate and powerful prosecutor to secure a conviction."
"He's one of the most successful lawyers of all time and very well connected."
"Every day when I go into court I'm there to make a difference."
"Between 75 to 90% of all lawyers are the incompetent dishonest or both." - Former Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Earl Warren
"Some on the right may not agree with me but as a civil rights lawyer I can tell you..."
"My armband here from Japan, identifies the wearer as a lawyer throughout the Empire of Japan."
"What I do know is that they encourage lawyers to get mental health help as well as they give you tools on how to manage mental health because it's very draining being a lawyer."
"Nothing brings me greater joy and satisfaction when somebody says you know I also always hate criminal defense attorneys but I've listened to you and there's some things that I think you're right about and I've really I've learned something."
"Lawyers do all sorts of things, not just what you see on TV."
"It's just hardcore for a trial attorney, it really is."
"The only winners here are the lawyers that make big bucks working the files."
"Getting to a true meeting of the minds... is one of the lawyer's most important functions."
"You know you do your clerkship between your second and third year and that's supposed to turn into your real job and my firm did not make me an offer."
"Laws are made for everyone to read, it's just that lawyers are using them."
"There is no greater good that a lawyer can do in my judgment than to look back at all cases and if it can be demonstrated that an injustice was done, to right it."
"I don't know anything that would thank you Justice Kagan it's alright I'm gonna ask a couple of questions about your work now so here's what what qualities make for a great lawyer either before your court or anywhere."
"I was a young, overcharging attorney just out of law school."
"Some of the skills paralegals need look a lot like skills that lawyers need."
"I think that it really raised questions not she wasn't the only attorney who had gone to work for him who ultimately we realized had ambitions of crossing in so the entertainment industry."
"You might want to be gangster, go in the books, learn to be a lawyer."
"But technology is still very far from disrupting some of the real value-added work that lawyers can provide, like strategizing, negotiating, making commonsense judgments, or even visiting a client in jail."
"It was groundbreaking for me because Phyllis Curack is, I don't know if she still is, but she was a lawyer and a high priestess of a Wiccan coven."
"After I'd received notification that I had passed the written examination, I attended the ceremonies in January where I was sworn in by Chief Justice Gibson of the California State Supreme Court with 250 other attorneys here from Southern California."
"One of the best qualities of a trial lawyer is humility."
"Paralegals: a world of experience over education."
"Your chance to be a lawyer... your chance to plead for justice."
"Lawyers are easily fooled. If you put some legal ease in a document, they will accept anything as a serious argument."
"Sometimes being a lawyer means you gotta take it on the chin to stand up for your client."
"On the night of Wednesday, December 3rd, Jonathan was working late on some plea deals."
"I think those are the two things he told me and they have always stood me in good Steeven in writing judgments."
"I loved being a lawyer, I loved being a district court judge, circuit court judge. I love being a Supreme Court justice."
"You are a legend in the Scottish legal profession, a great son of Scotland, but most of all, you're a good man."
"Those word processors that eliminated our steno pool didn't cut back on the amount of work we lawyers did."
"The reason I became a lawyer was to make sure that I could help those that are in need."
"I think legal writing is something that you always need to be working on and improving."
"It's a terrific privilege to get to argue at the court."
"One of my main predictions was that lawyers and clients in the future would communicate by email."
"Justice Ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession, but she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed them."
"I always like to help people whenever I can, I feel like that's like a lawyer's job literally."
"What you're selling as a lawyer... is judgment."
"If you are only doing lawyering to make a lot of money, you, my friend, have chosen the wrong profession."
"That's our job, that's what we're paid to do, and that's what we do: we fight for our clients, we advocate for our clients."
"The best way to control your legal career is to be your own boss."
"Lack of candor and dishonesty cannot be tolerated by members of the profession that relies on the truthfulness of its members."
"Because I'm a lawyer, I am in front of judges all the time, and I'm used to working under pressure."
"I'm always thinking on my feet; I'm always in front of judges; I can do this."
"I've been prosecuting murderers for 15 years and I've never lost a homicide case."
"Helping my clients, you know, arguing on their behalf, that's the best thing I've ever done."
"He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, completed a master's degree at Cambridge University in England, and later returned to Harvard to do his law degree."
"There's no way around it in the legal profession, you have to have good writing skills."
"Livingston was a lawyer and politician, and one of the founders of the United States."
"Can you think of any single thing that any lawyer has ever done to increase human happiness by so much as a smile?"
"As soon as I passed the bar, I was supposed to become an associate at the firm I clerk for—a real job, a real life."
"Empathy is the most valuable trait you can cultivate as a lawyer, no matter who you work for."
"I thank God for another year that I could spend with you guys bringing you this good legal analysis over here."
"I am a criminal defense lawyer board certified by the national board of trial advocacy."
"Dude's smart and he's clearly a good lawyer."
"It's a family business, impressive win there for Legal."
"You did all this so that you can go out here and be a decent human being, a good lawyer, and not do some illegal stuff like this."
"I've taken oaths... to be an attorney, to be a judge... I am following the rules of the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit."
"I've been doing family law for most of my career."
"I'm not just a criminal defense attorney, I have the honor to be a public defender."
"Lawyers lose cases all the time; they literally lose as many cases as they win."
"You become a great lawyer, great communicator."
"She had taken a job at a legal office and was looking forward to where her career would take her."
"Hello and welcome to Wrongful of the Bailey, my name is Ian Runkel, a Canadian criminal defense and firearms lawyer."
"Her goal at the time was to become a lawyer so she could help out people who were unjustly accused."
"Propel himself to become a lawyer, which would propel him to be one of the greatest agents to ever exist."