
Puzzle-solving Quotes

There are 612 quotes

"We do this by getting some colored lenses. We also have to grab the laser block."
"What I enjoyed most about Infernox wasn't the combat, it was the world and the puzzle solving and the choices you can make."
"The exploration facet of the game is even arguably better and more robust than some of the main puzzle dungeons in the world."
"This is work, but the strangest thing is, when you feed the owl and get the feather, you hear the door unlock."
"When you figure out a joke, it's like figuring out a puzzle. You put these two things into the equation, and then out pops a reaction, which is laughter, which is an involuntary reaction."
"Grim Fandango received critical acclaim. Audiences and critics alike were impressed by the film noir style of the game, its cast of wacky characters, its challenging yet engaging puzzles, and its sense of humour, which dabbles in both the dark and the light."
"The joy of puzzle solving doesn't necessarily come from the answer itself, but from the change in perspective and the learning experience we go through in order to get there."
"Reconstructing the past is a matter of assembling pieces of a puzzle."
"Moments like this are everywhere throughout this game, and when you discover them, it genuinely feels so rewarding, like you managed to discover some hidden secret or solve a puzzle without having the solution spoon-fed to you."
"Escape Academy may be a fairly brief experience for some, then, but it doesn't take away from the fact that the puzzles here are thought-provoking and masterfully crafted."
"It’s sort of a puzzle; it’s a detective game, trying to say, 'Well, this matches that,' or, 'This thing has some Cyrillic letters in it. Where did it come from? Which IP address?' But there's some assumptions in this kind of work, like all detective work."
"It's a matter of finding the right pieces and putting them in the right places so that you can make the picture that is your family tree more complete with every piece that you add to it."
"The pieces of the puzzle started coming together."
"The game has a very powerful ability to strongly incentivize that you don't do whatever you want."
"Scribblenauts... the game was really unique... truly let its players be creative puzzle solvers."
"Guys, this is one of the max level, it's one of the last puzzles, this might be impossible unless you're literally related to Isaac Newton."
"Speedrunning combines puzzle solving, technique analysis, and perfect execution to make a work of performance art."
"Climbing the radio tower stops being a formatted chore and returns to more simply and concretely being an environmental puzzle."
"Aperture Science Research Facility, Portal: Cast players asked, child a young test subject constructed to complete puzzle-filled rooms using a portal gun."
"That's awful convenient there's like the fire so I think we can use the fire somewhere else let me get the colt the gold key again I called it the cold key uh it's probably not very cold although keys usually aren't warm either so maybe not."
"Every single one of those puzzles that I film has $200 to $400 at the end of the puzzle."
"Stealth rewards patience and forethought, making it closer to a puzzle."
"It pushes the player to figure out for themselves how they can interact with the world, how they might solve puzzles, and what might have changed after interacting with a door or lever without being explicitly told."
"Stage, after an hour and 15 minutes of some fairly dedicated solving, is just remarkable."
"We wanted the players to have a chance to get distracted a little bit by figuring out how to open up puzzles."
"There really won't be time to do much else other than, you know, add more and more games to your steam library"
"Wow, yes! So this has to be four, this has to be one, this has to be four, that forces this to be a 1 8 pair which only goes in one direction, I mean, it's stunning!"
"I just got a new best on 4x4, one minute and two seconds."
"At a certain point, you're expected to combine things that you learn from multiple different locations on the island just to solve one puzzle, which is usually like a pretty satisfying moment."
"The goal is not just to forge a shortcut to the end; this room has been carefully crafted with conundrums to expand our minds and foster our creativity."
"A dark action adventure fusing platforming, puzzle solving, exploration, and combat into one cohesive whole."
"The thing about this game is it's kind of like solving an elaborate puzzle with the environment each time."
"There is no single video game I have ever played where I have felt like I've had more freedom to fight explore and solve puzzles however I chose to then tears of the Kingdom."
"That was a really good puzzle. It made me feel very intelligent."
"Signalus has some cool 3D environments that you can explore to solve puzzles. Looking around this one, you get the impression that you've crash-landed somewhere."
"Every foe is a new writhing puzzle where you tilt your weapon this way or that to get the perfect shot on a limb."
"It retains their signature storytelling and puzzle-solving approach."
"If I could try to describe this game to anybody who had never played it before, I would say you're in a very big building with a lot of rooms and you have to figure out where the keys are."
"A commutator is how you can move around three pieces at once, it pretty much lets me move any three pieces without touching any of the stuff that I already solved."
"This level contains every single Keystone puzzle there is, literally a segment where you have to use five keystones to solve One Singular puzzle constantly juggling between them."
"It’s simply a really great puzzle game, built on a fresh concept that was executed perfectly."
"The transition to 3D exploration and puzzle solving opened up a whole new dimension."
"These puzzle sections, that's where you can really try to separate yourself from the rest of the pack"
"Every time a puzzle is solved or a key card is grabbed, I just feel this rush of excitement."
"I'm starting to believe more and more that's right, but I decided not to cover up the squares."
"And with its dynamic Zelda-like puzzle solving, you can manipulate the environment and even time itself."
"If Mundy was hung upside down, and if Mundy wrote the message, then the message was upside down…"
"When you see a new piece of the puzzle emerge like that, it's the best."
"I was already having fun, but it's fun and exhilarating to solve the puzzles."
"The Witness delights in rewarding you; intuitive and intelligent deductive reasoning opens the path to success and accomplishment."
"Shooting Aerith's cell opens somehow unlocks red 13's cell on a different floor."
"I just remembered one of the things I wanted to mention is uh that this leads into really nicely is uh in this game there are many different ways to solve the puzzles"
"Imagine just walking around and people are like, 'Oh hello good sir, here's a puzzle!' Ding! And then you solve it, they're like, 'Oh, what a genius, have a great day!' I have another puzzle for you."
"Now that players have a brief insight on who the Zonai were, this knowledge has helped with gathering bits of the overall puzzle."
"Not just a great sequel but a thoughtful and human narrative Adventure wrapped in a satisfying and beautiful puzzle game."
"Very tricky, very neat but yeah it's all about puzzle solving."
"Find all five clues in order using the room riddles."
"In order to unwrap the secret FNAF ARG, let's start by breaking down the stories in Felix the Shark, shall we?"
"It's taken this clever one-year-old just a few minutes to solve a puzzle that baffles nearly every other species."
"The wooden mask unlocks the secret puzzle to reveal the 10th mask, Konahrik."
"Resident Evil 2 remakes phenomenal level design allows the tightrope act of survival horror puzzle solving and combat to merge brilliantly."
"Optimizing high round gameplay is the most intriguing puzzle I could ask for out of zombies."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved."
"You don't have to track every single piece or memorize every face on the cube."
"The concept behind solving the cube blindfolded is that there are two different types of pieces: edge pieces and corner pieces."
"Hitman 2 sniper assassin is a puzzle-focused game that's more about timing and using environmental hazards to your advantage."
"You have to take what they're telling you very seriously because it may be that little piece of the puzzle that can put everything else together."
"You and three other cubes solve the level, they're single player if you really want but the game shines as a multiplayer game."
"The combination of primary colors they are each assigned will allow them to pair up through the chromatic doors, but only groups of 3 will work."
"When is a video game not a video game? How about when a puzzle uses the medium of video games to impart information."
"This is beautiful... we've got six repeating itself... but we can use the knight's move restriction to break the devil's hold over us."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it, I hope you solved it too."
"Building a community around solving a complex puzzle is an absolute joy."
"She decimates enemies, and she potentially solves almost every puzzle, no sweat."
"After several failed attempts to decipher the clue, clever players finally realized the true meaning of the phrase."
"Paul has given us a puzzle set... but the pieces are missing."
"These skips are called cheese, basically when you beat a challenge or a puzzle in an easier way than the developer wanted you to."
"Honestly, guys, if you know of some of the puzzles that we need to do... are you open to people telling us about some of them?"
"Throughout a dungeon's diverse and memorable theme, thought-provoking layout, and many engaging challenges alike, I can safely say that these are the most prominent attributes of a good Zelda dungeon."
"Golden Idol grips you with its immersive atmosphere and then races you through a wide variety of clever puzzles without ever overstaying its welcome."
"Vivid Loaf is a mind-bending mindfuck of a puzzle game."
"In Grand Theft Auto V, there’s a mystery wrapped inside a riddle designed into a map."
"I'm hoping this one is getting us, is moving the puzzle piece a little more."
"I normally do a thousand pieces because it's just like the perfect amount so I don't get bored with it or it's not too easy."
"This is just one of the puzzles that faced The Mummy investigation team."
"The Pathless: Running around a beautiful open world, solving puzzles."
"It’s gratifying to forge paths of light and activate the root lamps, especially when you quickly spot the next root and chain a few together."
"The riddles in it are so ridiculous they have to put a smile on your face."
"But there is no better feeling than when you have found the right piece and you’re absolutely sure of where it goes and then you just snap it into place and it’s so satisfying to do that."
"It's a creepy little puzzle game that feels a little more like little nightmares than say Outlast it executes well and is engaging for what it is."
"There is such potential for a modern Mario platformer that's all about puzzle solving."
"This is the final shot. Threading the needle. Finish the puzzle, amazing. Didn't lose any pieces. It all fits."
"Another puzzle just now with a case that I'm working on, how fascinating. Tell me about it."
"There's some really clever puzzle design that's gone into each of these areas."
"All of the winners said that they couldn't have done it without that huge final clue in the end."
"I actually love solving puzzles now, or in this game specifically."
"Contrary to belief, the most rewarding part of solving a puzzle is never the last piece."
"Those are the symbols from the three-door room. Okay, so you got upside-down J, weird S, upset MJ, S, S, S, and a lot of burning bodies that we're now setting ablaze."
"Every piece of the puzzle can now fall into place."
"If you watch and enjoy this make sure you smack that like button let's see if we can go for 20,000 likes."
"A good mystery is kind of like a puzzle set by the author to be solved by the audience."
"That is a sensational puzzle. Sensational puzzle."
"This brick monstrosity! Swim, jump, swim, swim, swim, and jump. Press swim and jump, press and hold, surf through. Up, up, across, across. Climb, right? No, lady Croft, now can you do the impossible, Andy, and use the zipline?"
"I love solving strange puzzles and strong women."
"Whoa, come on nice and what will this button do for us? Make another platform fall of course."
"Kudos to the people who figured out all the soul fragments."
"I love a puzzle, this is what I love about Resident Evil."
"We officially solved the hardest 'Among Us' escape room of all time."
"The Talos Principle delves into philosophical questions about humanity and consciousness amidst solving puzzles."
"When you think of all the ways that a cake could open up a level, I want you to think of this: how that opened a door, I have no idea."
"Putting together the pieces of conspiracy puzzles give humans the same kind of satisfaction as putting together something like a complex jigsaw puzzle."
"Okay so let's so we have 19 and we have 21. those are significant numbers ages and then let's get some letters ow."
"Sure it may not be the hardest but for having so many different options on how to beat it on top of having a ton of different fun puzzles the Key Master gets to easily take number one as the best level in Mario Maker 2 story mode."
"The correct answer is 25. But you also get a point for saying 30 based on this image."
"It's kind of like a jigsaw puzzle where you separate all the edge pieces into their own pile."
"The ultimate encounters are not gear dependent in fact they are very much puzzle solving encounters."
"The last four kingdoms is a really good example of why minimum captures is so amazing."
"Jasper Josephson's puzzles are a gift to the universe."
"Portal 2... one of the best games I've ever played... a puzzle game with incredible dialogue."
"You have one minute to put the pieces together to save your friend before the scientist comes after you."
"I love the puzzles in this game, and the working together, and the story... as you're trying to figure things out."
"The puzzle-solving exploration has never been better."
"Nothing in this game is too difficult. They're a lot, a lot, a lot of puzzles in this game."
"It's a good combination of puzzles, shooting, and exploration... perfectly balanced as all things should be."
"Personally I love puzzle games and detective shows like Sherlock or Death Note, and I've never seen a board game that encapsulates that thrill of solving a mystery like this one."
"Poptropica: fun, relaxing, and rewarding when you figure it out."
"You sawed it in half and then you get to a big hole and you clock little and you're out."
"Finding God's number would be such a difficult problem that no one knew the answer."
"No way what do you think the answer to this riddle might be okay dude no way."
"Wow, love it! I also like how the level's name doesn't actively give you a hint for the puzzle."
"An important piece of the puzzle has dropped into place due to diligent research." - Graham Randall
"It's the genius of it that you don't know where you're supposed to go right off the bat."
"Oh my gosh, so many more puzzles just revealed!"
"Each puzzle is well-thought-out, very fun, and incredibly satisfying to solve."
"Wow, so that's where the key goes. It says you need a white key."
"Navigating the environments of Skyward Sword HD is kind of a puzzle in itself."
"This level goes hard on the environmental hazards... It's a puzzle that I have to figure out."
"After all 19 codes were found and plugged in the corridors, players found the puzzle was still not finished."
"The trailer says that we may be solving puzzles that may well have been designed by Merlin himself."
"Once you do it successfully, you'll have eight symbols on the obelisk and you'll go back to the real-world part of the game."
"What is Homebody? It's a survival horror puzzle game... It's all about avoiding a single unstoppable enemy and solving puzzles."
"A puzzle is no fun if someone hands you the solution."
"The tomb of Horrors is famous for its traps, but most of the traps aren't traps at all. They're just puzzles."
"This could be a really good puzzle game, solving how to glue a little track."
"Wow, you solved it and you did it without my help. Incredible! I'm impressed. You must care about puzzles like I do."
"I also like the mechanic where sometimes the text you want to translate is written without spaces, so you have to figure out where the word boundaries are."
"We're gonna hide the corner so hide it back here to move the edge into a position that's opposite from where the corner is."
"He built the puzzle in the trough and then proceeded to arrange them on the board."
"Things tick along at a gentle pace at times but in between the solvent puzzles and simply enjoying the lush visuals you will find yourself occasionally whacking the crap out of weird bug-like enemies."
"Yellowswerve intentionally jumps to the point where the door should be and then uses the torch picked up previously as the key to open the door to the boss room."
"To solve your entire F2L in 10 seconds, you must have relatively efficient F2L and a decent amount of knowledge about how F2L works."
"Create memorable puzzle designs by subverting expectations."
"This YouTuber found a difficult puzzle that wants you to remove the contents out of the bottle without breaking it."
"That's like find the button, we're good at this."
"Once all three are lit up as you guessed they will activate the light-based Obelisk at the center."
"It felt like you were actually a detective putting the pieces of the puzzle together."
"An edge is going to be considered fully constructed when all three of its cubies are all connected."
"That was a beautiful puzzle. Everything fits together so perfectly."
"The fun is putting together your own version of the puzzle."
"The next cipher called z340 stumped everyone for 51 years. It was finally solved in December 2020 by a team of citizen sleuths."
"Solving puzzles helps keep the brain sharp and is an excellent way to learn."
"Taking all these different clues and finding the little intricate details and connecting the dots and putting it all together is literally my job."
"They've come such a long way, Rubik's. Their cubes are a lot nicer to solve now."
"The block with the red square is where you put a lever to turn it on and off."
"The entire game is a puzzle you have to unravel how this time work so in the way the entire game is like a giant dungeon."
"Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbarossa's Treasure... players got to experience an adventure of puzzles, pirates, and treasure."
"I don't even know how to solve a Rubik's Cube."
"Laura commends him for being one of the rare few capable of completing the Maze."
"It turns out that computers can solve Sudoku puzzles efficiently using graph theory."
"This mystery was what drove people to want to play the game. We wanted to solve the puzzles because we wanted to see the basement's contents."
"I loved Breath of the Wild because it had more intuitive, smaller puzzles."
"Bernard is actually in the dungeon right now but that's convenient because we need to have him get the silver key which is a very important item."
"Guys, we got another hand! There must have unlocked something!"
"If somebody tells you something cryptic, it's probably a clue."
"I think that's the thing that kind of came from the emails all those speculations all that puzzle pieces put together all the things about F gate and about Bill Henman working with uh with uh vitalik buterin."
"Dungeons are back, deeply rooted in solving puzzles."
"It was still a maze game of sorts but this time you would be digging underground."
"And with each find, it always felt so satisfying to solve a certain puzzle."
"Placing portals on different surfaces to solve puzzles is an imaginative, immediately interesting game mechanic."
"Boom! I think that's how to solve the puzzle."
"Humans love solving puzzles. True crime lets us do this."
"It is impossible not to have fun while playing, to not feel smart every time you solve a puzzle."
"If that helps put a piece in your puzzle, then so be it; take it and grab it, use it."
"This is it, Brier. The last piece of the puzzle."
"I would recommend this game to people who enjoy slower-paced games with puzzles and very unique environments."
"It feels like an incredibly well put together puzzle and it just makes me shiver with glee."
"We have solved the legendary Legend of Runeterra puzzle box! What a ride!"
"He's a tough puzzle to solve because you can't really... you know, even Connor Poirier is a very, very good fighter."
"I did it! After 20 years, I finally solved this puzzle!"
"The second digit is four. That's not real. Now you need to go to the ball pit and stare at the heart to get the next digit for the code. Okay, there's a seven and a four, guys. Let's go to the ball pit."
"Everybody's puzzle is different, so you gotta figure out for yourself."
"With clarity, the rest of the pieces will start clicking together like the puzzle."
"I am going to kick ass because puzzles lay down for me like lovers."
"My favorite part of the writing process is really like I just love kind of figuring out how all the pieces fit."
"This is honestly one of the dopest puzzles ever."
"June's Journey is a visually stunning hidden object game set in the 1920s, wherein you’re tasked with finding clues, completing puzzles and solving the murder of June's sister and brother in law."
"Why can I never walk away from a puzzle, why do I like have to sit here and finish it."
"We've got to meet so many people who this is their first Nationals and chatting with them and hearing their stories and figuring out, it's just fun to be around puzzle people."
"If you enjoy solving puzzles, pathology gives you the opportunity to be a medical detective."
"That's the fun of security research, putting all the puzzle pieces in place."