
Core Strength Quotes

There are 661 quotes

"The bird dog... is a great exercise for improving your core strength and your core stability."
"In regards to throwing a punch, you have to remember that the arm doesn't just move on its own; the motion comes from your entire body, starting from your core."
"Pelvis nice and even, twist coming from your center."
"Keep breathing, balls of your feet, stay on the ball of your feet, nice and tall, core tight."
"Your core is the center of every movement you do."
"Isometric side plank: working tremendously hard, firing core muscles."
"Having strong abdominals is going to help and assist you in every exercise."
"You don't have core strength and your spine doesn't feel stable, you're gonna feel wonky on your mat."
"When you have a strong core, you have strong confidence."
"Feet outside the shoulders, toes slightly angled out, and then from here with a nice tight core... all I'm going to do is send my hips back slightly."
"Core strength is crucial for holding our spine in position, in a way where it's strong, connected, and feels safe."
"Physically exercise. If you injure your shoulder or if you get carpal tunnel or if your back starts to hurt because you're weak, you got a weak core."
"Your core engaging like a mother effort. Absolutely [__] if you don't know where everyone is your core is engaged like like crazy."
"Your core is way bigger than we might think—it includes your obliques, low back, serratus, and hip flexors."
"Nice plyometric move, ending plyo's gonna require a jump, all right! Engage that core, come on!"
"Honestly, I use an extra weight because when I'm holding it, I can feel the engagement even deeper into my core."
"Cobra: lift your chest just using your core strength."
"Your core plays a major role in every exercise you do..."
"The more you elevate your core body temperature, the more adapted you become."
"Every pose in yoga is a core strengthener when done properly."
"Squeeze your core...keeping that core and that booty tight, you'll have much more power and control."
"Once you've got that core, there's just nothing that can stop them."
"Nobody uses their core enough, even when you're sitting on a flat bench or incline bench, you should be engaging your core."
"So nice strong core, boom, nice strong glutes, boom boom."
"Breathing on your punches and breathing on your kicks automatically engages the core."
"Plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning."
"This is really good for your core, your back, and your hips."
"You gotta build the abdominal, you know, the lower back, the whole core."
"Strengthen up my core and just continue to be healthy and fit."
"Core is number one for any type of injury or problem in the body."
"Stability comes in the standing leg, it runs up to the inner thigh, the pelvic floor, and goes into the core."
"Doing heavy compound movements is so important for our core."
"Thinking about how the core stays involved in this exercise, since we are doing a core workout."
"Starting to connect into your core center, pulling your navel into the spine."
"Really focus on dropping your ribs down to your hips to really keep your core engaged."
"You're generating anti-rotation forces not just of the abdominals but as the abdominals connect to the pelvis and of course all of that is providing stability for the spine."
"The most important thing is being able to support the body using the core."
"Think about good abs, strong ab muscles, that's it, suck it in, zip them up, come on, your core!"
"You know how to chain your muscles, just pull in those abs, tighten your core."
"Don't forget, keep that core nice and strong as if someone's going to come and punch you in the stomach."
"Planking... it's insane how many muscles this works out at the same time it really strengthens your core."
"Keep going, it's inhale, exhale, inhale, and exhale. Taking this movement nice and slowly, really firing up through our core as well as warming up our legs."
"The stronger you've got in your core, the less your body has to work to put out power."
"Every exercise is a core exercise if you do it right."
"Core strength is actually one of the best things that you can do to treat your lower back pain and to treat your sciatic pain."
"Maintaining a flexible and strong core decompresses nerves."
"Really working your core on this one."
"Plank dumbbell pass into a renegade row, engaging the core and strengthening the back."
"Don't underestimate the power of your core as we start to hinge back and forth."
"There's so much to strengthening your core, making it stronger, and putting resistance on it."
"So we're going to squeeze down on the cushion, keep the squeeze and lift and lower you're going to feel it all through the inner thighs and right into your core."
"To get strength in the hips we've got to work around the core."
"As we know, your core isn't your abdominal muscles only."
"Keep your hips in the middle, not up, not down, pull the abs in, shoulders wide, lengthen through the spine."
"Good maybe lift up a little bit higher because you have the help of the pillow so really pull that core in."
"The stronger your core muscles are, the more you'll be able to do."
"It's about the core and how strong our core is."
"Let's shift it to leg swings so just swing your leg forward and try to keep a balance all right by engaging your core."
"Nice and strong through your core, keeping your abs stitched on, keeping those ribs wrapped in."
"To have an impressive core, train rotation and anti-rotation athletically."
"Bruce Lee's core strength was the foundation of his agility and power."
"A strong core means that you're able to make sure that your posture is good."
"Alright, great job with your boxing today. It's time to get to some core, because a good boxer has a strong core."
"...drawing the belly button back toward the spine, the core is engaged."
"So that little drag of your knee in is lighting up all parts of your core along with your side bodies."
"The tighter your core is the more tension you have."
"Bonus core off the floor, you got it, come on, finish."
"Pull your low belly up and in, keep your ribs open, keep your shoulders down the back."
"Every exercise can be a core exercise if you make it. Awesome, like a double dutch!"
"Your core muscles are the key to unlocking so much strength in your body."
"When you work your core for your practice, you will see an amazing difference."
"All of that was hip focus, but we had a lot of core work in there as well, so I hope you can feel that was a good workout."
"Engage your belly muscles a lot as you extend the left leg back, lift it up from the inner thighs."
"Final push, core is engaged, lean back a little farther, tuck the tail."
"Again, we don't want to just dump out through the rib cage, keep driving through the ground, keeping integrity through the core."
"We're gonna do an awesome core workout which will incorporate some of the total body so you can get a whole workout in today."
"And the last one is designed to give you strength in the core, balance, posture, strength, all those things, this is going to be a suitcase carry."
"Good, stay, stay, stay. My core is shaking like crazy, I hope yours is too. It just means it's working."
"Strengthen the lower abdominal muscles, the buttocks, and the lower back."
"Recruiting your center. Finding that connection. You got this."
"Feel your spine straighten out, your abdominal section tighten up."
"This is a new challenge for me, for you all. Really focusing on core strength."
"This is a workout that is going to work your entire lower body as well as your core so we get quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips, obliques, and all of your abs."
"I don't necessarily have a super defined six-pack right now but I do have a strong functional core."
"It's all in the core it takes some work to get used to doing it so I highly recommend that you practice it."
"I felt core this entire workout too, right? Heck yeah, like bracing, stabilizing."
"I think you're gonna love this workout, love the focus on your core controlling everything."
"So anytime you do any kind of movement in whatever position in Pilates, always think about your foundation, your centre."
"Keep that core engaged, keep those strong legs."
"The core is literally the core of every movement."
"... but feel that core taking it nice and slow... here we go... and breathe, yes team!"
"If your abs aren't engaged and your centre's not stable, you're gonna find all other movements with the rest of the body are going to be quite a challenge."
"When we do the calves, we also work the arches of the feet. So that helps with your balance and your core stability, and control."
"Your core holds you up, keeps your posture, keeps you strong, helps you from falling."
"Our abs are working hard to stabilize, so make sure you're not compromising form."
"Just engaging that core makes a big difference."
"You really want to use that core to support your straight posture while you're kicking out to the side."
"Brace through your core and keep your back long and straight."
"It's very important to have a strong core; it takes stress off the lower back."
"Keep the length in the spine as much as possible, keep the abdominals pulled in tight, protecting the back."
"Great exercise for strengthening our abdominal muscles, hip flexors, quadriceps."
"Keep that core pulled in tight, lengthen our spine, relax those shoulders down."
"Our core is critical for maintaining good posture."
"Your core is like a muscle and can keep growing."
"Squeeze your core, keep your abs really tight."
"Keep your chest upright, core strong."
"This is going to help you with proper core engagement."
"Remember for the wall walk, tight core is really important and you're pushing down through the mat like you're making a palm print."
"I truly believe the best most functional core work’s high speed running."
"You have core stability exercises like marching or a bridge or a plank."
"Good posture, engaging those core muscles, and sitting up nice and tall."
"Work with where you're at today and really focus on those core muscles."
"I've been trying to do that every day, just five to ten minutes of core muscle stretches a day."
"Belly button in, inhale. As we exhale, we're going to push our hips towards the ceiling to a neutral spine."
"Keep the abdominals tight, keep the length in the spine."
"Feel a stretch along the front of your body, stretching out your core muscles."
"So those were five different exercises all for the abdominals, all for the core that we can do standing."
"This is one of the best, most challenging exercises you can do, the entire core is engaged."
"There's simply no good reason not to train the core if you're any kind of athlete and you want the best squat."
"Inversions are a great way to find that core, to bring a little bit of fire to your lower belly, a little bit of clarity to your mind."
"Life is a lot more important than the superficial abs, but abs and your core are really, really important to explore when we wish to expand into the depths of your practice."
"A single arm overhead carry is more focused on general trunk stability and conditioning."
"Suck your belly in, yes, slide those arms down a wall."
"The core, the most important part really of all our Pilates work and in my opinion the most important part of our body that we need to train and get stronger."
"This is the main muscle that we work in Pilates, a lot of people refer to it as like having a corset on or a waistband."
"Actively press down through your hands drawing your navel in and up."
"Doing the correct breathing for let's say 15 minutes a day, just the inhale and the exhale pulling the core in, that alone would really tone and strengthen your core."
"You know, a lot of people don't realize, or maybe they just forget, but your core doesn't only refer to your abdominals; your core wraps around your entire body."
"My core is burning too, it's burning and it's shaking, but that means it's working."
"Inhale, step into a plank; let's warm up the core."
"This is really about endurance, breath, and really having control of your core."
"What's happening here is your abs are contracting at the same time, which means that they're working really hard."
"This move is amazing because it literally targets everything. It's controlled by the core."
"As you breathe in, bring the breath all the way down into your belly, let your belly expand as you inhale, and then as you exhale, draw your belly button back to your spine, engaging your core muscles."
"Looking to strengthen our core muscles."
"The best exercises for fat burning are the ones that activate your lower body and your core together."
"Push the ground away from you and then start to vacuum your belly in and up."
"As you stretch away from the body, you want to hug in at the core and feel like you are getting taller."
"Lifting up through your core and spine."
"Keep the belly lifted, stack the hips, and lift the hips."
"Once you're in the pose, pull your rib cage in, pull your belly in, reach your tailbone up towards your heels."
"The wider your legs are, the easier it is; the closer your feet are together, the more you're going to feel it in the abs."
"Really pull the navel to the spine to protect your back."
"It's amazing once you really activate your core, everything has to work harder."
"The more that we focus on and pay attention to finding that strength in the whole body, finding the true strength in your core, the better all of your workouts from here on out will be."
"Find your breath. Then connect to your core. Connect to your foundation as you slowly roll it up."
"As the navel draws in, lift your sternum."
"In fact, we're going to give you a better, stronger core than you had in your 20s. How's that for a guarantee?"
"People neglect the core quite a lot; this is the time to really work on it."
"Feel that squeeze from the abs and the inner thighs."
"That's working on balance, core strength, coordination, all these crucial things so important."
"If you want to protect your back, your core needs to be strong."
"We've got a lot of core here, guys, a lot of Pilates-inspired moves as well."
"This is just going to help coordinate your lats and your hip flexors through your core."
"Remember when we do big movement patterns like squats, lunges, etc., we do get those abs engaged."
"We're going to be engaging the core throughout the entire workout."
"As you exhale, you're pulling that deep core in and up gently."
"Pulling everything in and turning that core on."
"Exercise strengthening that deep core can really help."
"My core is shaking, a good thing by the way, it means it's working."
"Your abdominals, your lower back, your hips, and your glutes - your core."
"Think about length throughout this whole workout and drawing the abs up and in and bracing the core."
"Sit tall with your back in neutral, pull the belly button in, relax your shoulders."
"The thing that I love about front squats and goblet squats is we actually kick on a ton of core while we're doing it."
"Think about wrapping like your obliques and lifting your belly button."
"We really want to be toning all the little muscles down on the mat today, keeping that core engaged the whole time."
"Core is always a huge part of our yoga practice."
"Engage the core, lift through the heart."
"You're trying to use those muscles through your torso to rotate yourself as much as you possibly can."
"We want to expand all the way through, all the way around, think of your core like a barrel."
"Keep breathing, keep engaging the abs."
"Engage your core, soften your elbows, lift your knees up and down."
"This is gonna make it; these are hard for the core versus standing stuff, this is more effective actually."
"Keep your spine still, I'm getting lots of core right here too."
"Lift the crown of the head, creating space in the spine and an active core."
"Open your chest, shoulders down, and feel your core working harder here."
"Keep your shoulders stabilized and the spine lengthening, gently engage your abs to support your lower back."
"Use your core to bring your torso back to the center."
"Activate your feet, engage your core as much as possible, and stabilize your shoulders."
"Engage the core, we're working full body."
"If you get the hips working correctly, the core will fire correctly."
"Really engage your core to support your lower back."
"Feel it when you really engage all the muscles of the core together."
"Let's get started with a killer core workout for a flat tummy and perfect posture."
"The belly is pulling in towards the spine."
"Keep the belly tight and really press the forearms down into the mat."
"Imagine you could wrap your core a little tighter, like you're buckling a seat belt across your low belly."
"I strongly encourage you to take up Pilates or another form of core building exercise."
"Really scooping the belly, tucking that tail under to really get into those deep core muscles."
"All human movement starts at the core, so that's why we put that in at the very beginning."
"Your core is your powerhouse; all your energy and your strength emanates from your core."
"Now focus on pulling in the belly button, activating the core, squeezing your glutes, pushing away from the floor."
"It's meant to be really good for overall fitness but really particularly good for stability, core strength."
"Training your abs and your core is important for stability."
"If you want better core control and to move through your life easier, you need to be doing hollow body holds."
"This next exercise is called swimming; it's really good for building core strength and back strength."
"Try to keep my shoulder blades off the ground the entire set, that way my core is contracted the entire time."
"We even got some standing work in there to use the core as a support through full body movement patterns like squats and lunges."
"I'm here for functional core training."
"Your defense is no good if you don't have core balance."