
Professional Success Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"You will be enjoying recognition, appreciation, name, fame, establishment, and may benefit from professional networking."
"We think highly of beautiful people. More attractive people are more likely to get hired, they're more likely to get job offers, they have higher earning potential."
"Charisma impacts influence, impact, and income."
"Just being polite, like my normal level of politeness has gotten me very far in this industry."
"Talent puts you in rooms that only character can keep you in."
"The best long-term revenge I ever got was when someone that stole my idea ended up working for me."
"The more carefully you organize your ideas, the more opportunity you'll have, the more academic success you can have, the more professional success you'll have."
"You'll occupy a higher position, receiving honor, and be respected by professional people and the state."
"They were two professionals that stood to make a ton of money."
"It's important to show people that integrity pays off, being solid pays off."
"I'm proud of these videos that I'm making, giving to the world..."
"I'm pleased to bring in our next guest Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest and most profitable hedge fund firm."
"My best salespeople are the men and women, my CEOs."
"Success in your role is about creating tangible value for the company; prove your worth."
"Creative self-expression is really vital when it comes to your career success."
"Those closest to you determine your level of success."
"You need to find that way of balancing professional life and trying to get that success but also trying to find your happiness."
"My success comes from building solid relationships."
"Jerome d'Ambrosio, race winner, a constant professional."
"Miranda represents the modern woman's head and what it looks like if she lets her mind take charge."
"Being guided by the mind has made Miranda into a driven, successful professional."
"We have many agents in our office that can make in commissions in a year a million dollars."
"You are the copy chief at one of the top 25 ad agencies in the country. You're not even 30. I'm jealous."
"It's much easier to do a good job on the inside than it is to do a good job on the outside."
"I think the best people always surface, you know?"
"Listen man, I got all these women in the WNBA and all these professional women making all this money, black women the fastest group of entrepreneurs in the country, [ __ ] up at this point."
"His professional track record... makes people like Jeff Bezos Etc Bill Gates look like nothing."
"Professionally, the Rock has done really, really well for himself."
"From house rulers to career planets: uncovering the secrets of success in astrology."
"Let's keep the foundations building and keep the growth coming."
"Guardian just went into the stratosphere. You know, if you ask him what his fondest moments of his career is, it was that year with Reason Gaming."
"Some of the highest paid people on the planet are actors, film script writers, singers, songwriters, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, talk show hosts. What's the tool they use? Words."
"Plans fail for lack of counsel. You need a strategy, brother."
"Fury thoroughly outclassed Klitschko to earn himself a 12 round unanimous decision."
"She's done incredibly well in an area where the most professional investors struggle to even match the index."
"I think anyone who's semi-successful they'll say don't go to school unless you need it to become a doctor or lawyer or something like that."
"If you're looking for a career where you can advance as a woman, you can succeed."
"There's no doubt about it not only our qtpie and Alexander look-alikes they both have an outstanding work ethic."
"What sets you above the rest is, are you a nice person? Are you likable?"
"Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before Kings."
"Winning the majors is like the best feeling ever."
"You will be recognized and rewarded for your efforts."
"Success attracts opportunities: The power of credibility."
"First of all, this is not true. I did make more than a million dollars as a professional chess player, so let's start there."
"I'm one of the best in the world. I did 50 million dollars in sales the past three years, not to brag."
"He's a great coach. He's young, he's done great at Leipzig."
"There's no trade-off between taking care of ourselves and being amazing at work and accomplishing things."
"Imagine being so good at your job that people reach out to you and give you jobs left and right."
"Excitement washed over Seoujun as he read the book, confident that it would be the key to a successful shoot."
"You guys may be experiencing more success in your personal relationships or in your professional life."
"Having a strong team of like-minded and talented individuals supporting you can make all the difference."
"In order for anyone to be a successful marketer, you need to love your thing more than anyone else in the world."
"Your successful career path is different and original."
"Congratulations! I got a promotion with a $20,000 salary boost!"
"The moment you can fire clients, that's when you're winning."
"The only true win is if you're at the top of your game and you're being consumed by the most people and you're also being awarded as the best."
"She did phenomenally well, tried to preemptively deal with all the standard criticisms."
"I'm really enjoying my life, personally and professionally."
"It's not just about the looks, it's about having the right attitude, being smart, being courteous, being kind, being humble. There are so many things that come into the picture." - Anusha Dandekar
"No matter what anyone's talking about if you know how to be part of the conversation or inspire somebody, yeah you could get the job."
"Congratulations, you passed the interview and I will recommend your application for approval. The printer will print out a copy of the N-652 form for your reference."
"Reputation formula: results times reach equals reputation."
"Transformation will be necessary to find success in your career."
"Become the world's leading authority on one thing to break through the wall."
"This week was amazing. I had super great clients. Darrell needed to reign in her sexuality but then again Scott needed to get in touch with it. I'm two for two and now they're on the path to love. I can't wait till next week."
"Any sport that you could fail seven out of ten times and become great, great, and make 200 million dollars in it, that's a hard sport."
"Makeup was my first-ever passion and now it is my job."
"Congratulations to the Report. This man is up to number seven in the world, two rating points away from taking over number six in the world, and my man has arrived."
"Life's good and I'm getting paid, but 'cause nobody gets out of love alive."
"I'm here to tell you as lucky as you may feel, let's go ahead and give credit where credit is due. When you're amazing at what you do, you tend to get work."
"We want you to win with your money, win in your work, win in your relationships."
"Everybody involved deserves to be here... it's the epitome of what we do."
"I do like that he's worked at some clubs with very low expectations and massively overachieved."
"A truly Monumental achievement that's a testament to LeBron James's longevity."
"He's done great so far." - about Brad Gersner
"Be you, because if you are the most authentic you, they will come crawling to you for more gigs and more stuff."
"The idea that people were moving from the states or from Australia or from Europe to train with you and then have gone on to do great things I think is amazing."
"Love what you do and you'd be damn good at what you do and you'd be exceptional at what you do."
"You want to have an idea of a value proposition because me having this idea that I am the guy who's sexy but also successful has gone a long way for me."
"I'm happy with the professional side of things with YouTube, those things are kicking on."
"Be so clearly successful at what you do that you don't really need to flex or stun, and that's kind of a crazy thing about being in the position you're in."
"You're gonna be recognized for what you're doing."
"Networking is how you get to the top of literally anything."
"Your dedication, hard work, and intuition will make you stand out."
"Payoffs coming in for the risks that you're taking in your career."
"You need three things to succeed: marketing skill, enjoying what you do, and being good at what you do."
"Be in the top 1% of a lucrative profession. Doctors, lawyers, and upper management in the US and Europe earn on average over $150,000 per year."
"Success, letting your work speak for yourself, is the ultimate mouth shutter."
"Finally, your idea will be recognized... you'll be praised for your talent."
"You know, Diana was the most famous woman of the 20th century. Katherine's fast becoming one of the most famous women of the 21st century, and she certainly is brilliant at her job."
"Securing networks is an essential part of a security analyst's duties. Knowledge of network operations and security practices will ensure your success as a security analyst."
"...the massive talent he showed in high school just never translated to pro ball."
"The top joke writers in Hollywood don't make money for one joke. They make money because they keep writing jokes, keep writing jokes, keep writing jokes. Step your [__] up."
"Build that good network, it's the best way to thrive in any industry."
"Your plans are working out very well professionally."
"I mean, I didn't turn pro until I was 32, and you're already a top guy in the Olympia at 30 years old."
"AD came in and was a star for the network."
"He had a huge amount of success in Ring of Honor."
"...his own educational opportunities and clear academic skill had set him apart and it had in many ways made his professional successes possible..."
"I think the only lucky thing I had is I found something I like doing and was able to make a living at it."
"We can be at the top of every profession."
"We're in a really good place personally, professionally, and we're happy and healthy, and that's the most important thing."
"I got my first $5,000 gig and then $10,000 gig, and now my keynote is $100,000, and the people pay it."
"What's going to go a long way in your careers is service."
"Finally, I have accomplished something with my career."
"...you don't get the Spain and Real Madrid jobs in the space of a couple of years without being a top top manager."
"I graduated the top 200 University, majoring in Biochemistry and Microbiology. I am also a medical doctor."
"Interpersonal skills are important to succeed not just in relationships but in their professional life."
"Congratulations to the four chefs moving on."
"It feels like the energy that you've been putting in your professional space to accomplish long-term goals financially is being rewarded."
"Just being able to connect, that I think is what makes a successful journalist."
"Fewer grammar errors correlate with more promotions."
"I'm so grateful that around this time my practice was growing even more and it's doing great and I feel such deep gratitude for the work that I'm able to do."
"It's a blessing in private life, personally, professionally, and every way."
"If you can make a mark professionally, that's great, but if you can make a mark personally, that's a lot better."
"I've been a customer success manager at three of the Fortune 500 companies and over the last eight years, I was able to drive X, Y, and Z results."
"My whole career has been founded on this trophy, this championship."
"Proficiency and role-based certifications give you a benchmark for success."
"I was actually number one in the country in sales in their busiest month of the year."
"You reach the top of your profession and have been there five years. That's more than most people accomplish in a lifetime."
"Over 90 percent of clients came through my portfolio website."
"These sprawling homes are occupied by successful professionals and like with many places with a high per capita income, the rate of crime is quite low."
"Concentration leads to deep work, and deep work is most valuable if you want to succeed."
"It was an amazing, amazing weekend, personally, professionally."
"100% the best professional year ever."
"I'm excited to be here, off the back of maybe your best professional year ever."
"I love my work, and I appreciate professional success, but that's why I always want to achieve success on my own."
"Excellence is excellence in your field."
"This is the most prestigious title there is in the entire business."
"You got a lot of blessings coming in both in your personal and professional life."
"You're such a big inspiration, and you know how you're able to manage and do so much in your professional life but to be there for them."