
Negotiation Skills Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"It isn't about being confident or feeling confident or any of that, it's about knowing bloody well how to negotiate. Start with small things."
"A woman who's really good at negotiation is almost unstoppable."
"Negotiation is not about knowing what you want and then having four or five or six arguments for why they should give it to you... There's a lot more you need to be doing."
"You're always negotiating, so the sooner you become a better negotiator, and learn the mistakes you're making, the better results you'll start getting when it comes down to negotiating."
"Our negotiation is on point. I would say that for sure, our negotiation is on point."
"If someone comes to you and they give you bad terms you don't say no you say improve the terms."
"There was a need in a market, not about a color but about a culture."
"It's not about being nice. It's about negotiating, communicating, connecting."
"That notice and demand is extremely powerful. We have to put it to work and we'll have to seal the deal."
"Act out scenarios where you're successfully negotiating deals or presenting pitches."
"There has been some positive developments... Richard Arnold is understood to have impressed Ronaldo's camp by the manner in which he handled his wish to leave."
"So if you can learn to negotiate, you've got a skill that will just take you everywhere."
"Call them and get a deal. If you don't handle phone negotiations very well, just click the chat button."
"Successful negotiation is not about getting to yes. It's about mastering no and understanding what the path to an agreement is."
"Don't worry about losing out on a deal because you're afraid that you're not good enough on the phone or you don't know what kind of questions to ask."
"Who wants to smash things or run fast? I want to be able to negotiate."
"Negotiate this week and you'll end up with so much more than you'd normally expect."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the shrewdest negotiator when it comes to guys like that."
"Children have to learn how to negotiate, make a good case, and win over people to their point of view."
"It's never what you're worth, it's what you negotiate."
"It's emotional, it's a negotiation. You have to showcase the ability to compromise."
"My whole practice all these decades has been about getting to yes, how do you make a deal and then how do you get it documented."
"The strongest negotiating position in any personal or professional human interaction is being able to walk away and mean it."
"Being in a strong negotiating position comes from stability and vision."
"Learn about how to negotiate compensation and practice that negotiation beforehand."
"You're not going to get what you want in life, you're going to get what you negotiate for."
"If you can negotiate for more in life, you're going to have higher quality romantic partners, more of them, higher quality ones, happier ones, happier to dance to your music."
"AMC knows how to negotiate hard for the benefit of our shareholders."
"Utilize power talk to thrive in any negotiation, whether in business, relationships, or romance."
"One of the ways I got the deal was I actually started talking to them yesterday... threw out a low ball, they took it, we met up, now we have it."
"Independent thinking is extremely important if you're going to negotiate."
"Learn the art of negotiating with win-win steps and clauses that actually work for everybody."
"The key to negotiating is to be confident and polite."
"Knowledge is power and being able to negotiate this is what's going to get us back on track."
"Maybe you need to negotiate, don't settle for less than you deserve."
"Your bartering prowess has resulted in a successful trade."
"Negotiation is not a super fun thing to do but it's necessary."
"You negotiate and you win. That's kind of like the definition of success in life."
"Many people tend to forget that a lot of things in life actually are negotiable—they just don't try to negotiate in the first place."
"You have a hell of a lot of negotiating leverage."
"If anyone knows how to negotiate situations, parlay, and finesse, it is the zodiac sign of Libra."
"Do these people not even know how to negotiate? Don't send him letters, make demands."
"Antonio Conte is willing to do the deal. Maybe at 50 million. There you go, no kidding, this is absolutely incredible."
"Cederial Confluence might just be the best pure negotiation game on the market."
"There's never like if someone just gives you like a no for an answer there's always a way to renegotiate something."
"Know your worth, know the market, and make offers that make sense. Patience pays off!"
"Negotiate, compromise, prioritize... you have enough."
"Teach your children the art of negotiation... mom and dad are going to change their mind... if you put forth compelling arguments."
"Oh, let me discuss this with my channel here. Come here, come here. Those legendary haggling skills. Remember, drive the price up, not down."
"A deal maker gets something through that otherwise wouldn't."
"One of my favorite quotes in life in general is 'The answer is never no, you're just asking the wrong person.'"
"You get what you negotiate. Dating is a negotiation. You get what you negotiate."
"Adapting to the pace of change will be a critical test for society."
"He's just a natural Master negotiator and he was just destined to become a manager one day."
"The Bard is built to be The Negotiator, there's no question about it."
"Having played a paladin, you are never not going to be okay at negotiation, you're never bad at it."
"She is a charismatic negotiator, astute, appealing, a liberator, breaker of chains."
"Knowing what you don't know is very important in negotiations."
"Being willing to walk away is the foundation of everything."
"Generate more money by negotiating arrays or applying for a promotion."
"Conor's incredible success is also due to the fact that he advocates for himself and explicitly asks for what he wants."
"The true essence of negotiation was patience and understanding."
"I have probably been in more sit-downs than I can ever remember."
"When you get the first deal, the second becomes easier."
"Man United have done a good job in negotiations"
"With skillful negotiation, she successfully secures a lower price for the seeds."
"This one is a negotiator, for example, for helping you become a better negotiator when you're trying to buy a used car."
"Engage in simple negotiation, know when and how to negotiate."
"Knowing how to successfully negotiate not only helps you resolve conflict or get what you want, but it also helps you build better relationships and create lasting solutions."
"Sarah is a very skilled negotiator."
"If you want to get rich, master negotiation."
"When you negotiate on loads, you have to have the right attitude, be respectful, and confident."
"I negotiate and I love it. I'm good at it too. I think immigrants, like... yeah, power to immigrant first-generation Americans. Like, we learned that stuff from our parents."
"Negotiating is not compromise, negotiation is reasoning for your advantage."
"I am an excellent negotiator at work and it shows."
"Your magic sauce is your ability to do deals that are strikingly awesome."
"He negotiated patiently, argued diplomatically."
"The ability to ask, negotiate, communicate to get what you want."
"This business can be rough, and the more knowledge you have, the more power you have to negotiate."
"Mrs. Prime Time is an amazing negotiator, and she crushed it on these posters."
"I've become known for negotiation advice... by negotiating, you actually increase your perceived value."
"I'm decent at those, okay? I don't like to toot my own horn; I'm decent at negotiation, I'm decent at mediation."
"He seems to have won some jaw-dropping concessions from the EU without giving anything in return."
"In negotiation, if you kind of got control of that and your emotions, that's a really good thing to do well at."
"High-level negotiators are very good at getting to know the other person and getting them to express their wants and needs."
"Peaceful choices, finessing, smooth talking, persuading, or maneuvering, having something to your advantage."