
Positive Anticipation Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"This game just looks like it has so much... everything seems fluid and fun and fast and engaging."
"This is something that's good, this is something that's exciting."
"This person is going to be a very pleasant surprise."
"This year is gonna be the most amazing we've had."
"Surrender the outcome, especially the outcome."
"Things are about to start really flowing for your highest and greatest good."
"Wonderful news is coming regarding your career."
"Be patient; something really amazing is building right now."
"There's gonna be something to celebrate in the month of March."
"I feel like there's something very good coming in for you."
"2021 is going to be freaking great, I'm already calling it."
"It's difficult to imagine anyone being so fit to be a great mother as Ivelisse. She will undoubtedly be a wonderful parent."
"I feel like there's a wish coming in for you."
"Expect good news, I hear. Anyways, what how the universe will surprise you?"
"Get ready, relax, don't think about anything specific, please. Let the universe surprise you, pal three. What will surprise you?"
"Happiness is coming when you get this message or with this person."
"Now I think we know well, they've got the goods."
"It's gonna be fun. It's going to be a good time."
"I'm very confident that everything in the future from this point on is gonna be golden."
"Good stuff comes to those who wait, am I right?"
"Be open to receive goodness. Believe you are worthy of abundance. A gift is coming to you soon."
"Good news is coming and you will receive the blessings you deserve."
"It's like the fate is bringing someone into your life, it's like the dice have been rolled and it's bringing someone really amazing into your life."
"Good things are about to happen, you understand this right?"
"I've got a good feeling about it... it provides kind of a branch of gameplay that you don't really see from any other title."
"There is also going to be a realization of your true potential. It's going to reveal a true potential of something you know, and that in itself, it's also going to be rather delightful."
"I just feel like it's going to be good. I just feel it."
"It is nice to be able to be legitimately excited about Star Wars again for what appears to me to be good reason."
"This game is going to surprise a lot of people in a good way."
"A small change for sure, but one that is going to feel so great when all is said and done."
"I'm absolutely bloody frothing on this. This is going to be fantastic!"
"Huge Badgers is gonna be a runaway success, I can feel it."
"Something big-time is being arranged for you."
"For some of you, the good stuff coming to you is a relationship."
"Don't stop, there's something really good coming for you."
"Whatever it is you're hoping for, it will turn out the way that you're wanting."
"We're in a great spot to go down to the mines and feel pretty freaking good about it."
"The decision will happen soon, very soon with world, tower, and judgment, and it should be good."
"This hand is so good guys, this hand is so good."
"When you're seeing shooting stars, it's an indication that something beautiful is about to unfold."
"This Grinch toy of course he's even smiling Cindy likes it when the Grinch smiles."
"Doors are going to be opening up for you in this connection."
"Preparing room for this person to come into your life and space for all the wonderful things they will bring."
"Be appreciative of the present moment, for miracles are on the way."
"You're very likely to receive good news when it comes to long-distance travel."
"Believe in yourself and there's a beautiful, very blessed connection coming in for some of you."
"Let's all hold a good thought that uh the eclipse is good to us in the week ahead."
"The future is looking very bright, and I for one am incredibly excited."
"It's going to translate into these big things... it's going to be really really cool."
"The wish-fulfilling that's coming in, I'm just gonna say it clear as day, is happiness."
"Nothing's going to ruin this, yeah? S, we F to watch the whole series."
"I think if we build it they will come and I think if we build the capacity and the infrastructure that's badly needed it will be rewarded it will be needed."
"You feel happy. You feel thankful. This is something I called quantum leaping in my own coaching practice."
"Something better is arriving that you're going to be deciding on."
"There's something really good that's coming to you from the world."
"You're feeling like something is going to be changing and it's going to be good."
"You know something is going to be good heading your way."
"If the whole movie is like the first 13 minutes, this is going to be an amazing movie."
"A new powertrain, new trim level, updated tech features - it all sounds like a win-win situation."
"We're getting closer, guys. We're definitely gonna be able to pull it off."
"I've got a really good feeling about this one."
"Initial first reaction is it's going to be successful."
"You're ready to welcome success and abundance in your life, that's what I'm getting with the Freedom Card, you know? It's like your arms are wide open to receive these blessings, to receive success, to receive abundance and freedom."
"III 2019 is right around the corner, and some of the materials shown will likely be wonderful and accurate."
"So a lot of exciting energy coming your way, Aquarius."
"You will have a magical moment. Your wishes will be fulfilled."
"Start your day with something you're looking forward to."
"Focus on what is important to you, good news is coming your way."
"Great news can come in many forms, in health, love, career, hobbies, dreams, and aspirations."
"Prosperity lies ahead once you surrender to the Divine."
"Realize that fortune is on its way for you; there is a lot of abundance coming your way."
"No matter what happens or what it looks like is happening, learn to take a step back and say, 'Okay universe, I'm looking forward to the day when I see why this needed to happen.'"
"It could be good, and I think it will be good. Trust me."
"I know you guys are gonna absolutely smash it."
"Good news are coming very fast when it comes down to your love life."
"Trust in life, trust in the unseen, even when things haven't manifested yet, know that blessings are on their way."
"November looks amazing, so many opportunities, so much going on for you."
"Hope is a positive expectation that something good is going to happen to you at any moment."
"Great things are on their way to you, and I want you to believe."
"For many Sagittarius people, they're going to be feeling more love, more warmth, more affection - just more blessing through this particular period. How wonderful is that?"
"Thanks for your help, Petey. Oh, this is gonna be great."
"Do this wholeheartedly Aquarius because what's waiting for you is a lot more pleasant, a lot more enjoyable, and a lot more conducive to growth than you may have imagined."
"Expect Good Things, Manifestations Are Knocking on Your Door."
"Wow dude, this thing is going to be a blast."
"I don't know, there's something in my spirit that's like, 'Girl, this is about to be your year.'"
"This is about to be a good livestream, real good." - AOK Mafia
"Perseverance: there are wonderful changes ahead, don't give up."
"You're about to receive a beautiful ass blessing."
"If you're looking at this and you think that looks like a tasty sausage, then you are most likely going to have an absolute blast with this one."
"I think it's going to be great for the consumer."
"It's almost like a wish is going to be granted."
"This is gonna be fun, this is gonna be really fun."
"Invisible monsters, oh this is great, it's gonna be fun, yeah, this is great, this is so freaking amazing."
"It's gonna be a real cool project when it's all fun."
"Things are about to start taking off and working in your favor."
"It's always nice to see Nintendo trying out different projects."
"It's going to feel like things are progressing, if you're currently working on a project."
"Unexpected success coming faster than you realize."
"It's super cool, I really hope this system is used in the future."
"There's love, there's freaking passion, and we're headed towards abundance."
"I am super excited about this, especially at a time like this to be able to give you guys the opportunity to win."
"The month of May feels like it could be extremely fun."
"Three out of five so far is looking like could be really, really good sign."
"It's going to be a magical lovely little day."
"A brilliant idea is coming your way, bringing lots of blessings."
"If you've been waiting for some sort of income or you've been waiting for something to flourish just know that it is going to come."
"There is someone very special that is going to come through this month."
"Breathe baby, just breathe, because everything you want, everything you deserve is coming or is already here."
"What blessings, what manifestations are coming your way as we speak right now?"
"I'm glad it's working and wait to send this one on to YouTube this one's gonna be a good."
"Some sort of victory or win coming in for you here, everything you want in your life."
"Rapid changes are coming, be ready for good things to happen."
"Something good is coming your way; just hang in there until it happens."
"I'm hoping it'll give us a little bit more life."
"Your blessings are incoming... You're sensing it on the horizon."
"It's nice to know there's some good stuff on the horizon."
"Know that you can transmute something that hasn't even happened by going into it with a feeling of this is gonna be great."
"Whatever it is you've been trying to hope for, you are actually going to receive."
"I genuinely think this whole set is just going to be an awesome set."
"Kindness is coming towards you, and I feel like it's coming from a specific person."
"Some kind of gift, some kind of surprise that is here to change your life for the better."
"Remember, good things come to people that wait."
"This is where we're going to be beautifully supported going forward..."
"You're headed in the direction of fulfillment."
"So please subscribe to the channel and leave a like because fun times are coming."
"There's a lot of potential in this for sure."
"I feel good about it, I'm excited, I will come in prepared."
"You are about to receive a wish... keep the faith."
"A wish is coming true and I feel like there's going to be a lot of healing that comes your way."
"Miracle is on the way, blessing is about to overflow."
"I'm not stressed. I'm not worried. I'm just excited."
"I feel like it's gonna go the direction you want."
"Very fun, very interesting, I think you guys are going to enjoy this."
"Hope the day is going good because it's about to get better. Let's go!"
"Blessings are on their way to you and they will soon arrive like gentle rain, showering your home with Grace."
"I'm excited that Christmas Eve is going to be a better day."
"For the first time ever, I was kind of excited about it."
"You are at the Angels of something very special. You are at the entrance of something really good."
"Expecting greatness, expecting revelation, expecting so much, and we gon' get it."
"Everything is smooth sailing, Taurus. Expect good news and opportunities on the horizon."
"You're going to feel a sense of optimism you're going to get gain that sense of perspective you're going to have good fortune coming your way."
"Abundance is coming. Bloom fully when the time is right."
"She's groovy groovy baby but I think it'll be plenty good."
"You are coming into a very comfortable sort of lifestyle."
"You are Heaven Sent. Something special is coming in for you."
"You are entering a time of rejoicing and joy."
"I think everyone is going to react very positively to this. I don't feel like I'm in the wrong here."
"I want to believe we can get something good."
"Your blessings are coming in, Aquarius, prepare yourself, miracles after miracles."
"It's still going to be such an amazing day."
"I feel good about what we're about to lay out there."
"Good things to come fingers crossed."
"This is going to be a good year for me."
"I'm really excited about this, this is fantastic."
"I hope you'll accept it with open arms."
"I'm super excited. It's gonna be a ton of fun."
"We haven't even entered yet and I'm already getting a good feeling."
"You're going to be happy, you're going to be ecstatic because whatever this is, is going to be completed, and it's going to be something new."
"Good news is coming where you're going to be able to travel or go out like on a new adventure."
"Enjoy yourselves, okay? You'll enjoy this weekend."
"It's going to be an absolutely terrific thing."
"I just have a feeling that something good is going to happen to you."
"I'm so excited, I feel like this is one of those matches that's like a feel-good moment."
"Honestly, I kind of get the feeling it's coming back in the industry."
"This will be the most fun moment of your life, embrace it and enjoy it."
"Wow, I think this is something that a lot of people could definitely like."
"It's going to be an awesome year, I can feel it."
"I have a really good feeling about tonight."
"It's going to be a fantastic year."
"Something's good is coming, you feel it."
"We're super excited because this is something that we actually want."
"Anticipate awesomeness, whatever you're manifesting is coming."
"Thumbs up if you're excited for changes."
"So next year is going to be a fantastic year."
"Hello, today I'm really, really excited."
"Honestly, this has been a great trip so far, and I know it's only going to get better."
"There's no better feeling than knowing when you wake up in the morning to go play golf, that you're going to play well."
"That is fantastic. You're gonna love it."
"The change that you've been looking for will come now."
"Surely we'll be able to have a good time on that trip."
"I have no doubt in my mind that this figure is going to do extremely well."
"They're coming for you in a good way."
"Why dread it? We're about to do something really cool."
"For some of you guys, I feel like you have some type of blessing coming in, and it's unexpected."
"Wonderful, glorious things are in store for you if you will only believe, obey, and endure."
"It's gonna be a pleasure, pleasure."
"This year is really going to be incredible."
"I am so grateful and excited and happy that we get to do our transfer and there's nothing but positive feelings there."
"It's going to look absolutely mint."
"The best days are still coming, the best days are coming."
"I'm excited and happy to see you then and I hope that you have a happy day ahead."
"I'm going to spend many relaxing hours going through batteries with this little thing, I think it's quite good."
"The sound starts to predict amazing things rather than just being a scary noise."
"Your rewards, your blessings are coming."
"Hope that you guys are doing well and are excited as I am for this beautiful reading."
"I'm here for it, and we're going to have a good time."
"I'm excited, I'm actually excited."
"It's going to get better and better."
"It's a feel-good feeling, all's going to go well tomorrow too, isn't it though?"
"Something great is coming for somebody."