
Misconduct Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Don't hide books at the library; it's a bad thing to do."
"He just has no sense of accountability or that he's doing anything wrong. Maybe he gets a sick pleasure from it; it seems like that's the case."
"Weaponizing claims of sexual harassment against somebody as punishment for their criticism of you is reprehensible."
"We have seen a lot of problems with our justice system. I'm talking about misconduct involving the police, we have prosecutors behaving poorly, we have judges not particularly interested in a thing called justice."
"If that was you or me...we were watching or even guarding...an officer killing this guy...if you can't control him when he's in handcuffs, you don't belong being a cop."
"The really indecent behavior and shamelessness of individual MPs has ensured that especially now in the last phase of the election campaign there really is a harsh wind blowing in the face of the campaigners."
"NBC fired Lauer after a review of his behavior."
"Netflix's decision to fire Spacey wasn't unsurprising."
"Bullying, lying, doxing, and threats—unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that Illuminati has engaged in all of these behaviors."
"Some cops could be bad people, leading to false accusations."
"He just doesn't think the rules apply to him in any way shape or form whether it's sexual assault or it's lying in court or it's defaming someone."
"I just honestly can't believe that the leader of our country has flagrantly disrespected women and said that he can do sexual acts upon them."
"Your wife is missing, and you're flirting with the babysitter. It just shows that you're a real sick individual."
"They put a lot of pressure on me. They did the wrong thing."
"Whenever governments abuse language they're probably abusing other things at the same time."
"Overall, I think the game visually looks extremely appealing and obviously, the Fidelity of the game is very high."
"Goalkeeper Joaquin Buchetta is facing a year-long ban from football after he started urinating on the pitch during a first division match."
"What they did was not just misconduct or negligence but gross malfeasance."
"Unfortunately, there were some truly Sinister things occurring in the Plex Discord."
"Ma'am sorry not sorry why are you allowing these types of predators into our schools and then he's only making the female students turn around to do squats What freaking world do we live in."
"You can forfeit a number of constitutional rights by misconduct on your part."
"I finally got in touch with his previous job that said he was fired for getting drunk and attempting to get inappropriate with some of the female staff."
"Josh had been doing this for years, even friends believe he never stopped."
"Prime Kai was inappropriate and did sexually harass Cat."
"The coverup is way worse than the underlying crime."
"This [incident] kind of reared its head again in the NBA this season with spitting on people and throwing water bottles at people."
"A gross violation, an outrageous act by the FBI."
"I should not be approaching minors under any circumstances. And that's my fault. That's why I said, 'You know what? No, this is not okay.'"
"There's no two ways about it, he was wrong for putting his hands on him like that."
"This settlement is a reflection that the officers acted wrong."
"A rule of absolute immunity for the president will not leave the nation without sufficient protection against misconduct."
"It might be that this conduct is even worse than I think it is, more prevalent than I think it is, and I think it's widespread at many agencies across the country."
"The game set a precedent that what this predator has done... is completely unacceptable."
"So many women came out, and I realized he was doing this to so many women."
"There's no covering up disgusting acts like grooming or harassment."
"If a president commits serious misconduct in his first term, he doesn't get a pass."
"Every time I read in the news that some famous YouTuber was sexting with a minor again."
"I was banned for spreading [__] on the walls at Nintendo Land."
"If his management threatened women who were gonna talk about this or prevented someone's career from moving because of this if that happened that to me is almost worse."
"He was asking other women to do some very sordid things to him."
"Bad actors face legal punishment for their misdeeds."
"The biggest producers in Hollywood allegedly harassing all these women... they let him go and they let the story go with him."
"Dan Schneider kind of weird, okay. Very weird. And also, it ranges from, like, really weird and holy, this should be illegal to like, oh, that definitely is illegal. How the did that actually happen?"
"Rather they start small, with seemingly insignificant wrongdoings."
"There's no excuse and there's no explaining that kind of behavior."
"This isn't drama. This is unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal activity."
"It's embarrassing for our country... that we have a president that has now been found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman."
"When you have someone who is politically connected, you can do some of the worst things imaginable and you will be protected."
"We all knew we were working for a man with an infamous temper. We did not know we were working for a serial sexual predator."
"It's not okay to steal $3 million from a floundering church."
"Celebrity chef Mario Batali, the verdict in his sexual misconduct trial."
"That's going to go down as one of the most egregious misconduct cases in history."
"Everything about this situation is disgusting, the conduct of the predators is disgusting, the fact that it took so long for something to happen and charges to be pressed is disgusting."
"So many of them get caught up mistreating women, forgetting who they even slept with."
"If you don't tell the truth, you resign. If you bully or intimidate, you resign. If you're guilty of predatory behavior, you resign."
"The actions of the permanent secretary had been unlawful."
"A lot of these billionaires are sick twisted individuals that also do unspeakable things with children."
"The modern Democrat Party is two things: the ever-expanding definition of sexual identity and on the other side the ever expanding definition of sexual misconduct."
"Nobody should ever be abusing, assaulting, harassing people in the first place, and that is the real issue."
"He abused his position of authority, and he went with his students, and he shouldn't be doing that in the first place."
"You cannot be doing all these wicked things and think you're just gonna keep getting away with it absolutely not."
"Caught sleeping with a sex worker in his police car."
"Maybe don't go around talking to Billy Bush about how you like to do this exact sort of sexual assault and how it's just awesome when you do it."
"Vandalizing property or books or wasting stationery and school supplies is not cool, kids."
"Walter's actions have transformed this narrative from an investigation of onset misconduct in 2017 to the examination of the present-day cover-up culture of Hollywood."
"Enabled abuse, misconduct, discrimination, harassment."
"Abusive of power, the President abusing his office for his own personal gain."
"Impeachment: a serious charge against a public official for misconduct."
"I just kept hearing stories from other people that this is like what he does with girls and like all these other things I was just like disgusted with myself disgusted with him."
"A poor judgment call is showing up to a zoo meeting looking like this when you take clients funds and do exactly what you told them you would not do with them that's theft and that is fraud."
"The only ones who have the power to carry out any sort of group misconduct in the society and get away with it to the point that it becomes ingrained into the society are white males."
"There's a lot of sick things that go on in Hollywood."
"Harassing that student like that was just wrong. It was disrespectful."
"At which point do we call these things a con? At what point do they slide past ineptitude and into malicious intent?"
"CPS caseworkers deliberately lied in courts and even provided fake evidence."
"Exposed a culture of harassment, abuse, discrimination, misconduct - you name it."
"It's gross, it's weird, it's misogynistic, no look bro you're embarrassing me, get out."
"Time since misconduct, severity, frequency of acts, and life circumstances all matter."
"Everybody's absolutely horrified, embarrassed that somebody in our broader circles could have been behaving in such a terrible way."
"That's pretty much prosecutorial misconduct there."
"He was caught with his hand deep in the bottom of the cookie jar." - Discussion about Jamie's situation
"Some of the worst things I saw working with dogs was the way this man treated the dogs when he was upset."
"They fabricated evidence, they lied to the courts, and they did all sorts of things."
"The issue is law enforcement should not just be trying to trick people to get them fired."
"How dirty that is, illegal right there, very very legal."
"It's basically like Mal feent like it's you [__] up on the job is you taking allowance that you shouldn't be taking."
"That's the biggest problem. So you've got a cop that not in that case I'm talking about but you've got a cop who's shot someone in the back running away which is not lawful that was unarmed."
"Trump has affairs and touches women inappropriately."
"There's another problem, she already had been accused of being inappropriate with a student before."
"You cannot send photos of your genitalia to people that you work with. That's Madness."
"It's clear that the overseer council have been involved in some very heinous and shady activities."
"you mentioned the indictment against Mr Trump for Mis handling sensitive classified National Security information"
"The flagrant disregard in the courtroom of Elementary standards of proper conduct should not and cannot be tolerated."
"Guilty is charged of whatever the hell is going on here. Definitely see him as caught with his hand in the cookie jar, doing something he shouldn't be doing."
"He now has an internal memo with the police department for what he pulled all because he felt entitled to a relationship with me."
"Dream knowingly and willingly received explicit images and sexted a 16/17-year-old when he was 20."
"It's amazing how many people turned the other way looked the other way at joey ryan for so long. There were stories about this guy people were whispering people were saying things we heard some stuff."
"... a egregious violation of medical ethics ..."
"Activision Blizzard has been accused of just about any type of wrongdoing in the workplace that I could even imagine racial discrimination bullying sexual harassment pregnancy discrimination the list continues."
"...more damning allegations came in 2020 when the actor who played Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer said that Jos Whedon once pushed him up against a wall and told him that he was dead."
"By and large, these allegations relate to misconduct being committed by sub-postmasters and/or their clerks."
"But it's the same dude, like sexually assaulting a brand new private."
"One cop always ruins it for all the other cops."
"R Kelly's story serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of personal misconduct and legal entanglements."
"Florida judge Merily Erlick was removed from her post after a video emerged in which she berated a sick defendant during a hearing."
"In October of 2016 Matthew luckhurst a bike patrol officer with the San Antonio Police Department was fired following a vile prank it involved him giving a homeless person a sandwich that contained feces."
"On May the 16th of 2016 a reporter from KP TV was arrested after he defecated on the front lawn of a home in goodye Arizona where he was covering a story."
"25-year-old officer Diane Ferrera from the Saint Cloud Police Department was fired after she stole and used a dead man's credit card information."
"A British nurse lost her job due to a secret affair with a patient who died during their alone time in a hospital park in L in Rex and Wales."
"... I saw the CEO of the company snorting something in his office."
"...a really strong group of people uh and they would be looking out uh against all misconduct claims."
"The High Court ruling described the decision to recruit Gobbo as reprehensible conduct."
"This is not just a case of impropriety, there is criminal conduct here."
"Giannis had actually admitted to police that he would hit women he liked with his car."
"Vince McMahon, the company's long-serving CEO, stepped down amid escalating scrutiny over grave accusations of misconduct."
"Guys are going in with a half a bottle of whiskey in them like it's a saloon in the 1800s just grabbing tits."
"Alcohol legitimizes immoral and socially unacceptable misconduct with which often ends up hurting significant others."
"What you did was wrong and I hope people learn that hazing is never okay."
"Whenever you break a rule and it's your fault, that's misconduct."
"Karen was caught on camera stealing cash for everyone's drawers."
"Jonathan for example started having an inappropriate relationship with one of his cousins."
"The receptionist, the one who obviously did many many wrong things, is currently being under extreme investigation, and the manager said more than likely he will get fired."
"One former co-star recounted a disturbing incident where Lewis allegedly assaulted her during a film shoot."
"In another case, two officers were accused of helping to cover up racism going on within the workplace."
"I caught my manager self-stimulating in the office."
"As more information comes to light and as individuals continue to speak out, the call for accountability grows louder, suggesting that more industry figures might face scrutiny and that long-standing issues of misconduct may finally be addressed."
"Gross negligence means that the conduct of the employees of John's Hopkins All Children's Hospital involved in the false imprisonments was so reckless or wanting in care that it constituted a conscious disregard or indifference to the life safety or rights of Maya Kowalski."
"Secretary Marcus has disregarded court orders, laws passed by the United States Congress, and has lied to the American people."
"That's not just worthy of being fired, that's 100% illegal."
"That sounds like something she definitely can and should be fired for."
"Hollywood has a long history of this kind of behavior."
"Guys keep their hands to themselves, no twisting, no flipping up skirts, that's not cool."
"She [expletive] harassed this kid."
"Three Orange County deputies resign after having sex at Walt Disney World while on duty."
"It is disgusting what went on...and if anybody said anything they got fired, anded, and blacklisted forever."
"Apparently the general manager was also a coach for a baseball team and he hit a kid with a metal bat."
"This is completely inappropriate... it's incredibly messed up that she even asked and put him in this position."
"Ryan Kavanaugh is a man willing to weaponize MeToo, such a serious topic, literally just to save him money from having to pay this guy his contractual severance. I mean, there is not a bigger scumbag on this planet than Ryan Kavanaugh."
"Ryan Kavanaugh falsified a fake MeToo document for a fake cause to fire someone. That is bottom-barrel shame on you."
"People respond to incentives and if you remove all penalties for every possible form of misconduct, some small percentage of the population will start to essentially abuse or manipulate people around them."
"I'm confirmed correct when saying that pyro sent nsfw to a child, and you'd be blind to disregard his majority child base being extremely easy prey for him."
"He's a guy who told women to strip naked in his office, but he's also a really good guy that we should love and respect."
"He was using the company's money to fund his dates with his mistress."
"It seems that the principal was an overachiever running two schools with a side of embezzlement."
"Once had a co-worker selling shrimp from the dumpster. They had him arrested."
"She was peeing on the chairs in the office. No, she didn't have any sort of health issues."
"There are incredible people working in charities, but there have also been people getting away with a lot of terrible and criminal behavior in the name of charity."
"It was horrible, immoral conduct... the turning point between the ending of a retrenchment and more progress is often what I call the awakening of the Giant."
"Exclusion of the photographs and video here would not deter future misconduct by law enforcement officers or their adjuncts proxies or agents."
"She's encouraging the jury to do outside research. All right, your honor, she just told the jury to do outside research. Hold her in contempt... I'm being facetious. They're going to be getting into all of the things said online just like they did with Johnny Depp's expert."
"The evidence shows Officer Josh Griffin took an inappropriate interest in Kim Medlen."
"Griffin may have made a sexual advance, and Kim objected. Griffin knew then that he had gone too far."
"There is no excuse nor justification for my actions. I was careless, I was greedy, I was ignorant, I was disrespectful, and I was completely in the wrong."
"She said John Jones placed her down by the bar and slapped her [ __ ] the woman said she told Jones not to touch her in that fashion but if you wanted to hit the pay for it."
"drunken behavior at work I love this story this week in American Airlines pilot was accused of trying to board the cockpit of a passenger jet while he was six times over the limits"
"I cannot think of any situation that is more egregious than a prosecuting attorney who would go in and interview a witness and for 20 minutes not interview the witness but rather offer a monologue of what his theory is in the case."
"You beat a young recruit nearly to death. You're a disgrace to your uniform."
"That teacher's behavior was completely inappropriate, full stop."
"We should stand united against such behavior and such activities."
"No matter how badly you behave within this club, you'll always have mates in high places."
"If you like having loud sex in public and defecating on people's doorsteps, you'll always find an alibi in Bournemouth."
"Defendants have fostered a pervasive 'frat boy' workplace culture that continues to thrive."
"The government was engaged in reprehensible massive leaks to the news media."
"Sexual harassment can be defined as any unwelcome or unwanted attention of a sexual nature from a co-worker which is a cause for discomfort, humiliation, offense or distress and or interferes with the job."
"One time is too many when it comes to this type of misconduct."
"Their actions placed the city at risk of unneeded liability and described their behavior as extremely unacceptable."
"This is abuse of power, this is dirty cop, this is exactly what we don't want."
"Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature."
"Accessing confidential information for a personal reason is definitely a breach of privacy."
"If you have plagiarized something, what have you done?"
"There's always going to be bad actors, no matter what sector, no matter what industry you're in."
"Violations are intentional failures – deliberately, wilfully doing the wrong thing or omission."
"The evidence showed that there was juror misconduct."
"We take allegations of misconduct very seriously and we are committed to fostering a safe and professional workplace environment that is free from harassment or other kinds of inappropriate conduct."
"She violated pretty much every tenet a prosecutor must abide by to seek truth and justice."
"I'm sorry for having stupid inappropriate conversations I never should have had."
"Workplace deviance is unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrong."
"Malfeasance is where you do something wrong and it wasn't even within your licensed scope of practice."
"President Trump's abuse of power has injured our nation."