
Trolling Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Anonymous is basically a network of online trolls that became a global force to be reckoned with."
"I recognized a carefully worded provocative troll post when I see one."
"It's so easy to be a troll nowadays that there's not even an art form to it."
"If a new user comes on Twitter and then is immediately attacked by trolls and dumped on, they're going to want to leave."
"The reason these people are trolling you is because you are speaking truth to them that they don't want to hear."
"The age-old mentality of 'don't feed the trolls' is a bit outdated."
"I think the fuck is you're asking that question suggests Andrus trolling on the right path."
"He's shockingly talented internet trolling and, of course, he loves his country so much that he successfully aided in avenging National tragedies on two different occasions."
"Oh, he's trolling, a rush, okay, well, he's just going for a free slogan, he's sick."
"I'm just a troll at the end of the day, and so people are playing my game."
"The hate is all in bad faith, it's basically trolling."
"You know, there are a lot of narcissistic sociopaths out there and the anonymity of the internet emboldens them. So a lot of this trolling epidemic that's going on are just a lot of these individuals who have those personality distortions."
"There's no way to fight that and you're just protesting with humor and that is absolutely the best classiest way to troll."
"The number one rule for me is always: don't feed the trolls."
"Pamela pulled off one of the biggest trolling efforts in YouTube history."
"He's the villain troller. Like, that's what he does. And we all know that."
"The internet's the biggest troll in the world."
"It's one of those things, trolling is not the same thing."
"Kyrie Irving has been trolling everybody in the media."
"Pariston Hill is a troll, a supremely dangerous troll."
"Limbo, love and hate... very good at trolling."
"I actually think it was pretty genius when Snack was trolling people with that, right?"
"Welcome to the wild world of Minecraft Trolling where the only thing you can do is laugh so hard that you can't breathe from creating elaborate parkour courses."
"I see a lot more pro-russian trolling and it's really active from 9am to 5 p.m Moscow time."
"He decides at that point that he might as well troll his stepmom."
"After a long career of [ __ ] with people McAfee effortlessly it's been a very very long video effortlessly managed to secure his legacy and cement himself as one of the finest trolls of all time."
"She's really the ultimate troll in terms of just getting people's phones to ring."
"I kind of like seeing him so publicly troll all these politicians."
"He's a savvier political operator than people realize... how effectively can you troll the libs... it's a feedback loop that has worked for him."
"She's doing everything perfect if her ultimate goal is to troll Trump."
"Who's shooting at me man, someone is trolling me so hard right now."
"We came to the conclusion that I think we he was trolling us he doesn't actually live at the address he gave us obviously."
"It's just very funny how, like, I don't know, debate culture has grown into this... Like, I just... And the trolling thing, the whole, like, just mind game of, like, yeah, don't feed the troll, little..."
"Blizzard are the biggest trolls in the game confirmed."
"I just feel like I'm getting trolled and I don't think that's an accurate."
"4chan they know how to troll man they know what they're up to."
"It's just a troll in a lot of ways, the reactions it gets is the funnest part of it."
"Yo, if someone really messes with you, you use this troll."
"Elon Musk will walk away having effectively trolled a multi-billion dollar social media company."
"You just have like a million trolls that have nothing better to do with their lives."
"Perhaps an impossible one in a world where Nintendo fans are so easy to troll, you only have to start a fake F-Zero Twitter account to get them to look at porn."
"You have to be almost partially gay to troll another man."
"This is not hoax hate of course, but somewhat similarly themed: a real event of legendary trolling proportions."
"It's one of those things where you, I don't know, trolling has its place in video games like Call of Duty and Fortnite but in politics it usually isn't great."
"Have you ever seen someone troll for so long that after a while their jabs are not even impactful anymore?"
"It just seems like a massive troll, but why would someone make posts like this for seven to nine years?"
"Trolling is an attention-seeking behavior because seriously, who gets that angry over auto repair content on the internet?"
"Concern trolling is the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion."
"Smitty is a fucking bro. Smitty is like a silent menace dude. He's a little troll bro."
"The trolling, the trolling, the guys just would get to me. He's with you guys, BCR Records? No."
"We do a little trolling. I'm in the Nether in Minecraft, how do I survive? Sure, grandma, let's get you to bed."
"I think not responding to it not feeding the trolls if you will is a better way to make sure that this space is a little bit more hospitable habitable."
"It's just trolls getting off of trolling, that's what they want you to do, you coming on my page saying I'm posting hot [__], you look stupid."
"50 Cent is on a mission and once again he has Diddy in the crosshairs of his relentless trolling spree."
"He ended up disowning me because you are a LOL cow."
"But all this begs the question was the book a work of total fiction by someone who just got a kick out of trolling and was also really desperate for his other book to finally get the attention he thought it deserved."
"Remember how Bryke used to troll the fuck out of the Zutarians?"
"I don't know how many this very few trolls who are willing to pay money to troll."
"Being polarizing, I've learned to embrace it and sort of lean into it a little bit, which is fun to kind of troll the people."
"You are the best I love it when you but read a troll read a troll."
"There's been this thing, started with Vito and Dick Masterson, who are kind of trolls."
"That's crazy. You're actually trolling me right now."
"Nova continues to be a content farm for people like liquidor Nova 3, who at this point is probably his most popular troll."
"Another thing that physicists say to troll chemists is that you can describe the entirety of chemistry in one page worth of quantum mechanics equations."
"I think those people are deep down so miserable because I'm like literally what is your life like that you're sitting at home trying to hurt people on the internet."
"On October 3rd, Chris received an email from one Rebecca Bentley, a troll who posed as one of his Manchester High School classmates."
"Calling out trolling as bullying."
"I am not the villain, the trolls are the villains because they strip... They make up the crap, exaggerate or twist around my truth, my spoken word, and they give me wrongful mislabelings."
"This album also includes 'Lift Yourself', the greatest troll in hip-hop history."
"All right, troll of the nights, I hope you enjoyed."
"I'm a troll and I like to be stupid sometimes."
"The trolls can be damaging, but if it's just like a funny moment like, yeah, I troll kind of. I mean, I'm just a jokester, not really a troll, but I get what she means."
"But sometimes it can be, when you're trolling, like your health, the joke's on you, sweetheart. It's not a good look."
"He's like a monk character, right? As a person who didn't want to talk, he was just above it all. But he was just this weird surly bum living on this island. That made sense, but that's what I thought was trolling her the entire time."
"Trolling is getting people to believe something that isn't true and elicit a negative reaction."
"Shamon. I mean they trolling us with that saddlebag slightly."
"They're like, 'Well, thank you. We know how to get her.' So then all of a sudden, all these, they're like, if I've done something to annoy them, all of a sudden, all the trolls are coming up being like, 'You look really old today.'"
"Even joking about that on an account used for trolling is irresponsible at best and deliberately dismissive and reductive at worst."
"I'm constantly just online leaving like mean comments on people's [ __ ] like, I'm chronically doing that all the time, I'm just a troll."
"Oh, I see, okay Minty, I'm going to give you a hammer too. The mods are the... we got a troll attack, and so I am swelling the ranks of the mods today."
"Let me show you what I'm going to be trolling."
"If a troll gets into a Twitter spat with Elon Musk, that's going to make his day. He started with 25 followers and then he fell into a chocolate pie."
"You know what's funny? I get trolled. I get trolled on both sides."
"Okay, uh, speaking of offseason activities and such again, you know I talked about the trolling earlier and just all the chaos and the fun and the excitement for a lot of fans."
"I think at his heart, at his deepest core, he's just an Opie ass troll, and to an extent, I kinda gotta respect that."
"Panama is trolling he actually got a gold play button as expected but he photoshopped at Silver so he could mess with people on Twitter."
"Liv Morgan had been clamoring to enter the Royal Rumble match at number one then WWE decided to troll her by having her start the match but doing it at number two instead."
"They are trolling at this point, I'd be like 'Bro, just come catch the Fate 101.'"
"How funny of a troll would it be if anytime you got close to the barrier of the Fishbowl it just bricks your computer?"
"As you get bigger bro, that's also I realized the more trolls come as you get bigger you know the effects especially like my homeboy is a cancer the submariner yeah that kind of comes with it it's over yeah it's never going back nah I feel you on that man."
"Trolls are just losers who lack their own purpose, so they fixate on someone else's success and try to influence it."
"That's why i love that guy this out there trolling hard."
"Don't waste your life being a troll. Life's Too delicious to be this kind of pathetic."
"The mission was clear: go to Rome, smash some spaghetti, sniff out some football racists, and troll them to the max."
"That's what I call masterful trolling right there."
"It was a good troll, right? We both got paid, it was something to talk about, right? Keep it publicity, good publicity."
"You may just laugh off the shade, play back, troll them back, turning them into your playthings."
"If you say Zack Ed sucks... then you just either you really don't know what you're talking about or you're just trolling."
"I get trolls every day. 'Hey libtard, you get that fifth booster?'"
"We do a little trolling sometimes."
"Clyde Cash is usually Chief among Chris Chan's greatest trolls."
"Hannah later redonda fandana is an IRL troll notable for smashing Chris's heart down to 15% to add insult to injury."
"After being trolled for years, I learned to not take their words to heart."
"They were trolling us. You saw all that big old Lazy Susan of food that was out there."
"Anyone who posts something on the internet will be trolled, and it is not her fault that Jennifer did not know."
"But even with all the trolling he does now, his main focus is still helping the community."
"When a troll comments 'Harley's is slow because I own a superbike blah blah blah' the appropriate response is 'You are an idiot'."
"You guys are awesome and I couldn't ask for a better life and you guys are a big part of that."
"But he’s likely trolling and probably wishes he’d be free so the streets could handle it and not the police."
"When you feed the trolls, boy, do they breathe."
"This is funny it's trolling obviously you know it's something that Freddy would have done if the tables were were were vers."
"I really relate to how much Gojo enjoys trolling his loved ones, the most important people in his life."
"Jesus is the greatest troll of the establishment of all time."
"Be careful trolling too hard because this person has insecurities that you may not know of."
"If you want to troll Russell Wilson just play audible sounds of Pete Carroll chewing gum."
"Trolling a celebrity is not activism work."
"I think he's the ultimate troll right like he's just all these little subtle pranks all the time."
"There's no explanation for why there's a friggin trollin. He could just be ugly right. He could just be a gross man and he's got troll ism right. It's it's a known condition. You should look it up."
"If you're somebody who relentlessly trolls Daniel, like the people who've manipulated him and convinced him that he should go homeless and leave his disability services, you're contributing to him getting hurt as well as potentially other people. They're part of the problem."
"it's an incredibly effective trolling spread that now allows me to cover 15 miles in another hour"
"Being a troll doesn't always mean going for the home runs. You gotta take the little victories here and there, knocking child Barry down the stairs, you know, [ __ ] his day up every once in a while."
"So, we're out here trolling for catfish today."
"If you're a troller and you haven't read this book, I'm sorry."
"Trolling often masquerades as genuine concern."
"Trump's trolling is not actually without political value. Despite Trump's few real policy accomplishments to date, he has consistently achieved one thing, and that is making his enemies unhappy."
"You gotta take it. You're not successful enough unless you're trolling."
"This guy's just so good at trolling the world, and it's like that's just like, it's a, uh, it's a niche that will never get old. Like, you get what an [ __ ] though? It's just like infinite demand for."
"Threatening to quit the internet forever is such a common reaction to trolling, but it has its own term: flouncing."
"I'm just trolling, no one deserves to have their girl get pregnant by another [ __ ] while they're dating."
"I admit that I was trolled Alec in a sense. I was troll before and I apologize for that."
"What the hell is happening to me? I'm getting literally trolled now."
"He's one of the greatest trolls of all time."
"It's my favorite when people tweet at me that they want me to die. Yeah, that's my favorite."
"He's obviously trolling right he's a troll said it everybody knows it he's he's a troll like it's classic."
"The fact they can never string together a proper sentence with good grammar or correct spelling...it almost makes me think it's a fan trolling."
"Trolls have inspired new trolls or made them think that there is a level of success to reach by trolling."
"I think keemstar is a massive troll who it's hard to tell when he's being sincere or not he could have memed this entire thing that we just watched but assuming that he is like a decent person all of this is legit"
"I sleep fine. I troll all day. I clock out from my job as a troll and I go to sleep. I sleep. I wake up rested. My edges are intact."
"The trolls were like goblins, bro. They were like, they knew that they were doing bad things and irritating people, and then when people got irritated, they typed 'you mad' and they won."
"The joke is on these people. If you think it's a troll, why are you giving all this attention?"
"Just trolled. I mean, that's a dope beat though, man. Damn."
"I love when like someone tries to troll and then they get trolled even harder."
"It feels good to piss off the people who have the bad opinions, and besides how it feels, trolling also serves a sociological purpose."
"Trolling is an art form in itself."
"When you're topwater trolling, there's a key to speed; you need to be really going rather fast."
"I'm not actually a huge fan of the 'don't feed the trolls' approach because it's sort of blaming the victim."
"Draymond, who is the best player and the best troll in this regard."
"Ignore the troll, and they will move on to a different topic."
"How great is it for someone that likes to rip on somebody if someone's gonna get their feelings hurt and respond back? That must be like a home run for a troll, right?"
"Scarecrow straight up doing a little bit of trolling."
"Everyone gets trolled, we all being judged by someone who hasn't got their own [expletive] together."
"There is going to be a point where people absolutely hide their hatred behind it's just a troll, it's just a joke bro, and it's not anymore."
"That's what being a troll should be all about, make us laugh."
"People watch Wings; he's not getting trolled like he used to."
"He's the real-life version of an internet troll."
"If you're trolling fast, you're covering more ground, so therefore, you've got a much better chance of hooking up."