
Social Work Quotes

There are 376 quotes

"I feel for the first time in 23 years as a social worker, I'm actually changing lives."
"I think Social Work helped me to be less judgmental... none of us want to think of ourselves as being judgmental, but we do."
"I've been nominated for three regional Emmys documenting my work with the homeless as well as my personal adoption journey. Despite those accolades, the greatest award for me is truly providing the infrastructure for a transformed life."
"If we could just get response to non-criminal calls done mostly by social workers, we could cut down on the amount of police time responding to calls by nearly a third."
"Libraries have become de facto homeless shelters and how librarians are now operating as social workers and first responders."
"Let's work with this person so that we can treat the cause of what's causing them to behave in a way that may be causing pain, damage, or distraction to the rest of society."
"Social worker: 46k per year, do it for passion, not money."
"Hey man, if Minneapolis wants to replace their cops with social workers, dude I am legit 100 for that."
"I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting, and dirty because it's been out on the streets."
"Her towering height of 180cm tall, modelesque figure and impressive social work background can help her advance into the semi-finals."
"Schnurr now works in social services and aids those dealing with traumatic experiences."
"The mission is to help people, silent workers of compassion."
"We're deeply involved in gang reconciliation with the California Black Writers. We are married to many of the organizations at the grassroots levels that are doing things like addressing the problems that are systemic within the black race."
"The work that we've started to do in the Almond mom community is actually really empowering."
"All of it helps keep me here doing what I'm moved to do trying to help these families in these extremely tough situations."
"We shouldn't be doing for them, we should be doing with them."
"Democrat officials will dial 9-1-1 so social workers can come and put out the fires by politely asking arsonists if they can think of a more constructive way to express their search for equality and justice."
"You really need some grace. It's really hard to define the job. You deal with a lot of really terrible things all the time on a regular basis."
"We rehabilitate people who are leading lives of crimes."
"This type of community work pays off dividends years later."
"At the end of the day, that's what you have to be okay with if you are working in trying to help people, just to focus on the ones that you were able to help."
"You help people who are facing horrible times. I love the work."
"People are hurting right now," shared Deborah Humphrey. "I'm a social worker going out tonight to help the homeless."
"Dr. Christine Cocciola, a therapist and social worker."
"Now if you stop and say, 'Wait, walk me through this.' There's an armed gunman. It's two o'clock in the morning. You're gonna send social workers to chat with the gunman."
"Let's put money and funding towards social workers, let's put money toward mental health and education."
"We want better cops, we want fewer cops, we want more social workers and fewer people in jail."
"I'm a case manager, you know, for housing, and I help the homeless."
"One of my favorite groups of women to work with are girls at a place called The Next Door in Nashville, Tennessee."
"My job being in social work, working at behavioral hospitals, working at group homes, working at homeless shelters, was a lot harder than what I'm doing right now."
"I work in social work so I help people with disabilities and getting them jobs I currently work remotely which is nice because I can travel when I want."
"In my professional career as a social worker I have seen the significance of understanding one's identity and how it directly relates to well-being."
"The key in maintaining the order could potentially be disarming a large segment or disarming a large segment and sending them off to get some type of training to be able to have like the social worker type of skills to deal with conflict."
"Case management involves bringing together all kinds of resources and support to help the client reach their goals."
"I used to be a social worker, my education is in social work."
"Thanks to this fund, schools have already seen a 65% increase in Social Workers and a 17% increase in counselors."
"I want to get into social work to help other people dealing with addiction."
"Opportunities for social workers who are trained to work in schools are going to grow in the near future."
"A social worker should refer clients to other professionals when needed."
"A conflict of interest occurs when a social worker's services to a client is compromised or might be compromised because of decisions or actions in relation to another client, colleague, or some other person."
"Ask yourself this simple question: will I, the social worker, feel some type of way providing services to a client because of this other person, or will the client I'm working with possibly feel some type of way because of my connection with this other person?"
"Remember, our primary interest is to the client, the well-being of the client. They're at the top."
"One of the things I think of here is, after this assessment is done, if the client leaves this office and goes home and leaves our agency, what's going to happen to that client? What's the most likely outcome?"
"Community organization: a shift from one-to-one mode of helping to more mass-oriented and community-based approach."
"Why social work is an empowering profession."
"Remember, prevention occurs on a continuum."
"What social workers do in the field defines what social work becomes, so the social construction of theory is actually an active ongoing and dynamic process."
"The feminist social work practice takes women's experience of the world as the starting point of analysis."
"Social work as a field needs a revamp."
"Being in the Social Work profession during a time when such change is happening in our society takes someone who's going to be creative."
"I think social work really does take as I mentioned before a special type of person."
"It's the type of field that you really feel that you're making a difference in."
"The thing that impacted me the most on this ride-along with Sheila was all of the stops we made to homes where she was helping them and educating through compassion and kindness."
"There has to be a passion, a commitment, and a dedication to social work for it to be an attractive career."
"She's a foster parent recruiter, doing something beautiful and really cool."
"Shane was particularly passionate about his job... Work tirelessly to help people who are homeless or in need of accommodation."
"I knew early on that I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so this just totally in line with what I wanted to do with my life but I never knew that I can marry entrepreneurship and social work in the way that I have."
"Because of my clinical skills that I already had as a social worker coupled with the clinical skills that I learned from completing the certification for financial social work, I felt like I was really equipped to go forth and do a lot more one-on-one coaching."
"You can't go wrong with social work."
"International social work is definitely a go. It gives you that international focus, that allure of traveling and working abroad."
"So you don't have to leave to do international social work. I have friends who work in immigration services in the US, so you don't have to leave if you don't want to. That's not a requirement at all."
"Social work is considered an allied health practice focused on providing support to people in need, people in crisis, or people at risk of harm."
"Mandatory reporting is primarily not for the purpose of removing children from their homes; it's more like a first step towards arranging support for protective elements."
"Expect to hit the road of bureaucracy in your social work practice."
"So just, again, I feel like I could talk for a long time about that but to really, really think about how you can make a difference with your own home, with your own clients, with your own work in your own community."
"I ended up with a psychology degree because once I started classes I thought I need to be able to help someone who's going through what I've gone through and and I did social work for quite a while."
"Our youth is the future of our nation so that's where the time should be taken to have the programs and have the counseling and stuff like that but it's not so that's what my channel focuses on it's called a grew up inside."
"I actually have a bachelor degree in social work and was working as a social worker before I took this full time."
"They're doing some really important awesome work over there."
"Engage in some social projects, focusing out on other people."
"You know, I worked with kids with behavioral problems during the day."
"Often social workers don't apply for certain jobs because it may not say blatantly in the job description that they are looking for someone with a social work degree but still apply anyway."
"Our job is to make invisible people visible."
"We got a new caseworker and she is absolutely amazing."
"The Godman Guild became one of Flytown's busiest and most trusted institutions."
"I'm grateful and I'm very happy to receive it in the name of the hungry, of the naked, of the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared, throw away of the society."
"Their commitment to social works began with the establishment of numerous charitable organizations and initiatives that aimed to uplift the lives of their fellow citizens."
"We've actually added four clinical social workers to our athletic department who are boots on the ground trying to be preventive rather than reactive."
"You're a social worker; you're a hero. Underpaid, underappreciated, your hero, and I love you."
"I've just received information that the White Choir Center has opened up a temporary night shelter."
"Now her main goal is to help girls in trouble."
"Social workers who provide supervision should evaluate supervisory performance in a manner that is fair and respectful."
"The evaluation and outcome of the supervisory process is an integral part to the development of professional social workers."
"Social workers should not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with current clients, whether such contact is consensual or forced."
"Social workers, not their clients, assume the full burden of setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries."
"The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people."
"Social workers challenge social injustice."
"Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of every person."
"Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner."
"Social workers practice within their area of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise."
"Social workers should avoid posting any identifying or confidential information about clients on professional websites or other forms of social media."
"Social workers should transfer or dispose of clients' records in a manner that protects clients' confidentiality and is consistent with applicable laws governing records and social work licensure."
"Social workers should take reasonable precautions to protect client confidentiality in the event of the social worker's termination of practice, incapacitation, or death."
"She was a college graduate, she was a social worker, she helped people, it was her life's work to help others in need."
"Social work is a fabulous profession, but it's a really challenging time, I think, to be starting a new university course at the moment."
"We just want to say that you are very welcome to our profession."
"I really like a hopeful approach to social work practice."
"I really like a relationships-based approach."
"It's really helpful for us as social workers to understand this: how it separates out the basics of a theory, a model, a method, and an approach."
"It helps to bed down your roots in terms of theory-informed practice."
"Social workers have seen all kinds of things from all across the spectrum; they're there to evaluate whether you can take care of a child, love a child, and provide a child with a safe environment."
"A job that helps people requires empathy."
"I'm a social worker, I've been a social worker for 30 years now."
"Tonight's session is looking at social work assessment."
"It's brilliant, I think it's good what you guys do."
"Assessment has been recognized as a core skill in social work and it should underpin all social work interventions."
"There's really three sources of evidence in any assessment that we're doing."
"What we do as social workers and why we do it is remaining the same during this pandemic practice, how we're doing it is changing rapidly."
"Social workers are professionals and do not get enough credit for what they do every day."
"As social workers, we're on a journey starting with reflection, moving towards critical reflection, and onto reflexivity."
"The treasure of Social Work lies around how we see the person in the context of their environment."
"A major contribution Mary Richmond made to social work was to explain very carefully that you have to have an understanding of the individual circumstances of people."
"By helping vets get their lives back, VA social workers like Dale Anderson were becoming linchpins in the rehabilitation process."
"My favorite class I've ever taken is probably my introduction to social work class."
"We're raising funds so that we can afford to hire workers, either social workers, mental health professionals, to deal with the trauma of reuniting these children."
"What's the most ethical thing that we as a social worker must do?"
"The best way for the social worker to empower the client and create a sense of hope is to meet the client where they are."
"Social workers should take reasonable steps to avoid abandoning clients who are still in need of services."
"Visiting children and families in the community is a crucial part of their child protection work."
"Effective social workers need to apply professional skepticism to cases."
"Social work is a regulated profession, and the title is protected."
"As a social worker, you're expected to possess some skills, some qualities like communication, you have to be empathetic."
"We get to walk in and see the problems that people have with their kids, with each other, relationships."
"There's nothing like actually going and meeting with people IRL, finding a local problem, and seeing what you can do to help."
"If it were proper for Quakers to be proud, I think we're entitled to be proud for the many ways that we've worked to try to make the world a better place."
"I've worked with Foster Care Systems all my life."
"I decided I would work with the mental health program."
"I am a social worker for formally incarcerated youth."
"I'm going to school to be a social worker. I would like to eventually work with children and advocate for them."
"I really wanted to work with children that were in care."
"Social work is actually shortlisted in their shortage occupational list; it is in high demand."
"Social work is a very hectic, demanding profession that you really need your spirit, soul, and body in."
"Social work is a helping profession; we help people to help themselves."
"Don't come into social work just because you want to 'japa'; come because you want to help people."
"It's very rewarding and professional."
"It was around January when I got an email from her social worker, and she said there's a little girl I need to know if you're interested in adopting her."
"I spent the winter doing a personal project on the homeless community in the city."
"I'm going to work with the homeless."
"They create affordable housing for families and just everybody in general who don't have enough money for housing."
"So right now we are actually waiting for our social worker to get here because we are doing a re-evaluation so that we can open our home back up for foster care."
"We're still raising money to provide an education and safety to three-year-old street workers in Bangladesh."
"I knew my work with damaged and abused children was my calling at this time."
"I've always been involved in the alleviation of suffering."
"Goodwill works for our community."
"I had a lot of passion for special ed and I had a lot of passion for social work, and I knew I wanted to do both."
"These are the former beauty queens that showed us how to enact their projects and impact the society."
"We mostly focus on women and children in our area."
"I think what you're doing is really admirable."
"School on Wheels, they just deal with like homeless and at-risk kids providing them with after-school activities, a place to be."
"I want to do more stuff to help the homeless."
"Social work is a job, and you can treat it like a job and that's okay."
"I ended up changing my major to human sciences and becoming a social worker, working with the homeless, and trying to repay the debt that I owe to the one kind old man."
"Social work is such a fast-growing and expanding field that is nibbling its way into so many different niches in our world."
"Social workers can work almost anywhere, doing so many different things."
"Social work has a very, very good market in terms of the Australian current sector."
"It's a field where there's a lot, a lot of opportunities."
"She wanted to help the less fortunate, wanted to help with people who were dealing with addiction and mental health issues resulting because of addiction."
"I'm going to get my Master's Degree... to go get a dual master's degree in public administration and social work."
"United do really good stuff in the community."
"I'm probably gonna get a degree in anthropology and social work."
"We're working on a long-term solution to homelessness and it works."
"In the four years during which the foundation has been in existence, we have arranged almost 5000 successful marriages."
"They're going to do charity work."
"It's important for social workers to act ethically, to follow our own morals as well as doing right by our clients, our colleagues, our employers, and just representing the profession well."
"Social workers have that unconditional positive regard often for our clients, regardless of if they are rude to us or if maybe they've made some big mistakes in their life."
"We need to practice within our areas of competence and then develop and enhance our expertise over time."
"We recognize that there are strengths in all cultures."
"We need to inform clients when a real or a potential conflict arises and we need to take responsible steps to resolve that conflict."
"We want to respect privacy and confidentiality as much as we possibly can."
"We only solicit private information from clients for compelling professional reasons."
"Set clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries."
"Take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests of clients who lack decision-making capacity."
"Ensure continuity of services to minimize disruptions and interruptions as much as possible."
"Curtis chose to perform social services by visiting the elderly as part of a school program."
"Social workers should engage in social and political action that is aligned with social work values in seeking equality, services, opportunities, meeting basic human needs, and advancing social justice."
"Charles Loring Brace is considered to be the first person that really made the orphan trains work in the United States."
"There is a lot of work to be done to improve that relationship between police and the community."
"We were founded in 1936 to bring hope and change to folks stuck on the street in addiction and homelessness."
"I'm not making fun of her... I think the majority of people who work in these areas do it because they want to help conquer some of the social inequalities or issues that people are facing."
"One of my favorite things about the field of social work is just how diverse the field is."
"The cool thing about all three levels of social work, micro, meso, macro, is that they all interact with each other."
"The core social work goals are to help clients improve social functioning, resolve problems, achieve desired change, and meet self-defined goals."
"Do your best for the community, work together."
"Firefighters are social workers with muscles."
"Norway's contact officers participate in a two-year full-time college education to become social workers in addition to guards."
"We could tell we were making a really big difference."
"Together they spearheaded many social programs for their people regardless of their gender, such as the right to education, the right to property ownership, political power, and public health care."
"You see, your foundation is taking people off the street, helping them to become better people."
"Social work is a great way to spend some time with your community and to be close to your people around."
"Helping people reintegrate into society, helping people not go to prison, that's what I do."
"I hope they do something not in this industry, like be a social worker, doctor, anything else. The world needs more social workers and doctors."
"What I like about this job is being able to make a difference, being able to change the lives of children, change the lives of parents, change generations."
"I'm a social worker because I want to do something for folk."
"I want to be a licensed clinical social worker."
"I run a center for kids with special needs."
"I am going to be a social worker."
"I'm a case manager for managing adolescence experiencing homelessness."
"You can only do this work in community."
"As a medical social worker on a transdisciplinary team, my role is to assist patients in addressing social concerns and barriers that may hinder them from being as healthy as they can."
"Being a social worker is a 24-hour day, 7-day a week job."