
Spinal Health Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"If you're worried about your spinal alignment, this is a fantastic way to correct any problems with your spinal curves."
"The health of your spine is your health. Not having tenderness along your spinal column... the organs read the information that they're given by the brain."
"Deep breathing increases intrathecal pressure forces fluid in the discs, the discs are 70% fluid you're gonna get the curve back in the neck, I mean brilliant this is how you actually adjust."
"Keep a neutral spine and full pelvic tilt for optimal core engagement in exercises like the whole body hold."
"The majority of the pain that's associated with it... is when that bulging or ruptured disc irritates or compresses surrounding structures..."
"Degeneration in the spine can lead to serious health issues."
"A herniated or bulging disc could cause pain and compression of spinal nerves."
"Your spine is your lifeline keep it healthy keep it strong."
"Get your clients working on preventative work because if your clients are the people that are sitting down there doing a lot of bending forward in the garden, they're more likely to have a disk problem."
"Praise the Lord and twerk for spinal health"
"Now if you got a healthy spine, rock and roll and stretch and scoop. Repeat."
"The primary driver of pain and disability is the sagittal balance."
"Disc bulges do not always cause pain... most of the time we get away with it because they don't cause symptoms."
"They say that ninety percent of the nourishment that feeds our brain comes from the movement of the spine."
"The upper cervical spine should be looked at separately and this is the C1 C2 region next the lower c-spine should be looked at separately and this is the C3 to C7 region and finally you should make special attention to the pre-vertebral soft tissues."
"The less spinal compression we cause in our lifetime, the better."
"You want to engage both apophyseal rings, preserve those endplates, and engage both apophyseal rings for distraction."
"The most difficult concept with the spine to understand is that only half your spine has feeling."
"This is what planks work. And when we have a stronger transverse abdominis muscle, it takes pressure off the low back, adds stability to the spine."
"Feel every breath traveling the spinal cord."
"Take a spinal roll to come up, reach those arms up, inhaling."
"Inhale lengthen your spine and exhale twist a little bit further."
"Let's really relax, let the spine, the neck sway a little bit here, just making space for the energy to flow."
"Really enjoy it, bring that breath in, running through your spine."
"Definitely one of my favorite stretches to twist the spine, it feels nice."
"Feel free to linger in either direction if it feels good in your spine."
"We need to be able to access some degree of relative neutrality of our spine so that we can create extension, flexion, and rotation as we need to, depending on the task."
"Try and open up the spine as best you can, open up the front of the hips as best you can."
"Give yourself a nice hug and roll a bit back and forth, be nice to your spine."
"Let yourself tune in and feel every little movement as the vertebrae glide with one another."
"When you're in what we call the ideal spinal position, all that general discomfort that's there goes away."
"Spinal range of motion keeps your spinal column clean."
"The reason why we need to have the curve in your neck is for the long-term health of your spine."
"If we can build strength in these core muscles, we can really reduce the pressure on the spine."
"Cartilage acts as a shock absorber; the discs between your vertebrae absorb a lot of shock every time you walk or you jump."
"It's providing good support for your spine and acting in a natural way to keep the proper S shape in your back."
"Keep your head up in line with your spine."
"Enable the spine and start to lengthen all the way."
"Focus on feeling a release, a decompression in the spine."
"If we can just release those muscles first, it's going to help to affect the whole spine."
"The spine is strongest when it's pretty close to neutral."
"I'm not here just to make loud pops; I'm here to try to bring your spine back in the right alignment, which will make you happy because your spine is going to last longer."
"We're going to start with flexion, not a pike. We're going to round the spine."
"Let your tailbone gently curl under towards your heels and see if you can actually expand the area of the lower back, lifting the kidneys towards the sky and giving your spine space."
"You're wanting to lengthen but you're also wanting to move toward the center so you're creating the natural extension that you need to alleviate some of the tension that you may have with your back and your hips."
"Lat tightness stabilizes your thoracic spine, maintains a good spinal position, and keeps your back braced safe and strong."
"With every exhale, let there be a let go through your spine."
"Create that natural curve in your lower back."
"Adhesive arachnoiditis is actually a mass or a clump of what we call nerve roots attached to the covering of the spinal canal."
"The most common predisposing factor in developing adhesive arachnoiditis is protruding discs."
"The spaces between our vertebra gently stretch open."
"Just decompressing the low back, getting a little traction in the spine."
"Keep going, keep breathing, this should feel great through the spine."
"It's all about the health and mobility and flexibility and strength of all those muscles that support the spine."
"The more space you create in your spine, the easier it is to twist, and the better it's going to feel."
"In strengthening the back muscles as well, it'll help us stay lifted, improving our posture over time as we age and just keeping a nice healthy spine."
"Let your breath travel up and down your spine as your lower back relaxes and you settle deeper into this fold."
"Take a nice deep breath in, tuck your chin, and let's roll through the spine."
"In today's video, I want to share with you one of my favorite spinal series for soothing the nervous system that can be done anytime, anywhere."
"Keep the length through the spine as you bend the knees."
"Feeling that your spine is really lengthened, space between every vertebra."
"The thing I love about comfort curve is that people can lay on top of it and it restores their spine to its natural curve and they feel better."
"Cat and cow is a wonderful warm-up for the spine."