
Buildup Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"This is all building up, this multi-layered story, which is all putting itself in place, and man, something big is going to happen out of all of this."
"The trailer really made us want to charge into battle. Whereas 'Ultron' had little build-up, though Thanos had already been teased for almost 5 years, so when he showed up here, we knew that the Cinematic Universe would never be the same."
"After three seasons of building up our investment in Emily's motivation, the show then revealed that rumors of her father's death had been greatly exaggerated."
"This song uses its time length to actually build up and then rock the hell out."
"It feels like everything's built up to this."
"It's not thrown at you out of the blue. It's built up slowly and carefully."
"Intensity is increasing and what you can do is think about the music in most epic movies leading up to a climactic battle everything increases the turn the pacing the pitch it will all build up and up before the actual battle has commenced"
"The Wakanda battle, while epic, lacked buildup and emotional stakes."
"This drama version of building up those two people to this point."
"It offered an opportunity to see the two women meet and grow closer, unlike previous explicit representation where there was little to no build-up."
"The fun of a climactic moment of story is not just that it is well written, interesting, powerful scene, it's that we were able to sense it building for a long time."
"The next time we see the MCU, they're gonna be building up to something even bigger."
"The planned buildup of troops which have gradually been unveiled by Moscow since 2022 could lead to a similar amount of Manpower and weaponry on the NATO border as was witnessed on the front with Ukraine before Putin's Invasion."
"They were injured, they really neglected Edgy like some of those really dull people they built up from the beginning."
"It's been swirling around you for quite some time."
"It's all about the story, you need the story to lead up to the big match."
"This is the biggest we've had at Dean Park so far... we can give our couples the full week attention for the buildup."
"They did a big package, a big build-up to the hatred between these two guys, the animosity and the hatred."
"At some point, this one is just winding up and going to go."
"All these little moments really started to build that resentment."
"The masterful Blackwater sequence was perfectly built up."
"This might very well be, especially in recent memory, the worst Wrestlemania build of all time."
"Hell, I'd say this was more entertaining than Roman Reigns' entire build-up against the Demon, mostly because that had little to no build-up."
"It's sort of been building up, it's a bit more insidious, it's built up over time."
"It really was a huge buildup to that climax at the end."
"Especially when you didn't know where the bullets were gonna start flying, it's just very intense. The build-up was really well done."
"I felt the suspense, I felt the build-up, I felt tension when I was watching this."
"This moment was earned after years and years of buildup. How do you do that? Tell me more about it."
"It has a nice buildup to this movie's first song, and it's a banger."
"I cried more for her than Iron Man. I think the build-up was just a lot more emotional."
"Both sort of slow burns at times, a lot of careful planning and build-up to these explosive moments over a whole full-length season."
"The more you slow down the buildup of the reservoir, the better."
"The build to the first Rock vs Cena mania match was a weird frankenstein’s monster of the two."
"The cause remains unknown but the intensity suggests a significant buildup of pressure beneath the surface."
"I hope I've Illustrated well to you that first buildup to the assassination mission and then the torture scene afterwards and then the missile base and garden sequence."
"I love this bit. I love how slow the build-up is."
"If you want a legendary villain, they need a legendary build-up."
"It's like everything leading up to it as well, you just feel this intense build-up."
"I wanted more of a slow build to the introduction."
"The entrance had one of the best buildups around, initially, no one but Eren knew what was going to happen, when Eren confronted Reiner and talked to them about everything it marked a point in the series where everything came back."
"It's best when a song starts off really easy and gradually builds to the climax."
"This fight isn't just awesome, it's a masterclass in buildup."
"Makima's buildup as the true villain is so good. In pretty much every arc we would see her do some crazy [ __ ] and reveal another one of her powers."
"I cried and it's been building up for like a while."
"I think for me it's for me it kind of just built throughout the week right."
"I freaking love that so far, nothing crazy has happened, it's just been giving us hints of something off, great suspense building."
"So I'll give them that but it is an opaque fluid there is solid particles in the fluid to make it opaque and naturally when that fluid is running through very small channels it's just going to build up over time."
"Maybe it's the buildup of work over the years."
"The energy just keeps building and building."
"There's a lot of excitement, a lot of buzz building."
"A good buildup should use changes and Dynamics to help create a bit of tension and anticipation."
"It keeps building, building, building, until you go to sleep."
"I really enjoyed the buildup to it and the payoff from it and where it could lead into season 4 as well."
"I really appreciate that the author took their time kind of building the momentum here, and I think it worked really well."
"Everything builds up to a point that you can fully relate to, and as a bonus, if you like Silent Hill, this film will make you want to just go back and play the first game all over again."
"All this wildness was a way to further build up the big championship match Hanson was going to have with ten Rio a few days later in Yokohama."
"The hype just builds and you can't help but be excited."
"It was about a series of moments that really just builds and builds upon itself."
"There's something about the build-up to that chorus, it's so gradual and then when it hits, it explodes."
"Even when they're dropping the beat out and bringing it back up, the build-up and everything was so amazing."
"It builds up really nicely too so if you don't want something like really intense you can keep it simple too."
"...it was so good the plot Twisted really good and it was just like the build up was so good..."
"Everything fits into the story so naturally you don't realize it's building up towards the complete Cinderella setup until all the pieces are in place."
"It's absolute chaos but it feels earned, like everything has inevitably been leading to a confrontation like this."
"I would have loved a little bit more because I think this build-up between the two of them was done really well."
"And I love the ease of the build up like we can feel the intensity building but the ease that was sung in the more mellow parts is carried throughout allowing this transition to just happen naturally to flow like a river."
"This is building up to something, yeah, so good, so Anthony Denmark!"
"Super Saiyan's a great example of that. Its presence is impactful. We see it built up ever since the Saiyan Saga..."
"It's heating up, guys. It's heating up."
"That's really interesting to me because when you start a cappella songs often you hear them kind of build up from something."
"It's like a slow-building crescendo; it's a serenade, a ballad is being built up."
"Breakdowns... should be sort of calm, have some melodic element, and then it transitions into a build-up."
"She saved her presence for a long time, built it up, and exploded in New Japan."
"This chapter ties in with so many things that Horikoshi himself has been building up for a year and even years now."
"They've really taken this song and swelled it up into this dramatic... they're really building it up."
"Black Diamond, I love the way the quiet intro builds."
"I love the way they built this story up to show their history."
"Things are starting to build up; it's just starting to get a little crazy out here."
"He does such a good job of building it up and telling a story."
"Usopp has appropriate build-up for Elbaf."
"He's been built really, really strongly."
"It just builds the moment, doesn't it?"
"I like things to build up slowly and gradually so that skin looks seamless and expensive."
"He felt his ship's pulse as the power started to build."
"That will be interesting, especially given that we've been building this up for a while now."
"You can really feel the excitement starting to build now."
"The slow build-up of Mink's possession is extremely well done and effective."
"The best way to read a story like Trojan X, for myself personally, is to let it build up chapters to let it have a massive catalog that I can go through and wholeheartedly enjoy."
"This is what everything has been building up towards."
"It's really getting very, very exciting and mounting up in its excitement."
"Battles rarely start quickly; they grow like grass fires."
"It's just more of a constant build-up, very much like the fight for the rainbow bands."
"I love the slow build into a big epic sequence."
"We have a nice buildup from going from Ken to Josh to Justin."
"Tension is built up slowly over time."
"You're telling a musical story and a good story builds from something simple to something really exciting."
"Good jump scares work not because they're unexpected, but because of properly executed build-up."
"Just gives you that classic build-up all on one button."
"Things are building up here towards something really nice."
"The excitement is really building."
"This is how you build up a fight."
"They created a really workable cp and it was built up slowly in the story."
"This song just keeps building up."
"This kiss was so great because the moment between these two characters was so built up."
"I'm not sweating yet, but it's building up."
"This is all about building up towards this like climax moment."
"The key takeaway about this arc is not just its incredible execution but the amount of build-up that makes up its foundation."
"It's super fun and inventive as a self-contained fight but it's also the culmination of five years worth of build-up."
"The madness doesn't just happen, it's built by moments of mayhem before."
"He's building up to something big."
"It's a really cool way of drip feeding out a story and making it build up more and more."
"You don't go straight to Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. You gotta build up to it."
"This is building up into a fantastic heat."
"That's how our text builds up over time."
"I just love the way that as a story continues these creepy things build and build and build."
"They are building up to an extremely emotional climax."
"This is not only now a continuation of Rebels, this is now a big lead up to his movie."
"It's very slowly built upon horror, which is really just the best way I know how to phrase it."
"Something is building up... it could be how you feel towards inspirational energy."
"It's like you're building this up."