
Thoroughness Quotes

There are 1143 quotes

"We need to check every single part of the prison to make sure nothing has been hurt."
"We are going to be deliberate and thorough in our evaluation of evidence and information that may come before us."
"I felt a really profound responsibility to cover every base and then some."
"We spent God like the past 24 hours literally going through every single aspect of this bill."
"We need to put to rest any concept that this was rushed in an inappropriate way. This is really solid."
"My approach to researching videos is really just going like no stone unturned on everything that exists out there on topic."
"It's like my dad used to say, you know, don't do things half-assed, do it right the first time."
"Make sure that you're not missing something, look at the small details."
"It's been accelerated but stages haven't been missed, that is the key thing."
"I want to look under every rock, consider every angle."
"They're not just going to go out and listen to one person and run and search somebody's house. They're going to take their time and do an investigation and make sure it's a complete investigation." - John Lucich
"Nobody misses a spot in the Crusty Crab, just like how SpongeBob does not miss a spot."
"We want to make sure that this is done well and right for the American people."
"There’s no major parts of the book left completely neglected."
"Maybe it's just me, but I like to know everything about everything before I make a decision about it."
"Spray it, scrub it, shine it, clean it, wash it, rinse it, gloss it, sheen it."
"I'm gonna show you guys every single step without a single step skipped on the screen with me."
"The findings were enough for investigators to request that a thorough forensic examination be performed on the vehicle."
"We've really taken a lot of time to make sure that we've found that correct balance."
"A good assassin never leaves any loose ends. The same is true of a good completionist."
"My administration believes in two beautiful rules: buy American and hire American."
"You can't get to a real solution without addressing the underlying issues."
"If you got lost at some point, maybe go over everything a second time, maybe even a third time, really worth it."
"I jumped right on in there... I did my QC thing because I want to make sure I didn't miss one step I want to saw from the bottom."
"There's no other way to get from point A to point B without telling the whole story."
"That's just my style is that I kind of want to be as informed as possible."
"The Witcher 3 has a substantial amount of content."
"Always fully explore all the options that a game has to offer."
"You must take a comprehensive approach... do it all."
"Barry kept thorough records of all his prior business dealings."
"There is a permanent benefit to wandering around and fully scanning and surveying every location that you travel to."
"Make sure that everything has been finished the way that it needs to be."
"I teach all of this stuff from the rooter to the tooter."
"It's better to address things head-on completely without taking any shortcuts."
"Long story short, this place was basically complete, inside and out."
"Every inch of this game is thought out." - Uncharted 3
"We go beyond the headline. We make sure that you know the full context of the story."
"I wanted to do this topic justice, and I'm gonna do it."
"If you're going to clean a house, you have to see the dirt."
"This really heartless and dangerous policy that the president latched onto was actually completely thought out in detail."
"Every drone I'm going to tell you about in this video I've done... a full review on it."
"We always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"This end needs to be real thorough always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"Make sure you read the whole thing, from first letter to last letter."
"They got to go in there and they got to scrape it and get everything out."
"Every square inch of this map has detail and thought."
"We're taking everything from character development to world building to rendering absolutely seriously."
"They want this to be thoroughly investigated and appropriately investigated."
"These aren't just someone told me a story. This was an in-depth investigation."
"At the end of the day, if you're gonna do it right, strip it back down to the frame and build it all new."
"I still have like a page and a half of notes and I've been filming for 30 minutes."
"Be so thorough, like you can attach it to your pets."
"They used an industrial vacuum cleaner to clean the entire area."
"I gotta make sure I totally understand the ins and outs of each one before recommending a new god roll."
"Let's get into the bread and butter, meat and potatoes, as the Germans say, as regards to what this video is about."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"I swear there's something in there. Check every nook and cranny for me, okay? All right, we're gonna find it first try. We're gonna find it first try, every nook and cranny."
"There needs to be a full and proper investigation."
"I don't care how late the review is, I'm doing a full breakdown review."
"If you make a review, you need to watch at least a good majority of the show."
"Desperate for clues, investigators searched the vehicle millimeter by millimeter."
"I'm going to try my best to be as thorough as possible and also I'm going to try to be as beginner friendly as possible in case you're just starting out with color grading or DaVinci Resolve."
"I have several chapters that explore this in great detail in the same manner that I just said."
"There were a lot and I mean a lot of characters to go through."
"Don't be afraid to check and recheck... you want this to be perfect."
"Definitely consider taking Bruno's course, it's elaborate."
"Persistence is key and just going over areas multiple times because you need to be sure you're going over every last inch."
"There's extreme research, there's intense thought, and there's an honesty about her."
"Let's take this floor by floor and door by door."
"We'll count every single piece of paper, every single ballot, every single lawfully cast legal ballot."
"If you're gonna do a job, you gotta do it right."
"Every single lawyer, myself included, will go through all of these documents with a fine-tooth comb."
"This was really strong solid stuff from beginning to end, it had every layer I hoped it could."
"Take the time to process it down nice and fine."
"We've covered absolutely every angle in a very good way."
"I cover everything. I leave no stone left unturned."
"I won't be packing this today but this way I have my list and I can just be really thorough."
"It's time to run through them all just in case you forgot."
"Let's just get it all upgraded... every last bit of this base."
"The suspension system received a thorough overhaul."
"First time I've ever cleaned the whole room, took me three days."
"If you're going to do something, you gotta do it properly; otherwise, don't do it at all."
"We've done it, it's timed with double, with triple, and with quadruple checked it."
"What we now have in our hands tonight and that report would not be what it is and would not have the import that it has."
"You always want to overdo everything to make sure everybody's on the same page."
"Thorough means comprehensive. Thorough means completely. Thorough means well done."
"We're getting down to the details that matter the most."
"We wanted to answer all the questions that we felt need to be answered."
"We're gonna really immerse you in the proper details of how to really clean and detail a car."
"I'm so happy to hear they are being thorough with it and not cutting any corners."
"Old World Blues features probably the most thorough closing narration in Fallout history."
"Don't settle for a surface-level explanation. Pursue information with vigor until you know the whole truth."
"Take the time to explore even the smallest corner of every single map you're on."
"She has very thought-out, researched questions, and she really cares about them, and you could tell."
"It asked me questions not only about your hair but about your lifestyle."
"Put everything down because the one thing you might withhold could be the most important aspect."
"System was vacuumed pressurized vacuumed again and now the refrigerant is released."
"This preview breakdown is going to be extensive and it's going to be worth it."
"You can see all that dirt just melting away, just dissolving, and knowing that every single part of the vehicle, not just the interior and the exterior, but also the engine bay compartment is clean, there's something so satisfying about that."
"I really want to, like, sit down and really unfold the information in front of me."
"It may seem like a lot to some people, but it was really important to go over pretty much every single rivet on the boat."
"Their work has been tireless. It has been thorough, and every individual that is complicit in this scheme will be held accountable."
"As you guys can see, very thorough, very systematic. We're going over science, we're going over engineering."
"This should be taken seriously, this should be investigated as thoroughly as possible."
"I know it sounds a little crazy but I just come really prepared."
"It's nice to have the opportunity to do something a bit more in depth."
"This is going to be one of the most in-depth, most researched, most tested reviews we've ever done."
"If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it [expletive] correctly."
"We're not just relying on one piece of evidence."
"It's full of a thousand sources in every chapter, it's so well documented."
"Use all your senses to really sort through it."
"There's something about doing a job very thoroughly, very well that I really enjoy."
"The rest is up to you all. Be thorough and don't let a single one escape."
"I think this jury is going to be really smart, I think that they're really going to be looking at all of everything."
"The biggest test is to make sure the car is fully warmed up and not even just at 90 but make sure even the fans are kicking in."
"You want to fill in everything you can about the biography."
"My opinions tend to be on the long side. That is because I also believe in transparency. That people should know precisely what I think and the basis for my decision."
"All the boxes have to be checked and I feel this quad checks all the boxes."
"There's just a whole bunch of little details that I like to pay attention to."
"True satisfaction comes from turning every single stone."
"This subject is so important and it needs to be as thorough as possible."
"This tutorial is going to be very thorough."
"Curiosity to uncover defects beyond what's obvious."
"If you find yourself doing a ton of cleanup work at the end of the haircut, it's probably a good chance that you weren't very thorough in the first place."
"That's all I ask, for them to do a thorough investigation of her death."
"Let's make sure that we cover everything we need."
"All the time that you've got your eyes on the water and that you're looking, you're leaving no stone unturned."
"Don't leave anything to chance, schedule every single part of your content including your captions."
"This will be a long and epic comparison test."
"If you're going to do something, do it properly."
"Make sure your content is thorough and complete."
"We put this thing through the wringer."
"There's no point doing things by half measures."
"We're going to put this thing through an extensive test."
"I love when things are thought through."
"They really did think of everything to get you ready to go."
"That is everything we found in the Fallout series. There is a LOT packed in here, and I love the care and attention to detail of everything."
"There's nothing wrong with being thorough and taking your time and doing a good job and knowing what you're getting into."
"Give at least two full weeks to kind of look over this data."
"You want nothing left when you're done."
"We are adventuring into every single aspect right out of the gate."
"If there's anything worth doing, do it right the first time. Take an extra day and think about it."
"I wanted to make sure I did this right and it was the most informative WRX review out there."
"Do it once, do it right; do the prep steps."
"I feel like this book was incredibly well researched."
"It's so much better to do things neatly and thoroughly, even stupid things."
"Always investigate, don't rush when you do diagnosis."
"Top to bottom, show me where the holes are, and they just aren't there."
"If you're going to do it, do it right."
"It turned out to be just a huge deep dive."
"Pay attention to the small details."
"Double check anything important that you're doing."
"At least we tried to do our best to collect it, when in doubt collect it"
"We need to clean the entire state and by cleaning the states i mean everything."
"It's like they thought through the whole thing."
"Nothing too crazy with this one, just always double checking everything and always obviously looking at the big picture."
"You're thorough not someone who leaves things up to chance."
"They say the devil is in the detail."
"The amount of research that has gone into this is mind-blowing, absolutely mind-blowing."
"Just so much attention to detail."
"right then I'm gonna try and offload this now and I shall be very thorough with its faults obviously because I can't be anything else"
"If we are going to do this, we are going to do it right."
"If we just go that little bit extra and a little bit more thorough, comprehensive evaluation based on this new model of functional medicine, we can help so many people."
"The devil's in the detail with this stuff."
"I'm a little bit obsessed and I want to make sure I clean everything thoroughly."
"He had just had one of those spirits that he didn't just check on you, he checked on things that were a part of you."
"Make sure there's no debris in there, all I'm going to do is spray this rag with some choke cleaner and just wipe all of them until the rags come out clean pretty much."
"I know that was long but that is how my videos are they're very in-depth detailed because if you're spending this amount of money on a product like this you want to know all the details ins and outs."
"I will be a harsh critic in this. I will do my best to try to review it as thoroughly as possible."
"Take a very, very simple topic but dissect it... Make sure we understand each small detail of it."
"We're going to be going through his emails, we're going to be going through his text messages, we're going to be talking to friends in Los Angeles and St Louis and Chicago."
"If you're gonna do a job, do it right."
"The general pattern is crucial. But so are the details."
"I like to go above and beyond like if I'm here spending my time like I travel all the way here I want to see every inch of this place."
"Take your time and feel comfortable with your inspection."
"So much for Band-Aids, let's wait for the parts to get here and do it right."
"I'd rather include too much information than not enough information."
"I don't want to overlook anything."
"Every step is thought of so carefully."
"This time, instead of going cheap and easy, I'm going whole hog."
"That was a bit excessive, but I had to make sure."
"I wanted to give her yet another final wash to make sure that the power washing at the dealership didn't shoot up or dislodge anything from below that now is sitting on top so I re-washed once again."
"I'm always picking things up, moving things around to make sure that I don't miss anything."
"Sometimes half measures just don't do the situation justice."
"I'd rather be thorough than fast."
"We're not just going to fix the broken one and leave you with the rest old rusty old bolts and hopefully they'll hold. No, we're not going to do that."
"Leave no stone unturned in this business."
"We cannot put this back. Well, we can put this back but it's just easier to do it right the first time."
"Spend longer on things than you think is necessary and re-go over what you've done to make sure it is as good as it can be."
"We were just still looking for clues of where these where these kids were and so we were just trying to exhaust every Avenue anyone who would have any knowledge of of the kids."
"I didn't really take the time to explore the can as thoroughly as I should have."
"All of them, make sure you check."
"You're thorough, so continue to be you."
"It's just all the little details."
"Why do you want to do it half-ass? Do it the right way."
"Take your time, do everything right."
"Leave no stone unturned. Persevere."
"The government was very thorough... exactly what they wrote... delineating the willfulness... intent... the importance of these documents."
"No matter how simple the call, we have to be thorough."